HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 6• THE LUCICNO ,SENTINEL,` LUCKNQW. , ,QNTARI WEI rESDA MTA' 1$6.1 ARBEC Accessories h�rcoaIl SWIM FINS, MASKS 'end SNORKLES FISHING ' EQUIPMENT Screen Wire` Fibreglass, . Galvanized •,and Bronze' POULTRY NETTING GRANARY LINING INSECTICIDES and PESTICIDES Ill* l i rdware Lucknow 1 LOCHALSH �URPLEGRUVE `fo F dint :Hotyr��d T�vrnshipHall • KINLQ5S. COUNCIL MINUTES.,. Kinloss,. Municipal Council !net in .the Hall, June..5th, 195,1' aS per.,' adro.urnment..All rnem1lers prey sent. 4 •Evans-M.acIntyre, that the nnzn utes of the last regular meeting; of :May, 1st as .•read'• be approved; and signed `MacIntyre-Evans,,: that ,Mrs Mansfield have pane pf glass' re-•, placed 'an.d..purchase screens and: rocks for the windows in the. Township Hall. • ' , Ackert-MacIntyre,• that the Clerk return staternent . of .Dr, M. H. Corrin for professional se'-. vices to William; McPherson.. Evans -Ackert, that the Clerk , 1;0ok up. the "by-law w th the Teeswater Fire: Brigade covering calls of Kinloss ' ratepayers, • ' Maclntyre=Bushell ' that ' the , Clerk• lief ify • the 'Ratepayers as sessed, on: the Johnston ..IVlunie;• pal: Drain, that their: assessments • are now due and payable on or before July 3rd, 1961. ' Ackert-MacIntyre, that we res- cind themotion of, Deceniter •H 1960, appointing -Harold Percy, Commissioner on 'the• Johnston Drain and aPpoint.:Giifford John .and Mrs. Larne Luther ; stop, Acting . Commissioner on the with h :father _ Pa' Mr. me ' ;ken, acini •... �Busl}�e11-Evans, �.that a Sugp1Q.- - .. •.. � .. By l�av�' petstl ping' for .Mr.._ ar�d Mrs. lack MacKenzie Bonnie,. •:'• Hi?a er. ,and Derr , mentary o •, il? . :an increase o •$7609 on Road 'ex- .,. spent • the avee;k=es�d. 'in Hamilton', �Bti ;1e • visited Wa .ne ' Armstri)n� ,.� • _ ! 3r 3'• :. pend with Mr.. And, .Mrs.' +Geor�!e Maciture for 1961. +Gon :at -mations • to Mr. and g, John Collins' returned from the a- Drain; spent the week end in Ridgetown 4 hospital Thursday.He has a br Gregor . Diane Ruth ' MacKenzie • returned home with them after, a, l holiday with. her, aunt .aid' uncle.' tome . •of tae' men `working on 'the new school ' art 'bearding at • the Kert 'E1phiek bottle: • �%i alsh sch•ool schoolpupr's,` teach -or and parents enjoyed a: bus •. trip b Toronto on 'Thurscla„V• They visited the • zoo, • museum 749in ;tion 'Royal: York. Ho. -- tel. and Malian Airport. Rev. . F. , Scott .' MacKenzie : of, *entreat, as' visiting,relatives , , new well is `being il3 9lled, ` Ire provide enough water for use at 'e; L e1 u= $aeOl„,„,tilt;.: ;H-emk,ck•.•.frien.ds enjoyed i bis trip) M ; ri' 'M Farlan who were• usheii-Maelnisyre, ' that the M'artin'; Ti1e Johnston Drain; married 'recently. y• Mrs For sound counsel. ,and a fair price Oita, monument: correctly designed from 4q4a14 material( rely o>q; •, ,TON. MEMORIALS s.) Pat OHagant Pxop. Established' Ovei Slaty Yeare. Walkerton Phone 638-w Ontario Ackert-Bushell; that Sealed Tenders be called for the paint- ing, ref, the exterior of 'the Town- shp Hall. ' Township to supply paint. ; Tenders to .be in The hands by aJuly 1st, 19$1. ' low. est or any tender not necessarily 'a6cepted.• MaelntvrP-E.*ons, that we ac- cept the. 1960' Tax Roll from :the Collector and, pay hirci balance. of ; S4iary. • • Cheques— Issued Registrar. of Deeds,Walkerton, $1.15; • Carru- thers• 'Nursing Hope,• May are, 100.00;,, Pincrest Nursing Horne,' May care, 200.00; Fairhaven Nur- sing Home, May,care, 100.00.; Dr. W. G. Bruce, Dental care, 15.0.0;: Anderson Flax Products, ; W;F. Powder, 110i00; OntaTio Hydro,. hydro at hall, 14,$9;; W. E. Hal- denby, • Relief supplies, 59.90; Mrs Mansfield, caretaking, '1x8,40;: provincial Treasurer, insulin, 1',- 33;' Deh;tenger • Brothers, repairs `sprayer,, 106.35;' Jack Barn, W.F.Contract, 466.59,' Arnos ' C postage, 5.00, Highway Cheques .•• E. Car ruthers, ,Road Supt and: mileage, $415.00;' H:.MeM Tian, grader op,, erator, 242.50;. John , McInnis, checking gravel, 95,20;., Ron •M'4 Quillin, cutting brush, 11.60; Ro- bert Orr, cutting brush,. 26,47; J. McGillivray, cutting }crus, 15.20; R. VicQuillin, -chain save•• work, 73.25; H: H. on account ;gravel•coniract,5.4,, 4/46; Canada Culvert• Co:, 'culverts, : 922,3.7; R. Thompson., 15.00; W. E. Collyer; 15.00; Cities • Service Company, fuel, 235.07 Doz iinion 'Road .Machinery ''Co.,' • repairs, ,562,34; . Currie ' Colwe::, 'fence ho itis,' 65.00; R Ackert,. !,ditch allowance, i:00 OQ:; Bud Sul- ton, ri-ton, land •and fill, .500:.00; William. 'Gallaher ,'• cut and' scraper.,' 2.513 i.50; J. R', : Lane,• t nernploymen� stamps 5.76. ' « , ' .that we do nos. ., •.` ' E.varis •Bushell;. ...adjourn to .meet. again .on 'fit gin- d;ay; July• :3rd; • •1961,' or a the call' of the 'Reev. : J. R. LANE, • C•: c - }c; '• c Clem nt�tify '1.Vtr :Burns Ross • 1 Engineer . to;,ho d. plans for Bridge 2;063;44; Gordon Wa11 . Balan^e .` •Have You Bert/ e' Ev'enin: • Au±iliar met on ' concession 2 until '1962. ; . .salary'. . 40 09*•' Frank. Thompson,' •scription'' at Mrs. Loran Pe.;ter,a Monday , might: Mrs Claude Dore ',and ' .. Mrs;:Wib Hodgi is were in charge .of the ;devotions • Airs Donald McCo°sh left Pini- day to attend 'the federated Wo- : mmn's • Institute Natidnal Conven- tion in „Vancouver, 1VIrs.' Harvey', .. Houston ` will., also be a' delegate at:the . rcorlventioza, Dianne: Dore spent a day "with Mrs. 'William White. Miss Norma 'Murray pupils 8s i e ., and Mrs. Oliv"•er'MM;Charles , Miss Mary Ann . McCos t 707”- ..;;;Ind oy=.:•aid ..Jr ri:' acCOMPaxiied •.'by ' Mr: "'Tit ., speint the ; week -end at' her • and MrS. George M Gilluvray . hone, -"spent ,Suanday • in,,Brantyferci. with some of Purple .Greve folks • °Mr and M Donald tcCh°arl:es: 'nj dyed'the•concert u E;a.ncardine't & .M fir: 1l o inn in1aysi�n r Tom=aa HaU of Airy •J,ohnstori andi and Mr.. :grin Fki1 cn of her +dancin ��tipi' s Toronto v s bd `off .the 'w.k-end Mrs- John ' Calw.t]:1, Mr a•crd f, •worth• Mr and Mrs. Gordon Fin- . Mrs. Currie Colleen and famnily, Iayso ' and iattend•ed tae f Mr.".a�n.c• Mrs.••Frank• Coil ;'1' •and f 'Of their uncle, Mr R. �i ,1111C7.` Mr,- Will:am Arnold. Visited Mrs. Kenzie a 't• mer resident r af. Donald Nir,c;coab, on Wednesday Liochal la» ' MrA. :Ethel :M,eIiean. Fort. St.,' John, BC.. and Mr. `and Mrs. John ' BeL7, Kincardine Visited kr, Mrs George Emerson. •} •Mr,: Friancis 'Boyle and Mr ,. pill Arn:eld 'attended the A,•gri,- r ixl xe Fairs Meeting g at. Chesley on • Wednesday., M.ss Mary Ann McCosl enter- tained girl friends in honor of, MiSs Helen 'Godfrey,Pyne River;,; who' Ls, `a brides -t7 -itis ,A sho:rt ,-pro'gr'am :i ha hh consisted plant solo lav Betty Ela n7erton. contest by Elaine 1r"vr,n, •'a read Aaz.37 Donna O,s'borne .'.anr1 ,, a ..• snng�,oia .; The address w'as 'read i's,i's,c7 Mari; MnnM•cCos , after ' .which Heleri`opened.'her gifts: A dainty :•luneb.•, a ser�.'ed. 4o end .this . p]e'asrant/'; 'get together. Sunday visitor; with 11r. Don- ald McC°Osb'and. family t er'e Miss.' �'iatl7W Bl.ac:ke. Mr.. Ec1_far Wats•bn and. 1}2x. Carl Collins. ' : • Mr.. and Mrs. Detnia; d G i1:; es & Valerie' spent Wec1•xtesda_y ., Dei, !:reit. vfn Alvin :Blackwell has.,bee±. 11,aja ta.:ized •. fir„tle pay; reek. Mr"< and Mrs Wislia Arnold. • i ;attended the 'Semi .Arintial • Fed-. , :e af:ibn• 'c1f k,gri'cal nr e 'meeting 1 at Palk; . 3'Iea•d tin `'Tuesday...:.. Mr.:arid Mrs, ',George Hark essr aid i'<.inn l;c attended the RarkneSs p:rnrc xp F'orrricswa on Bait relay. ',Berrie P:ebek •ah' t axr d Od,d t✓1-. low, "17:x1 al.c5eL 't.tl, . ihe'. ,United Ctiurch ors.; Sian dar. M:, and M. i C1. de Dore 'i''`s: - • ...e 1 Me 74ryeJ., Cin } f. ' • Bli the For ter Toronto ' o1*ettkzeti `tii,ttir'': at'•:her wtn%z. Pt.C4 C ll..:'i'"'an. l ', 1 1 .k.r'kess, ".i. 14.f°�.W.; J.YJ. ': Ci;) .' �• ek Y l9:witicYrk, .. - • STRONGER. b/,t,eic from c'arefuity i iectezl blenets of hor+1 'flbam . ° uhiforris , from'ond ,rr, eaind.,.,..'no : aimehes or :tail spoil... , , •SMOOT LER 're•Yents 4irlo•ys by rirnriigg through knottier' *411,0)10 it:040010 or breaking: 'Protected ogiainst inae94tartoeienitsthridrot. TopgGoi• 1t ' ?,*int eft •0 Iow 'Co -,op ;piriL�es i �ckncw' District Itesi.euwed• , our .Sub• • r . {• Hydrolilies carry ' electricity : at exetnely high voltages.... up to two thooid times greater than the volt- ages. used in the home. Any `model: •, plane or kite enthusiast holding a wire, wire-reinforcedstring or 'even • a ' wet string that touches a hydro line can puffer serious,injury or loss of life The' danger is .increased . if part of the air- borne object is made 'of metal. REMEMBER these safety rules: 1. •'Always keep to the wide-open spaces well , away from 'hydro. lines and electrical ap- paratus. Warn others to do so 2. • Do not use wire or wire -rein- forced string: Never `try , to 'recover a model or, kite that4s caught on hydro lines, towers or other; electrical apparatus: . K PARENTS Safety :education begins at home. Pe sure your children folio the above 'safety rules.' ONTARIOs`''' H D O ,E,