HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-10, Page 13WWNESDAY, MAY ":10th•
, • •
,• .
Continues Far Another Week':
1959 CHEV BELAIR ' SEDAN, can't be `told from
new, 17,000 miles.
New . motor, ^A sharp one!
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e Good Used.:Cars,
o Choose From.
1960 back to. .1952
Chev., Olds., 'Corvair, Envoy and Chev. Trucks
"Continued from Page 1)'.,,
St. Thomas. He. is -a Mason arid
Oddfellow and. served for two
years as Noble -G:rand of „the,
I.O;O.F., ` and, is a 'member, of.
Supreme •Rebekah' Lodge.. He :is
a member of the board of 'the
Canadian' Red. 'Cross, . at "'present
chairman of the Disaster Com:-
mittee, and • has organizedtwo
fund-raising .'campaigns for.the
Red Cross.. Mr. Wharry assisted
in't'•organizing the United- Wel-
, .fare Services in St. Thomas Nand,
was county • chairman for ..two.
years. •
Other memberships include'
' '
and ' of' Trade, ..Kiwanis Club'
of which, he is ,past president' &
• has 12' years perfect , attendance,
Board of the Y.M,C.A.,. St. ,• Tho-
mas Golf andCountry Club.
y ,.
►r� a Honored At
re. Nuptial Events
A`, community shower was heli
in .the ,Kairshea Fall.' in .honour
of Miss Audrey'Stanley, prior to,
her marriage •on April 29th toP
Ruston "
Thehail was decorated ,with
Pink and'white streamers and
bells and an interesting program
was. enjoyed consisting of„ read-
ings by Mrs. Dori Cameron,. Mrs.
Ira'; Dickie," Mrs. Cliff Roulston
and- Helen Campibell; accordian
selections by, Isabel' Ritchie : and
Irene Burt; •a 'contest conduct
by •Miss. Mary. Macln•tyre;;:a Mel-
ody 'of piano tunes by,. Mrs Har-
vey Houston � , concluding With;
the bridal march is the.. guest
of honour , was escorted .to her
chair„by Mrs. Cameron and. Miss
Maclntyre. - '
Dressing of the pride Was con-
ducted by Mrs, Chester Casemore
with several ladies assisting' .with.
different 'parts . of the .pap r en-
•semble., An address of best ish-..
es' was. read, .by Mrs. Harold
Campbell and the gifts '•were
presented by Miss Carol, , Stan-
ley and Mrs.• Stewart .Stanley.
When the.., gifts were . opened,
Audrey thanked ' the ladies' ;and.
invited ,them to .'. the parental
-to see her
t sseau; While
lunch was ...being prepared, Mrs.'
Ira Dickie conduced' •.a contest
The bride -elect was also. hon-
oured' at a shower. by the .Paeda
tric .,staff of .Stratford General
H:ospital”' Her classmates' , and
'friends.'.. held a : kitchen shower
at the' home of Mrs. Cal'. Ludas;
a .:friend' of Audrey's. •
The death-• of Mgrs Neil Mac-
Donald which occurred at Pine-`
crest • Manor' • on 'Wednesday, May
3rd, removed another of Ashfield
Township's aged. and esteemed..
residents. °.
She -was in her Nth year; .and.,
though: born in: Huron Township,
Moved to ' the • 10th of . Ashfield
as a chit with her parents -There
she was. ised and: following her
marriage, resided at Kintail 'un-'
til • 20' months ago when she
• was' adniitted to-Piriecrest Manor.
She had been in failing health
since Christmas..- •
Mrs.". MacDonald was' the for-
mer, Marga'ret Taylor, daughter
of D. L. Taylor of Scotland and
'Frances Johnston, who *as born
in Bruce County of Irish parent-
age. , ' • .-
' In . ,.the near 'future, • users • of
the Bruce ,County 'High'way' Sy-
stem* 'will encounter'the use 'of
place . of "Stop" signs 'at some
road intersections.' These • signs
"Yield Right -of -Way" . signs in
will be •located only at rntersec .•.
Benevolent. and . Temperance tions where there iss ample "vis-
ion" in both 'directions •along
the through': highway. Their, pre-
sence will permit
re-sen'cewill'permit a driver to -use
his 'own judgement as to whether
or not he should come to a .full
stop before passing • over or
turning onto the highway.
The .•signs' themselves are tri-
angular with a 36 in. side. ' The
face is yellow` with black letter-
ing. They are re.flectorized.:
The Highway Traffic Act reads
"The driveror op-
'erator . of .a` vehicle - approach-,
ing a yield •right-of-way .sign
shall slow down to a 'speed rear
sonaible for the existing 'condi-
tions Or shall stop:; if necessary
and shall' yield • the right of
way to traffic in ,the intersection
or .approaching•on',the: intersec
ing' • highway ' so closely
constitutes •ani
.mmediate h ard
and thavin'g.. so yielded .may .pro'-
teedwith caution."
•• Mrs: ,Wharry's Interests
Mrs. 'Wherry's • civic':activities
'include rriernbership 'on ,.the ''Red
Cross board and chairman' of
:the work room,'. a `former .presi
,dent ,o'f the Ladies Benevolent' &
.Temperance Societyand'.at;'pre
sent_ serving as •' assistant treas-
' president' .Of. the Y;W.C.A,..
for. the • past; two:' years, /member
of the: Rebekah. Lodge, Worrian's
Art. Club, St; Thorbas-"Fo f and.
Country Club, and ° a member. of.
the ,executive; of the Elgin Pres-
byterial. of the Woman's 'Mission
ary Society.
Mr;, and Mrs. Wharry have. 2
sons,. Bill, Jr., a':.. graduate of
G.A.:C.' with his B. Sc. A. degree, •
at '.present 'Hying in 'Beaconsfiel'd
associated with Kraft Foods anal
Joh Who is . attending McMaster:
U versity to• study".: far the
Advisory Board of, the Ladies' ministry,.
'In 1896 Margaret married';Neil
MacDonald ...Of '.Kintail, a well
• known merchant of that„ hamle't'
Who 'predeceased her n 1946.'
Mrs. Macpo. na1d : was a mem-
ber of . Ashfield Presbyterian..
Church and • of the, Women's Mis-
sionary Society; and 'was' a ;hon-
orary: member • of, Kintail Wo-
men's Institute.,•
The remains rested •;.at the
Johnstone : 'FuneralHorne ' until
Saturday; .when the funeral ser-
vice was : c:onducted • at 'her' `be-
loved".church by her- pastor; 'Rev.
'Neil • McConibie"'' ' Mrs. Duncan,
Simpson .was:. organist . and Mrs.'
Robert •Scott the soloist.
Interment was in Kintail :Ce-
cemetery '' with two , grandsons,
Lorne ..'arid :Sandy MacDonald;.'&
-four nephews, Gordon . Montgo
mery,, David.,MacKenzie, David
Cowan;, and Lloyd Wylds acting
:as'. 'pallbearers. The flowerbear-'
ers were great grand -children
great nieces 'and nephews
Mrs. MacDonald is 'survived: by
two sons -and . two daughters,
Earl MacDonald, Kintail; Mrs.
Edward' Riley • (Irene)'? of C'lr=
'fornia; William •MacDonai in -
tail, .:Mrs. Thomas Bogie (Alice);,
St., Thomas >4,7, grandchildren
,33 great grandchildren.'
• Mrs:.• MacDonald was one of
a' ;family of ten and is --;survived
by: four. sisters, Mrs Alex John-
stone (Annie), Chicago; Mrs.
John 'Cowan: ,(Edith), • Ashfield;
Mrs. Dan Wylds (Ethel), Ash,
field; ' 'Mrs. Robert'(:Wagner (Isa-
belle), .Detroit.
She., was predeceased by 'her
husband by an infant ."daughter
in 19.07;, a'nd by three brothers,
William;: •David and: Charles : and
.two sisters, • Mrs. . Jarnes Mont-
gomery (Catherine); „Mrs: -Rode-
rick Mackenzie .(Sarah);
BORN = Wi'irner and Doris (:nee
1VIiller). 'Nioholso to .::Wi-
no . firth of., thei daugh.
r, Cheryl Dorothy, ..ori • iday,
May 5th, .196:1 at the Hanover
Memorial :Hospital. She s ` as
sister for Kathy. and .Randy,
Council Discussed':
Vil(a�� Prgb�enns:
J outine, business an' a -earn,-
parison, of estimates and expendi-
tures in connection '.,with the
Town: Hall renovations, were.
chief on the" agenda at the May
meeting of the -Village Council,
This gave Council the time - to .
inforrnally discuss municipal
problems that, ,arise from time ,to
time. -" .. ,
The, matter was .again -aired in
regard to , the cost of the new
sidewalks exceeding' the engin-
eer's :estimates., by over • $2,0p0: '
Council had not debentured for
this, and are:•picking up the dif-
ference" this year by deficit fin-,
The explanation is that it was
impossibleto keep to alevel in
laying the 'walks, -and have sat-
isfactory entrances to places of,.
business. The ' variations affect-
ed ,the excavating and volume..
of cement used, it was pointed` •
out, with estimates of: -the work
based ;on a unit. price.
Policing and the maintenance
of law 'and order is• another con-
tentious matter, ,•with frequent
complaints of nocturnal 'distur-
distur-bances. There hay`' be. k. solution
in . the offing.
A pending building addition .o#
the south, side of. Campbell •St.,
brings . the - . right-of-waymatter •
to the fore. Council, has a survey
in 'mind,.. but is awaitinga re:
port 'on general traffic conditions
'and reconlniendatioris to be made'
,by the Department' of Highways..
Sewage, disposal, . in this area
brings „.the Bruce, : Health' Unit
into the picture also.
;When there is 'something
Crete to discuss, it is .proposed
calling' a meeting' of all . property
owners concerned. `
And then it was dogs! This is
a problem that Council seeks' to,.
Solve by calling for the ca -opera
tion Of -dog owners.
:to voluntarily
1confine 'their :pets. Not' only.. is
it . gardeners and horticulturists. '
who complain -about canines ,on
the loose. The ire of some par-
ents; .who don't own '. dogs, has
been •aro, used, as children play-
ing on their: own lawns,:get 'into:'
the filth ..left, there by stray • ani
Tendered Resignation
, Kenneth Caineron who has • •
beena member of the .Recreation
• Committee ' since. its' 'official' for :
'nation- in 1956, tendered his re-
signation' which , was received .".
with regret by: Council'who . ex
pressed. appreciation •. Of his :ser-
Vices. Mr; Cameron said hp
r: had
enjoyed being -associated with the
Work of the committee but was •'';
�`�presently to ,busy With :the Hor-
ticultural Society to do his best
on the Recreational Committee.
Is Your; Subscription Paid?
.111Iii■ aa■iasisaa.■■mei.■■ al'analawasaaassa:alistala :auea ■masapaaallaa emafar■aaa■■sam■aa■sm
r Farmc
•� rest
Donald' MacKinnon was••named,
to fill Mr.. Cameron's unexpired
There ee
were 1 •
7 ladies `.attended;.•
owe An honour. of Miss-. Janet .•;
unt : on Friday evening at the
thome� of Mrs. •George McClenag-
hon. The ladies who - arranged•
the pre-2ru�p:tial' event were, Miss
Mildred, McC1eri han, Miss Mar-
jorie Coultes,; Mrs: Acleleen Dow
ling and., Mrs. Robert 'Aitchison..
:Janet Was Seated in 'a° decoded
chair . and .Mrs. 'Johnstone, Conn
played the Wedding March. : Miss
Karen Groskorth ' sang a solo..
Mrs. Millan ,Moore 'gave a ".read
Janet ' es helped by Miss
Marjorie Cotiltes and Miss Ruth
Currie in'opening her many love--.
ly gifts. •
The ladies. of the co rimunity
gave Janet, a. floor°lamp and two
matching . table' Janus and a
pair of .',sheets' besidess many
._other rxtisceilan•eoiis rifts .9fter',
the gifts. were • opened, • Janet
-thanked the; 'ladies' .and invited
everyone to her • fronsseau• tea
to be held at the home of :her
parents;: Mr., and Ufrs,. .IR.ussel.
Gaunt, on/ May i3th;, Janet was
also. showered in Wingham at
jean urr�ia.
tteiide:d• etnd
This tiller is not only good, it's great. Here is every
feature of mportarice found in • tiller design today,
including ' o rational reverse. Big engine -- bolo `tines,'
and operating balance that makes . it .'unsurpassed for
convenience with, ease of operation.
• $129;5
As 'little as
$13.00 • Dgwn.
,As low as
'$6:00 monthly
throu• gh -
• CR , .. ENT •,
RS's ■
"Briggs :arid '
Stratton''` engine,
Set'(if 4 high -carbon
steel. 'Bolo Tines
Se.m'i Pneumatic tran-
sport .wheels,
Depth gar: adjustable
l" to 8", /
Handle mounted unted con
1 east. 'frame `
Tines adjust to four
widths 8.`, 14'', :.2p,;
x 2.6
Reverse •Mechanism.
ebster acKinnon
Phone 5(1.
■ ▪ n
■ '
N .▪ .
■▪ •r
a the home e-fMiss
Al,aund .80 ladies
she received massy 'lrrvely