HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 21st, 1961 THE ,UCKNOW SENTINELt ,IUCKNOW, OrrrARIo easy,°vcT �. AN GET YOU THE BENEFITS OF A CASH PEAL Remember—before you buy your car,, consider tle.benefit3 of One. -Stop Service through The Agent Automobile Finance Plan. Get the funds; you want, . plus the insurance you need, with, all benefitsof a cash deal. It's economical, confidential and convenient.. For further particulars, telephone'before you`buy. Oonagh Insurance Phone 306, Lucknow. Agnewe' ..INSURANCE. Agency • GENERAL INSURANCE `• OUNCIL 1.INUTES • Ashfield Council met on June 5th, all Members present Minute; of the ' last meeting were read- .arid approved on rrio-' - tion of I-iir�FY..asd and MacKenzie. Coup^i1 fr'r,''med a: (-Inuit of :Re vision for ; the McNain Municipal Drain The ",appeal of ` Samuel .. Gibson was discussed' and it. 'was decided•to :adjourn the 'court and • have the. Engineer present .. be - pre, making • a decision.. . On motion .of' Gibson and Boyd the 3rd. • readirng of: •By -,Law' 'No.. 6, :1961 'for the capital .experidi-' ture of `$80,000:00 dollars for' the' construction'. �f a new school was rescinded , The application of Glen•. Camp- 'hell amp'bell for garbage. collection :and; caretaking, of park .forthe sum of $3:85.00 'was accepted .on .m;o • tion of . Boyd. and' Gibson. : ' 'The folaowing .accounts were . ordered, paid• on, a motion of Gib - so i and McKenzie. . 'Payroll' No. 6•, .$$76:1'8'; :;Luck now District Co=,op, 50 ``bags, ce. merit @,$1.05;•52:50,; W.' R: Mole, hauling ;gravel, 156 00; Webster and MacKinnon, '1-100 ;foot rule,` • and paint, 11.05; .Imperial Limited, fuer oil: and tax, 158.20; Canada Culvert .Conipanys;' cul- verts, 1,048.39; .'B'urlin•gton Steel• , .TORONTO'S MOST CONVENIENT :900 rooms. and suites with. tub', shower, radio and TV Home, of the Canadian Pump Room=Dancing' no cover, no' ininimum. Ample free overnight parking. Fine Convention•• Facilities. Family Plan • hr ONIVERSITi AVENUE AT KING STREET' ' Utiphon, 11Apiri 71848—Td.x 02245* •la MONTREAL, tiliepiidne Utdtvenity'6-6 11 th OTTAWA topples CEntrai 5-3333 TORONTO Company, steel . for :bridges; .422.- 83; Dominion Road Machiner•.y, repairing transmission• • filter . and installing' mower steering, 442.54, A. N. .McDonald; tools, • : 12,70; ()Mar. Brooks, 850 bags cement .0 $1.00,; 850.00 CharlesRivett, drawing gravel, 4;00; • Pinec,rest, Manor . Limited, Hospital,`: Miss Irwin, 139:50; Milton Kilpatrick, Wa'rbicide p'owder, 535.00; .Luck now Disig;ict : Co -.op' Warbicide' 'Powder,', 25:00; . Albert Camipbell, Warble 'Fly Trispeetor; 183.00•; "Te- lephone, • 4.20; 187:20 Village of • Lucknow, James O'Neil fire, 00•, 'Robert Scott, . stock claim, calf,. 4/5.00;' Provincial Treasurer, Insulin, 2,74; J.: A; McDonagh., Treasurer's Bond.Preinium,,1600;; Elliott, Sandy, ' 7 foxes, 28.00; Donald M. SixinPson,. ,.1/4 salary, 350.00; Herman ••`Phi.11ips;' stock valuer. ,and relief officer; Dun .can Thorbu'rn; refund dog tax, 2':00;" Mrs.Jean Broughton, relief,. Norman B1ackwe1i, 25.61•. Coup it adjourned on motion;of Boyd' .and Howard to: meet July 3rd,g1961 DONA:Lii . M. S MPSON, I' kOR FIS ra , ruatesFrom Sch.ool F:c►r • . •Deaf (KINLOUG'I 11TEWS) Mr. and. Mrs. Roy - Schneller attended .a social evening and .the graduation of their' daughter, Margaret at: the Ontario School,. for the Deaf at Belleville. She , receivedher commercial certifi ' cate and will start work in the. Mutual Life Insurance. office 411 •Waterloo • as a. typist .ori ;Tune; Betty and James •Schneller' visited with their grandmother 'at Petersburg for. a •few days. Week -end visitors at . the' ' Schneller home were Marie and Margaret Schneller, Messrs. Don ald, Earle 'and Elgin' Hogg Mr. and' Mrs. , Nelson . Luckhardt . of New ' Hamburg, ' Mr.': and Mrs.. Gordon Wolfe of Kitchener, Mt. and Mrs. ' Walter Breckles and family, Mr., and Mrs: Harold Haldenby and .family;•: also rela- tives' from ,,,Toronto were 'guests Of Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Breckles at Lucknow. on the occasion of their 45th wedding. `anniversary. Mr. arid Mrs: Breckles: were for- mer residents here: We extend ,best wishes to them at this. time. Mr: R. McKee 'of Atwood; "Mrs. M. Bairn of Molesworth and. Mrs.- Carson rs.Carson L+aughren. ' of • Listowel 'visited on , Wednesday .at the home of', Mrs Gertrude Walsh., Nfr. and Mrs. 'Bert ..Nicholson, Allan and Lois,; ' Mr and "Mrs.. Glen Campbell • of Ar'berley spernt the, week -end: , with, 'rela- tives in . Northern Ontario. They also visited with . their:. sister, • Mrs. • Lloyd Conway who , has been, ill 'for,. sometime • We ,are: orry to 'report that: master' Johnnie .Collins, :.son of Mrs.. Katherine Collins,':'teacher in this 'school had the misfortune' to 'fall,. breaking •his .arm.' He. WAS. .hospitalized for' a' few; days '. Mr, and. Vtrs.'Jack Walsh,, Rob ert :and•. Rhonda on Thurs day for their `home at ; Melfort; l'Sask; after.sPending :'the, past two wee, , with: his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh and .other mem •hers: of ' his. •;family• 'here.. Mrs: Walsh . and Mrs, -Miller Hartwi,ck , aceoinpan.ied them, :to Allist•on. 'Mr..' Walter Nicholson; .. 'South Line ' spent a;, few .days •at .tile .horns •of Mr.: Bert:: Nichiolson. 1 We are' : sorry to .report. that ;:Mr. William E. Haldenby' has been .under. the doctors• care dur- ing.. the week: : Congratulations to Mr, .& ".Mrsi. Douglas Haldenby on`• the ,'birth of a son • ' ors. with ' Mr:' and' .Mrs. M.. Hodgins. were, Mrs. udrey Borthwick of :,'S't: .Catha.- cines„,M.rs. J. W. La' F1am, Ver mont; MissMerah';' Armstrong;, Buffalo. They :also visited with • other members.. of the. Hodgins • family;' We:. extend sympathy family of the late Wesley' Guest who .,passed away in 'Wingham:. Hq pr,tal on Sui'lday "Mr,:.''and Mrs: John Thompson Of ; North Baycalled on . friends •.here ” on , Sunday; • We extend sympathy to Mrs.. ;Douglas Halderrby in the, sudden-. , passing of': her brother. Rev. Benson Coag,•. Mrs . Win. Coit ,visited on -Sunday afternoon, with.,•: Mr: and -Mrs*. Jack Scott We are sorry to. report that 'Mrs; ! Scott is confined to bed with an' attack of .phlebitis Mr, and Mr8 Stanley' Johnston acrd family of London were; here clone the' week' *attending the funeral of 'her :father; the late'. ' Wesley Guest.. ,. 30th j3oupion. :f BRITISH MORTGAGE PLA -FURTHER EXPANSION New branch offices of British Mortgage :and ''Trust Coinpany will be onene4d�.....�,in Goderich and. •Hanoi er, Mr. Wilfrid.P. Gregory QAC., .executive..vice-president . & managing ..director.: of the- com:- pany bias• .announced ; "The .opening of these branches • is' part of :a planned expansion .progranirne." Mr.• Gregory said, "Goderich and • • Hanover • have been chosen because, of their,im- portance. Tri 'the industrial .life of western Ontario and 'for their h'gh: potential . for ,future growth. The •tiew..•.affic.es'will enable: us to improve our services', to the peo- �rh .in 'those, areas•.: • " A fuh range of financiah and trust .services will be available at' . •the new branches:: Among these' .will be a savings deposit department, ,mortgage loan buss -1 rmss, guaranteed investment cer- tificates, retirement savings and. pension plans, trust and agency services. • Options have been taken to purchase land in the Ijusness .'�e�i�eC�" '���QI d y. districts of Go erich and Tian ostvrelr tanond tof ethpee.ctendewthatofcfcicne �t., 30th anniveisary' ga1h ering. buildings will begin later • this :Or the founding '9f the Kennedy i'eUni()n was. he'id at Harbor' Y Founded' in 1817; British Mort- fl ii' , Goderich"; .The original gage has assets .of over $47,000, .lathering marked the :15th wed- ding anniversary o'f the late Dun- 658.500'Eh paid uti. capital of ;$1,1 t and. • ;general reserved .of can. Kennedy and his Wife. From $•1;700,000; A 'm'oderri, Head office build- ing is now:. in 'COri trtction in Stratford. 'A: brarioh uoffke: was op''ned' V�'at�Trit t,Oei. Townsip acid Marlette Michigan, and' anotherlast1officeeh in. ;LiatB,ranitiwel hban: will be 'tipened..iil the fallw , • The president,Mr. Joseph Me this. :sma`l 'bel;inning '`it.,has grown till now relatives gather from; °Whitechurch,` LUeknow, Wing- barn,' •> •'Walkerton; •Kincardine', Guelph, Galt; Hamilton, Ptisl rich ESSO SERVIC`E,: R TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES- DUNLOP .TIRES ''(Most. Sizes. In Stock) AT REASONABLE PRICES Repairs to All; Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics 1NheelA�g�ment ar�d .Ba1ancm MOTORCADE, DEALER`' Closkey, , .Guelph, welcomed the .guests (nearly 60) and asked • Mrs. •Robert Mowbray,: Widowi" of the late .Duncan Kennedy,: to cut the beautifully decorated , cake. which wasmade and donated by •Mrs. A. T. • Lamb and her d"augl -. ter, Mrs. Wm. Robertson, :Pieces Of ' this cake were sent tQ absent members in Victoria B.C.; Kam- loops, '8.t.; Winnipeg,: Man.; Sault St. Marie, Toronto; Guelph, LuckndW,:,who, in times past have come 'from these places to 'attend. : R.egret was.felt for, the absence through illness' 'cif Mrs: James Purves, Lucknow, who' : despite her advanced years has never' _;missed. a' .r.eunion, and the p.as- sing of Mrs: Dui can'MacEd'v ards,, Busl'inch,' who a1so,.•had ,:-been. most faithful; and was. pres•ent. .last :year. Mr: Wll'iarn Kennedy, Wince harri;:':read the; minutes of 1960 picnic 'held. at .Walkerton; Mrs. H TiChborne & ,1VYrs., A ,T. Lam, b were lunch conveners and 'Mrs. Williairi Cranston arranged•sports which ; the children :enthusiasts- cally'entered into while 'the older members ':were': 'happy ' ' to• visit.. those they hadn't seen since last year:' They also, visited ,Goderich Harbor and other beauty :spots Wand interesting , places Officers .':for next.'' year are: President, : 'George ,Kennedy of: Lucknow; •' '. Secretary,:. , William Kennedy, . ; Wngharri; Grounds: Committee:; Gordon•. Stewart, Galt. and Joseph' McCloskey, •.Guelph; Place 'of 'picnic, Waterloo; Lucky prize. Winners," Mrs. Wm.:Robert son and Bruce Lai nb,, RQY :HAVE NS Plumbing and; Heating, Esso, Oil !Burner 'Sales an d Service Phone . 73,: Lucknow FOR SAFE, 'DEPENDABLE Esso OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT Convenient budget terms-- up erms-up to 5 years;to pay MAYS LOON TO 1111PEwL,Ot INE my An pfd Fable tells the story ' of several boys idly throwing stone$ at a' group of frogs in a 'pond: po , . " • ye, complained one ••of the frogs at last, "this may, be fun for you but ; • it is death'for us." Too often we,do thoughtless things withotit consideration family's n g ..e� for ,pleasure' . . for others=for example s spending our mune solely without ,regard for our family's future. How/,m�uch better it'would • be.to provide for.that future'throttgh the TO hditmn . Of Suii .Life ,pf Canada's modern life insurance; policie�` Life insurance is' my profession and • 1 am' at your ieroice,; Why not ca•U me today? You,will be under no'obligationr' • SUN LIFE ASSUIrANCE. COMPANY O' CA'NA A Kahan It.R. 2, iirCKNOW Phorie' Wingham 717--wr, SUN LIFE ASSURANCt COME ANT OF CANADA It 1. 4,