HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-10, Page 7• PAGE,SE,VEN ESSO' SER.VICE •: FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS. BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES :,Most Sixes .In Stock) AT REASONABLE PRICES!" Repairs, to All ,.Makes of Cars and Tractors;.' 3 Licensed Mechanics • feel A1isnment: and:�6alanc ng MOTORCADE; DEALER Campbell. at. • Amberleye on Sun- day.:,, Messrs. 'Harold Percy and 'Frank •:Maulden •attended the 'Conservative Convention at Lon don :on Saturday. • .Visitors at the horse of ' Mr:. Harold Percy were .Mr: and•Mrs.. • George •. Percy, Kincardine, aVlr,• and Mrs: Oswald Rudi and fam- ily London, Mrs..Zondervon .and :saris Elia .and Peter of 'Tiverton. Mr: and'.Mrs; Russell Bushell' spent ' Saturday with .'their son, Bob, who. is : receiving;' medical treatment at. London: Misses • Erlma and "Sandra Per- cy, Catherine and George Bush- ell, Keith •,Maulde i, 'Donald Barr, Sharon. Hodgins and Jean' Sutton. attended a Presbyterian Young Peoples banquet• ,at ,Molesworth. • COUNTER, CHECK BOOKS -we. sell'. them singiy or . in • quantites '. and take • orders • for book. speci- ally. .printed• to :your. require- ments, For ' prompt -: service; - phone ,35, The' Lucknow Sentinel. l d:a U• 01 to r'. Chesterfields, Occasional Chairs Sofas Antiques, .etc., Re -done. Choice ' of ;Quality Coverings. ick -Up and Delivery 35 years' Ex.. Opposite Post ;Office :E Phone 'J Ackson • Estimates Given perience: East St:, Goderic' 4,842 L WDMSDAY, MAY 10th,; 1 tH.g LUCKNOW SENTINEL„' LUCKNOW, QNTA.HIO' Lasting•5eauty inside a•nd O•utside:- • Goes on quickly with brush, .roller or spray'' • Painting: tools clean in soapy water • Dries dust -free in one hour', "• Resists acid,,• grease, oil and gasoline' Perfect for. • Patio •' Garage • laundry • Breezeway .. • Porch .. 'Hardware '• . .:KINGSBRIDGB 8' arid Mrs,. t',. Clarence Doug-', M herty and' ' children • spent ':the week -end' with . relatives 'here; ;Mrs 'Ray; ;Pierson and faintly - of Buffalo and ,Miss • Frances Gilmore of London yis;ted' Mrs.; Ed:: Gilmore over -.the week -end. Mrs. '' William • ,Dr.ennaa has' '"been confined to Wingham Hos pital •'as, a re'sult of �a'a•' fractured collar ,bone. Although she is progressing_ favourably she will' be. 'hospitalizecl for some .•' weeks ' Mr.• and 'Mrs. David Brown of Fenelon` Falis-visited his mother,.. • Mrs...Beta' Brown over the week- • end Is Your Benjamin• . • ooze paints ,e. Lucknow, OLIVET• • Mrs. ,Annie, MacIntyre''of Kin- loss visited in Olivet on Sunday afternoon 'calling on; ,Mrs. Mae Hamilton, Mr'. and • Mrs; ' Hezib. Huston . and ,Mr. and. Mrs. W. T. Roulston, < . Mr and Mrs: Sandy MacChar- les,' and family.' visited' on Sunday with : Mrs. ' MaeCharles' .br'o'ther,, Mr. Jack ,Bowers; Mrs :Bowers and family . of Stratford. '-°' Miss Ruth Black spent; 'the' week: end .Withl her: parents, Mr.' and' Mrs. Ross ' Black. 1Vl:iss Marilyn Finlayson,• nurse -in-training at Stratford :is' spend- ing' her . holidays, at her home here. . Mrs. John Nelson...and children ar.e'visiting • with ,;Mr. and Mrs:'. Subscription. Paid? •I Oscar White and family.' iaiiIIer, Inc CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS• Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON- KENNEDY, •BEd., $;:A , C.A ---Resident Manager Manager Telephones Business 633; Residence 1;06' cl'EE _ SHREDDER; H A R:•V, OVER 4000 IN USE ON ONTARIO. FARMS h Truly One -Man Harvesting Machine ` for .: Grass$lage :. , Zero; Grazin. g .•Hay.Coriditioning . Hay Harvesting. Grain Threshing • Straw. Harvesting •. Corn Siiage ...... a..�nCo.,. +{Re .ao aCC•:v AV . :.i • 6606 .'0E00 MEANS GOOD PROFI'TS'H8y using a McKee Harvester ort folk farm you can produce milk.ond beef more economically than with any other hat• vesting methodl . • . ‘ • • THINK OF THIS 11'1 If you saved. (wine and other baling expenses for eighi years and Invested the money at Six, per cent 'you -could purchase a new McKee (larvesting outfit with the proceeds. r SA. BUYSTART � NOW NOW AI JIM Dealer for . McKEE SALES and'. SERVICE Phone. Lucke ow 141 'or• VV nghanim' 19 KINLOUGH.. `Mrs. .Bert ;Nicholson and ,Lois visited on ,Monday "with her sis- ter, IMrs. Tom Bell at Arnberley. Mr and Mrs. George Haldenby, Mr. and ],Nits.. William Haldenby Visited' last Sunday . with Mr. 84 Mrs. Norman., Fry and family at Geo.rgetavyn• 'Rev. and Mrs. J, 0. Zillen, minister of the Baptist Church in Prairieville, New Orleans L.A visited the ,past 10 days with his sister and brother -in -lava, ,dV i and Mrs. William. Keiripyri at Clain Lake. • . The. H.W,I, met on Thursday• evening in the hall with the,' president Mrs. • Morgan sjohnStonl in charge: A collection "Pennies for Friendshiip” was taken and: delegates. ' were appointed to 'at- tend the' district meeting. to be held 'at ,Whitechurch on ,May Courses` chosen were "l;st. New lampshades from old ones" and. "Block Printing." Roll. call Something' T bake that my fam- ily. enjoys. Reports by the stand- ing. • cominittees were' given. An invitation from • the .Silver . Lake Institute was :accepted. Mrs. Howard 'Harris then presided for the program: Topic -- Eat to Live'.' "Work Shop" by Mrs. •Wm. Eadie. .Motto M'ay' the Work of our .:W,I. enrich our lives. not ;Wear, them out; by Mrs. Howard Harris. •Solo by, Mrs, Jack Hewitt. Reading: by Mrs. Perry- Hodgins. duet by • Mrs.' • Morgan• John- ston and Mrs...- Raynard Ackert 'each' on :the., theme "Mother:" Mrs, Ed'Thompson gave an infer= eating .,demonstration;, on articles. made from foam : rubber; Mr. Orville Elliott gave a';fulh.account of the- Boy..: Scouts. and Cubs which;. are sponsored, by the';In stitute and Mr. Harold Haldenby read . the financial sta'teinent. "A lucky draw was made . for a table centre • .. of daffodils,• Nits. Marie ',Weber being 'the , lucky winner.' The` meeting Closed" with God Save ,The Queen: and the :Institute, Grace:'.•afterwhich, lunch \was served by, the hostesses, Mrs:: 'William Eadie' and ' Mrs. Howard Harris.: Friends of Mrs. Jack Hewitt were (pleased to see her and girls. from the Lucknow' District High Schoola when they modelled t'he dresses' which they, 'made in : the. Home Economics . Class:.. 'Corigratu1ations to Mrs. -Cathe rine' Hewitt on' her _88th birthday; Mrs. Hewitt' suffered a ..fall aWhile ago and is- with: Mr:: and Mrs. :George. Graham ',Where she is being .:cared .Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle and Carol, Mr 'and Mrs, William: Lloyd and Doris •of!London ,visit ed; on'. Sunday. with Edna;: and:. May Boyle: iMr. and . Mrs.. •:Wallace.'.Hewitt. of Waterford visited on Sunday with:his mother, Mrs,' Catherine Hewitt'. and with Mr, and Mrs. George 'Graham. and' other 'rela- :. ;Mr. aril Mrs. .Eldon Eckenswil.- I. ler, Mr:. and Mrs.. Grant Eckens' wider, ' Brenda and- Ru't•1,. Mrs'. Weir 'Eckenswiller. andStephen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham. arid Madonna : were . guests, at the 'Ro-bert on- c rthat Wedding at. Tiverton, on Saturday. ;„•' Mr, and Mrs, George 'Colwell •. left, for: their home' `at Griound-' birch B:C after spending the past three weeks With''men'ibers •Of their . ,family here: ' The 'A.Y P'.A. ' are holding a va•iety.coneert on Monday' even- •in.g, next:`. Mr, Raynard Ackert will show pictures of interest. 'Friends from here were pleas- ed .to wel.conie the Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard'” to the combined . ser- vice 'at Bervie on Sunday ; aftdr- noon Mrs. Appleyard, David and. Nancy were. also present and met. many' friends. The W.A, of Der vie held a .;reception .following the service, ' Mr. and Mrs. Doti Gillespie, visitedSunday in ,Londonwith their little daughter Cathy Who' is a patient in Victoria Hospital there. Cathy had her first birthl day` on Friday, May 5th, • Miss ,Donna Nicholson of To- rontois spending this; week. at her home here. Mr: and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and • family attended, .the Silver Wedding ,hofMr•, and Mrs, • Glen' • L Pone ''11