HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-31, Page 12Yw,
. WtEPN3AY,, X 31st;, 1961
JUNE 18th
catch you. empty-
handed .; .. Let him.
know you're glad
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Come in and see us
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Ladies';: 8z. Men's.. Wear
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BAKER In Wingham, General
ospital' on Wednesday, May 24th
Mr. and. ' Mrs. A1v'.in Baker • ' of
know, a son;:
TAT at time ,of writing on Tues
day, Luck ioW D sirict High
School Boar4 were still' short
•a science .and Latin teacher to
complete theirs -teachings staff."
Further to • last week's :paper,
Joseph Murray of Sudbury will
teach commercialat the school.
On. Monday, the board was ad-
vised that Miss ,Audrey Feeder,
• ..leen -will .continue next, term
_, as mathematics teacher at the
YENSTn•:Wingham General
pital . on' Thursday;' May 25th,.
to Mr: and Mrs; Roy Hvens, of
LuckIIow, a son. :
— To Mr. and Mrs Mae
Scott: (nee ' •=Freda Hunter) of"
Belgrave on Thursday, May' 25th
a 'daughter,. a.::sister for `-Donald.
STANLEY' At St. • Thoma
General ' 'Hospital on 'Monday,
May 29th; td Mr. and Mrs. .'ita
Stanley, a: daughter, Leslie - Dawn
a "sister for Laurie.
THAT gat the, Preparatory Ser-
vice at Dungannon Presbyteri-
an Church on Friday evening;:
Robert'' McAllister ' and ,Albert
Taylor were .ordained ..as addi- THAT extensive alterations and:
tional elders to increase the an addition have been made, to
Session. to six members.. At . ` the Bank of Montreal branch.
this service, conducted by Rev.'i office at Exeter, • where the.
Rod MacLeod, the baptismal
of Elaine Corrine;, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Stewart was
also performed.
SEE : .
e Sentinel
THAT there .was an attendance
of 18' ata meeting of the: Luck -
now Agricultural'.Society, held
on Monday evening. Chief busi-
ness . was . the revision of the
manager is Charles L. Smith,
formerly of Lucknow.,.
THAT Don ,Cameron,andAlf •R:it
• chis of Lucknow and, . Harvey'
Miller, of •Langside, have re-
ceived : diplomasfrom the ; St.
Johns Ambulance Corps • in re-.
• cognition of : a course .they com-
pleted in' Wingham during;, the•.
winter months.. • ,
prize list. -'Lady directors, met •
the previous Wed•nesday to re -THAT three . elders will be, or -
vise the., ladies' classes The dained at`the Preparatory,'Ser
Fair 'Board canvassers are 'Mak- vice to .beheld at South Kin-
loss Presbyterian .Church on
• Friday evening; They are- Ira
Dickie; Phillip Steer and Doug-
las Graham. This will increase.
the Session to 'six members..
ing their . rounds, and it ' is an-
ticipated : that printing : of: the
lists •. will be started shortly.
THAT the • induction of Rev.. -Wil
fired Wright; `as rector of- 'the
,: four ,parishes 'of Lucknow, Rip-.
Dungannon and Port.. Al=•
,best, was • ; held 'at St:- Paul's
-'Church, Ripley:on Tuesday ev=
THAT .Mrs. Vina 'Percy, of .. De
": troit and 'formerly of •Kinlougl
'is 92 years ':of . age and still est-
joying reasonably „good health.
Her ear -old :brot'her, ' Joe'
'Erneof -
Kincardine has
spent the winter -with, her
THAT. Rev Wilfred ' Wright, wh
g ., o
was ordained `in London on -
Tuesday pof last . week, conduct
ed , his first communion ' service
,. in St. Peter's church 'on Satur-
-day. morning. There..: was a
large congregation : • present,
s from the four. parishes, and . a
combined .choir , assisted in ..the
y service with a number. by . the'
. ,Ripley Junior choir. 'A social
hour followed at the.;Rectory
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" 18 'LueknorW'
(Continued from .'Page, 1) '
Captain H. D 'Thompson, chief.
instructor at the school: for.. cadet.
„work; • ,Lieut: F. 'J. Cha man, • .area.
, P
cadet ,' officer, London;, , A: G.
MacLeod .and. E. J. Branch, cadet
instruotors and ': teachers at' -the
school; principal G. P.. Kirk of
the school ' ;•
;:Commanding officer of the :.ca
det Corps was,Major: Fraser Ash -
ten Other'' in the . boys.' groups.
and their rank included,,Captain
Doug ' Schmid; Battery ,Sergeant
Major Toni',Collyer; A Troop;
Captain George Gibson; 'Lieut..,
"Evan. 'Agnew, 'Troop' ; Sergeant
'Major, ,Jim 'MacDonald; Sgt. Da-
vidThompson; B Troop,' Captain
Floyd; Stanley, ,Lieut. Peter Esk
ritt, Troop Sergeant Major, - Ken •
Gardner, Sgt.. Donald Barr.
The :Flag Party .included Lieut
Murray' Hunter, in charge, Lieut.
Dick Richards, Sgt, Dan Dalton,
Bdr. ,Bob Andrew, Bdr Barry.
.Johnston %
The' Girls Division was com-.
I mantled by . Captain -' Patricia
'Thompson,"C. Troop,. Lieut. 'San-
dra Percy, Sgt. Joanne Crozier
D.: Troop, Lieut: Nancy; Forster,
Sgt. Nancy' Irwin. • ,
• Following. the • march past and
.advance • yin review order, the..
Cadets broke off and. grouped
'for:demonstrations ;that: partied-
larly -caught: • the. interest . of ob-
•Cadet Sgt. David : Thompson
was in :charge • of the signalling
and map . , using •demonstration:
Other demonstrations of casual-
ty handling, artificial respiration`
And :first aid: by the `girls were;
under Cadet`Lieut.' Evan Agnew
who had been .. responsible: 'for
first aid training of both. 'girls
. The senior, 1�T C,O. and `Officers
course was , conducted by instruc-
tor- H. D. Thompson during the
winter months with five, cadets
qualifying, Evan Agnew,- Ken
•Gardner,• Jim. MacDonald, David
Thompson 'and Wayne' .Hackett'.,
Awards • Were presented for the,'
st eadets'.,oh parade, the choice
being •Made ' 'from the ranks :and,
not including. officers. Linda
Campbellof'Kinloss-was the best
girl cadet, • and ' Evans Helm' : of,
Ashfield was" the best from. 'the
boys. The Strathcoria ,Crest Was
presented : to Toro .: Collyer . of
iLtucknow for being ,the: best shot
in the school. •
Besides the remarks of Major
:Hill, Lieut." Chap/nen' •and Cap-
stain 'Thompson both spoke briefly
to the corps.'
Lucknow District High' School'
Bared, led by Rev. Howar&Strapp
made their first public appear-
ance, and assisted throughout, the
afternoon which climaxed with
a ,par,ade, led, by the band, down
town and back. The role ofthe
band in. an exercise such. as this,
is a very •important one.
(hate TOMATOES. 2 tins
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SiAlIT P(;lTOES,pkg..
rge 12` oz. Feature Sale. '
HEESE SLICES 2 pkgs ,.
Save 9c. ' Maple Leaf 8 slices. Bargain.
Berries, lettuce; Celery, Tomatoes, . Apples, Etc.
Values Effective We .Sell For Less
June 1, 2 3. Phone., 119, Lucl .•ow
..÷.. • •.
THAT 'Mrs. A. E.. McKim is this
week attending theannual':
meeting ' df the .'Canadian Girl
Guide Association in Charlotte-'
.; town, Prince Eduiard . Island,
The association.. meets from
May .29th; to June,' Ind. Mrs..
McKim is a 'council ' Member. of
the., Canadian .. Girl 'Guides.
THAT. DavidWYads� pre—school
. .
age son of Mr:- and Mrs;; 'War-
ren "Wylds, had. a huskyescape
from injury.•on Saturday,. •after-:
noon. ` Darting , :out onto: " the
Main -Street, he was struck bye
a car driven by Spence ''Irwin:
,Luckily 'Spence was travelling
very slowly at the time for the
lad was rolled' over in , the col-
lision,' but ; escaped unhurt:'' He
was, taken to the .Doctor's Of-
fice,. however, as a Precaution-
ary measure
THAT , Lucknow's1 first Queen
. Scouts, who received their .;
badges .,at a special ceremony...:
in Ltteknow . last •. March, Were
. .sirnilarly honored on Sunday.
They •, and: Allan Campbell'. of .
Walkerton received recognition_ as Queen • Scouts at the Sau.
geen District Clairch parade &
service held • at Belgrave on
Sunday. They are ,Tom Rath,
well and - Jim McNaughton.
TRAT James 'Keane of 'town has
'purchased the' residenceof the. .
Ethel Robertson Estate on',.'
Stauffer-St.: The sale was made'
by J. H all, .local represents
tive for the W. L. Stevenson.'
Estate. Mr,. .and Mrs.
Keane have. occupied •.a portion..
•. of .Mrs. John Carruthers resi-
dence sine moving to Luck
-now from Ashfield.
Q Mare Choosing -from. Boo
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