HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-07, Page 8e. AGF` Fs.IGHT ' 1 st lute Collects For Red Cross (K.INLOUQH :FW,Ia The June meeting of the HW.I, was held at the home of Mrs. • 'Raynard Ackert with Mrs;. Mor- gan Johnston .presiding. The. op- ening Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect were repeated in unison. An invitation. was accepted to join with the Silver Lake' WPI. for their June meeting. This year by request the W.Ii.had made a Red Cross canvass,which amount- :ed' to •$109.65.' : Mrs. Alex Percy gave •"the• reportof the Distriet Annual held at Whitechurch. A doriation'was made to. assist with mnimiRC ,w,wrrr.k. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,.. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i%IaDN,ta. .JUNE;. 7th,, 19961 THE KANGAR00,' the :largest',of the Australian; marsupials, roams'the countryside inlarge bands. Although a Mull rown & kangaroo is nine` feet high' g .• • shd: weighs 200 pounds, the baby onlY° an inch lon , . when 'it`is born. It . g stays inside its mother's, pouca'. until it is five or six months bid, at which :.. time it weighs several, pounds and is' able: to shift for .itself. <.• When- the Yining .kangaroo leaves'`its . "home," it is•ready�totake its rightful $. place in the world.To help your children ,take their rightful place in the. world, there its nothing ,better than life insur=' ance:• Letme tell you about Sun Educational' Policy; which can so easily; • providef unds for their college education. m.:: J.. 2, Lncknow Phone Wingham ' 717-w-4.. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE *COMPANY OF ,CANADA an • the Beauty' Parlor at the home for the aged in Walkerton,' Mrs,. Raynard• Ackert; and Mrs. •Mor- gan Johnston were appointed to procure pictures and information for the Tweedsmuir book. At the, request of the Wingham Salva- tion Army for financial assist- ance it was decided, that.. dona- tion$ could be given, to the Cher- rio Committee. Mrs. Frank Maul den, Mrs, Alex Percy, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs: Jinn Smith 'rather than making a door to door can - Bob were guests, at. the 'Tomes Lloyd wedding at St., Matthews: Church, London on Saturday, We extend sympathy to Mr, and Mrs.' John Robb in the death, of his sister, the late. Mrs:. Henry, and his brother.4n=law, the late Gordon Ritchie, ' • Mr. and Mrs, Jack Walsh and twin children, Robert & .Rhonda of Melfort Sask:, are visiting with his mother, Mrs Qrtrude . Walsh . and. other .mernbe-rs. of his family here. Miss Ruby-:Ti.nipsonn of vass: There will, also be.•a special. Wall erton was also, a week -ends' collection at the.meetin uest• atthe July :meeting. •.g • 'Walsh home, .. ' Reports were' given ,by the stand- Mr: ,:and Mrs. John Robby Mr•. ing committee conveners,; Mr. s. and Mrs.. George Haldenby spent William Eadie, "Home Ecoriornics last week -end at North : Bay. .anrl . Health," :who . conwit meiited: one' of .the members, 'Mrs. Jaek Hewitt, teacher . of Horne Econo- mics at the Lucknow • District High School for the splendid Suter (bride -elect) .'at the honie'.• Work which she does with. the Of Mr's. Howard Orr, Huron. girls and . the very fine fashion :Mrs.. George Graham will be show.. which they 'Present each hostess for the. W.A. meeting on year. Mrs. ;Lorne Eadie reported Thursday afternoon. On ;9anadian Industries,, •stressing Mr. Wesley Guest has ,.been the care of house plants. An in- spending, ..awhile with Mr. and vitation . from . Scout Master; Mrs. Stanley Johnston at Lyndon. Lloyd :Ackert was extended to Mrs• P. ' A. Murray returned everyone 'to join with the Cubs Thome • last week • from ,.a trip to and Scouts at a picnic to be ..held the West where. • she visited 'with. at Holyrood on: SatL rday, June Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and 10th. Each member answered the family. -roll call with .`My favourite col We are sorry • report that: .umn'•in the news." Mrs., Raynar:•d.Mrs: Douglas Haldenby is a path :Ackert conducted' a • sing -song, entfin. a' London Hospital. •.Mrs. Perry Hodgins •and Miss `Sharon Hodgins, •Mrs. James; Hbd- gins (Sr,) and M,rs.• Jack •Barr attended, a shower for 'Miss Joan Mrs. .Thomas Harris a Life Mem- ber ;of the Institute and also June. .Ackert' ' whose- birthdays 'were PURPLE GROVE June 1st had "Happy Birthday"• • • • • . • sung A wel'coine '. was ' ex- . Mrs,. Cheste'r Campbell, ' Lynn tended to Mrs. Victor •Emerson, .and David visited ' Mrs: :George. 'pre's'ident of `'Bruce. South, Who •. Eimerson.; on Wednesday. , was, the guest;'speaker, Mr• P. A. . Mrs. Alvin Thompson.; Barrie; there' July 1st He. will conclude Murray .introducedC• Mrs Emer visited Mrs. Frank.Dore ;on Sat . his Kincardine ministry. on June son,: Who ,spoke",on Public' Rela- urday • 25th Tn•' his new charge . he .will. tions" ;She also brought greet Miss' Annie ,McLeod, .Luckn"ow, 'i ted' with the Rev•:J: R.' .be. assoc ,a : i ings from, the district•. S'he con- visited Miss:; Margaret •Robertson:, :Hord: 'gratulated . Holyrood 'W.I. for Mrs: Claude Dore,.. Jr., return * * • •having, all reports sent in 100% ed' home after spending a coti le �' *: p gP, J L..: Bowers• of the teaching c• .,o. f; : days in the hospital.., . • • ands stressed'the duties of ,public relations . oficer w.h'.o • should be staff at the .Stratford `Teachers'' Riple:.y United ' ',Church •" held' permitted' to attend :all meetings, their icriic at Ashfield .Grounds p but ,has no votinepoWer. An ef-' on: :Saturday: :. Nancy Dore,.. Bob; Thompson, Ann 'Johnston;'1Lyla B:usheil, Ka- "When;,, "Where,':' .. "Wl and', ren ,Griffith' and Keith 'Hodgins yl. t , .'were, .new members,' a:t ° Bervie "How. Her interesting talk was humorous, and ':informative ` Miss 1 United ,Church ' on •Sunday: May B'o•le who resided`" for i ' Mrs..Wiliiam ,Arnold and 1VIrs. Y Y p he ,ESSO S RVICE FOR TOP '.QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES ; . •A• UNLOP' TIRES' .(Most. Sizes In Stock) AT . REASONABLE. PRICES! Repairs to All. Makes 'of Cars and Tractors 3 ;Licensed Mechanics. 'heel Alignment:. and Balancing 'MOTORCADE ' 'DEALER " • son and. family "visited Mr. and Mrs.. Albert 'Trafford • of'. Hanover on' Sunday; NEWS ;BRIEFS FROM NEARBY The Rev, W. •R. Lake, minister of Kincardine United 'Church since July 1st,: 1953, has, accepted' 'a;' Cali to.' Royal 'York Church, Toronto', 'and will .assume •duties • ficient P.R O.: in writing' ` reports• of meetings.. or activity • stresses: `the." following C`Wha,'a '' "What," College: has been awarded the :Master of ;Education degree by. the University' of 'Toronto. This culminates 'several years;.of extra` Mural work and surnrner courses. 'Jack. was ;earlier in :'his career ,'awarded the- Bachelor' of Educa- tion duca= tion d'egree,arid' his Public .School Inspector's ' Certificate :prior to Frank Dore :attended '.Lisburn In- his a program - � tkzariked : the guest appointment to the Teachers' o stitute meeting. . Mrs. Arnold College at. Stratford: lie is . the speaker and ,presented; a,gift; m g o,d as .. . g appreciation and also 'r guest ::speaker. -gave some point son: of Mr.' arid Mrs. Shirt Bowers' pp cad ,a .,guest . "Those Idle '• Words". 1VIrs: ers .on the Historical Tweedsmuir of Huron Township Political' . Econorny. • The last. • dry city . 'in. OntEr.io: became wet Saturday, .May :27th, when a '65::per' ce. nt Majority •vot ed ' for retail. liquor outlet's, in •. Owen :Sound.. It Was the :fourth time in the last 12 years the' cques , . tion has. gone before the votet s. The question Q:f1.licensing din- ing . lounges.; failed to ,get the re- `giiired •, 60 , per: cent majority. *.:*• *'. , • Wiarton • 'inercltants • .have been •emnbroiled in store; hours, &' ha:ve, ',been' keeping' 'open both: Friday' '.and Saturday :nights. The matter. was settled' by a 17 to .3 vote in' favor' of reverting :,to Saturday • night .only. Rev D J, Lane, D D of Clinton had another honour bestowed on him• when• presented -with 'a. Life, Membership. ;certificate and. badge. in the:' Royal ..Canadian . Le:gion: NMS' Lane ; .has ujeen ;chaplain of. Clinton Branch for. •many., years. �,. * •*•* C'hesley : Council has'.. approved .sewer extensions and providing a sewage lagoon a:t.: an estimated cost of $150,000 exclusive :Of the land purchase for the '.lagoon: The Owner. Of ;the Hanover arena is calling • t?endders • for, the demolition of the 180x70: foot' build ng: .;C ouncil revoked his licence after the arena Was: de- clared'. unsafe' followin an :in-, d - ection '•by "qualified ' engineers. P. Is Your .Silbscription :Reneviwed? P • :Jack Hewitt gave the motfo,i Boo s: < Mr.•s. Dave. Henderson Fred • Rodger Schwass,, a . g • Words.once. expressed.,ean :never • ,. �. � - .� ►, .die visited •Mrs Claude Dore:'on• ..National Farm Radio' Forum and be; ,recahed. Mrs- Ii.aynard Ack-.• .. ,.. n ,'Saturday. ' • ' t formerly of 'COX, has:` received ert;�,co ducted an action :game. MissJune•Ackert'favored', with- . `Mr. 'Fred Guest -arid Mrs Gert- his ,degree •'of Bachelor of :: Arts a piano 'instrumental and; Ernest r . : . . ude••Bushell visited Mr•`an•d'Mrs• from the University of Toronto, E 'Ackert • with; '.trombone.' •solo•. Edburt•' Bushell c` a He plans :,to pursue his•. studies:. a '.o:. on. • e leadin • to• the degree of -Master. Wry Th mps sp , nt Friday �' 'Ciz�r...rent 'Events" prepared:',by; IVfrs. �: with'.' Dianne pore. : .of • Arts in the Department. •of Margaret McPherson of Milver ton were. read by Mrs. Jack Ack= e■aaaae�a■■■�e�aa■■■a'■aef•i��tae�aiai'eieraa'ea Miss Annetta Forster was 'home •-'` Ack- ert. IL. • ,. rt. A 'minutes silence :.was ob- or.. the wee en1 . served .in memory .;of the' :'late At' the• presentation, and; d - ■ Mrs. Charlotte' ,Tl o mpson The for Bill McBride in Walkerton on •• , a, Wednesday night, Gordon Patter n ■° Qu,een,• Closed Grace: 'and, refresh ,., ., ...,. son . waS Master' of: '.Ceremonies:... A. rnents closed. ;the meeting ■, ... and Sim "Needham; song leader , ■` ■ Mr.. and Mrs. Arthur. Haldenby;. a,.• Mrs, � .victor GawleyM , rsFlo • ■ •., � 'i Mr: and: Mrs: Howard • .Bennett. and Tho son 1VLrsr Clarke Need ■ ■ ,and Bowie . of, Toronto • •visit d. on ?rip Mrs.' i •. s ■ ham and Mrs. Bert Nicholson . t : ■ . ■ ■ .• ■ ■ i 1961 Pontiac automatic fully equipped ..;, $2,9951 :. 1960 .Pontiac` Laurentian Sedan, automatic. ,... ..,$2;.595 s' 2-1960 Pontiac Stratochie f sedans, fully .equipped .Y$2,350 a 1960 Pontiac Stratochief, automatic $2,.395 1959 Chev Coact., V-8, 'automatic ::;::Y:Y $1,99:5 2-=1959` 'Chev Belair sedans $2;050 1959. Pontiac V ■ 8 Sedan, .automatic.. , $1,995_ ■: . 1956 Ford Custon sedan, •automatic .:.::5$1,999955 1957 Mercury'Autoinatic, •Y.L:• Y•:c14 :. SIAM)`1 1957 Buick 'Sedan, automatic, .•i. i••irSYY.i .•.v :......v . i$1450 1 1956 Chev 4 -door jStationwagor ::..... •...Yirr..' Y ,.a :.• a..•r.:• t $1,095 a 1956 Meteor Rideau, automatic .:... .Y•.Y•Y $1,095 1955, -Meteor Sedan, with automatic .Y::.YY.r a. $ . 79:5 II x'350 a: a Saturday with relative's ' here. Mrs. Jack SChiui?acher, R'ev Benson Cox,; Mrs. •William Cox;. Misses Edna arid MayBoyle, :Mr. and , Mrs. John Scott, Bill and. MONUMENT'S ouiysel and a fair price on. a .monument For sound ,c .:. correctly. designed 'from ' quality material, rely on S:KE•LTON Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established. Over Sixty Years: Phone 638. w MEMORIALS.' Walkerton ; , Ontario devil er,` CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS µ ,. Bell, Telephone Building WALKERTON J E. KENNEDY, B.EdY,. B.A:, C..A.Res'd,ent'Manager Telephones:.Business .633;. ''Residence :I. 06: • Spent Friday in',,Preston. ' •' Mr:. Gordon. Patterson spent the ■ week -end in: Toronto 'VII.. and Mrs. Burton ' Collins • . , : ■;''•CarefreeDrivingFor . - : hummer Johnnie, Sandra' and Margaret n ; Visited Mr. Schmidt of M 1dmnd aMrs.. Jererrie s • THESE 'y on Sunday, �; LO:Of( :AT Mr.. and Mrs. AndrewBatter ■ son and Gordon were in Detroit ` • on Wednesday attending the fun- ;. 'eral ,of ,Mr. William Bell. ■■ Mr. and • Mrs. Dori • McCo'sh,, ■ Richard, Mr; Don Robertson and'' : Mrs. 'John. Colwell:: were Sunday ■ Visitors with Mrs. Mrs: •William Arnold;' Mrs-. Don • XVlcCosh, 4.Mrs. ;Victor Emerson 8r ' ,:• Mrs. Cec'i,l Hollands attended. the ■ North:' Bruce" District Annual'at. Purple Valley on .Tuesday• . '. Mrs.' Frank Dore and Dianne ■ Visited . • Mrs. Helen Swann: on • ■ Wednesday• 'i. Miss Margaret Robertson spent the• week -end Zvi 'lt'Mr;. and• Mrs:• a Goldie Huston • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh, •Roy- bert and, Ronda of,Western Can .r..a ada are visiting ;Mr. • and 'iVIrs Prank Currie and other. relatives. • A number appeared on Sing= Time on Sunday afternoon, .s 'Friends are sorry to learn ,Tom MacDonald is,in •the hospital:. All wish him a speedy recovery. Mrr, arid Mrs.. Claude Dore vis - 1955 Buick =door' :hardtop ::a Y, i r.:r irir•••,1 Yi4""4• :... "'' MANY' 'OLDER 'MODELS' TO' CHOOSE FROM TRUCKS! TRUCKS!! • • u ■.11..955 ... ri�iri i6aiiWipY+•rrYixr ry.i �ry •Yr+rt ��,v $99�, •Chev 3�ton Dump Truck' , ii ,4;,.$805 • • .1 •1956" GMQf 14-ton.ng With lobo�c r'yrtgrrtua - ''.!. ■ • ';rYYWiY iiiiii'r/•YWYYYYY iYWYYxYY 1 ■ ,11 Cs Service . De 'ted MS and' Mrs, Harvie Thom uilitieu �;a'■e" a.aler Mri 1?� � rrtial�l�rlii' Esse 1 S Phone 173, Brussels i • ■:�ia�rrlra�■Nerr~�a��e�rwr