HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-10, Page 4PAGE. FOU TFIE',' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN! ;! CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISING RATES first Insertion 2c ` per word, 'minimum charge Oc..Repeat :Insertions, I 1 c • .er /2�P word, minimum; 40o Notices, 'cards of ;Thanks and Coming. Events, minimum 75c, In Menaariams, minimum $.1 0Q`' 25c: extra .f o replies to, The Sentinel... Billing chargeg : o :. r P ., . .r?�,..f 10c for, .each bill Tendered;• FOR SALE FOR.. SALE' five' yearling ",',Hereford • Heifers. Cliff • 1VIcNall,: • R.R.: 5, Lucknow. HOUSEWORK will' do house-. ,iwork in Lucknow and .vicinity; Mrs. Emma ' Janlcowaki, R.R..,§ Lucknow., • .phonp 10=r-24, Ripley: FOR SALE' _ 7 grass .steers; Carl. McClenaghan, Whitechurch,, •hone .402=j-1, Wingham. FOR SALE medium sized tri- cycle,, or will exchange on,. or (buy a' junior 'boy's (bicycle.Geo. Moncrief, phorie Ripley 110-r-20. SHETLAND 'STALLION. avail-, able, 'for•`•service, Harold Maize,' Dungannon, . • phone Dungannon 4-r=4, . FORSALE 25. pigs, '8- weeks • old. Wilfred Hackett,. R.R. :7, Lucknow, • phone Dungannon- 67 r-1.1. ,�F �i Fo'R SALE-- 5 . rooni cottage apply' Edward' Dexter, Lucknow at Pinecrest Manor. , .FOR. SALE ,- Steps, 4 high for outside, , set: of Knowledge: books for 'home or school. Apply to Mrs. W. McIntosh, Lucknow: FOR :SALE ' -', a 16 -foot :cedar boat With tarpaulin, and ,trailer, •al v'n"._ MOtor almost so a; .7:5`1~: rude' M to .0 new) Mrs.. „Lorne , • Johnston,, phone '` 201, Lticknowv. PAINTING AND DEC6RATING, niter , and;;: exterior, Walter, E. Davis,, ' R. • 6, Lucknow, ,phone. Ripley.. 22-r-16 FOR SALE- six .registered'pol- led Hereford Bulls,:: ranging in age from 12;: to 24 months. H. Maize ', and Son,' three; miles west of: 'Dungannon;"• ph a Dungan- non 14-r-8. REMEMBER. MOTHER with a FOR SALE FIELD TILE FOR ;SART •F,•=;Ma 't- ins of 'Wallenstein. clay 'tile., 4" tile. on hand at : all times, Contact Lorne Eadie, R.R. 3, Holyrood; phone"' 24-9, Ripley, FOR BEST BUYS in .tractor tires,, fertilizer, hard maple slabwood, ••furnace 'blocks and body wood contact Bruce Mac- Millan, Lucknow. CARPENTRY BUILDING . REMODELING • ROOFING . - 'CONCRETE Call 30, Charlie. Robinsori PARTY . GOODS: crepe ' paper, 'open house invitations;-eanniver sary paper plates,• table,. cloths, serviettes and place cards:, 'show'= er serviettes and • invitations, birthday party, ,'cocktail party you -are -invited invitations, birth announcements, confetti, scotch tape, hasty notes. See our "notes" for all occasions" • rack. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35,.. .. ONTARIO COMING EVENTS CASH BINGO THURSDAT Lucknow Legion will hold a cash; bingo in 'tlie Legion Hall, Thursday, May11th. n regul- lar games at $10.OQ each; 3 ..Share - the -Wealth games' and a, $50.00 special with no .limit to the‘num- ber;?'called. • • FREE TEEN TOWN' FORMAL, .A° Teen Town . Formal will be 'held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Friday, May 12th with 'dan c- cing, from; 9 to 1 to the music of Carruthers .Orchestra. This is the last dance of the year. Lunch will: be. served: Admission Free. to members, non-members 25c. FASHION, SHOW• On ' Thursday, , May 18th and Friday, 'May 1.9th .the' • Annual Lucknow" • District :High School Fashion :Show. .Will be . held in the auditorium at 8:15 p.m. Along with this . there will be enter- tainment by .Glee Club and also displays in Shop and Science. Everyone Welcome. Admission: Adults 50c, Children free.. BAKE SALE St. Peter's. Anglican W.A. will hold' a bake. sale' on Saturday, June 3rd in, the former' Express Office ,'building, adjoining The Sentinel Office. .CARD °OF THANKS We wish to expre$s Our thanks and gratitude tomany friends and neighbours, who helpedin' every way 'at .the."recent fire .we had, and also many thanks to the Lucknow Fire Department. Sincerely, Mr.. 'and Mrs. Win..' Redmond' and. fa i1 r mY,,.. ' The family of the • late Mrs. Neil' MacDonald wish to ack-• nowledge with: thanks the' kind-• mess extended their mother 'dur- ing her illness;. and to add their sincere thanks and appreciation to :all for 'kind acts arid expres- sions of sympa.thyt`�extended,them, in their bereavement, We wish to. thank ..the ' many kind friends and ' neighbours who helped in any way . at the time of • our sudden bereavement. Mrs. Winnifred McMullen, Mr, and Mrs. Howard McMullen :and Mr: and .Mrs. . Raymond . Collins. We would like to say thanks. to all our friends and neighbors for the farewell party ;and gift of silverware and purse of money we.. received. ,We wish to thank everyone, , especially those who spent their' timeagetting , prepara- tions ready., A hearty welcome to' • each ; and everyone to visit us in Groundbirch, B.C. We • OTHER'S DRAY .SERVICE would like,to . thank the M also,. The- Mother's .'Day • service of Colwell's. 'for gathering.`' and. for the Lucknow. Presbyterian Sun- the gifts we received. at the party day School will be held ` at 11 •' the Kinlot gh Anglican Church a.m.; on. Sunday, May 14th.' dhil-' asernent. l •drenwill.. meet in the •Sunday . Thanking. you all; 1.:ucknow. School, room at 10;45 to 'march George and,.: Ruth 'Colwell.. • to Church auditorium. Awards FILTER 'QUEEN Sales and Ser- for 'Sunday : School and Church. ,Vice, repairs to all makes' ,of .attendance will _be given out at, vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners this se ,(.vice.. ` of all makes, for sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna,. telephone • Hensall °696-r-2. pities of Softball. Committee in • Whitechurch Hall, Friday, May. • 12th:. Music for: dancing by Tif- fin's' Orchestra.".. Admission: 50c;' Public School Students, 25c. •Booth mri :.'Heli; *r PARE HM ai ` :S S IflAt T a • Every !Wednesday,, Friday and Saturday. Night :At•The : Commercial) Hdtell, Formosa • '`CONCERT AND DANCE Concert and :dance' under taus-• CUSTOM 'BUTCHERING Beef and pork • sold inr any quantity.' Custom butchering• in; .Government '. licensed abattoir. Pi every;:,Tuesday. eef ' gB. from Monday througa Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET . ' MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE. First - and second' • mortgages arranged anywhere in .Ontario.-. DELRAY INVESTMENTS 450-A Wilson Ave.; ME 3-2353. Downsview; Ont. lovely.; Rusteraft card on Mother's 1 MORTGAGE LOANS, corators , and Gift Shop Luck- .,farms, homes; stores, apartments, WANTED WEDNF DAY; MAY 10th), 1961: SUFFERED FATAL HEART ATTACK -IN FARM 'Y 'Robert Krzntx, second Pin of 'the late Mr. and •Mrs, Louis Kuntz of Carrick township, boas -P sed; away suddenly,. at the borne Of Mrand ,11VIrs. Francis Boyle Huron : Township, where he was em.lo e.d. He ' was in his � y 62nd year. He had been in ill health with a gall -bladder con . dition and' was suddenly stric- ken with a fatal .heart, seizure, in the yard at his employer's' horrie., •.fHe 'was. ,umnarried , and was employed for six.. years; ih the district where his death occur;- red. , :The remains rested at the Schuett Funeral Horne in Mild- may with' the funeral held .from 'St. Mary's R.C. Church, Formosa,: • Dessert Doll's Meeting The ;fourth' meeting of the Lucknow Dainty. Dessert ,Dolls •was held at the home of Mrs. R. Whitby on Tuesday" May. 2nd, The .roll call was • answered by eleven members, All. of the girls took part in making,, a fruit cup. It Was • decided .to have a work meeting .on Saturday, May 6th. The ,..next meeting on May .9th' is to be held at •. the home of Mrs. 3. 'O'Donnell.. L , HOUSE 'WANTED will buy Or . rent three-bedroom house in Luoknow,. snust be in good ,,,con Wherry, Silver=: wood Dairies Ltd., Lucknow. 4h Day, Sunday, May .1 t Drop' in • • and see our. selection.;Finlay De-', ' Funds > aayailable on. suitable SALES .HELP WANTED MALE now. • ' Otis • service. ' For • 'information• hotels, (motels . Pleasant courte- LAWNfir ' ;MOWER .: SERVICE ,. 'write,, phone or drop in, ' Repairs' made to all .makes and. models. ''E. W. Rice; phone • 2.1.1 r 31, •'Lucknow. DOG FOR' SAL'E year-ol'd. "Toy Terrier, • female, household pet.: Apply to 'Mrs. W: J. McMullen; United County:' Investments • Ltd:,. ;.;3645 Bathurst ,,St., RU 9-2125 Toronto 19, Ont. SEPTIC : TANKS CLE•ANED• ' Septic t......, cess r .,.s• e WANTED: Reliable'man. as deal- er in part of Eruce z2oun.ty. Ex perience not ; necessary.' A .fine. opportunity' to step into old pro- fitabie business` where Rawleigh. Products have' 'been 'Sold for years. Big Profits. • Products fur-. nished • on . credit. Write Raw- Leigh's, Dept. E=27.1-163, 4005 ,.> . , y elieu • Montreal ;,pumped and cleaned with -mod - ' phone 80-r-5, : Ripley. ! ern en . equipth t All work `g TIMOTHY: FOR. SALE= -quantity . of good dean timothy 'seed,; $5.00 a. bushel; also a McCormick=Deer- ing seed drill in 'good- condition.: Gordon Lyons, R.', 1, Lucknow, phone 64-r-23: FOR SALE"- 6 -room house in in Lucknow, :newm bathroom, ' oil furnace, garage, newly 'sided, P, decorated,. ` Tom 'Pin -don, hone. . 222, Lucknow. • , . BARLEY CONTRACTS Malting: Barley' contracts ~avail- ' able; 'Clover and'••grass seed for sale. Elliott's Seed 'Mill, Luck - now, phont,,154J, 255, •Any mother Can have a few minutes to :herself at the, end' • of the day -- by doing the dishes. HUR'ON. / ' AUTO WRECKERS' Phone 167-30; •Ripley 1953 Consul 1963' Ford,' 61 plates 1951 ,Ford, • 61 plates 1948 Pontiac, • automatic 1951 • Chev pick ;tip : 1938 ' Chev. 1 owner, 61 plates Batteries - Tires' ' Body Repairs • JACK McQUIRE, Pop r.y uar anteed. Louis"Blake, R. 2 Brus- LOST { sets, . pho'ne '442-w-6. • AUCTION Allan .Ma LOST - - a valuable Jr.' "Amprobe SERVICE • me er, ener ewa . n e please return` to,. Ted Collyer, clntyre' phone 208-r-25,' Lucknow. Licensed Lucknow,, AUTOMOTIVE Mechanicaland body P. re airs; glass, steering and . wheel ',hal - Auctioneer . Phone,. 2811 FOR RENT FARM TO RENT for pasture. 1/2 mile ' east .`of Whitechurch on' Highway 86.. Lots of 'water, Ken 'Patterson;, 'Whitechurch, 747-J-3 ance. Undaspray for rust Pre-. Wingharrm RENT ' DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service ]^HOUSE, ,FOR on Highway.86 `3 miles west of. Lucknow. Ni, 8,: 'H'wy,: Phone JA ..'4-7,231 , • , Goderich. • Milton' •l(ilpatrick, $ox 667 Gode- .rich, phone JAckson 4-8251 or TYPEWRITER. RIBBONS Harvey Kilpatrick, R.R. 2, Luck - Typewriter now,phone '84-r-3, Dungannon. ribbons for ' any make of Machine are now avail. .able at the .'Lucknow . Sentinel • STo: smatter what the Mach' ne, we ,havethe .ribbon: Phone 35 Luck now. • venation Dennison's .Crepe Pape in all colours'. available .at THE LUCKNO'VV . SENTINEL NOTICES The Ladies Auxiliary to The Canadian Legion, Branch 309, Lucknow, are ::available -to cater. to small weddings and banquets. Please contact' President. Joan England, Lucknow 130-r-5, /, ' HEALTH CLINIC, The regular Health Clinic for pre.sehool children, aid . infants' wil'l beheld in the Legion Hall,_. Lucknow) on •Tuesday, May 16th from• 10:00 to 11:30 a.m, Have. You Renewed. enewed ' Your *Sub- . scptin? • • • .ONTARIO Department of Highways,; Ontario AUCTION, 'SALE OF LAND PROPERTY `SALE . NO.: L-0230 Approxirriately51/2 .acres of land situated :at Lot 6, Concession ;.6, Township- of Ashfield; "1/2 mile south of Kingsbridge, fronting on the eastside of Highway;:No... 21, at the intersection of the Road 'Allowance between •Concessions •6 and 7. Sale will take place on the property at: 1:30 p.m.. E:D S.T.; WEDNESDAY,. MAY, 17th, 1961 TERMS: $1.00.00 .Cash. or Certi- fied Cheque (payable toTreasurer: of Ontario) at time of sale; balance payable in 30 days. Further . information may be : ob- tained 'from: ,The Auctioneer, Mr. E Elliott, Clinton,' Ontario, Telephone: - HU'290 OR Department ' of Highways, . 581; Huron .'Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone:- 2714550 Sale subject to . reserve ' bid, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS • • , ONTARIO. Is Your Subscription' Renewed? DEAD 'STOCK SERVICE Highest *Cash Prices Paid ; for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows '&. Horses also. • Dead Cows andHbrses at Cash . Value Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Ph. - Collect `' 44-r-24, 4 Lucknow L cknow R.R. 2 Lucknow ;24.�hour service Licence No. -' .68C61. • `ATTENTION_ , FARMER S I am licensed' by • Department of Agriculture .to • remove : Sick, ' Down'''or.. Disabled' Farm Animals ;Highest .Cash Prices Paid • for animals: in good'. Condition. , • We are paying up .to $10 for X0 fresh, cattle over 0' lbs. depend- ing: on size -'arid condition., CALL TOM FOX Ripley , 157r-20 ',Collect Seven Day, ` 24 -Hour .Service Licence- NO.. 81061 REFILL :"ROBLEMS; .SOLVED Mic.ropoint ,ball; point pen: re- fills solve:' that "does it : fit". problem for°' all pens.' They •fit paper -mate; eversha'rp, seripto, waterrnan, • sheaffer, : wearever"I f See for yourself;•'unconditionally guaranteed,: 49c at The Lucknow ,Sentinel, phone '35, Lucknow. TABLE CLOTH Paper in rolls, of 100 • feet long and ' a yard wide; :suitable . for banquets, picnics &I any catered .meal The •Lucknow l and •i83 .'other ..popular makes. HI LRAY`':FARMS .. ABATTOIR. , HOLYItOOD: • The .home of choice meats :BEEF,, ' PORK; LAME in any .quantities Sehnei'der's Cured Meat's WE ALSO' DO CUSTOM ,KILLING ' and 'hang y. eat in mo our . rn modern, • • coolers as Tong as desired. Pigs on Tuesdays' .and -cattle every' day. • No • appointment necessary. r'. 'RAYNARD 'ACKERT 1014-13, Lucknow Sentinel, • phone 35, Lucknow. • JOHNSTON MEAT MARKET This' Week -End Specials STEAKS, Save ` 26c lb: SIRLOIN and T-BONE; BANANAS, 5 lbs. for POTATOES, 75 Ibs. ' �i�i1�i Pd'► �i'Iraii tr_��►'° NlMr '\•Mrdr 4'•,:mm'imirir -.•• 1 2 1 1 .1 a •'t t