HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-17, Page 1p Year In Advance .-- $100 Extra To U,S A,, ,
. _. .
17th,, 1901.
The ,local; Red Cross Society• is
hopeful o f' obtaining at least , 50
• P
blood donors from the Lucknow
area .at. the Blood Donor Clinic
to be held in Wingham 'Legion
Hall on Wednesday, May 24th.'
The need of blood is growing.!
and presently the London district
uses an average of 700 bottles a
week: The, cost of collecting, pro-
cessing and, cross .checking types
azno'„ 'ts to about' $5. per . bottle.
In t case of some rare types
of blood, . only five or six out of
a hundred 'donors are ' able to
supply the needed type, ':
The Wingham. clinic' • . will be
held :from five~to nine'p.m.::
DO ' You ' Know •
How much blood do We hav
The blood • volume is roughly
proportioned to: body' 'Weight. The
average person has approximate
;ly 11 to 13 pints.
How much blood . you 'can give
with one donation?
• Three quarters of a pint;
How long' does it take to give
The, actual. giving 'takes. only
4 to 5 minutes,'Approximately.
30 minutes is spent at the . clinic.
This includes time for.'resting,
registration; rest and refresh -
Is donating blood 'painful?.' .•
No.. There is no discomfort
perienced in 'giving blood dona
tions: Every phase of the Pro
gramme '."•is under" . professional
supervision. Specially .:trained
• nurses': will. take.' your donation.
Do I have to pay ; for : blood
should I need a transfusion while
in the -U S:A.1
Have your doctor notify. ' your
focal ;,Red` Cross in. Canada ''and
arrangements will be made . ` to.
replace the amount of blood;
necessary at .no '.charge to you.
What is the age group of giving
Anyone in'. average health be
tween the ages of 18 and 65 years
may .give. blood...
An.. occasion -
t t
Q of more �:an
cles.'.i's 'slated for ;'Thursday' ev-
ening of. this week when a ` re.
ception- and a dinner ,,'wi>ll 'ibe.
held, at •the Legion Hall, Luck -
now in honour of : C. McLeod
Pitts,: Grand Master. 'of the Grand
Lodge of Canada!in the Province,
of .Ontario
Dr. James E. Little of Old
Light Lodge is . District Deputy
'Grand Master of North Huron
District, and the. Grand ,:Master's
visit which will be the highlight
of Dr. !Little's' term in office, is
sponsored by the twelve lodges
.of the .North Huron„Di'stric't:' .`
A week: from Sunday, May 28,
district 'lodges Twill, attend Divine
service in the United Church,
Lu.cknow, ,with •:the service in
charge' of ' the minister, Rev.
1.:,...-w7.-..Stra pp who.. is District
The Lucknow District. High
School Fashion, Show, a very
popular annual event,. is be-
ing' held. for Awe ''nights this
week, but has ibeen advanced
one' evening, so as not to con
flict - with the Horticultural
Society meeting.
'The Fashion Show is ;be
ing held Wednesday -(tonight)
and; on Thursday night; ,It
wasoriginally planned to
• hold it 'on ,Thursday and.
Receive �ShEp�er�t
Of 9i000 Glaris
The Lu'' .
. •, cknaw and. District Hor_
.. ticuitu ... • i .
nal Society: received ' de.
livery'' last week. •of: over. 9,000
gladioli bulbs, .from Holland.
There re. 60 different varieties,
at ail 1
i able to an one ;wishing
glads, Y g
• The 4-case� _, _'• . .. �.
rte shipment was ear -
d . across. the Atlantic on 'a'
Dutch :freighter ''
for 11,3 but
on reaching �
ching Canada the shipping
expenses:'.' started', ed.to snowball.
here was, a :St. Lawrence Sea--
WaY toll, of2.75; 'dock dock fees- • at,
Toronto of,4..
, ,,, .., • � $, ,50 and e��press!
charget from' Toronto to Luck-,.
naw of : $7,92,.' ;
The'. death. of :Richard :Martin.,
a ;'prominent Huron Township
farmer,, occurred in .Kincardine'
on Friday, May 12th. He was 70
and had been poorly for some
time.' , .
The• funeral`. was held on��Mon
day • from the MacLennan • Fun-
eral , Home, Ripley, to; Ripley
Tv London Lawyer
Miss r Winnifred, Stewart spent
the; week -end,, with; her ,parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Phil.lip Stewart:
Winnifred ' : who worked with
the : Prudential Insurance, Coi of
America.. for eight years:'as secre-
tary and Assistant office super-
visor has accepted a position with
Jeffery and Jeffery, barristers
and solicitors, as :,private secre-
tary to ' Captain Joseph Jeffery,
O.B.E , : Q C., in .}London,'
Captain 'Jeffer y has many qual
ifications .being:' a ::director and
president of various organiza
,tions. His two most` recent ..ap-
pointments have. been : director
and ` mem'ber of the , executive.'.
committee of the Huron and Erie.
Mortgage. Corporation and Na-
tional President of the Victorian
Order of -Nurses. •
He is also President • o '. the
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
and leaves 'this week for 'Copen-
hagen, Denmark, Stockholm,
England " and .., France to attend
'the International Chamber of
In this week's High School
column it is pointed out,. that::
advertising support for the
L.D.H.S, Year Book has been
very disappointing,to date,
ri This 'comes; as a ;surprise' as, .
merchants have been .quite
generous in their support of > .
this. student publication each..
. year. Could it -be that the
advertising sales .staff has
fallen downa bit?
In' any event, ',production
of the Year 'Book is •depend-
ent on the support of local'
merchants, and we under-
stand the -"last call" contact -
will be . made . within a few.
' days.' The editors of. the High
School .c'olumn complete their
.appealin• this way;. "We•.
need your help,�as .you need
us:" .
The : purchasing . and ' con-
suining potential, of close to
20.0' students merits' 'consider-
ation, and this is implied -we
.:'take it, in ,the .above quota-
:lawn Bowlers
Back In Action
'Lucknow Lawn, Bowling Club
is back in action for the summer
season 'with the; greens - in use' al-
ready. The greens :are . ,reported
to be in good shape , and the club.
ison the lookout' for new :mem
bets • to help strengthen . 'their
ranks. .Sonne: ,;beginners are .al-
ready •getting onto the art of
,President of the' clubagain is
Peter , Johnston;' vice-president,
Ken Cameron; retary-treasur-
er, ,Harold Rite ie; tournament.
secretary Jack MacDonald; jit
net'', Harold Ritchie, Alex Mc-
Nay, Lloyd :Hall; rnernbership•
John. , Rutherofrd, Susan MC -
Naughton, Jim'' McNaughton, Miss
Maudie. Fisher; grounds,. Fred
•Jackson, Roy Finlayson; "Jack
Fisher, • Jim • McNaughton; tourn-
ament committee, Ken.'Cariieron,
Roy. ,Finlayson,' Sch'inid,
President' Pete • states that a
rneetin is to• be held at the.
plan localact:ie's re's,.invites
anyone interested to ,attend, re-
of .whether ornot they
are a .member,
S.S. Attendance
Awards Presented
• Rev Roderick McLeod was as-
sisted by a' Mothers'• choir, in the
Mother's Day :Service. held, in: the.
Lucknow. Presbyterian •Church on
Sunday morning, May 14th.- The,
Sunday School. : attendedthis
se'r'vice in a body.
Scripture lessons' ;were read by
•Jimmie. MacDonald and Janet
Carruthers. Awards' of seals, pins.
and certificates earned during. the
past year were .presented to 57
members:: of the Sunday',' School
The following: received special.
awards .for having a ,perfect at-
tendance Of. 52 during the year-
Joyce Johnston, Jimmie Mae-
Donald, Billie Chester, Dale
Gammie, . Kathy McLeod, Brian
Gammie, Edward . Brown, Ross
Forster, ”' Judy. Reid,. Mary :fin=,
;layson, ..Sylvia McLeod. A spec-
ial ; attendance award wvas•. also
earned by . Kenneth, Reid,. and
Sharon Mowbray earned the class.
award for the' Junior Giris..
;Mr :,Stuart ,Robertson, Clerk of
Session, :presented the '. ;sess-ion
awards for high .church atten-
dance to. Sylvia McLeod, Kathy
McLeod and Jimmie. MacDonald..
Young Sisters 'Wain.
Piano- Honours "
Iii the 'recent Onanina •Lerack
musicfestival held.: in the Sud-'
bury ,District,' which was adjudi-
cated; ,by Mr. Lloyd G. Queen,
Assistant Director of Music' for
the •Province of Ontario, Janette
and .,Sandra Ross, young. daugh-
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ross
formerly of this area achieved.
outstanding honors : in piano and
vocal' classes. These were large,.
-classes, some of which had .from
,forty-two to. 'fifty competitors.
Janette won, `first place in pi-
anti so]o, ten years and under '8&.
piano solo, -Grade ".III.
,Sandra placed first in piano
solo, eight years and under; vo-.
cal! solo, seven years and „under,
and vocal solo, 'eight ' years and
Together . they stood third in
vocal duet., ten years' and under
and Janette also had third place
standing in, two other , vocal duet:
Classes, • one of -'which was 'a' 12
year and under class.
" Last $'ear these little girl's won
first.'in- pianosolo classes, six
years and' under, and nine years
and. under,• 'Their mother, the
former "Sh;irley •Sherwood, is their
piano teacher,.
Gt,ancdparents of the children ,
are ' Mr. and. Mrs....Sohn D'; •Ross,
formerly • of Lucknow and Mr,,:.
and Mrs. Sint ;Sherwood, form-
erly of : Ashfield,
.Commencing 'un June lit, the
tenth census of Canada .will 'get
underway and "he 'enumerators'
have, three Weeks - to complete
their 'task, the biggest since the
every-ten-year.s !census began in
Theme of - the =enumerators
might well • be "Somewhere I'll
find • you," for ' that is what they
must . do. When ' censusreturns'
are complete, one' of the. .facts'
established willbe a population;
in excess of; 18 million- people.,
Enumerators will "go to school'"
next week to. .become'• familiar
with ;their duties. In the south'-
outh=ern • area ' of Bruce, Allister
Hughes. is commissioner. Twenty
enumerators , have • : been named
inns area, and in groups of ten,
they will' each attend three-day•
sessions in the Legion Hail next
week., •••
• These enumerators .are: Luck-
now, .Mrs. Merle Elliott; • Ripley,'
William S. McGuire; Teeswater,
Clarence .Sutcliffe;; Culross,. Jas.
Ballagh, Bruce Keith, Melvin
.Rome, • John Moffat; Kinloss, Ja-
mieson Pettapiece: '.Mrs.: Mildred,
Bushell,, Mrs.' Laura Haldenby '&
another • to be na 'Buren,.
Gordon Finlayson, .,: lli• t John-
ston; Mrs,. Joyce C urtney, ' Mrs,
Elizabeth "Cleland, F, J. Currie.;
,Greenock, ' Elmer Weiss; Gerald
Ze, ttel, James M. Reid, 'Mrs. ,'Eli •
za!beth Clark::
- Huron • District
In the; northern district. of Hu-
ron. County, Bordon' Scott is coin-
missioner and will' supervise ;a .
school. at Belgrave for the fol-
1pwing enun3erators: Blyth, Mrs,
Violet M. Fowler;. Brussels, Gor-
den M. ' Grana; Grey, Barry Hoe
gy, Cecil' Bateman, Mrs: Isabel
•Pearson, Gient.Bray, Cecil Payne;•
Morris, .Janes S. Smith, Mrs.
Mable Smith Mrs, Edna Proc
ter, Robert J. ' McMurray;: ;East
Wawanosh, Nelson. ' Patterson,,
Henry J. Pattison, William T.
Irwin; West Wawanosh, Mrs.
Joan '.Armstrong; Mrs, Dorene
McGee',' Eldon Miller;: Ashfield,
Hugh McWhinney, Elwin Petrie,
Mrs: • Marian, Zinn, Lorne W.'
Cook, Frank Hamilton.
a. .
Plan New Bridge
At Zetland
The Department of Highways
has plans for a . new bridge 'at
Zetland on' Highway .86, accord:
ing to' an item :in the Advance
Times lastweek.
The new span, will be a . cement.
structure ..over 300 feet long with
work : slated to; commence in the"
:near ` future. A temporary' Bailey,
bridge willbe erected,. over., the.
Maitland., River to provide; a Con-
venient 'detour while :construe-
tion is in progress:
The Advance. Times ' also, und-
,erstandsthat preliminary work.,
will ' commence. this year on.
Highway,: 86 to .bypass Wingham,
and avoid the narrow bridges and
main streets and Diagonal Road
intersections .: that are:, '.encornt
erect i"n going , through the ,• town.
::The 'report has ,at that a cause-
way. type , of construction wilt,be
used across "the, prairies," south.
of, Wingham with one new'
spanning the river: '
This:Js;;Red:' Cross
Water Safety
Next Monday, May :22nd,
will ' be...marked as the Vic-
toria Day holiday, which is
dlserved on .the
closest to. the 24th.
Monday`- holidays ` are,',' a
bugbear.: in the 'publishing
business, and in order to get
the paper •out on :'schedule,
next week, we -request ad-
vertisersJ and press • 'corres-
pondents: to have copy in
where possible by Friday: By
so doing. this can be, type set
and help' to relieve' the pres :'
sure of the first of the week,
which is aggravated' by` the,'.
Monday -holiday.
'Elsewhere in this issue is an..
advertised list of donors to the
Easter Seal Crippled Children's.
'fund. This brings the list of don-
ors up --to.- date,- others;-contribu
tions having , been previously
acknowledged , ,
This is the first year that
participation Tri this. campaign
'rias been directed from .thelocal
level. The. Lucknow and District
Lions ,.Club promoted. the 'cam-
paign,this year and the response'
(• was gratifying. Gross receipt-
eek' i have amounted to .about $870. to
Lucknow : and District Branch
of the Canadian Red ,Cross Soci-
ety is co-operating : in .anation-
wide effort to try ' to reduce "the
appalling and: often needless :.loss
of life ,from- drowning.
Last, year the national toll was
900 lives, which..,ccan .best .be
%comprehended by the• realization
that this represents', the equal of
every.'inan; women and child in
With the 24,th of May holiday
'Week,' -end in the offing; . one can
expect,: from : past records, '''that•
the grim., toll of drownings will
take an• upward swing, and •will'
then become almost casual week-
end new / thiroughout the sum
mer season.,
Because of the holiday this
week -end the Red Cross has set'
National 'WaterSafeti
Week for
the earliest date on record, May
14th. to.: '20th.
The Red Cross operates an ex-
tensive • ,water 'safety service
throughou•t. the .country and val-
uaible' water safety information
can be 'Obtained from .your local
The Lucknow ' 'and Vicinity
branch IS drawing attention to
war .safety -in an advertisement,
inandtosu thi . i
. and'
. pplernerit
the, advertisement, and : this arti-
cle in an editorial', commentary,
O M'S �` HAVE,
Bill 'Hunter sends out the word',
to . all , intermediate. 'ballla ers
P y
to ..have' the. uniforms : turned iir;
to him at .once, so: they •;may be
dry cleaned:
The first
practise is, Slated for this Thurs-
day at 8:00'. p.m;,. and everyone
interested is urged to turn out.
IarneTeach�rs For
Ashfield School .
A. staff' 'of three teat,-i.ers has
been appointed for''the new Cen-
tral school to be built ,this slim-
mer t Hetriloc3 City, to 'serve
school .section.s, •
'The pi.incival.. is Mr. Gene
Martin of Paisley;,'T)le two ladies
on the staff are Mrs G; rant'
(Lois)•' Farrishand !Mrs, Lloyd'
(Margaret) Cline:
Ashfie•1'c1 Area Board' No. 2,
let the contract for the' new
school to"the Housen Construc-
tion Company f;
pproval:.' of'the Muni;ipal•:'Board
is necessary before work can be
started, _