HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-06-07, Page 1$.3'•..04! Year In Adkan,ce $1,00 Extra To. 1 LUCKNO s.. I.O• WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1901 TWELVE..'; PA SS. Belove.. .Observed .. aqr 3�yi�tiFs � yr� 4: cnow Nonagenarians Their 64th ' Anniversar • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Burris, a kindly .and - beloved Lucknow couple, Observed their. 64th wed_, ding; anniversary • at their home; on Ludgard St.; on Friday, June 2nd. Both are 93 years of. ague; Mr.. Burns' ; birthday , was on> May. 2nd and Mrs. Burns' on May 26th: Both contin a•to enjoy.a fair measure of health . Mrs ..Burns' stays quite ,'close to;:• :home, but'. Mr: Burns .still takes the occa sional,long walk down -•town: Mrs', Burns had the spring houseclean- ing :done, and ;Mr. Burns'. had his,. large garden"planted, so .;.they were ;.free to ;leisurely.' observe their " 64th anniversary, an oc- casion that few are spared to enjoy. "Theevent, was quietly observed, but with many, friends mindful . Of the; event,: t'hey re ceived numerous visitors 'and many ,greetings, of. best .''Wishes, Mr.. and. Mrs. Burns retain a keen . interest in people and corn,,. munity activities and are, staunch .PLANT' THQUSANPS • OF °LADS, .AND DAHLIAS s a lcesult of a shipment • adioli bulbs .received from Hol- land this spring,, there 'should be some ,very lovely beds of glads. in the community . this ::year. • One show•'•place will: be the Bristow lot to the east of the°;river at the' northerly entranee' to the Village. The •Bristows•'have com- pleted the planting of over 12 560 glads, an d as well have ,planted some 1,200 dahlias, They still building is . being erected im- had some .600 additional tuber's' mediately to the west of the old to,set , out, when this item was stone ..school. at Hemlock City,•• to, 'written on Monda on the `12th of Ashfield; ndt far • An advt, m this, issue announ- from Ashfield Presbyterian ccs the last call for mums. They Church.: may be obtained by calling - at ' Tenders are being called' for the residence of the Horticultural stripping , the . lumber from the LU Use Facing The• bridal tradition' of "Scare-- thing some-thing '.old, 'something •new," will. be carried out: constructionwise• in the building of the new.eentral school in Ashfield Township.. Foundations for the school were poured recently and block, w.ok.• is now underway,,. The .new supporters of the United. Church, Society secretary. old stone school and the walls Mrs, 'Burns, was . the former l :ary •Ann •:'Beaton,-• daughter}. of • Mr. and Mrs. 'Angus Beaton. of Paramount, where she was ,born and- raised'.. In 1897 she married Thomas Burns who was born on Con. 10,• Huron 'Tocwnship ' and came touckno as a lad of L w5. Mr. Burns was'' employed at the. Lucknow: Table • Company' for .52' Years,. working, long hours at his job and then tending .:the stock which he' raised -.M. the barn on. .his' property, as well as:growing' much of the' family provisions in.. their spacious gardens.: Mr. 'and . Mrs. Burns have' been indu'stri'ous '• rid exemplary:'citi zens who -hate the hearty *good' Wishes of this 'o m t:ns•ty.on their, ost • .notei '. r'thy ;anniversary. 'They. ha • two sons, Harold of Toronto a d Stanley; ef'.St. Tho-' rnas. Twi.`• they have:been•' sadly. bereaved' : by :the death. of'two other'.Sons Elliott' and :Stevvart: Two Injured. In Dungannon gash Al" Irwin arid 'Ross McDonagh. Lucknow, are. in Wingharin 'Hospital "as a:result. of.a :car 'ac- cident in Dungannon • early last Saturday morning: Al's, car,' proceeding east:;from the 'Agricultural Hall shortly' af- ter midnight Friday, went . out of control.";:while turningnorth towards Lucknow: The car struck -_ a pole -throwing Ross against :the windshield;, and shattering ` it badly: He received' head cuts; Al • was thrown ,against the steering wheel and received . a badly gashed and- broken . nose and' in- • t errial • injuries. • The pair were taken "'to 'Luck- now .by boug Hackett .•of Ash field arid ' from. there to Wing- hamm Hospital where they Were treated by pr. :;M.' H., Corrin: Presented Farewell. if To Ntrs Suter Students: of Grade 12' and '13 of Lucknow. District High School paid. honour' 'to .their- 1:anguage: teacher: Mrs., Elizabeth .Stater at a school luncheon on Wednesday •of• last' week. ...,- ; itt Mrs,. Laurel. HevVitt, •-r:bme econon iics. teacher 'was also a member; of the group and' mem- bers-, of the Home Ec • class cater- ed ari-d were :thanked' by. Fraser Ashton, • Coming as I' a complete ' p surprise td. . . Mrs, Suter; was the presenta- tion of an electric coffee percola- tor by the group. Nancy. T,rwin read ''an address of farewell and ' best wishes and Marion Buckton made the presentation, which. Mrs. ° Suter .acknowledged with appreciat an. Mrs. Suter has •been,on 'the Lucknow teaching • staff �• for six. years, and in the fall will assume he duties as a teacher of lan- guages on the Winghain DiS:trict ,High School staff: Mrs. Suter and Mrs.' Hewitt are thesenior. menbers of the Lucknow staffs • 'roceed'`fhis Year pith ausoleum • The ='construction.'of a rnausole urri at South; 'Kinloss• cemetery is expected to be,proceeded//with this year, so ' as to be available before ;another. ` winter sets in. , This is .a project that ;has been •under, , . consideration for a long time and more :.recently, reach:-. ed :a .'point where. specific plans could. •be :made, A suggestive' sketch; of .the' mausoleum ' has been obtained- which will •be a helpful; guide•, in finalizing .plans. 'Use of—the building . will:. be available to all faiths and irres-: pective of where burial is 'made. Numerous donations: have• been Made o the project • and other contributions have. been' promis-9, ed. The' annual ' meeting of the.i South Kinloss Cemetery Co?'P ora tion isscheduled for June 21st, OW it is 'hoped .plot owners and' other interested persons will at - t nd the meeting, when details: of . the mausoleum: ''project wili� • ;. be; discussed: and, finalized. i el�d.y--• will be knocked. _down- an re- - ' moved, The. 'contractor' for the. E S ENT L:D .5.. ON. new '. 'school, Gord Hauser, has. RIIPR, S CL. Go S FREE PRESS LEADERS., UB first :choice of the best colored • Floyd Stanley, a. Grade 13 stu-: dent' at 'Lucknow District High School, has been chosen as the school's representative in the;. Student Leaders' Club, and his picture, appeared. in the Free Press on Wednesday, of last week. stones, to be usedto; face, the front .of, the,. new school. ' It . is expected that the old 8c101. bell • may .be. mounted ' as : a memento L TEACHERS.''. TAKEN rON' TOUR OF COUNTY BUILDINGS " .The annual meeting, of • the Bruce:; Association of the Federa- tion of .Women Teachers', Associ- ation . of Ontario was ' held' in Walkerton on Wednesday ' even- ing, May 31st, • Dinner Was Served by`the Lad .ies• of Knox Presbyterian Chrch and following the. business • the teachers were taken on, a tour of. 'the County 'Buildings: Those attending from -.this trict w'e ; Mrs. Norman. Taylor, Mrs. James MacTavish,.:Miss Ru- by Webb, and , Miss Helen, Thomp- son. Miss Thorrrpson reported on the one -day ;workshop• on profes- sional sional development held recently* in Toronto.• of days "ore by... OCp Ashfield 'Area Board ,.No. 2, is also advertising for '..a caretaker 1 } for the new school and for dist -1 yd .is 'the son oaf r..and.•rp,asal .of ' other_ scho'o1 buildings F oy • �' •inn the area. . � Mrs. Ezra. Stanley, of Kinlough. 'R;'The new four -room school will, 'He plans to ` attend•Stratford r have .a d:ivi,der that 'will•permit Teachers'College.Floyd `is p e. Athletic -So ciet 4..two rooms lierig combined.;for a •silent •of the •c Y lar e�� auditorium. The ' school takes. a leading role. in''athletics. ,g•• • serving' seven •sections • will have. He is' a , rrreiYiiber. of; the ,'student• ng e: l . council and -was runner-up,,,for. a three=teacher ' staff. It is • aimed to :have he sch, col ,read for •the' the. title of.School-King. Y o enin '.:of. the fall- term ,.in. S - SchooI representative on -tile p $ 1 eP tember:. - Want. Names. By, Term's End • The Area Board ;has sponsored a name -the -school contest with:. a Girls .Club is Miss Barbata Mur 'ray, • ofGrad13, daughter: of . Mr..' and. Mrs. P: 'A; Murray` of; Con;•. 10, Kinloss„ Barbara' was the 1960 School Queen, and is' a • $5.00 prize• for the name selected popular, student at L;D.;H.S: x Students in the area are request ed to submit entries, which` must` be .in the hands of their teacher by the ` end of - the •School term HOLYROOD GIR)i. IN' ':COLORING CONTEST•. n stet aged A total of .,.126 y,ou g s, 6 to 12' years, across Canada have been named winners of a- iatiohal coloring contest sponsored by the Canadian farm; machinery•. comp; p•:any, .Massey -Ferguson ` Limited An• educational .book, :has been; wan ,bY anne Hayes, '• Jo•age .11' of' R Y A.R.' No. 3 Holyroadr Ontario. The ,coloring books were. distri- buted' ' b., M -F dealers.'Sponsor-, YP ng.:.1111-F: dealer, •• in,: Licknow'•°'is, Omar Brooks. •'To the: grand winner, .'Miss Judy Music Pupils. f7 S. Festival The; following : pupils' of •J. Allan• Kirk togk part 'in . the Owen • Sound ' ` Music 'Festival: . Brenda Bushell,°• piano. solo, 8 years . and - under,. "EarlY, nd-under,,"Early,One Morning", •430 mark-s,,John.:,,.Ackert, piano ;:solo,: • -�_ 9,y.ears- and under, ,"The .Lincoln- shire Poacher", 82 ,marks Elea- nor Kirk; piano solo, 13 • years & tinder,. "Rondo", ' 81 marks, "Pre- lude", 79 (narks: •J. •Allan' Kirk. is. P a ' upil .of Mrs. p Milne., of;.Markdale. and Boris Ber- lin of 'Toronto.. He entered, in five classes, • winning first :;prize .. in threeand'. second prize in two. Allan,•�also won a :senior scholar • ship , for seventy-five ' dollars. Inducted Rev. Wright Service At; Ripley; .Las` In • an ancient and 'impressive ceremony in St: Paul's :Anglican Church,: Ripley, on' Tuesday, May 30th, Rev: Wilfred .Wright, Was 'inducted as• ':rector of the parishes of Ripley,Lucknow, 'Dungannon and .Port Albert Only:: once: in.. memory had an induction `:.beenpreviously Brawn,.12, o f•: Borden, :Sack., goes .in the Ripley Church. The cere-' an all expense trip to the Cana- snorf was conducted' 'b ' • Ven. Cana- dian National Exhibition this'.. Y Y Ar hdea• on D. me s r h August • in :' Toronto. The prize f c c R s , .A c a'•so 'provides for ; her"inn er, or j deacon' of .:The• Saugeen on: the. n. Bishop's mandate. father to .• accompany her �o . the ; ': , : • trip. A • congregation' nzrn�raering ti ip. about 17.5 ;.and , reresen1.'irig the., four congregations• attended'and. were , adcjressed by Rev_ J.' Gre gory' .Lee ; of the., Church of : =the, ':Epiphany; Scarborough • formed rector ,.of Rev. Wright Mr Lee stressed the responsibility. Of the priest to 'his people and likewise the ,responsibility . of the people: to their priest.: Taking part inthe procession•ai for the pr rarnbi:'atioris at t"he • Font, .Prayer', • I7e,s? ; l?a 1^it and Altar were • 'the ..eight •. wardens,' two from each l:arlsh: °Lucknow, nest Gaunt, Gaunt, :Russell' Wlit'by ga n n .Paul . u an on' P:au Caesar. Toni Young; Port .Albert Iia"rold Ad- dirk, R'all': Fostn Riley, • Jack Ripley,: :Scott,. Jack Farrell. ons' .Plan roam . r • Reopens,• The first holidav, ' big, day'' :': Lucbnow since the Centennial is I ting currently' planned •by" the . • Lu;eknow: and District Lions Club .T , y , �'Free,fie 's. �- �� .t will.'' be". a. two night ,l0 0 • - fad S t rd a, T:, J The Mayfair. Restaurant in Lucknow re -opens: this week un' der new management. In `charge• will .be Gl:n.& l.osalyn Hodgins with her ' mother, ;Mrs, Wilson. Loder .assisting in . the kitchen. Mrs. ' Leder is.experienced in• the' restaurant business. Mr.' and Mrs. Loder formerly operated .,The Mayfair and Rosalyn assisted them,. The Loders • sold the ,business last year; but obtained posses.,, sion ;again softie weeks .ago The restaurant has" stince then ,been closed white. 'renovation and re,.- decorating' e-decorating' wink was being .•done.' to snake it spotless 'for this*eek's p ening.. • On Thursday and Friday , of this week the general public is "invited to drop into the restaur- ant, when free pep'si wi11 be serv- ed to: Mand the official re -open- ing. a t 1 ` tel•n around` and. July 1st,. •cent,c ,•.g o the; Arena.' • On Friday night ht 'the.'re will be entertainment by the. Paul .Trio, Whet need. no .introduction here 'flier e'will be bingo, games and to Wilbees Orchestra.: dancingb Lute' Saturday: .af errioon' a cal'ithumpian• parade,, 'feattpring children : will be ' held to the Caledonian Park, with two bands partici atin the oderic Girls p p' g. G . h Bug le Band and the Lucknow' , Belgrave Pipe Band. There' will g be -;•a/, monster barbecue at the ark and at, the'. coriclu'sron 9 f p + Q these features there will be fur- ther entertainment:. ,This time the performers are "The 'Heads'' from London, p s ecializinin Ma- gical • g.. acrobatics. There .will be more bingo and games and dant- ing Until 'Midnight to Elliott b , • ,, g . Car ruthers orchestra.: , Present Keys ':In a •syninolic cereniosiy roar-. eating their allegiance` to the rec= tor, the warden's. presented the keys of the ;various churches in the parish to Mr. Wright. • A corribined 'Choir under: the "direction of Mrs, W. Lock and ,with Wayne Brooks as organ4st, took part in the service.; • Ripley •United Church was 're- presented:by Reeve 'Walter Wal. .,deli and the Presbyterian Church. by Mr. Camerari. McAuley , 11.0v. Benson Cox a • .rettered gent e= *man and retired Anglican min- ister was , also present. • Other visiting clergymen included Rev, "S,. R. Lupton; ltu`ral 'Dean, of m r• essive 'Kincardine' and,. Rev, Lyle Bene nett of 'Bervie. .• The ladies of 'the • Ripley. 'Aux - .p Y Aux- iliary. of St. Pauls, church: served : r.efreshmtents at a : social . hotir which. followed; the induction open ural chool in Ashflei It has been decided to• re -Open the ,school vin School Section ' No: '9`' Ashfield 'Township', which has 1ibeerr. closed for; the last• 3 years'.: .The students from this .section.,,., presently eight in nurrlber; • are being.transp`orted' to; Lur_know, .The: enrolment ' at 8,.S next term is expected to number, 17 and in view of this rP" de cision , was reached at a rate .payer's., meeting :to re -open •'the school, which has been closed,for` three years'. The Board is now advertising:for •a= teacher S.S. .on the, 9th, :Con. of':` Ashfield was formerly ;in- corporated .in Ashfield ,School Area •No. 1, When the . enrolment dropped to 9, the Area Board:' arranged to'• transport the pupilsHQ: to .Dungannon..This Was ..dune tor two: years, . • . The,,SSccti<on. withdrew .fi om.,the, Area and set tin their ov,,lnBoard, which. ..too'k' of '.` lice in. Januai°y,' 1060,, At -the start Of,' the' 'chool tel m: la'st' September' the.' 8 st les' dents in the section tvere-brought' .to Lucknow.. This :arrangement will terminate 'the end of this month. Some beginners, and• the attenn.. - dance of some pupils" presently attending school at Kingsbridge arcoiints foi• the :increaed crirbl- Merit anticipated in• Septen;b`er, at No. 0. ' :i',hair an of. the Board i' Ho- .ward Blake and the • secretary= reaSurer is Clayton Alton, • • • r+.