HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 9• 1,
WEDNESDAY, JJ 21st,, 19641
• tl!
• .
Of Life Membership
, .
($T,. NEWS)
ttendingthe Salkeld reunion
.'at Goderich Summer School on
• Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, • T..3,
• Salkeld, Mr. and Mrs, W. 1. Mil -
lei and Isobel, Mrs T J Todd,.
•Wayne- •incl Hughie, Miss W. D.
1.' Rvt)-icrford, Mc Wallace Miller,
mr.6'.•Frar1k 1VIcQuillin and Terry,
Mi a4Mrs. Allan 'Miller, Daus-.
las and I-,thri;
rs. •Frank --.MoQUil-
• lin and Terry were fc.‘cent Visit-
ors with, Mr. and • Mrs. Ca-rl
Johnston ' of . Bluovale,
• • , Recent Visitor: in• the village.
'were Mrs.. David Todd, Mrs, Vera.
• McIntosh of St. Catharines ,• .
Neely,a'odd and D.avid of •Strat-
Rev. Barnard, a former
° mini-
stei 4t St. Helens Church passed.
away in St. 'Ilornas Hospital this
past • Week, .after • a lengthy. • ill-
• ness.•
' Week -end ,.v.ip;itOrs with Mr. &
Mrs. •Fred 'McQuillin •Were •Mr.,
Ivan •McQUillin of Eliti•ra, Mr,
Barry MCQuillin • and Miss.Sue
• Scat 'Of Waterloo, , •
' The :June .meeting ••,St., Hel
• en's •W.M.S. and W.A.' Met . at the
,.home of Mrs.' George Stuart with
•-17'• ladies present. :Mrs, B.
;'. Green presided while Miss 'W.
Rutherford conducted. the wor-
ship periOdassisted by Mrs.
Charles. McDonald. • Mrs. %Lorne
1Woods. read .a poern, "Beyond the
. • ...,
reach of time?' From the .study
book, Mrs: George Stuart took
'the chapter entitled ".A:. Home
for • the Homeless." Mrs: Mintz
read a letter of ap'pr„oolatio4-..frorn.
the Scott Mission for the
and 1othing sent, Mrs. George
Stuart was preAaerited -with a Life
Membership of the W.M.S, by'
Mrs.' Frank • McQuillin. Mrs:
Green 'spoke' of.•the many years
Mrs. Stuart had' been. a valuable
MPL"nber of • the W,M.S, and the
priviledd it was to ,pr,esent. this
honotir'to her: The meeting elos,
pd with prayer by Mrs. Gre:en.• .
The W.A....„•ineeting was presided
over by Mrs. TOM TO(.41. 'The
theme for, the meeting was :The
Home, Scripture • reading was
tiive eine sibsyo uMr.j9glihCbaymmertin Hwaitrh_
vey Webb, 'Arrangements were
made for flowers for the church
for'tl-ie months ,of 'June, and July.
Mrs. Todd. closed, the meeting
with .p.iaYer. Withlunch served
by Mrs:, DeBoer, and Mrs, Allan
Miller. . • •-•• •
Crepe Paper.
in all.colours
: available at
„ .
"Staycold” ,Plastic Cooler, $6.95 value ....,. $5.95
8 -Piece Picnic Dish $1.19 value 88c •
Portable Charcoal Grill, $5.95 value ......... .$4.49
Aluminum Wall Vinyl Wading Pool,
$19.95 value ...... , . . . $14.88
Plastic Pail, 98c value • 77c
Patio and Utility Table $10.89
Opens 231/2" x 29" x 60"
These are just a few of the buys that you
will find on our hand bill that you will
' receive In the mail,
• 1•
' • • ' I
For Ycur Summer Needs . Real values in barbecues, picnic jugs, picnic hampers,
camping and gas cans, barbecue tools, charcoal lighter,
fans, bug killer, lawn hose, car wash brushes, air
mattresses, swimming equipment, uxnmer games
and spoii
rtng supples.
Exclusive Local Dealer For
'Romper: Room. Toys
.as seeii or; Ol(N?( Television'
— •.
, •
Coropado Line Of Fine Appliances
Specially Priced
This Sale. • •.•
• • .
ebster & MacKinnon
Your Local Crest Hardware
Phone 50 •••Lucknow
• „ ' —
Death .me In
His 90th Year
Rodeick John .MacKenzie,a,
•men719er of a pioneer Lochalsh
district .family, died on Tuesday'
of last week at •Pineqrest Manor,
LucknoW.• He, was in his, 90th
year and had. enjoyed •compara
tively good health untila.short
tinid priOr, t� his %passing.. •
MacKenzie, • popularly
known to 'a 'wide circle of friends'
. 4.. •
as Rory, was born atL9chaigh,13.4.
Ashfield Townslaip%On April 1st,
1872. He was •4 son. of Donald
T. MacKeniie and Mary McCrae,
natives Of Scotland! Roderick ;was
one of a family of six the lone
survivor of that family .being a,
brother, 'Frank MacKenzie of
Toronto,: •• •• • .
• Ori Oefober 3lst, 1911., Mr'.
MacKenzie married Alice' Melis-.
sa Robb of Huron ,Towriship and
they Cantinued to reside at Loch-
alsh until retiring from the farm
and Moving. to ,Lucknow in .1948.
Mrs, MacKenzie predeceased • him
a few years ago.. • • • .
• -Roderick was a.' faithful mem-
ber of LOchalsh. and LuCknoW
• Presbyterian Churches,'•'afid his
.pastOr, Rey. Rod MaCI.seod,
duted•'the • ftmeral. service.
•Friday a,t the Johnstone Funeral
• Interment was .in Ripley ;de-
:metery' with Dan:, MacDonald;
Duncan MacKenzie, Jim Came-
ron, Gordon FinlaYsOk Sandy.
MacCharles and Win MatKenzie
acting- 'as pallbearers. •. •
• iMr...MaCKenzie is s.urViVedylaY
a Or!, Roy MacKenzie—of -Gsli-
awa and by ,his 'brother, 'Frank.
• He was predeceaSecl by. ,three
sisters, • Mrs.: Wm. Smith (Jessie),
Mrs.•Donald Finlayson (Isabella);
:Mrs.; Donald •McCharieS (Mary)
and a: brother, DOnald: MacKeri-
•IC445L1). SEAL ,P)Ettilfg.TER
. .
• , Maple 'Lea 1.,ochinvar. Rose-
marie, owned by Messenger Bro-
thers, Ripiey, and bred .by L. B.
Reld,..11.ipley has qiialified for.- a
Gold Seal Certificate of Long
time Production'presented by'
the Holstein -Friesian. Association:.
Of Canada byproducing n her
..ilifetime excess •of .1'75,000 lbS..
',of •milki': I •• ••
Rosemarie's • actual • lifetime
Production rn,acle in4eleven, lacti7
tions all ori.tWice-41day.milking
IS 171,146 ib. milk contalhing
7,015 lbs. butterfat,. average test
3..06 percent butterfat; She start
• ed on test'as a two -year -�1d and
.macie .her. eleventhrecord as a
thirteen -year-old, a remarkable
record of Consistent prtddction
and,' reproduCtion. ••
• . • •
Register Forms •••
'7Carhpil SnapOuf Eosins,'
Gas and Oil Truck
Continuous Business
• . Frirms. '
Counter ,Check•'Books
Restaurant Pads . .
• • ' '
Available At The
• ,
• Mrs,. Wilmer Robb ope'ned•her
home for the .Bounclary and Ash-
field group Meeting of the Pine'
River United Church W,M.S.
Tuesday afternoon. There was an
attenclarice of, sixteen.. Mrs. Sam
Gibson Was convener for the de-
votional part of the program' &
opened the ,rneeting with prayer
whieh, was'followed by a.' hymq,
The scripture, reading was giVen
by Mrs, Robert Beim, and com-
ments by Mrs.: ;;Elderi Bradley ,
after •which M. floss Sbiells
gaVe an interesting, 'reading, A
,SOlo• "Tis to 'sweet to trust in
JeStie,' WaS , given by 1Virs. Wm.
Ross fall'OWetlfr With prayer by
Sfitur ay, July 1st
• 5:00 p:in. Starting M
• tucknow Public School
•• • 'Prizes •.
• 1. • Best decorated Pony and Cart. • •
• 2. Best, Decorated Pony -arid Saddle. -.
• 3. Best decorated Horse and Rider,
4. Best decorated rancy Bicycle, Wagon :or Doll
Carriage. • • • .
Best Fancy Dressed Costume.
6. Best Connie Dresied Costume--
- 7. Best Anirnal Costume. •
Most Attractive Pet.
Prizes — $2.00 $1.00; ' and 50c.
Best Decorated Car
Plan now to decorate your ear and add twthe 'parade
Prizes -- $5:00, $3.00, and $2.00
All Other Floats WelcOn-!e.
, •
Parade will be headed by 40 -piece,
Hanover Girls', Bugle 'Band
, 4k.40,40.8-4.4 41.4.4•104, 11,411:-.110,74114•7411411,-.0-114
,Urs. T. Belk Following the theme
of ,the.r911 :call which..Was .aris-
Weted by a Withtheword
. the :,guest 'sPeaker;
Frank Ritchie gave the address,'
which, was enjoyed by all A pi-
ano. :solo 'The Hoiy'.CitY ..Was.
given :by, Mrs.: W. J. CoUrtney,-
After a reading by , Mrs,. James
McNain; Mrs, • Glen Campbell
ga'yp the courtesy remarks...A
hymn,, followed by. the 'benedic-
• tion ..brought the, meeting to ,a.
close. Lunch was served by Ir;
.4.obb and committee in :charge.
Spring,flowers lent • a• cheerful
atmosphere to .the 1-idine 'of Mrs.
Jaines.',NeilDitt,.where the ',group
Meeting for the:.second'cOncession•
of .the Pine .River 'United Church
met on: 'Tuesday evening
withanattendance of. 30
'Mrs Melville Henry presiding,.
the meeting opened with a .hymn
followed with the scripture. read-
ing by -Mrs. 'John •Blue'•and Corn—
'merits by. "Mrs. :Wilfrid Steele.'
A reading by .Mrs., M. Henry.: was
followed with', lirayer'' 'by •Mrs.
Murdock .McDonald. .Mrs. :Robert'
Courtney and Mrs,. M. Henry
faVared With ',a duet accomPanied
by Mrs. 3. Nesbitt:"Roll.call was
answered ' by, .narning; a•••faVorito
flower (roses predoininating).' A
reading • by Mrs : John McDonald
was 'folloWed •'With:, an .inStru-:
;mental by'".1VIrs.. J. .Nesbitt -,"My•
'ain.COtintrie." Miss Louise Cainp
bell • gaVe an 'interesting reading
entitled 'What .shall I ,do „With
'my life".' after' Xv‘hich Rev: Mr.
Hutton as guest speaker :fOrthe
evening gave highlights of.the
.Hartiltori:• Conference. ',He' also
Woke Of the conclitibris'"ip Angola
•and 'the 'Eastern CountrieS,W:here
'there is so 4much Unrest, Without
the spreading of' the •.geSpel' by
missionaries and ChriStianity .in
our ..own lives he Said„ Can we
hthpe, for a better world.: A read•
,ing' ..was given. by, Mrs. Norval
Nesbitt and after the 'closing
Prayer by Mr.,Ilutton, Mrs. Eldon
Lowry gave the courtesy re-
marks. • Lunch was sepved. by
,Mrs, Nesbitt .' •and committee in
'charge.. •".
• C;oheesSion,8; &arid 4 ,hold their
group meeting of the Pine River
United Ch.irh WMS. at the
home of Mrs. Allan Irwin, 4th
cancession. on Tuesday'afternoon
with an attendance of 25. Mrs.
Cliff Geddes • presidedfor the
devotional: part of the program
and .opened the meeting with a
hymn, 'Mrs, John Reid gave the
scripture reading, which ws fob.
lowed ,With prayer byMrs, •Wm.
Hooey. Miss grate.CainerOri gave
a. reading and a duet by Mrs.
S'teve' Irwin and Mrs, Earl Lohnes
•acebrnpaniecl b Mrs, •tert Irwin
Wag, enjoyed.. Mit J. B. Tindall
tk •
t44 tt•
; ;
, •
•• •
' ••
•. ••
'•‘' •• , , J.• •
; o. ; ;
41, ' •
of 'Ripley was guest, speaker 'for
'the•occasion and'gave an interest-
frig addresss on a. trip to• Europe • ,
'where, many Cathedrals were*
'visited: ;She presented a vivid .' •
•deseription of 'theseiniPressive.
edifices. Mrs'. ',Mervyn .Hooey;
gave the ,courtesy remarks and
after • the closirig• prayer . •and.'• ••
hymn, lunch was served by Mrs ."
.Irwin, and, committee. .•
• The sympathy of the commu : • :
nity ej `With 'Mrs. . Sam Geddes
• in,:the ' passing • of her husband, • '
Mr: -.Saul. Geddes on June 14th
after •a a:few WeekS': illness': 'in,
Kincardine .ho,ppital. Mr. Geddes .
was well.. known .and respected.'
district as was evidenced •
by the large crowd which attend-
ed the fUn;eral., • held ; from his.
hOrne iii•Ainberley.: on Saturday,
Of a 'quiet • unassuming nature;
he will be inisPed• in the •
borhood t Arnberley. ••.. .• • ••
Mks l• Robert ...:McT.avish, Mrs...
George ,McDonald, Mrs. • Witham,
Iackson of Ripley and Miss Agnes
Carpbeil Of Point Clark attend, • ;
edthe group meeting held at the •
home of :Mrs: j. Nesbitt' on ,Tues-
day'. eVening.. • .• • ‘. : .
Mr. , and Mrs: Glen • Campbell.,
were week -end Visitors in .Brace -
bridge . and other : points:,- •
MI-. Robert Steele '•Of Detroit
attended' the. funeral of 'his • ,,
sin, Mr.....-Georgell3eid on Wednes.-
day.• • •
• 'MT:. and Mrs, Riie11 Canipbell
who ., recently :celebrated 'their.'
25th Wedding anniVerSary at .At- •
wood Were also feted by • rela-
tiVeS, at their cottage at Point
Clark. ,* ' • ••••
Mr. 'and •MrS. NOrvaI Nesbitt,
were in PalmersfOn an Saturday •
attending .the wedding of. Miss
•Mary Bridge, daughter' of Mr... &
Mrs,, Russell 'Bridge forrner re-
sidents 'of concession 'tWo Huron .
A rain-oer fron-i Lurgan and, •
Pine River Congregations .attenci;-
ed' anniversary serN:ites• at Bethel.
• Church ,ons Sunday,. Rev ClifOrd,
Waite of London was guest spea—
ker for the •Occasion and. MiS8
13ertha Jean Blue of Ripley was:
guest sOlpist. •
A family gatherin&;. was ,held
'at t,he/horrie of -Mr. and' Mrs, Reg
',Godfrey. .June " 18th in •honor of
their' daughter; Iielen, • whose
marriage takes place June 24th.
ISixty-severi.'• relatives attended,.
atheng therri 'Were Mrs. James
]TaYl,cr (May Welsh) f Kinear,.
dine, oldest member present and
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
i Murray Culbert , of RipleY who
i was' the youngest ,4rt ' enjoyable
!afternoon wag 8pent. visiting to-
gether, Helen Was preserileci with •
; many, lovely gifts and thanked
everyone , very •gfaciopsly,
• ;
. .
• 'r
• 4 •
• .•
• ,, 541
• 1
' • 4
' ! '