HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 8?AGE EIGHT
WEDNESDAY, Ji: E 21st, 1961
Anniversary services, were held
at Langside Church on Sunday
with favorable crowds attend
ing. Mrs. William 1VtoPherson of
Milverton sang 'solos at the morn
ing service : which Mr, Derwyn.
Hill conducted' while in the ev-
ening he `assisted and welcom-
ed Rev, F. H. •Cromey of, Kin-
cardine as guest minister',. Mr.
and Mrs, 'BobBregman favored
withduets at the service. The
Deed .Fish
solos and duetswere greatly►
joyed and appreciated.
"Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lapp and
family; Mr. and Mrs:, John Cur-
rie and family of Wingham, Mr,
Harold Percy and family and
Miss. Winnifred Percy ' of Kin-
lough attendedthe services and
visited • with Mrs,• • William Orr
and ,Bob,
Miss Doris .Moffat of Waterloo
is visiting: at the home of her
parents,. Mr, and 'Mrs, Lloyd Mpf-
fat `,this' week;. '
Miss Lois Conley of Londen
spent the week -end, at her. home.:
Miss Margaret McMillan spent
Sunday at her home.
Mrs..Frank Miller and Harvey
spent the week end with, Mr,;`'
Mrs, Art Hinschberger • and 'Dale
and. Allan Miller in Kitchener. .
Mr. and Mrs, • Donnie. , Bell •;of
Toronto and.• Miss Phyllis Steer
of London, spent the weekend :at
thee home of their parents, Mr,
and.. Mrs. 'Philip Steer. Mrs. Bell.
and • Phyllis . assisted With.the
choir for South Kinloss Anni-
versary services. Peter Steer re-
turned to h'is home the middle of
the week after having. ,his • ap-
pendix • 'removed • in Wingham
General 'Hospital.
Evening °;Auxiliary ;Rally
The W.M.S. Evening 'Auxiliary
was held June 9th, 1951 in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Kincardine.
Mrs. Jack Pollock of Teeswater.
opened the meeting; with, the re
peating .'of the W,M.S; Purpose.
Devotions were taken by the
Wingham Auxiliary. Mrs. J. Eng-
lish gave the Bible reading'. and
Mrs. Mary- Lee.the Bible Study.;
Devotional ''prayer was by 'Mrs.
Agnew of Lucknow, Mrs, Pym,
president of Kincardine Auxili-
ary gave a very warm welcome
to. all. Miss M. .MacDonald of
Ripley rendered a beautiful solo;
The offertory prayer was by
Mrs. Gordon Engel of Cranbrook
An enjoyable time was. 'spent in
a panel discussion on "How ea
be a Good : Member." The panel
members }Frere Mrs. Farish Mof-
fat; Mrs: Morgan Henderson : and
Mrs. Crornie all .being very learn:
ed in missionary , work;, A very
enjoyable • piano solo was given
by. Miss :Sheila McLeod, of Kin-
cardine. Mrs. McClure gave a
vote of thanks to all. ' After: a
moments silent: prayer for all
missionaries at 'home and ,abroad
Mrs. • Cromie of Kincardine, closed
the 'meeting' with, prayer.
Group: °II Woman's Association
Miss Olive Webster. was •hos-.
tess °to, Group II of W A:: on TiXes
.day, June 13th. Seventeen''mem
bens and: 5.:visitors• answered the:
roll call with aHoliday Hint. The:
motto; • • theme. hymn and prayer
opened the :Meeting: The Three
Group Meeting to be held^ in the
'Church, June •2Oth' and the Senior
Citizens Party', to be '•'held: June
22n•d ,in the Church fellowship
room, were announced. Mrs: Glen
Walden; Miss.,^ MacGregor and
Mrs.. ,Eldon : Henderson : presented
The children off' the church will,
meet during ' the church service
next Sunday morning at 9:30
a.m,• in • the. school. Bible.study
is, to be held` at. , the manse in.
Whitechurch on Wednesday ;ev
A 'double •"rniscellaneous Show-
er was. held 'in the :community
!hale. Friday night to honor .Miss
'Audrey Young and Miss 'Cecelia.
Crowston,. • bride -elects • who re-
ceived many lovely 'gifts Miss,
Doris Moffat- assisted Audrey. in'
'opening her, gifts with Miss Don-,;
na Moffat reading the gift cards.
while :Miss .Lois• Conley assisted
Cecelia with . Miss Maribn •`Scott"
reading, .'the well wishes of her
'friend: Lunch. concluded':a'very:
enjoyable evening.
recently washed up 'along. Lake
Huron's ;sh'ore's,' Sea :gulls "thrned
lip -, their noses. "• at • them, • and
cottage owners ".found it neces-
sary.•.to • rake and.•dig .. to' :dispose
of: the .nauseating ..piles.:,:. Some,
-, •,with::suecess,. tried burning: them
but the stench"•• wasn't appetizing
The . .above picture was taken
at • Anmberley .'Beach and, the ,scut
was loaned us` by • `The. Seaforth
This is -not ''the first year this'
washup of dead fish has ,.occur=
red! They are' reported,. to be 'a'
salt :;water fish, bigger', than. ':a
,smelt and resembling a, herring,
• which come• into the :lakes to'
spawn and • die. They are not a
commercial or'. game fish.~
Mr and Mrs. Pat McMillan
attended the ,graduation of :;her
niece,; Miss Helen 'Kunkel in Wa-
terloo on F'ri`day and, visited with:
her. relatives. in • Waterloo and
Preston, ..returning.., home: Satur-
. day evening, . • •
Mr: and Mrs. 'Roy McKenzie.
(the :former `Eunice Purves) of
,.Oshawa who attended the funerol'
of'• the former's father, Mr. Rode-
rick McKenzie in. Lucknow', on.
.Friday',afterrxoon were. 'callers, at
the honrie of her' brother, Mr:.and
Mrs. Fraser Purves' -and• 'family
and with Mr. " and M'r's, Frank
Miller. The sympathy .of, the corn-
.muni,ty is• The
•in. their, be-
Typewriter ribbons' ' for : ens:
!'rake of !Machine ,are:'now 'avail-
able at 'the T ucknew ''Sentinel.
V'o matter. What the. machine, we
.;lave the . ribbon: Phone.. '35,
"Lucienow •
a!' �(ou� f�rit�ii��g Needs
Check Books
Order Now To• Be Sure Of Delivery. Before
Ontario's New 3c7'6 Sales Tax Goes Into Effect
In September, Orders May Pe Held ' Fdair'
Augi st . Delivery If Des' d,
P'bor ,e 3 , L le bow
an interesting program. Mrs;
Eldon Henderson:was• chairrnan
and Mrs. Walden �1'ed :iii levo-
tions. The theme ,was. the .H:ome:.
The 'study on the Bible Woman
.chosen ::by Mrs. Robert .Campbell
was Priscella, :Mrs. Jack Ackert
who has hal' .,considerable ex
Perience • in ceramics. displayed
several of her ceramic pieces;
commenting. ,on the history. :and.
dti of: t in •art.:lVlore.,and
procere $.
niore' people are developing. ;this
work as an interesting hobby;
Mrs.'.Henderson thanked: the'hos-
tess arid those 'taking .part in the
program' and the` .meeting .closed
`with prayer. ` Mrs: Walden ::con-
ducted' a contest ; on cars'. an;d.
lunch was:', .served, During the
afternoon,• several: o Ernie Ford's
recorded hymns were enjoyed.
Phone . 880, or Write Box 549
A life-long • resident • of the
Westfeld : district,. Marvin Mc-
Dowell. passu away on Mon-
day, June 12th :,in .the 'Wingham.
Hospital • in his 83rd year. I'e
was ,the. son of • the late Robert.
McDowell • .and • Charlotte: Me -
Fifty-one years age• he ,1'ndr-
ried Mary. Clark, daughter of the:
late' Mr:. and Mrs Peter"- Clark.
of. St. Helens, ' who' survives him:
along With two' sons, Harvey of
East •Wawanosh, . Graeme:. at
n au hte
n o.e, d i Mrs: •
.'name,. a d g ,
'motto.. and 'prayer. :The •:three- ' Ernest . '(Anna).• Snell, East We -
'group, meeting,. was •,announced
for :June. ,20th; ' Cheerio commit-
• tee . 'reported : baby card., sent . &'
gifts for:sick.t'. Mrs. •' V. Hunter
;and Mrs, .A.'''Havens volunteered'
to,:,look after the flowers for. the
chinch during July,' Mrs.• : Wm.•
:Humphrey took' charge of. the
interesting :program : and :''•devo-:
.tional period that ,followed: + Mrs,
'Group ; fit •: Woman's Association
Nineteen members' attended the''
June .,meeting . at . the •'home of
Mrs. IRaynard Ackert Mrs:. Ross
Robinson • ^ ,presided. The ...scrip,'
tore; was read by Mrs. G:: Saun-
ders and :commentary• •. on • same
was given, by. : Mrs, • B•obinson:.
Meg., ' E, Taylor gave . a: most en
couraging ;treasurer's ,report and •
Miss. Ada Webster stated three
calls 'made for the •visiting corn,:-
ttee Arrangements' for flow-
ers iii .the church for the balance,
of June and frrrst 'part of • Sep-.
•teniber were made.' Mention :*as
made'. of the' 3 group. meeting to
be held on June 20th: as 'well as
the Senior Citizens party 'on °June'
2nd. Mrs. Bryce presided
for the '.program: ,ElliottMiss' June "Ack-
ert favored with a lovely piano.
solo: Mr. "C. Bristow :showed a•
Very fine film' entitled "A Trip
Around, 'The World'', Beautiful
flowe.r• r gardens were pictured
from , Norway,. France, Italy,
Denmark and Holland and many
historical facts ' revealed. Mr.
Bristow : also gave e .very fine
'reading entitled "What is a Fam-
ily." 'Phe meeting was 'closed• with.
the 1Viispal Benediction 'after
which the committee, Mrs, B. El-
liott, Mr.s:. Greer, Mrs, E,,But,'
tots • and Mr:;, D. Leader .served.,.
Woman's Assoeia.tion Gyroup 1
On, Tuesday { afternoon, Jun€
• nth, Group 1 members met at
Mrs. John Hall's home with 22
ladies . present, answering the
;roll call with 4towW 'Many shut-
1.tns •1 have visited." Mrs: Alex
Ravens presided. The meeting
Opened by . singing "Oh .Mrite;!
let me Walk with. Thee", the
John. • Nicholson read, •'the scrip=.
Lure. lessosr,:,.. Mrs. Alex . McNay
had the Bible study Mrs; Gordon,,
Montgomery played two beauti
ful• • piano solos. Mrs. Kirk. was
guest :speaker' and took as her
subject ."What the future holds.
Dining the .social hour .that fol-
lowed, Murray. White played a
piano solo:, '.Mrs, Nicholson •'• had
an interesting, contest and also.l•
gave the courtesy''remarks.
•wanosh•.'•`and 1'2• ,grandchildren.
He' has three.,sister.s•;' Mrs. Frank
•(Vera) Kershaw, Goderieh:; Mre
Jack (Della) 'Cow•an,•'Exeter, .and
Miss Gladys . NlcD:owell, Gride-
•Mr: McDowell 'Was:, a• devoted'
nlember of the : Westfield Vn.t;
ed, Church where he was -,a :metre •
.ber -Of the ' .Session for •mans
years, He :was. 'an active 'director
ofe. the.',West W;awanosie `Irisur-
ance Co:, • retiring from that ea s i=,
tion just. a• year ago
• The funera • was held 'on There-.
:day, June' 'l5.th •from • the .J:''Keith
Arthur •funeral horse, Airaur,ti
'with 'burial in:.`G•reenhill:.Ceme
tery, Luckno e, .The ,:service was
.conduete&'by pee.: R::',,M „Sween-
Luckn�W District Co
Phone • 71 ;.