HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-31, Page 8+P AIGF.:EIGHT'
Tomorrow, .I11 be forty-one. It
occurs to me ,that the -last . four
decades 'have been an interesting
Period, not only for me, biit' for
the world. Let's have a look back
and see what happened ' to the
pair• of us.
When my . •.mother presented
my 'father with a red-faced, un-
der -sized;' squalling brat in June,
1920, , the world -was a fine place.
The ' Great War was over, de-
mocracy had • 'triumphed, prices
were good, and that great leveler
cif society; the Model T, was about
tostart turning pious, • sober men
Into red-faced, cursing maniacs.
The next •'decade was the time
brother following me everywhere dent. Motto— Words once ex-.
Ball &Tilley.
of the self-styled "lost ' genera-
tion" — the era of the • flapper,'.
the " coonskin coat, the rumble
seat, the hipflask ,and jazz. But
I'm afraid theydidn't mean ;much
to a •skinny kid with •freckles,
growing` up in a small town.
. The things, I . remember are:
theold silent movies, 'with the
piano player thumping out the
William Tell . overture as the
climax •, neared; endless summers
of hot blue sky; two: fat, 'homely
little "•:girls who used to gang up
on, me and kiss me after school;
KinlQugh pupils
Awarded Prizes
Congratulations to Fred Dillon
who, won 3rd,, prize in the Farm
Safety Contest sponsored . 'by the
Bruce County Farm Safety,
Council He received his prize-
at Ripley on Tuesday evening at
a meeting : on Safety for -the.
Bruce County ., Clubs.. Also pre -
Sent at this meeting from Km -
lough were .• Mrs. Katherine Col-
lens, Philip and Laura Brevities,
*Sharon Dillon andBarry .Hal-
derby' ' , • •
Congratulations to Sharon ,Dil-
lon who won the Brooks. ' Ronde
tea award for Art and to Evelyn
Nicholson who won 'the. Brooks
Ronde ' award for writing from
this school.
The June meeting • of . the- H.W.I.
will be held on y Thursd even-
ing, June 1st at the home of Mrs..
Raynard Ackert with Miss Edna'
Boyle,. co -hostess. Roll call, My
off for a family picnic • every favorite "Newspaper column:
Sunday. , in the 1923 Chev with :Topic, • Public Relations. Mrs.
the side -curtains; and my ,kid Victor Emerson, District Presi.''
Ali: THE'WAn
I, went,' to my unutterable rage »pressed can never .:be . recalled.
and. disgust. Current .Events. Report of 'Dis
** ' * trict• Annual, Mrs. ,Frank Mani,
That must have been dust about den,,.// Directors, Mrs.' Maynard
the, best • decade., the world' and I Ackert, Miss Edna. Boyle.
ever had, a• heedless :and happy The Anglican service will",be
.time. My parents• were as solid held at 9:30 during the' •month of
as the earth itself. My dad was June
always good ' for a ' ;dirrie, if ;I We are sorry to 'report that;
worked him.' carefully. 'My •mother. Mrs.. J."•W, Colwell has ' not been
was .always there, with a kiss or as . well as her •many friends.
a hug, or a cool'hand, when 'I would -like .to see her; . .
was . hurt or scared • :or sick: Relatives from here .. attended
The world was a•'.pleasant place the trousseau tea for Miss Doris
then, too: What, I remember most Lloyd' at London 'on Saturday. '
vividly is thatit was :so quiet Mrs.' Ardill: Mason, • Mrs; Don
and easy-going, corripared to the McCosli and: Mrs. Walter For.
world of .. today. Men worked 48 ster visited ;on Wednesday with
or. 50 hours:.'a week. But very their mother, Mrs. J.. W. Colwell
few of them had • ulcers. Women on her . birthday.
had none of 'the appliances- they Miss ' Donna Nicholson .' of. To
have today But; they didn't need. ionto,. spent a few days •'at : her
sleeping ; pills:. .People walked home •here.
More. Everybody put his car up Week -end visitors with Mr. and
on . blocks in th'e . winter, and no- Mrs. Bert' Nicholson and family
body drove :;at night, unless he Were • Mr. and Mrs. George Cuy,
had to. On sumriier' evenings, :ler, ; Millarton,' Mr. and Mrs.
with the PURCHASE OF
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Of all, .more milk! . ' .
DISTRICT CO-OP tonal Brigade*, but* too young.
...__ . . - The Thirties ended with a bang,
Scouts, . Cubs and parents. all
headed for Belgrave.. on Sunday
for, the annual Saugeen District
Church Parade. The, day was per-
fect except :for the wind which
" 1that the
sore tested th` theory
y, e
cord underneath the broad brim-
med Scout Hat will: hold it
secure in any • gale,
There must have been ' six
hundred Scouts and Cubs. at the
Parade; I•t was .an impressive
sight -- seeing the eitzens of to-
morrow , salute, the citizens of
to -day. The. founder,: Lord. Baden-
Powell called it character build
WEDNESDAY,; MAY 3144 19,8,•;1,
Posters in all • the stores
throughout Kinloss Township tell
lot the monster ` old.- fashioned
community •picnic, •on Saturday,
June 10th, at Holyrood We hope
every . • family' in the township
and,all ,of' our . friends , in Luck-
noand surrounding ,townships
will bring ,:a 'basket lunch and
loin sin the fun.. .
The Cubs, and Scouts promise.
us an afternoon, of ,fun and real
lemonade at lunch: time,, too.
1st KINLOSS , .
Since our last column in the •
paper four cubs have' been in.
vested into the pack, They are..
David. Bannerman, Lyle Moulton,
Tom Hodgins: of Kinloss; .and .Al
mer Ackert, Holyrood.
Our last meetings have been
held outside because of the fine.
,.weather. The 'last meeting • took
the form of a hike ta,»» a near -by
bush. Itwas our first venture at
hiking and', proved .: a success..
Akela provided .apples, to the
eager `explorers at the end of the
hike. •
The. Annual District Church
parade was held in Belgrave
ball park on Sunday,: Close to.
500 scouts and cubs attended the •
service` ,from; the Saugeen Dis-
Young people of the Presby
tery were at 'Kintail ,Presbyteri-
an Camp recently, -giving , the:
buildings and grounds the spring
clean-up,; • in preparation ' for the
summer camps season.
Few ever get•. anything : ,for..
nothing,'. but a lot of people keep
trying. .
people . 'saton their• verandas, &
visited, and drank lernpna'de:
Everyone forty or `overknows.
what happened in the next .de,-'
cede. Our economy came apart
at the seams• and the world 'enter-
ed ' the long, grinding .years of
the: great depression. ' . Canada
suffered less ,than some, but
enough. People swallowed their
pride and event on relief: Thous;-
hous=andsof 'men rode the •rods from
town to :town, looking for work;
begging for food., There. was no
work. Those •who., had jobs ,took
pay cuts, without a murmur, •and•
lived in fear' of •worse. '
My. dad hung on :grinil'y 'but'
lost his business in the end. At
fifty, he had. ,a wife' and five
children; no job and no money.
We made out. My mother took in
boarders, sold home baking and
pinched the pennies aintil they
bled. My .dad took any Work he.
could get. I. remember one job'
was selling coffins. He sold three
in ' three months,' and his total
commissions were. about $60. Out
of this he paid his car eicpenses,
•meals and lodgings, .on the "road.,
Was a difficult time to be
.an adolescent. But I,• have: won-
derful -memories of that decade.
First love, in high 'School. Play-
ing rugby in the 'fall 'mud.,Square
dancing half the night at'country
dances. My first job, sailing on
the Lakes. First interest in world
affairs, and a burning desire to
go to Spain with : the .Interna -
,aound counsel nd a , fair Price / a. mnm
cos e
tly, designed from qualitymaterial,
, , rely on • .
Pat ' O'Hagan, • ' Prop".
Established (fiver Aixty; Years''
Phone• 638-W
Truman Fillinger, Detroit; Mr.
Bob •Cuyler and Miss Anne Mor:
rison of Stratford:
Visitors with ' Mr. • and Mrs.
Bert Nicholson and .family on
Sarurday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Thompson, M. and
Mrs Tom' Hodgins,' Mr.. & Mrs:
-Victor Gawley, Marlene . and
when we went to; war. • Before I
was swept away on. the stream,
with »the .rest of my generation,
I .:had a year at university, 'by.
sheer -Buck.. That' . was ' a good
time. The."phoney• wart' was 'still,
on, and we squeezed' every, drop
of juice from our student days,
knowing . they were of brief dura-`
I don't know what happened
to the Forties. They wentby »in
a blur of .excitement. Overseas,:•
pubs, girls, 'friends, operations,
prison- camp, 'back to university,
scuttled by a pair of; brown eyes,
married . and a :.father before. I
rightly knew what was happen-
* *.*
Then the Fifties, as I. entered
my • thirties. Into .the • 'weekly
newspaper business and working`
like a dog. 'Delighting "in my» bab-
ies. Thrill of the first secondhand.
car, Fun of buying an old house.
and fixing •it:•;up:,Satisfactian in
turning out a good paper, sortie -
times. Good fishing and hunting.
Good' friends. But the world
speeding up, the big ,bomb hang-
ing there, the job always de-
manding. ti
* * *
And now, in my forties, we'll
see what the Sixties have in store
for me and the world. Alreadys
a new job, new friends; ,new in-
terests, ,for 'me New fears, new
threats, newweapons,, and new
words, :forthe world, All' I can
Ladd is that I'm supposed to be'
at the dangerous age: I hope the
world isn't. There *hasn't been
a dull mon-lent in the last four
decades, for either of us." I hope
we're both. around ' to. tell • about
it,• when` I enter thy seventies, in
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