HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-14, Page 1a •.$4,,04. ear Ii Mvance — $1 00 Extra•To TJ S A • Lucknow Pisi trdt High School . • Board is faced with the need ()1,7 an addition to the ;, school in the not Jar distant futtire. „ The ,:school is presentlyover- crowded with the auditorium, be, • ing iised for 'class robin ..accoino, • ,dation. The , annual enrolment • has • been steadily increasing un- til last September an, all-time high was get with bier 200 stu- dents • registering. . An official five-year survey , has. been made of the 'area sery, -01 by the Lucknow District 'High, School and there is every indi- cation that. by 1964 the eriroll- . Inept could sky . rocket to 261 , • :With this trend the . Board is : giving serious consideration:: to a blinding program, Which' is essen- tia now, regardless. of 'future indications. : • ." ." ,At a special, meeting: on Tues- day night the Boardmet with an • architect, who recommended a• .firm of consulting engineers. to inake.:a; thorough examination Of the present; building. It is eX- Pectecl that this inspection will be made • yefy. shortly, arid a :170-, . Port stip/ratted to • the Beard:In :event :any 'struetural reCoMmend- ations are Made, • they could be ••inporpcirated. With .a.bUildi_pg. plaii • shOuld. such be decided upon. • • • . . ••'NONAGENARIAN • PASSES Thedeath of ,Mrs, .T.hoinas. Henry of ellast, the former Charrottee, Arm McAllister, oc- curred in Wingharn Hospital on . Monday in her 91st. year, The funeral was . held on Wednesday• froiti. the. Maditenzie'.•1VIernerialt Chap} to, Greenhill CemeterY.' , . Q WEDNESDAY; ',TUNE 1.4th, 1961 'WARDENSHIP POST WONT G6.11EGGING IN 1962. •The , June . session of Bitice County Council emphasized the indication that there will be no lack of wardenship candidates come next 'January,. when it is the' turn for a rural• -•reeve to hold the office. Reeve Harold Percy of Kinloss, Reeve Chester Emmerton of Hu-' ron Township and Reeve John MacKenzie of ,Bruce Township, are among those who are indicat- ing. their "hat will be in the rine with one .or two others Salvation Army BlitzThis Week The ,Salvation Army Red• Shield appeal willbe conducted in ,Lucknow and Community this week by members of the ':Librit.. Club. The Club Volunteered to: undertake the task at the last meeting when they were addres- sed. • by Envoy Newman Of th4‘ Wirigham Corps • of the Army. The canvass will take the form of a blitz and will be done this toying. week -end with the idea, should de= .,,day evenion Thursday and Fri- velopments warrant it. ngs ,Federation Makes Donations •... ..„...... •,,,Fairs • • The Ashfield • Federation • .of. • Agriculture. held a' directors' meeting at the Township • Hall, recently. The president, Bill- Hunter, Pre: - sided :and • gave A . report on County Federation meetings, tivities and, finances. After f/a' discussion it was decided to send the • County .a grant ,of $50:00.. A grant of $10.: each is. t� be given to the Lucknow and Dun- gannon 'Agricultural Societies.' Warren Zinn, reported On the Goderich Folk • School for rural leaders which he attended. :He reported. that the sphOoi- was yery; worthwhile and that be enjoyed the Sessions., The annual Federation church service is -to be held at Bayfield this year. • INFANT'S BAPTIZED AT . LUCKNOW AND S. KINLOSS . , • • Eight .babies, Were baptized On Sunday by Rev. 'Rod Mac1.4od-= five at 'Lucknow; Presbyterian :Church • at the Morning, .service and three at the afternoon ser- vice it- South. Kinloss. ' , •Baptized. at Lucknow ;were:. Thomas Arthur, son` Of • Mr:' and Mrs', James R. •Henderson; • Barb- ara • 'Elizabeth, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Robert Aitchison; • Etta daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Jack. 'MacDonald; • Glenda Lee; daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Stuart • Jamieson; Donna Heather, daugh- ter .Of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth • Nicholson, •• Those baPtiked at South Kin- loss Church Were Gregory l• Alex- ander, Son of Mr. and Hugh MacMillan; Sheila Louise and Joan Beth, •daughters Of Mr. and Mrs, Den ,McIntyre. Pharmacy Class f 1911 Honore A. R. McKim was in . Toronto last Week -end attending the 50th anniversary of his graduation from the 'Ontario College of Phar- macy: The,Prograrn consisted of a :lecture*by the president, of, the 'University,. Dr. Bissell, luncheon at Hart House,- garden party_ at BiSsell's home, a dinner in the.. College -Pharmacy Building where 14 graduates of ,the class of 1911 were honoured and present-. ed with. a Golden Anniversary Certificate: Mrs.. McKim and Mr, and Mrs. Reid McKim .of dale attended :With. Mr.. McKim" Lions ' members. were • :given their . call assignments at Mon- day ,night's meeting. If You have your donation •ready when they knock at your door • it ' will great- ly assist in .speeding up their job.. • Lad Breaks Leg t Kinloss icnic An unfortunate' accident' at the Kinloss Township Community Picnic On Saturday •afternoon re- sulted in John 'Ackert, young son • of Mr: and Mrs. , LloYd'. Ackert of HolyrOod, receiving a ,fracture of the leg. *•Lloyd; ':a 'rriovirig • force' in .or- ganizing :arid ;.supervising '•:th • picnic, received a :had gash ..on the: lip in •the accident. Lloyd .& John were. teaming u. in a father and sonrace with the son rid- ing on the father's shoulders, & the father , with a paperbag over his head. Lloyd veered cia,courge itry the race and tripped over a piece of iron framework that had been used 'once • as , teeter- totter% at'. the •Holyrood .school. Lloyd fell against the •frainework, and his full weight .came On John's leg: which was jammed 'against the, 'iron. , : The extent.. of the 'injury was not'. immediately • known •until Tohn • received medical .a.ttention in Lucknow.• • • The picnic was held on the Holyrood. school ; _ground's and, Was regarded; as a. very •success- ful event, but this unfortunate, 'occtirance .clamPenedthe spirits of those present. John,. :Was getting* -around On crutches the first ,of the :week, was feeling,. well • and .was ex- tremely proud. . of the auto- graphs on his cask :that many of his well-wiSheti. had •inscrlbed.1 LOCAL RESIDENT MARKED ••89th BIRTHDAY SATURDAY • . • Mrs. Duncan (Margaret), MacDonald, a lifelong resi- dent • of . this Community; ob- served Oth birthday on Saturday, June 10th at 'Pine- . crest Manor in LucknOw. Mrs. MacDonald has been a patient in, Wingham Hospi, ,tai._and. at ' Pineorest' Manor for about two years She is in reasonably good health and • on " Saturday en: • • ' jOYed thebirthday remern- ,-,•,brances and good , Wishes of • Many' :friends. Her, family Were all present for the oc- casion. IgNLOSS lOWNSHIP Comniu, nity Picnie wag well represented in the young folks department. While • the, older Children were running races and participating in other garrieS, June Ackert, Karen CarrUtherS'. and Mrs,* Al- lan 'left t right-. in the back rOur4; directed the young. er children in games •sUitable their age grotlp, .8entit,161. Photo HOW: Trial Run Barbeue • - ' A chicken barbecue iS to be feature of the LtioknOW and Dig.- triot .Lions Club Celebration on July lst,, and to develop that ex - Pert touch in preparing the de - heady, a "trial run" Was staged': at. Ashton's COttage. at Ambeiley Beach on Monday evening V.. A. -Mowbray Was in Charge' of barbecile. arrangements, and he and hiSicommittee did a fine job 'in feeding over, fifty members of the Mb.; The chicken Was .dOne "to •a• turn,'1 and the trimmings: of potatoes, vegetables, hun,: cake, ice cream and coffee,'..i3rOvided a repast that had; the. approval of all in .attendance. . President GOrdon Montgomery who is concluding his term in• office',.. announced that Ladies' Night and the installation of the new slate of 'Officers would be held next Monday; .rather ',than at the regular meeting the week as that .Was the week Of the club's 2 -night celebratidn. Members Were presented with a list of •calls .each is to. Make: in: town. and ,country for the Salv& tion. Army Red S.13.ield. Appeal. Thanks was 7 tendered :those who contributed, to the success of Monday's' .meeting:" W,ELVF PAGES $350 to Prizes At Lions Holiday °Draw Posters listing details of, the, Lions club 2-nikht carnival cele- bration will make their appear- ance in a few days. A feature of the event will be a lucky ticket draw for 0.50. in Priis.,First,,prize is a $200 .bond; second, $lim:. beric4,' third, ,$50. bond. The draws will beT.4104o at „2.,30,. 10!30 and .4;1:30, on Sat- urday evening, slulY 1st, •- • As announced ,last week there will be•bingo arid.;sarnes on Fri- day night in the arena With. free ' entertainment by the well krio-Wii Paul Trio. and jitney dancing •tc.,0 Wilbeeis • Orchestra. • On :Saturday afternoon at 5:011 • there' will be a big Parade frown the ,Public School to the Cale- donian Park,. featuring • children: in costume, ponies, pets,. decorat- • ed. bicycles and tricycles, cars, floats •and - "what -have -YOU.' Therewill be three bands—the 40 -Piece 'Hanover Girls :Bugle Sand, the Lucien:ow. and Belgrave. Pipe Band,:. and the High' School..' This will be followed by a de- licious chicken barbecue,. and then there willbe more bingo, games, entertainment and: danc- ing to 'music by Carruthers' Or- chestra. • • ; "The .Heads" �f London , will provide the Saturday night 'per- formance of • magical... acrobatic acts. .Atirnissiori 4 free to the arena • on both evenings • HIGH* SCHOOL EXAMS ARE IN FINAL STAGE - • .The 'high school term is draw- ing .to a close with Grade 13' stu- • dents haying 'commenced. Writing . this week and will finish by June 23rd: • • „. •• •Grade '12 studentS , wrote last, week, • Grade 11 students are writing this Week • also as well as Grade 9. and 10 students who are required to Write some sub--, jects in •a to. get •their year,. Staff Complete Latin Teacher, Engineer to xception Of Extra a e Checkup .At the June meeting of. the Lucknow District High • School Board. held Monday', -.June 5th, the Management •ComMittee re - Ported that, Withthe exception of a Latin .teaeher, all vacancies On: the staff' have been filled. .• The new teachers. are: Princi- pal, , Mr: Brian B. lowl'ett; Frerioh, .Mr. • F. Desjarlais; ,Science, •Mr. lan. Haniilton;, Com- mercial, Mr.: -Joe Murray" Indus- trial' Arts, Mr, Robert Tutchener;. Mathematics • and English,' ;Mr.. Elwin Hall.' • , • Continuing • members • ..of * the staff are Mrs: Laurel HeWitt, Miss Audrey , Fiederlein and Mr; Ron - aid; Kelterborn: • ; **' • A payment of $.30,000.00. en ac- count ; 'of '1.061.. Provincial Grant Was received and the. *Bank of. :Montreal loan --$23,5:00;06 repaid.: A'cCounts4or the month of 'gar • amounted to: $8;51113.',. • ,Install'atiOri: of chalkboard ileas in three classrooms and addition- aj in theScienceRoom, has .been completed.• • An increase' of :$100.00' a year to the'; caretaker, S. Whitby, atr4. $10.,00-'a:rhanth to Mrs': J. C. Arm- strong' in. charge . of the: -Cafeteria, was passed. • The.Sanitary: Inspector's Report referred, to cracked., beams in the auditorium. . which ShoUid be at- tended.' to.- An engineer is to check and 'advise .what can be done in this connectiOn. • Public Invited To Open House n Town Hall This Friday A treW era in municipal ad- 1;111inlitrati611 has been inaugurat- ed here this month with the esta- blishment of the Mtihicipai Of- fic . in the "Council Room!' .. of /the ,ToYvfi Hall, . • This.. lafest project whieh in- cluded the,installation of a pub- lic assembly' room .'and 'kitchen facilities in the basement; , eli: hlaxes :a program that has s:lt:thd dint. the being forme,from auditorium to bsen A vault installation, rebuild- ing and relacating the rear stair- way and the apprOach ' to the auditorium stage, on the east side,' are alterations•' Winch Mted •rnodern new kitchen, cartS7ing out, the, project.' Oliert House Frida.y ' This entire trafistOrinatin,.— and it is jtist that can be Viewed.' 6n Frfdayof this 'week, when open house is 'being, held at the hall, Residents of Luel<no:W ancl ConinitmitY are cordially. to ."drop in' 'either after. .noon oi evening When you will be receiNied and, .‘lconled :by m:Unicipal. official& ' Tea will be sorved'in the ..af.= ternoon by the Women's Insti- tute andin the evening by the Lady Forsters.‘These two Organi- zations, had a part' iri equipping • . •