HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-07, Page 11yy,EDNESDAY► JUNE '7t1, 1961 T#141igt141 LUCKNOW SNTINEL, LU KNOW,, ONTARIt PAGE VEN' �aeic For 4t' an , Hadiginning, As Farm: .fihe foilowing hist9.17 bf. anwere' made to Children's; organization that has filled a 1 Memorial, London In. 1936 Mr, and Mrs. Roderick Bain reached their 60th 'W'edding Anniversary, flowers were sent. For a number. of years after the 'disbanding o.f the U.F.W.Q. we continued to .have the same meetings and ;to do good work in on PApril 231,70,, 1924; seventeen' 'about',.the. -'Month of Vovenmlber,. 'women met at the home of Mrs.'a vote was taken by ballot whe- .John S, MacKenzie on. the .4.th 'ther or not we would become a Con.. of Kinloss : to organize.; a :women's Institute, branch' of the United Farrn Worn= In memoriam: for. the 25th An en of Ontario known as niversary of Kairshea 1924-1949. W. This was affiliated with the Mrs Roderick Bain, Miss' •M'a ie United Farmers of .Ontario...The gg', Club was, organized by Mr.,s. Geo. McGillivray, M• rs, Ben Chesnut, Lane,: Ashfield, At. the first meeting it was:, de - 'worthwhile role in Kinloss ToW,n- ship for close to forty years, was .outlined at a recent meeting of .the Kairshea Women's Institute, and pertains to the .formation of the parent body, ' and the subse- quent organization of this branch of the Institute. Home and Community In 1946 b War Mrs. Dan T. 'MacKinnon, Mrs; Dan .MacIntyre, Miss Maggie Ross, Mrs. Alex - MacKenzie, Mrs. Sam ` Carnochan, Mrs: Angus MacDonald, Miss Jean MacKen- zie, • (1st Sec.) Miss .Ruth= Mac- Leod, Miss: Mary Jane. .Irwin, Mrs. Albert Little, ' Presidents tip tothe organiza- cided to meet the 3rd: Thursday, of the month,, and we still . do, We.•opened our U:F,W.O. meet ings with .the.. Maple Leaf for Ever and the Lord's Prayer, clos- ing with . O,. Canada. In. 1931we received the' U:F' WO;..Creed &:' tion ou the' Institute: Mrs J S O eni Ode; p •n g MacKenzie, 1924; Mrs. Allister Officers elected by ballot~Were;' Hughes, 1.924-27; Mrs, Sam Carn_ president, .Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie, ochan, 1927.28; 'Mrs, Alex Suther- ist Vice Pres., Mrs: ' Allister Hughes; ; Secretary, ,Miss.' Jean MacKenzie; • Treasurer, Mrs; Alex. Suthejrland;;' Directors, Mrs. •. •Sam. 'Carnochan,., Mrs,. • Geo, Lockhart, 'Angus: Graham, . Mrs. •Alex MacKenzie Miss Ella Sutherland` Kinnon,'' 1939-40 Mrs.' Harry La who .'was also `,press secretary vis,' 1941-42, Four' Pres. 1943-44, .Directors• for Egg Pool, Mrs.' Alex' Mrs. Alex Sutherland,, Mrs,Ar- Sutherland,' .:Miss Jean MacKen .hie MYlaclntyre, Mrs.. W F. Mac- zie. 'Fees 'were $1:00. a,. year with Donald, Miss pean.'McLeod. Four a•2nd member .of a family paying Pres, 1945-46: Mrs, David, H. Car, 25c a. . • :.,ru•thers, Mrs. Dan 1:,: McKinnon, Thee 2nd meeting was at. the Mrs.. Lloyd °MacDougal, Mrs. Ar-' home of Walter MatKenzie with chie Maclntyre. Miss Jean MacKenzie, 'his 'slater, The organization meeting was. as hostess. At . this . meeting` it' .held at. the home of • Mrs. Harvey was decided to • adopt .the name.. Houston 'Mrs.. J. • R. White, . Rip- "Kairshea, the Gaelic for. 4th• ley,. a '.past district president as isisted with' the detail's, Jan. 1947. • First President, 'Mrs. Archie `Mac Intyre,. first sec.-treas., Mrs. ''Fra land,' 1928-29; Miss Mary B. Mc- Leod, 1930;' Mrs, 'Richard Martin 1931-32; Mrs. John Carruthers, 1933-=34; Mrs. . Dan L. : MacKinnon, (4th) 1935-36.; Mrs. Russ• Middle- ton, 1937-38; . Mrs. Archie Mac - :And 6th Concessions. .,The name was .borrowed' from thenen' 0...F.0...which had been .s• organized some time previous.: It is reported ser "MacKinnon. Our first: bus. this ':name; was thought up• by .:tri was. to...the 50th Anniversary Y: two ' local ' young; men, Russel of F. W I'O: at.' O A.C., Guelph, MacDougal and Clarence • Mac- June, 1947.' Down through • the GRADUATES' A S NURSE— a t graduation .exercises of 'Strat- ford General Hospital School 'of Nursing, ' Miss Elaine' . McNay, was one .of a class of 21 Who. re- ceived her "diploma arid. . pin. Elaine is a. daughter of Mr.. and Mrs, Kelso McNay, • made .a donation to the Lucknow Agriculture Society and. put up group. exhibits. In ':1960, one member, .Mrs. Al- lister Hughes, ,competed in the iweedinuir History project, '.6. rliooked. Chair seats, which won first place ,at District • Grey -Bruce Area, and 4th place at, level, In '1960 :bur . branch pur= chased an unused school .proper- ty, S.S.' No. 5;''Kinloss, on the 6th Con: for $1.00, tobe:: used for meetings, 441 , Club work .& quiltings. 'The current :' executive. act astrustees of the property,. A second-hand electric stove was purchased in the spring of • 1960, • also more stacking. chairs. 'The, officers have• been: Presi-. dents, Mrs. Archie . Nlaclntyre; , Mrs. Fred Gilchrist,. Mrs. 'Harvey Houston, : Mrs. -D. H. .Carruthers, Mrs. D. L.• MacKinnon, Mrs. Cliff Roulston; Sec Treas. Mrs. Fra er MacKinnon, .Mrs. Orville Ellott, . Mrs:` Farish 'Moffat; Mrs. Donald, MacKinnon, Mrs, Currie Colwell, Mrs Ira Dickie. Millan. years we•have enjoyed many bus. We met. each :'Month at some .trips. We still continue to do members home, !had discussions, . good work for :Home and' Corn.:-. topics,.. and'.' demonstrations:.;All .munity.:. through the. years ,we did con- In` 1949' 00.00. was. . donated to. siderable Red Cross' and Charit is d the. Wingli;am' hospital, for' furs- •. 'able"work:'•Many''bales went up ishings for. a ro'om, ;which bears the North country. (One year weout.riame. On a bronze plaque on • were: • complimented• `' by • Mrs :the door: At a : later •date smaller Smith,' Social Service' worker in donations have been : made. • for' Ingleheart district: for.. our :splen- ;'.blankets tnirror, etc. • In' 1954 a did bale and maternity .bundles): do ation 1of 25.00 was made :to. • The sick we're remembered; with. ' n $ •the •Wzngham hospital.for a• W:I.. flowers and. cards :and .letters of Ward, to :,which' Women's. Insti- Condolence sent 'to the bereaved: tutes in the -surrounding distr:ic. t ,Boxes'were sent, to the.boys over_ ;donated.' seas in wartime; •By 1951 our • branch was span-. Topics :and ' : 'demonstrations soaring 4-H clubs, and, in late were' many;and: varied; Benefits years`..thea'Sr. Leader's Training of. horticulture Society; Care•ofchool have been popular: Our sick, which was most helpful; two money making projects are ways to: make our Club .a .success;' 'the jSt • Andrew's Ball, in Novem- ' art of being a guest :gardening ber and' the Calico .Ball started beauties of friendship;.; Women's a; ain in 1949, in '_the spring.: The; , • part.:in Canada's program; Spirit 'Kairshea ;branoh. own their own • 'of, Christmas;',Talks an Poultry cups; " silverware, . etc, for the use. marketing re-finishingfurniture at the lunch: counter : at .'these making the; most of myself; life dances..<F'olding chairs 'were pur- in a garden -what' are . we plant- chased a•: number or Years ago,. ing? Join, the :club, so. you Can for use at t'he,'meetin s in. 'mem . help. others: ` The handicap • child; bees homes: A donationof • $50 00 given by a. mother whose daugh- wa was made to the HoTyrood ter was in' the School, for• Blind:. for 'purchase of . an•\electric" stove .at Brantford, telling how' 'a child' for <'the township hall, A ;$50:09. • can overcome . a handicap. • 'donation was made to the Luck Each m h year we had an At Home now Ilecreatienal; Centre;. flow. and ,frequently joined with Para the Lucknow Legion Hall; • ., • mount U:I' VW.O', ' occasionally' It was Mrs. Walter G; MacKen zie, one of our members' who Sparked' the idea to have a ' Bruce County Museum "Miss Dean ,Mc- Leod Composctlthe poerri ".The. with the Ripley,group: In 1928' .we raised.,money. by : 'an Irish Masquerade;. clearing $185.00. Started St.' ',Andrew's Ball in ,1932, and it is, still a feature of Old Log House" after spending a 'Kairshea:: Tn 1929,,, $10.00 was 'day»a't the. Log . Cabin, • when our given to . Arena Fund, Bales of 'branch acted as hostess for a day. new and used 'clothing sent to In. 19'58 Kairshea spinsored the the. ,north •over:' many years. In first Dafodil Tea for. the. Cancer 1935:,. •$21,00,. given , for drinking, Society in South. Bruce District. fountain in Lucknow.:1939, $10,00 Our W.I. were interested :in this to Arena rest room.. in 1939 We project after making cancer,'dres- started to ' run' our . own' lunch' . sings. This 'has'b.een followed up counter at our dance' .each one ..each year' by different bran •donating a i '' ,µ p e, •1939, $40.00 was ohes. Since 1958 a $50.00 Scholar used to buy yarn for knittingshiphas been gitren .to the girl sodks for the: soldiers �with the 'highest st.a din in ;October of'. that ear and , in w >. � . , n .. g y decided to; Home Economics in, Lucknow . work t .. . .. �, .. _ . , r rou Red lzstrict High School. We~ also ass. Lucknow . , � , , r e roes quilts �ivere contributed our shat e �n B uc ".imn ade for ohed .0ross and needy CountyF W.I O scholarsiip . Ov- C8mmunity,• Many donations er the ;Years we have always PASSED AWAY. MONDA(' The '.death of William ' Andrew Downey of Kinloss Township oc. curred •in :Wingharn. Hospital oh Monday, 'June .5th at the age of 75: The funeral service will„ be' held• at the'' MacKenzie Mernorial Chapel •:on• :Thursday •at 2:30, conducted':: by .Rev. Rod MacLeod,;', with : inte'rnme'nt iri South Kinloss' Cemetery. BIRTHS ERRINGTONt •the Wingham General . Hospital,,' on Friday, .May 26th, 1961,to.:Mr. and, Mrs:: Har- ol'd, Errington;• R.R: 2; Auburn, a son _• e .• y tin CASH (must go) !EIATER; AREl FRIDAY, JUNE .Commencing at 9 p.m, - $500 SPECIALS. 2 $200. SPECIALS 12 . GAMES •$50• each', ADMISSION "-- $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25c, 5 for $1.00 Sponsored by, Teeswater Lions Club norgriskirmirwmrsiemnionakrairanoiripmanariimptarirmir n B V(!e can, furnish : you with :ALL the necessary. printing: that you will need for, your wed- ding: WECDING JNVITATION$ WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT THANK -YOU NOTES NAPKINS CE CARDS If you'll stop in our office, we'll . be glad to show you are complete ;line of 'Wedding. Stationery, the many styles and prices and the high quality, of .. printing.: ieUCKNOW SE i•irits°wSi. PHONE 35: LIJCKNQW VOTED • BY . THE. ' .Canadian Week)y Newspapers Association as the champion country corres- pondent' for 1960; 'Mrs. Lillian Allison is the latest 'recipient of the Ont''rio Hydro Award df 1Vierit. Presentation of the award was.. •made by' James A Blay (right) 'Hydro's Director sof In- formation, : at . the recent conven- tion of the association at Ottawa, . Looking on 'approvingly is . H. I<eith 'Graham, publisher of the Chesterville Record for which the new' champion. has corres ponded ' for 'the Fast ten " yearn y- - 1 The wife of a f arinei (Frendlec 'Farm), a former school teacher and active in community Organi- zations, Mrs.. Allison writes. a column entitled .Y'Frendlee Farm Chats" • in addition to' • 'regular news rep orting • in the Finch h '„ioad-Limerick ,District,