HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-10, Page 12PAGE TWELVE: E LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, NOTICEH. :INDERGARTEN REGISTRATION • t May 24th, 1961 Parents desiring to: have a child attend' Kindergarten, ,during the 196.1 - 1962.School:. Term, are requested to:. register with Mrs,. Helen 'Hall; :at the Lucknow Public School - ori:.Wediesday, May 2.4 Ir, from 2 :00 • to 3 :30 p.m. The child is to be five years , of age on; or ,before December 3•ist, 1:."961, and .should accompany 'parent at time of registration. children, Payable ' at time of registration. Tuition Fee 15.00, for non -re Y c? Grey-Bruce...Fieref�rd Breeders' Spring ;Sale - Of 10. BULLS and 7 FEMALES, bred at.. 1:30 p.m. 1JRDAY, N, THE .COLISEUM, `OWEN' SOUND', Most ; bulls' are ' performance tested, . eligible for Government grant. Lunch Available • orbert Hamilton, .Pres,'. Arthur Lemon, .Sec: W 'S O'Nei l,' :Auc Miss Dorothy McCom:bie, -'sis- ter of the Rev. D. Neil 'MeCormbie', of Ashfield _Presbyterian Church has graduated from Missionary and Deaconess Training School, and will work in. downtown To- ronto mission' under,',direction , of West:.Toronto . Presbytery tll reglass sere Will Not Rust, Stain or Tarnish. Sizes .0P To 48" .In Stock ow Is The: Time , To, ' Have Old Screens Re aire With. fibreglass Screen rA t CHIMNEY In . The Following Sizes: 81 " x:"• �2 81/2 Glazed Chimney ' Tile, 1 "'`x: 13" Glazed Chimney'Tile 8�2.. 13" :.x. 13" 'Glazed' Chimney Tile Drill Water Su'pply WeUAt .Dungannon (DUNGANNON NEWS) I- Mr. X. K. Dawson, who has; undertaken the project of.sup,• plying, water to village house- holds. had ;ari artesian well drilled on his .property, finishing' at 252, feet. ' He was also successful ' in `having .piping pushed through underground, withdut disturbing 'the main road, and by this me- thod lowered the cost and les': sened inconvenience.' It is eaC pected the work awh .go right: ahead smoothly: now: :Reminding villagers of a lighting system a • few.: year back, was. the • discov- ery of an old gas pipe' while :. digging on the •Ashfield side; north of 'th'e Bank of Commerce. Mrs. Arthur Elliott .on rSatur- day evening was pleasantly sur- 'priised when a 'few friends. and relatives' dropped in at her. home observing her ,birthday:. Many. .happy returns of the day, • Mrs. Elliott Congratulations are du'e to some local young, folk, who have, suocessfully 'passed' recent, piano' ,e caminations:. They 'are''; Paul'. Eedy, • Betty Irvin, .Robert ' Sher - Wood and Patricia .Ann: Eedy: Miss Clara .Sproul, Strafford is visiting her •sisters, Misses. Nettie••. and Rebina Sproul, Mr, and Mrs. J D..Iiesson, Stratford also: visit- ed 'Oil . Wednesday ,.of. last week. ONTARIO • WV-10t.SPAYt MAY 10:07,,. 1,561 Mr Barney Benninger was ad mitted to; Goderich Hospital last: week • for treatment Arid also. was .Mrs:: Mathew'Shackleton,` tiiiith, a' very: sore throat, 'which seems to: be , prevalent ''in a'.•'nur ber . of localities. • . Mrs 'Leonard .Crawford,' Wings hair, visited her parents, 'Mr. and Mr's.. W. A: Culbert one day last. week. - ,' Mrs Leonard'. --,:Chisholm and: Children, "Alex, Colin and Virgin i.a on Sunday visited. her ` parents, Mr. and ¥rs.: J. Payne of Dun- dalk. . Mr. ;Richard �. ' � M d. , Stewart,.: son of Mr. 'and- Mrs.'Arth_ur Stewart finished, last week,.first year. Studies- at . Western YJniversity.:in London: ` • The C G:I T. •met Mondaynight', at the ' United Church fora' edit luck supper which turned out Pretty well•. for ..pot luck -Special 'feature was a cake ..decorated with "Welcome Back Emily" ;in. respect to their lead .trr:, Mrs, Herb Finni a who had' been il•T: g n 'mho Rev. T. Richards. 'spoke -grace. Mrs. Richards ..Who. helps 'with leading arid. Mrs. Robert., Irvin was. 'also present to assist. .Fol- low. irig supper, a short '-meeting was held:: The theme 'was led'by Fay, Pearson and Donna McKen- zie,: •Lynda Hodges, read, a. story, Valerie ,lodges gathered. the col= Tections Plans'' were made' for affiliation' with the for June 7th and going to camp was also discussed. .... - ...Niii/�ii���if��i�►u��r�i�o��lb��>_6 .i !ttsbwrgh Paints Your Choice Of. Op To'.2.000 ' Different Colours To Match Any . Shade You Require, It Takes Only Seconds On Our DISPENSING MACHINE ..riri:�tr7.ir�iit•riaai�u�or.n�n.�����i�.n�o�u�u. t., FRES CEME IT :'I N STOCK OHN W. HENDE•1 SON LUMBER LTD*; one • 1 uckktow. Ont.' M:r. Jin -i Blake, son af,Mr..and Mrs. "Cecil Blake is. home after finishing first 'year Toronto Uni- versity :'Mrs, Wilson..' Irwin, Lucknow, on' .Sunday visited Mrs.. • I•rvine Plenry.' Mir. and Mrs.. Lionel •Lahgevin, Louie, Paul and :.Michelle on Sunday returned .to 'Barrie after a.: visit with her mother, Mrs L. StingeL . During that tithe the former took • a • short -course at Clinton R,C.A.F: • • BURTON: STANLEY Historic . South • Kinloss : Presb 'y -' • terian - Church.. was the scene o:f the: marriage' of: Audrey Isobel, Stanley and. ' Mr. Gil R'us ton ' at a . mid-afternoon cerernony on Saturday', April 24th. The .bride is the •:daughter. of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Haro'ld :Stanley off; ,Lucknow' and the groom is the song of Mr and. Mrs.• Frank Ruston of Gadshill, Ontario. w a setting of 'Yellow: and white •'snapdragon and ferns, the: marriage ' was 'solemnized' by1a• former .:pastor, Rev Gordian Baulch • of Barrie; :assisted by Rev: Roderick MacLeod of South Kinloss..,,:The' organist was 1Vtrs. Leonard Addis of • Toronto,:; a. friend of the bride and the solo` ist ::was'' -a classmate,: Miss Mary Turnbull. of Toronto who sang, ".O, Perfect Love" and "Because:" Given in marriage by. ` her fa - they the petite:bride wore•a floor- length gown of .white peau ide- sal., The :fitted :bodice • featured .;a. scooped neckline, . -' V -back, lily Mrs. Hugh. McWhinney'spent a 'few clays raft ''week. , at•,: Guelph: attending the convention' of Wo-. rnen'S Institute Presidents. 'Mrs. T. C: Anderson w'as ho$.- "tess at her hoine ori ' Friday af-• ternoon for the United .'Church W,M:,S. Mrs. Ivan Rivett .led as substitute 'for Mrs. Esther flivett,' the President, It was reported that '36 home calls and 2.6: hospi-, tal ' calls were made. Mrs: Chan, Fowler led the Worship, service and read the `scripture 'lesson. Mrs. C. Blake accompanied at the piano.. Mrs. T. C. Anderson gave a splendid report 'Of the convention in London. Mrs.:,! red Young read an article on Christ- ian Citizenship, ' Mrs. Reed read a •chapter of Missionaries at work and a Metter from Margue- rite Cousins, a: missionary, Mrs C. Blake read a letter frOin. XVf Merle Brown, India.; A' bale will be made up to :`send ' in July.. Mrs. 'VI. Reed will have charge of the. June , s rice and; Mrs: C. Blake .'the Pic. ,Mr. and 'Mrs. (Kitchener Finni- gan, Mrs. Richard Finnigan 'and Miss Myrtle., Finnigan. ,of Gode- rich visited Mr' and'•Mrs. Herb Finnigan :one .evening last week. Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Brown of :Ann Arbor, Mich ',spent the week -end • with his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur. Brown. '•Marie: Black 'cf Dungannon: re cently . "received ' ,a • provincial certificate for received •of 12 4=H. homemaking club' projects; point sleeves and', doMe-shaped. skirt A circular flower head dress held her • ,shoulder -length veil- and , she • carried . a cascade of white shasta daisies . 'and low roses: -M"iss Carol Stanley, ..of Luck ` DOW, . ;sister • : of , the bride, • was� maid of honour and the •brides . maids:, were Miss • Mary. Macin tyre of :Kincardine;:and Mrs.'''Dort y Cameron of 'Lu 'now: All were . , ie ticali Y gowifiedi in .blue "' eau- de-solewith .three uazter length sleeves, high; necklineand V- back. They wore blue, bow head- :dresses with matching blue shoes and. white gloves.: Their' flowers, were cascades of :.'•white shasta daisies, encircled`. by two hoops; suspended -by braided • ribbon.:. .Little Faye Stanley; niece of the bride,. was flower . ' girl and was - gowned like- the other': at .tendants :. The:: .best: man :was ` Mr Dempsey. of Tillsoniburgand the ushers were Wayne Stanley, 'bro- ther ofo ;the, bride -and John Rus- ton, brother of : the groom. At the wedding:, dinner which followed at ' the Legion Hall, the, bride's 'tnother,received '.in wit 'low green . silk' shantung with beige •accessories. ,The ..'groom's mother Wore a green :floral silk dregs • with .matching accessories. They' had . similar corsages of ;yellow roses` and yellow feather ed carfations Foi a . honeymoon' to Eastern Ontario. the bride wore :a. "match''- ing White ;wool ,'dress and• coat with red ' accessories and a coy sage of feathered carnations &; white stephanotis: ' • Mr ,and 'Mrs Ruston will re-' side in, Stratford... The, bride is:`-- a graduate of Stratford General ,Hospital 'school of Nursing. • CLEANING lofed Free Of Charge URING THE. . MONTH OF MAY for Kincardine `FLEE PICK.UP ,AND DELIVERY, ' Phone Sanderson:s,= ucknow •r St. odd yea) fitaare • year rWasRed BfmaSuounatirpct l cCnaff AhmoBfao'doswsvft ] O .0 • ■ O : ■• 0 O a. ,i. M , O O ■ 0 • S . ▪ •. O , O 0 O O 0 0 .0 . O 0 • 0: 0 M M.