HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-21, Page 4PAGE;, FQ t. OW SENTINEL, LUCKNQ ) TARIQ: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2fst►j081.. N T' CLASSIFIED 44DVERTISING RATES -- First Insertion 2c. per word, minimum charge 5Oc. Repeat Insertions,'1 1Z.c per word, minimum 40c. Notices„ Cards of Thanks and. Coming Events, minimum 75c. I:n Memofiams, minimum . $1.00.. 25c extra "for' replies to The 'Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered. A 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE nine pigs, 7 weeks old, Alex Hackett; R.R. 7, Luck- . now, .phone 67-r-12, Dungannon. FOR :SALE Massey Harris side r,ake. Elwood Barbour, R.R.. 2,' Luicknow,: phone 44-r-21, FOR SALE - seed buckwheat; Vietor Errington, phone 79-r-22; Dungannon.' ` BARN: FOR. SALE -- 15x20 on foundation, good condition, can be. moved; also an' iron pump. Thomas: II. Burns, Lucknow: , HAY FOR ' SALE' _ 15 acres, of standing mixed • hay, .Will sell • outright or on shares. Aibert.. Cook, R. 3, Lucknow. HAY FOR` SALE ' 26' acres of • good heavy, hay, D. A. MacKenzie, R.R. a, Lucknow. FOR,.SALE Holstein 'heifers° fresh in the spring : Jack ,Mac- Kenzie, R:R:; 3, Lucknow, pone: Dungannon- FOR SALE . ` cook. stove, . Me Clary's coal and' wood, deep box, $5.00.' Les Ritchie,' Lucknow. ; . HOUSE FOR` SALE -� ;frame.• thouse xhirh call be ' n 'oved:: For. ... y».r :c .4., 1. particulars apply to Elmer Hooey, phone 113-r,7,RipYey.• HAYOR' SAIE hay — 1-2 acres of 'standing, mixed ' i William fix; . Hunter, I1. R. 3, . Lucky air, ` ph$ne 69-r-1,1 Dungannon FOR 'SALE reconditioned. re-, ,frigerators, :all ,sizes, also "large 'stock of reconditioned: televisions.' Mason's Radio &' Electric, phone' 184, Ripley: . • FOR S.a LE '-- used. No: 7 Massey Harris: hag. ;loader in good Condi;.' tion, used cook 'stove; burns coal) or: wood, in good condition: Phone Ripley. 27-r-16 FOR SALE Used refrigerator, • Beatty Washer, 'Hodver Vacuum Cleaner' and a bicycle; all in good SERVICES SPARE. RIBS and KRAUT Every . WedneSdaly,�gAFriday p ay, and Saturday Night The Commercial Hotel;, Formosa AUXILIARY' "PICNIC The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion, will, hold a basket picnic. at the Caledonian Park, Luck - now, at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 29th. Each member bring their own dishes. -and cutlery. • SEPTIC TANKS and ' cisterns, pumped, and cleaned, drains dug and, cleaned. Apply, to . Alex McIntosh. • • CARPENTRY BUILDING -= REMODELING ROOFING -- CONCRETE, Call: 30, Charlie Robinson POULTRY AND FEATHERS:. WANTED - - best prices at your' door. A. Brown,. Kincardine, phone 181 after FIELD TILE FOR SALE --Mart- ins of Wallenstein clay tile. 4" tile on hand at, all times. Contact Lorne Eadie, R.R. 3, Holyrood, phone .'24-9, Ripley. • AUCTION SALE` 'Allan'Maelntyre . Licensed: Auctioneer Lucknow Phone . 209-r-41 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser- -vice, repairs. -to- all snakes of vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners of all makes for • sale 'Robert K 'Peck, 'Varna, telephone ,Hensall 696-r-2. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef ' and pork. sold . in. any' quantity': Custom, butchering ;in ,Goverfunent • licensed abattoir. Pigs eve Tuesda Beef from. Monday through Thursday BUTTON'S' MEAT, :MARKET ry y. 'First' and second' ortgages. arringed anywhere in Ontario,' .DELRAT, INVESTMENTS, 450,A WilSen ME 3-2353. Dowisview, Ont. puinped ...and cleaned with ,mod, FOR SALE — Singer Electric I Sewing mochine, zig-zags, darns, mends, etc., take on payments of $5.00,monthly or pay full hgance vacuum cleaner, exc en c noW Sentinel. Fort, SALE 'Ashfield blackbdards, book eases. 'Anyone intereSted May see the,se 'items at HOUSE :FOR SALE • •---= brick home. of , the' late Baps. . Edith Henry, on Outram St.,' Luckno*. Fer further particulars to • Melville ,J. Henry,, Reit 1; Kin, ,'ClIECK THIS BIM STAPLER, ideal fOr ,sChool, hemp or office', opens for taekini and binding, • only 691e PLUS 100*0 .staples FREE with every stapler. The I.:ucknoW' Sentinel, phone 35. CEMENT& STEEL; TEEMS; WOOD For loWest , On 'cement, steel' roofing,‘tireS, See . us. Agent ern Steel products. • Hord *mid slabes by the' ..trucklpad. 'We specialiie .in tractor tires::..Fresh cement on hand ' at 'all dines. Bruce MacMillan, LUcknoW, of .Water ConditiOners and 'Softe- ner's, call Donald MacLennan,. Helyro6c1, phone mpley 24-r-12„ rePreientative 'for Water Con- ditioners Of Canada' Ltd. ORDERS are now being taken for bale stooken and bale forks, also poSt hale .augers for any Make or model of/tractor,. Mor - 'ford IVfaekay, Welding and .•Ma- .1lipley 6-r-8. RECEPTIO1' . UCTION SALE CLEARING. AUCTION , SALE of farm stock„ implelnents; :hay, will be 'held for Clifford S. Neil, Lot 31, Con. 7, Kincardine Township, 2 miles west '.of Kingarf • Church, Monday, June 04th. ,at 1:00 p.m. 39 head Durharn cows and calves, Fullline of. machinery including Allis-Chalmers ' D-14 tractor. Farm will' be offered. .See bilis. Clifford Neil, prop.•,'. Donald B. Blue, Dorne .McLelland,` aucs. A reception will be held in .the Legion . Hall, Lucknow, on Fri- day, J:une 23rd in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Farrish. Every- one welcome., .. • SOFTBALL DANCE A Dance will ,be • held in 'the Whitechurch Hall on Wesnesday, , June ' 28th, :.sponsored by. the Whitechurch Softball Club. Far- rier's Orchestra, . popular admis- ' sion,. everyone welcome;. draw for radio: Note change• of date from r. jun 23rd. otice To Creditors AUTOMOTIVE 'Mechanical and body repairs, glass, 'steering and , wheel.. bal- ance. Unclaspray for rust fire- DAVIDSON'S Texaco S6rifee ORANGE SERVICE AT ZIO1'4 An Orange Church service will be held in Zion Church on Sun-, day, June 25th at 8 p:m. Breth- ren will gather' at. Orange Hall. at 7:30 p.m. • TEESWATERI BINGO $1,400 'Cash, (must go) • • Bingo, Teeswater Arena, Friday, June. 23rd, commencing at 9 p.n : 1.. $500 Special, 3-=$100 Specials, [2 games:`$50:,each, Special Draw; Prize:' Admission, $1..00, Extra :& Special :Cards, 25c,. 5 for. , $1.00,. sponsored • by : Teeswater Lions: Club: NTED, HAVING an, anniversary, special, get-together? , Record' your itients in a guest ; book available at The' Lucknow Sentinel,.,phone. 35.: . WANTED — cottage for Julys, 1st Week -end, • Friday .011 Mon- day preferred, C. :§hort,. 172 Water -St., Stratford. ,PROPERTY WANTED From 20:to 50 acres Of bush is required. Preferably,miXed :type Of treei Soil mnst 'be dry, Pre,7 or well -travelled reads: Stream, river or spring •an. asset, ProVide informatiOn to P.O. Box 510,, KEN WANTED immediate opening. in and near. part o.f Bruce 'County, to. 'sell famons Mg $75.00 weekly and tip. Write Rawleigh's Department, R -271 - GP. 4005 Richelieu. Montreal. REAL ESTATE 'WELL SITUATED : HOUSE . for sale in Lucknow, clOse to Public and:High •School large kitchen roonis, bath, oil furnade, house in good repair.' Itninediate pos.ses- sion. FUll Price $5,790.00 96 -acre farm, ,V2 mile off NO. 86 .1fighway, lOrge brick house, *al.; ter • on pressure,. barn' .on stone wall with' ne* cement, stabling. Land is loOtri. well. drained, spring creek.. Possession 'iti: 1 month: Wingharri : Phone 292-M. Tn the ' Estate of. HERBERT CHARLES CURRAN% Deceased. All persons -having crainis•against. the Estate . of Herbert Charles Curran, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County 'of Huron, Road Superintendent, Deceased, who died' on or about the. 2nd day of April, 1961,.arehereby. notifiedto send full, particulars of their claims to the ,undersign- ed Solicitor for., the ` Estate,• on or before • the th day of July, 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst those. entitled thereto, havingregard Only to the claims of which the Executor. shall. themthave.••notice. DATED at Lucknow, Onta'r'o this 17th. clay of June, '196.1. • R.. W: ANDREW, • Listowel, 'Ontario, Solicitor • for the Executor: NTED S ALED • TENDERS, marked. Paint .tender, will be received by the undersigned •up to July :1st,; 1961, for the 'painting .of the . ex- terior of the Kinloss'• Township Hall at Holyrood with two coats of paint. Township to . supply paint. lowest ' tender notne; essay ]yaccept d. J, R; LANE,, ' Clerk, In the Estate .of EDITH HENRY All perSonS having claims' against the Estate of Edith' Henry, late of the Village of LuelcnoW.,.• in the .County. of Bruee, widow, de- "ccOsed, who died on or about the 2nd day of June, 4901, . are hereby ,notified to 'send full parti- culars. of their claims to. the. un- dersigned Solicitor for the' estate?, on or before'the 7thp'day of July 1961, after which date the -estate 'will be distributed omongst ,,thOse entitled thereto, having .•regard only,. to the claing. of . which the Executrices shall then have riot= iee.' DATED at Lucknow, Ontario, this 17th doy. of June, 1961. Solicitor for .the Executrices. THE MAtitER 00. THE • Es_ 11.Rp jOisUoTp N4o: 7Tox.4itersatristoporot:l.l.sec.hpou6.1 TATE OF IDA MARIA. R013,B of along Con.. 12, AShfield. Approxi - the. Village • of. Lucknow, in- the. 'in I 0 il To t o ceased.. • ' south to 'the School. °•- ' NOTICE IS • HEREBY GIVEN • • • R. • 2, Holyrood, Ont, TENDERS. STIPULATED SUM .TENDERS are requested for the installation of pump . for Ashfield T:S.A. No. 2, including; 'dry ..well, 10 ;June 30th, 1961. 'Plans. can be seen at` ` residence. of, secretary., Lowest' 'or any tender not , necesarily. • accepted. J, Roy MacKay; Secretary, R.E. 3, Goderi:ch, TENDERS . WANTED tenders' for• 10..epr'cl of 16 inch body, •wood, maple or beech for S.S. No 9, Ashfield ;to be split and piled 'on school pre- mises not later than August 15th;. 1901. '.Tenders• must' b.e .in : the hands of" the secretary by• July lst, 1961. Lowest • or, any tender not r:}ecessarily accepted. Clayton Alton; .R.R. 7,Lucknow, secretary. • The Board .Of 'Trustees, ASh- for transportation' of ; pupils in properly licenced vehicles to tne central sehool for the: school year ROUTE;4: TO "tranSport the pu- veiling° along, HighwaY 86 Arid south •on Highway, 21 tO 'Con.' 12 .Ashfield and. eaSt to 'the school, puttils 'being picked •-up at gate When roads permit. ApProXiiitate- 'ROUTE 2: To traniport, ,PupilS• of No. 3, Along•Highway 21 :from , .Con; I2 Ashfield soitth to Lake -1Road• to School. ApProximately •of No.: 18, picking up, pupils at gate when roads- perrnit,. West. to . Tenders -received for any or all that all persOns having any orYdemands against: the Estate of . IDA" MARIA .ROBM. aforeS:ald, Who died en or • about thq. 220 day': of February; AD. 1961, are required tO file proof Of the Undersigned 'administrator On Or before the :21st day: Of :idly, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GrytN that after the said 'date. the undersigned administrator. will Proceed. to•diStribute the ak- . setS Of the said estate. ,ainong those entitled' thereto and will net be liable fbr 'the said. ass'ets or any. part •thereof to anY one\ of Whose clahns he Shill not then have received notice:: . Dated at , Ripley, 'Ontario, 'June A MARKING BARGAIN, felt tip r,narking pencil, marks ..anything, for home, offiae;. store,. :factory, School, camp. It dries instantly, is -waterproof, non -spilling and smear -proof, a new low price of . 39c. The Luelcnow Sentinel, TYPEWRITTER RIBBONS Typewriter' ribbOns fOr 'any . No Matter 'What the machine, we able at the LucknoW • Sentinel HIILRAY FARMS ABATTOIR The .'home 'of ehoite meats ,BEEF, PORK, LAMB in any oUantities Schneider's Cured Meats WE 'ALSO DO CUSTOM KILLING and hang your meat in modern Cooler's as loni as desired, 'Pigs On Tuesdays' and cattle every day: No appointMent -'netessary LutittioW • :cOUNTER CHECK BOOKS--we- sell theny'sing.y or in quantit:es and take orders for cooks speci,- ally printed to your reqUi.re, phone 35, , The Luckncv, or any 'Other tender not', 'noces- Roy MacKay, •SecretarY.;,. 3, 69d'eficti, Ont. IN ME ORIAM Alton; who pasSed 'away 3 years As iri the hour he passed away. Lovingly! reinernbered by :fam- ily ,and 'grandchildren. HURONK AUTO WRECKERS. Phone, 167-30,. gipley ,1953 Mercury.. 1952 Dodge Station Wagon 1955. Chev y,8. , 1952 Pontiac 84teries -- Tires Body, Repairs JACK MCGUIRE, Prop. GROUND MING BEEF', lb. NTS F