HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-12, Page 9WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1901 . , uRPL't CROV Misss.1.6r and, Kathy Farrell visited, with Mr. and Mrs,. Ste'- , wart Needham, their. grandpar- ents, fOr a few days. arid Mrs, Glen Emerson, Gienda, SharOn;, Marilyn and •• Dianne of: Georgetown were Ea.- . Ater ViSitQrs' with Mr. and mrs, . :Sam Erner$9.0 and, Bilda.: •• Luc KNOW :SENTINFL, Master Allan Hagednrn •of • „RipleY • spent Wednesday With • Jim and Garry F-arrell.: • Mr., and Mrs, Delbert Wilson and girls, Mr. George Sutherland, • Miss Mae Sutherland, R:N,, Lori - don, visited Mr. and Mrs:. Wally • 'Pollock on -Sunday; • Mr. and Mr,. :W. .R.: Smith • spent Sunday. at, Mr. and 'Mrs, Charles Smith and farriily. • Mr.. Jim Needham' attended the //etroit-TOronto hockey game • ' the Maple Leaf Garden's ' re- cently, .•,.. '• Rev, and Mrs.:G. W. Sach and Margaret .of Luean spent Monday. with Mr. 8.z. Mrs. Harvey Thomp- son, and family. , • Mrs. Albert. ,Osborne, ••MrS.: Joseph Cumming • and •• Linda spent: Monday with Mr, and Mr;s. •Charles Smith and family. Master ..,Bryan 'Boyle • visited his Armstrong cousins during the, Easter holidays. • : • , Miss Elizabeth Wood vrsited with:Joan Thompson'on Wedgies day. • •• - • Mr.. and MrDouglas Holmes, • Cindy, C.eleste', and 'George .of Millarton visited Monday with. Mr. •and Mrs.: Frank • Dore and family ' • • • • Miss .'Sandra ,'Collins spent a ; few days with ..Ina iLeeson- and • •-• then .Iona returned arid 'spent: a few days with Sandra, • •:' • Misses Evel.y.n , and $1da. Hark- • . nese visited for •a. few days with their, siSter, MrS„ ROss Johnston of Teesw.ater.• . • „ • , Week-erid Visitors with &' Mrs, :Walter Forster 'aid family •Were Misses itutlie' arid Annetta • Forster & 'Master Andrew, Smith • • • Mrs. Bill linghp$, ' Mr. 4irnmie 'Qu7rgleypent a few days. with Mr:, Car Collins: Mr. and Mrs, • William J.. Ar-. nold were in. 'Toronto on Thurs.- day attending the Provincial:411r nual meeting of•the Farm Fortirn, Purple Grove Radio Farm: For- um had a very enjoyable• Party' on Thursday eyeing. All 'were then invited to Mr, and MP. Burton Collins' home for a, bountiful . lunoh.", There. • were twenty-nine in attendance. This •was a "windup." after an educa- tional Farm Forum season. • • A number from here attended • the Calico. Ball:, in Lucknow •on Friday night. Congratulations to the Kairshea. Women's 'Institute for successfully 'Staging the. Ari-. nual ,Ball, " • • ' Mr. t4-1.1-IVIr. Victor 'Gawley, •Marlene .,and Gladys visited re-. .veritly with ..1Vir. •and Mxs Don Chadbourne, Kingart. • • • • Mr. 'Ji.rri •i.riersori of Guelph spent the week -end at the horne Of his parents,,.:Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Emerson,' • A number bi 'ouryoung •people •attended.'the youth Conference at. Wirigham United' Church on Friday pm. and banquet,. .. *Miss Mary Anne MCCOsh spent the week -end in. Gocleric.li with Miss Eileen 'Collins and lgr.ancl. Mrs••Ray Gilders. •: • • • ..There :Was 'a large- trawd at the •annual meeting: of the Purple: Grove WOrnen's• Instiute at Mrs. Alvin Blackwell's..'On Wednesday: :Mrs.- Frank Dore •is the new :pre:7. siderit' .and Mrs, Morford .Mac- kay is the • secretary-treaSurer, • •, :*.Some froth. here who. attended, the Ripley Junior FatineirS Ban- quet • at . Holyroocl On: ,Tuesday t.rijght' W.ere'Mary Anne: 'MCCoShi• • D.ouglas MacDonald'', Roy , CO1-. .Dick*::Mccosh, Joe and Forster,,,Berf•ThoiriPson Gordon' Paterson' !and' :'Needham. ' • We. extend SYrnPathy.,. to • Mi and ME§: :Gordon 1Viactiona1el the loss of. their.. infant *son at: KFicardine .Hos,Pital on Weclnes- Mr Dale Armstrong spent last . Mr. VictordaWley: spent Tues,.. week in Goderich with. Mr.., and day - • " • • ..••••"" TI LLSM ITH 22" custom tiller Saves the day . . . for YOU! •..00.0.'yourlartien and your week end Ieisure, too .„ . • • TILLSMITH's timel•saying,' •labor-saving power does ,a whole ,day'S' work in. a feW•hobr,S..bges it better; too' Husky 3 hp TILL8•1\11TH engine-,powerS mierytilling bpera'tion: ground breaking; furrowing, . hil,ling, ',weeditig, cultrypting! Works any ground .• 22" wide; 91/2" deep, Fingertip ,control centerand . I. 4 • balanced power .make pperat , n 6ffbriles8, 8e6• TILLSMITH' .today for tomorrow' ‘ better 'garden! ' • • . • 4 • I 1% S trIC t: I; 0 i4 0 Phone '71 • • • • . ..; • • • Mrs. •Victoria &Trial. spent a few days with her 'sister, Mrs. Wallace Ribey, North :Bruce. • A number from here attended the Variety Concert ,put on by the 'Ripley and Huron Township Agricultural Society o. Wednes- daY .night. Mr, Gordon Patterson appeared on My, Murray Gaunt's television Show, CKNX on Tuesday,. Mrs,. JeanQuigley and Jim of London spent last week with Mr. and -Mrs: Ralph Hill. Jim- mie spent a few days with Mr. Carl Collins. Miss Mary Anne 1V1OCosh sumed her .studies.,in Toronto if, ter spending .the Easter 1-191idaYs at".her home here.• • , -- Mr. and. Mr, Burton Collins, Johnny, 'Sandra and Margie'were dinner gpests .f� Misses Ethel, Ada' and Lettie Gawley, Ripley, •on ,TUesdaY evening. 1 • Mr. George Bushell was in Toronto on Thursday •attending the Science Fair, '• • • Mrs.: Delm,er Cameron, Peter and Paul of London, Mr,, and Mrs. Stewart MacD,Onald,• Doug- las. and Bill, Dorchester; Mrs. Mac 'McKenzie,Elizabeth and Christeria, Kincardine,Mrs. Wal- lace Pollock, Sandy and Michael, Mrs; Carrick 'Coiling, D,avid and Jane .Anrie, Reid's Corners; Mrs., Ken MacDonald/David-and Pet- er, Linda .and Susan BrOoks,..Mrs. Bill 'MoCreath,' Mary and Shir- ley, Mi. Itocldie 1VlacDonald ,and Mrs. D. A. MacDonald ' were guests of Mrs. Jim Brooks Thursday, ' - • ,.• MrS. Dan MacDonald spent Fri- day With her daughter, Mrs. Edburt Bushell. : • ; Misses Marlene. and LindaRo- bertsbri and Gordon.of`21on, Miss NaricY Pore, Mrs. Russell Collins, Roy and Carol visited during the ,week' with' Miss Margaret and Mr. Don Robertson • Misses janet,, Barbara, Mary and porinda Forster ,viSited with ;their: cousin, Miss Mary Anne MeCosh last Thursday. ' George Harkness enter...-. tai the: Executive .of 'the P.G. Women's Iristittite on Friday,. They prepared the ,progranrine for the coming year.. • , •1 ,Mr.. and Mrs.: Ed' Bushell...and Catherine accompanied Mr and on Mrs; Russell Bushell to London • on Saturday. . , Mrs. • lielen 'Swann and Mrs. Wanda Gawley,. Mr. and Howard ThorriP,Son,. Spent the •week -end with. friends :in. Lon- „ Nr •apd Mrs. David .11/16cDon..; jalcl and: family of Lochalsh, Mr • arid MrS,.. Morford Mackay and • family: visited with Mr: and • 'Mrs: :Burton 'Collins ' On 'Friclak.. GordonMr : Patterson Was in Toronto on Friday -attending 'Itbe• • Meeting Of, the Ontario Hog,pro- dubers. . • • . .: • . „Miss Edna Boyle, EL N., visited last week With Mr. and, Mrs. Francis • BOyle. and Family: 1.. 'Mr. and Mis4 Ardili Mason • visited Mr. . and Mrs. Dori ,Mc-. Cosh on Friday, • Mr: Carl Shaw spent last week at•Mr..and Mrs,' Victor .GawleY"s„ . Our teacher, Miss .NOrrna•-Mur-„, layreturned to her school after spending . the . 'Easter holidays , With .her parents, Mi Mr, and Mrs••• J. R. Murray, St:. Helens.' QTtIQ •. • ..• 'PAGE N. Come in and look over our. • . , ,LARGE SELECTION OF • . in 'all tbe .styles and oolaurs 4 • • • • • We Have Something That iH Suit MI Tastes Schrnid'sJewell.. and Chin ,q Phone 167-W, Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building VVALKERTON• • • , . • .; •.,. • 4. E. KE.I\INb)Y,/3,Ed.,' B.A.'.;C.A.—Reiident Manager - Telephones. Business' 633; Residence 1,06.': • • ' Black. during' the' United Church sincere condolence • . Mr. aid.:.,Mrs.' Vincent. Austin ,and Mr., and 'Mrs. EarlMoDon'- ald . .of Kintail' visited in Detroit', over the week-encl':. • • Mr, 'and. Hank lioverl,s .of Flint, :spent the Week -end •with' Mr...•Thornas WallaCe •and other' relatives here • « . , . ;•' Mr.- Joe VanOsch had his ap- • pendix removed : ;Kincardine liospitai. last ;week. speedy COvery, Joe!' .• • . john. Van •Osch returned to ' Stratford Teachers'. Collpge after spending • the Easter • vaca- tion . with his parents, Mr. and•-• Mrs. John Van „ •• • • . • Mr, and • Mrs. • lolm Austin,.. Joseph, joSeph,- Ralph and. Eugene., re- turned hoine. after spending the:. -•'• past week inToronto , Miss' Frances Dalton returned •• :to her .teaching 'position h Ham- ilton after spending' the ,holiday. at her home .here: • : , -service on: Sunday.. • . • • Several ladies from the 'fourth :attended • a' .shower for Miss Ka- ren: Stroud. at Pine River.: A. $quare dance group froth Clover. Valley schooltook part in theconcert sponsored by :the Ripley HorticulturalSociety , • .KINGSgt1IDGE • Mrs. Julia Langevin and datigh- ter,.,Sharon of Toronto spent a few days last week with Mr.! and Mrs. John and. family. Mrs' Peter Van Osch received the tragie news. last Wednesday of the sadden .death of her bro- ther,: Magnus Andrew .Becker ,Carrick 'TOwnShip.. He was cru..- shed•under a:falling tree on, his father's .tarin. His 'father, ', Alex was working With. his son „When. the tree fell. We offer Betty oth • •, : crri4yig : , • • •••• Mrs. Dorothy ,Casler, Janet &., • Donald of Mitchell ;visited dur- ing the holidays with Mr.. and. Mrs. Walter Black ,and Mrs. Jack McGuire. '•'. • • ,•Nfisses Alice & Shirley BrOOks of 'Toronto: had: as: their guest; Miss Norma Raferty also of To- ' ronto when' they.' visited at their hcme here for .the Week -end, '. *Nurse8-in-training hOine for the week -end were Miss Ruth .Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Blacrand Miss Marilyn 'Finlay-, and her guest, Miss Susan McDonald with. Mr, and Mrs. divine Pinlayson„ , • • Mr.' and, Mrs. Bert Craig and' Tommy •of :Clinton Visited ,with Mr. and Mrs. I -tarry Colling' and Carol on Saturday,. Judy, who had spent the nbliday here .re. . turned horrie 'with them. .• Mrs, John Macdharles sang ."The Robc c CalVai•§” periled at the .organ by Mrs, Ross • • t**f•i: Szi,;00:\ • Pyoiong... the Iif� f y6ur engnes wth Imperial..• . . . Esso Lubricants •••• .'.4. Mobiloit M.P. Grease—and • "c5f11el, high qudliiy...1.tibilc..0 for all requirements, • •• • . . ' . • • . • . 44 ri CKNOW ALWAYS LOW titi.lititR1WPOR THE BEST , „ • .•, •• • •" •• ,