HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-05-10, Page 1„7
A Year 7n, Advance -- $100; Extra- To U.
� � ;. MAY' 10th, ' 19611
New Silverwood Manager Prominent
In Church And Civic I Activifles
Mr, W hiam, Wharry .of St.
Thomas, the' newly, ',appointed
.manager of the Lucknaw, Branch
of Silverwood •Dairies, Limited,
assumed. his duties the first 'af'
last week,. He succeeds the late.
w, R. Howey. '•.
Mr, , Wharry .Comes from St,.
Thomas, where, he was manager
'of the plant in that city, which:
became part- of '. the Silverwood
organization in 1947,•
Bill, as he' is popularly known,
attended the Ontario Agricultural''
Coilege • before being employed
in the :: dairy indystry in. Cale-
donia "land Hamilton. 'In 1928 he
went to St. Thomas -as' super.:
intendent:.of• the Western Dairy
and in. .' 1941 became manager.
Six years "later it • became part.
of ' the ,Silverwood organization..
During over three decades in
St. Thomas,'.Mr' and Mrs Wharry
have .been very active in church
work and ,civic organizations;
They,are• members of First Unit-
ed Church in St.,".Thomas.' Mr.
Wharry is a member of the ses=
Sion and, acted as clerk for sev,
eral .years.: Mrs. Wharry taught
the .beginners ;department'. in the
Stirleny school for a: number of
years She. is a member and for
Roosevelt Douglas, a 19 year
of the W.M.S.;old youth from (Dorninica in the
mer ,President-
r e` t treasurer of the r_ West Indies, is ernployed • at : the.
the p n t m o Hol. rood farm of Llo" d' Ackert
ganization, as• welt: :as” a .member Y Y
of the. W.A. for the simmer.
Civic', Activities In: the fall, Roosevelt will enter
"Head office of Silverwood " the O.A.C. at Guelph to corn -
:Dairies ' lists ` the many civic in mence the 1 tw -year diploma •
:terests Mr: Wharry has had in . course. ' ', •'.
(Continued on Page 13) ' :: Dominica, a small island of.
volcanic origin in the Caribbean
Sea, ' has an area of 305 square
.miles' dotted with rivers which.
run: to the spa. :• In the fertile val-
leys- agriculture thrives with ba-
nanas and ,coconuts comprising
important crops Copra, the dried
meat' of 'the.. coconut,i"is manu-
factured • extensively for' oil and.
. ' Roosevelt is the .. second eldest.
of a family of 15 children.. ,His
older brother is: _ with the :. RAF
in CyPress. Their father owns
'est Idie'Y.�uth:
orks At Holyrood
Luc know Fire Department has
responded to:two rural fire, calls
within the' •last week. Friday of
.'ternoon a run'F`was made '-to the.
farm , of Jirn ' O'Neil .in Ashfield
Township, '1,0th concession Wand,
Lochalsh .sideroad A :car' belong- ;700: acres on ..the ,island and
. _in to P.:,aa O'Neil ".' a son of• Mr, grows
rosbananas'and coconuts:He:
and Mrs.' Jim. O'Neil, had caught is a :director of the.. Bananas
fire ,from •an uriknown,'.cause arid Growers' Association :.in. that
the. car was comp'l'etely destroy- Caribbean .area.ed, NO one: was near .the car or Population of, the ` island is
the house when the outbreak about 65,000 with the white race;.
occurred and .the' fire was noticed quite a minority group, and only
by Jim West, 'working in. an ad a .few 'owning " plantations., Most
acent. field. 'Ji';summoned the ofthe tillableland is owned by
fire department and along with native residents, .'such as ,Roose
the O'Neil boys who had'arriv- velt's 'father.
ed at the scene, drew the burn= There `is a. British Governor on
ing car to the front of;