HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-14, Page 2• • • r PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL0,• I.LICTINOW, ONTARIi WEDITESSDAY, :14th:, 'I96I iioss Scou#s Sposor 'icn�c Which. Vlllas A Big Success.. mini#y If good weather, a natural • set-. • ting, a host of carefree young stets, and a° good turnout of in terested :adults, make 'a good plc- nic, then Kinloss had it on, Sa- .turday afternoon on the grounds of Holyrood, school. • • „NAV—basis . was on fun, and at :about .2;15' the program swung into action., The Cub Pack were • called into Circle by. Cubmaster, ',Morley Wall for ' their Grand Howl.; The Scout Troop with Scoutrnaster Lloyd • Ackert then conducted the Flag .Breaking, ceremony, • Mrs. Nancy McIntyre . aided .by several teenagers kook the pre ' school children and kept them happily busy with games. • and •" sipging. Mrs. Isobel Martin with a number of able volunteers tori- " ducted 'a full program of race's 'and games for school : age ' girls.: While these bwo programs' were tatting place, the boys were .run - ;lung their `best in a series of ra- .,ces Conducted by Lloyd Ackert, Morley , Wall, Wally. Breckles, •:Barry Johnston and. Ernest Ac- ket. It:was during these races that 'an unfortunate accident ° occur-` red. John Ackert, .while • being. carried in. a blind • mous? ..race by his father, had, his legbroken: when : the • pair fell ' .over an obs �strAction: After' the'. races the,. .Cubs' •and Scouts putOn exhibitions of camp and, 'wood crafts. In,' Semaphore signalling the. Golden' Hawk Pat rot with. Patrol Leader,. , Allan •Cornish„ completed :the 'messages,. In firelii gh g tin ;. we could almost: Leader, Donnie Wall won but we have to admit a hastily conceived and hesitantly selected Patrol of Fathers emerged the victors (but they took an extra: Match). The Cubs tried their hand at signalling and although they only had one nights instruction they, did very well indeed with • the Grey and Red Sixes .under` Se- conder Bob Cornish and Sixer Gary' Carruthers wining out., •' A. model camp with tent, fire- place, washstand andd:,dinin�g 'ta= ble was ' set up by the Black Hor- ses Patrol. with' Patrol :' .Leader Allen Colwell. :This Patrol was the group who came, second at the Saugeen; Dis- trict Camporee at Inverhuron last month.. The tent displayed was the new ,one • recently purchased, by the Group Committee with, funds from the paper drive. A . picnic supper with potato salads;, etc is• alw, ays a •joy • and this one was. no. exception; Orville Elliott, Fraser , McKinnon and Lorne Eadie of the , Group Corn. mitt'ee . (with the lions share . of the preparation' probably d ne by their wives), ' served the most delicious lemonade. : ' A' Scout. refreshment booth, operated by Scouter's, , Frank' Col well:and Duncan Campbell earn, ed . 'some' money, for • the general Scout finds. They, conducted a *aterinellon .seed: guessing con-. test with .Miss Eva . Culbert win ning the grand prize (a :packet of watermelon seeds.) Several Other.' prizes ,were awarded: • Mr. • and Mrs. Mark Johnston .won "Gbbd Conduct' • .',say 'the Tiger Patrol .with,Patrol, :1VIedals for 'the longest: :term' •q13 le ft. jun c; 406040lc residents of Lucknow Are Cordially Invited Communi end JCKNOW TO' 1 renovation'and' redecorationprogram To inspect the •ter: >;.o •. p gram, climaxed by theestablishment- of the Municipal. Office in : the 'Mall. You ' will beshown the Auditorium Thi I�un ci�al Office The Public library kibIic Assembly Rolm and Kitchen. Rest Ro,prn Facilities A WILL BF SERVED From 3:00 to .m. 5:00. P by The e Women's Institute From `1:00 to; MO The Lady Foresters ALL A W.. Joynt, VVLLCOME Reeve g'ne% reesi, 11 Corrects Or g Ncmhi;gof Kairs ',As a constant, reader of Your very interesting paper, "The L,uc:know. Sentinel," I • beg to Make a correction of the infor mation contained'. in the account: of` the Kairshea W.F.W.O, (Unit- ed Farm Women's. Club). in your issue of June .7th. !the: name '"Kairshea," meaning 4th and 6th a everyone in that club 'knew, as originated by Miss Mary MacLeod, she and 'her sister hav ing •'beer brought,' up "in close contact 'with. three. ,Gaelic speak- ing grandparents. The men's organization. (while it •.1. asted) ' was ` never: known 'only as the ,"U:F,O:" And for the re- cord, Russel. MacDougall; left for' the 'Cariboo on. the morning -of. May .10th, 1921, ' approximately three' years previously.. 'Imagine. Women, who in 23. years left the enviable record of the Kairshea U;F.W.O., having to ;send 'to the Cariboo _for a name • .• Those' women, despite .ahe fact that 'they had no hydro,, • no run- ning .water;• no oil' burning furn- aces, no ;furnace period, and' •had to:7,argue. with bwo or three. wood •: burning stoves, ' earn . their own • baby bonuses • .l?y milking . cows, looking :after poultry and tending huge gardens, and last but not' least feeding gangs.• of thresh' ers; • corn cutters and -wood• .cut-_ ters-, found time.to do an immense amount of war ,,Work. They .could not bundle their pre-schoolers into snow.' 'suits' ;or overalls and send them off to town in. a heated. car with. Dad, but their record shows ..good' management - . And, planning. Their ` Many' money.: making ventures dances .still being" carried ;''on ' were originated . by. ahem, :also 'bake sales,. bales 'of clothing ' for the. ;North, sterile. bundles of'; maternity supplies sent to . •the social . worker ,in the North, ;'hundreds of knitted ,arti eles for the Red*Cross," dozens of quilts for the Red Cross• and , the needy .In the locality, dresses, • :bath. robes, shirts, ''skirts and;; under Clothing, ':for: Russian . re- lief and .Red` Cross; surgical dress sings,'. etc. Last, but • not. feast; the $400. vire raised tO furnish- .a. roomin the new wing; of , Wing- ham Hospital, which was opened. on September 29th, '1946, which. room • :bears ` a plaque 'with- the name of the Kairshea,: And the wonderful /roll calls & instructive . papers: on so. _many things have never' been equaled.`, Our titrie was; Spent On worth whsle .accornpllshrnents,' instead of: listening :to boring : statistics. It was 'indeed `a. Rural ',Women's University: , "ONE WHO 'REMEMBERS." Nait Reoprt.of indow Inspection. ILI... Satur LIONS, CLUB July 1SI. 5:00 p.m: Starting At Lucknow Pubic School Prizes Best decora ed Pony .and Cart:: Best Decorated` Pony and 'Saddle, Best decorated Horse and Rider. Best decorated Fancy Bicycle, Wagon Or Carriage,• 5. . Best Fancy Dressed Costume. Best Comic Dressed Costume., Best Animal Cosiume 8: Most '. Attractive Pet., Prizes .-- $2.00, ,$1.00,, and' 50c. Best Pecoroted C r • Plan now to decorate your .car and : add to .the parade • Prizes $5.00, '$3.00,' and' $2.00 All Other Floats Welcome. Parade will :. e headed by +40 piece Hanover Gi'rIs'..BugIe Band PIPE BAND — I,L7CKNOW H.S. BAND ..•.:.♦H•* !:#. � •+.++�•.+ * * s .-rte i•�•�-: s sN.".- :..- refinished report f. IA ram the, architect • , •,vvho inspected the.�Windows has not Yet been. received, but h'• rtl pec�ted. s o y: • Contracts • for 196142 school term: have:* been `signed by • the •present,'teaching staff; With -Mrs. "Mary Fisher' , replacing 1VIrs. Beverley Thompson. Pupils from. SSS. No. `9 Ashfield will not. be attending Lucknow Public School, next, term, as it has been decided to reopen that School:'• At ...the June meeting of the •Lucknow.'Pu.blic School Board, it was reported` that $7,000.00. .on ';account of 1961i Provincial 'Grant' had been' 'received; also '1959 dental /grant of ` $229.50 and ;1960 dental grant ,rof '$321.00. Accounts for . the month' of May amo-trited to ;$2,813;93. -A fayourab1e 'report, wase re- ceived froth 'the/,Sanitar..y Inspec- tor;' the, only cornments •. being with 'regard. to ,the 'windowpanes,` and suggesting. that the floor., in 'five classrooms be sanded and Married. The youngest: term 4or. sentence) was won by Mr,, send' Mrs, Gerald Rhody vvho went home with a pair of handcuffs. The family coaling the, farthest A were the Starks from mierley who received a compass to guide. then on their . return home, The largest family present was ably'. won by Mr.•'and Mrs, Roy 'Cornish who v'on• a bead counter to assist them* in n, kee:ptrack � ing; of• their numbers: It ,'was a. big .day` and all . the Many., •people • attending went .home with hearts ' a little bit younger arid shines smiles . a., little 'bit broader, to say nothing •ppf sto maths a big bit fuller. Shower Monday For Bride-E1ecf.. (,ST: _ HELENS NEWS) , Baskets': :of spring , flowers -With ~pink, and:White: bells; and streamers ways; the setting on 'Monday evening.. for ;the 'shower for :Miss Lois. Miller whose . Mar. riage::'ak.es place on :June'.•24th to , •1VIr. • Ross. Dur.'nin also: of 'the. 'St. Helens. community.. The gift table . was 'centered vaith a Minia- ture . bridal ' couple b'erieath' an arch. Lois. .,was 'escorted 'to.:her chi, ir..of• honour by, her two sis- ters`, Mrs.., Dona ,•Cameron .. and Mrs," `Wilmer, Nicholson Miss peverley 'Gaunt read an address. 'of good wishes and she,. and Miss Norma Forester `'assisted ..•in op i.enin th'• , many 'beautiful- Lifts. g^ e,, a g •L' cis thanked the ladies 'and: din vited.• them all to her .trousseau tea . on June 21st; Mit.•.J'im :Cur; ran, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, Mrs. Ross . Gammie; Mrs. ':Elmo `,Frit chard, Mrs. Elmer Foran ; Mrs. Ross' Errington;• and Mrs. ,Allan Cranston dressed Lois in . a 'beautiful', home styled wedding dress Readings' were given by Mrs, Angus 'McDonald and 'Lois Struthers. ,Rosaline : " `Phillips played • an, accordian solo and little Gail • Pritchard gave a 're- citation. • Mrs. E, W.:, Rice 'sang a 'solo, 'and. Miss;'Norma Murray: : was . Pianist, 'for 'the evening. While over. 100 ' ladies enjoyed a bountiful' lunch. Mrs. Jim' Ciur ran,conducted two contests. Each lady 'wrote a line of good ad- vice to the brideori a clothes pin and Lois was presented with 'the pins. The evening was ar- .ranged• by Mrs, Don Reid;; Miss Patsy Foran and the .neighbour ladies. Mr.M e Ir in inecrest a w of Manor, was a Sunday visitor with Mr: B and Mrs.' Ernest .Gaunt, • everiey, Gaunt and Norma; Fbrster of London are spending 'their holidays at their homes, i\lrs;, Minnie CiMnirighalA i, A.. acid Mrs.. Tom Dickison, Margaret and Shirley. of Walkerton 'and– M.S. Ed Thom were Sunday vis itdrs with Mr and • Mrs. , Allan: Miller ':and Mr. Wallace . Millers.• B9RN in` Wingham General •Hos- '. 'pital to Mr: and •Mrs .. George. Errington; ''(Jean.: Aitchison) on . 'june;,9th,"a daughter, a sister for; Billy.:: • Miss Mary Murray is spending a few days. with Mrs:•Tena Dray - man of ' Brucefield. • Mrs:. Lance. Morrison of Toron to' was arecent .visitor with •M.rs, • Violet Mintz. eiters To Editor_ D 'Editor Lucknow ,Sentinel,'• Dear Sir: • Y:es, I like::a dog and I hat e -"a: right :to -own one ".if I :•Want to • But I have a responsibility;; 'and.. that is to makesure that thy dog 'does ' not .mess up ,other 'peoples' lawns, 'gardens, : flowe'r beds arid. kill `.their shru.bs. We have a Iorticultural Socr ety which deserves a, lot of credit . for encouraging, and ;helpin•g •lied;- ple to procure and plant f lo« ers and ;make our town more attiac- tiye ,and beautiful, -but the, way -dogs are• running at large and the •dam ge they are doing to our' shrubs,' plants; flOwei s,"law ns . and gardens is, very discouraging.. If' other .'towns; can have, a• dog by—law.,, "Why not Luckno' ?." Is it th`e;'fault of our Council?, If so• I think' it is, tithe sone ac= tion was '.taken. Let'•s hear .:froth some: more people. • "A, .RATEPAYER" LACKED ORGANIZATION FOR CANCER 'CANVASS ` Residents of this area have con- tributed $2,11'1.90 to a' fund rais- ging carripaign: •munched. , by .the Wingham Branch• of, the Canadian Cancer Society. : ',Campaign • chairman • DeWitt Miller said yesterday the total was, made, up of the following:, East Wawanosh, $252.50 'furl- berry,, $40755;' Morr's, 318.75 Lowick, $112.30; LucknoW,.5151. 35; Winghani, $1,.00145: Canvassers .,in the April Cam paign included members of. the Pcderation of Agricultui4e',in the. rural areas* and the• .High School students ih Vitigharri and: Luck` now. g Lucknow and r,istfiet• contra butions fell ?at' below' yeat's total, due .to, the lack of an. on, ganized canvass in.• this 'c,yntmu• , lily.