HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-12, Page 7W DN H4Y':.. P 14! /MI 1961 ' 1:'BcKNOW SENTINEL, LLIUKNQW, C')NTARIO , • Don't let seed.'prices per li'undrec or per bushel fool YOU , Figure your seed cost per acre.. Then.compare what. CO-OP . gives for the slightdifference there' might he. a better grade, a higher percentage germination and many thous-• • ands' of weed seeds less. per acre. •And don't forget, seed cost per acre -is a small, part. 4f the. totalinvetment of seeding when: you consider seed bed preparation. It Pays to: Buy; the Best USE ",SEEDS that really; grow"' Phone WEDD'I'NG: BELLS TYSON CAMPBELi.; Be.forV an: altar , banked with Easter lilies, :baskets of white. 'snapdrago;ns,. ca lalrlies and white PT WATER EM.. ;PETITION, . 'KINLOSS 'C'OUNCIL , MIINT RS, 'Kinloss .Municipal' Council met in the Hall, April 3rd, as per ad dour•nment,. with all members present. Moved' by Evans and .Ackert: that the minutes of the last re pular meeting, of . March 6th ,as read be approved and. signed. • 1Vfoved..by Ackert and. Macln tyre that the account of" $18.60 paid at the March meeting: to the . . "•Daily. Commercial.,•News" for adv, of gravel contract be trans VI FtAM wax at the MILDMA P, SHOWROOMS NEW includes about 70 suites a ----+ liviilgroom, bedroom, . kitchen, USED includes; trade-ins and, someshopwornsuites.. etc..• R CHUETT Aa14DMAY fered from the • general account` FREE DELIVERY to .the Highway. account. • . ,. • • t Phone Moved • by Bushell and1Vfac�' � Intyre that we give a grant of • En icon 7-2308 $15.00 to • the BruceCounty Soil •''w+..++ • .+�*•.''�"'-!' and Crop 'Improvement' Associa- i tion. i 'r1 JY./3 "rCo./././✓'. .04ge. r.orewt ► • Moved by Maclntyre , 8u- Evans j. that we pay Amos C. Martin Ltd. of W:'allenstein the sum of $1;714 21on' account tile delivered to date, re Johnston , drain. ' Moved by .Evans and MaeIntyre that . we aegep.t• the petition sign- ed by:: Whitechurch Ratepayers' 'for 'a Community Water System, and 'forward 'to Mr. (Ross .O L,S., Geder.ieh', for further planning. Moved. by Bushell and Macln tyre. that the •Reeve be authorized. to. have the Guest Drain, •repair- •ed Moved ' by Evans 'and :Bushell: that the return of: the 1960 Cel - lectors. Roll ; be extended to. our next 'meeting,' May let, 1961.• "Moved •by. •8ushel1 'arid 'Ackert that we accept the 'AuditorsRe- port 'for the year 1960, and. , he be `paid 'the surn :of $375.00 for m ledge 32.40, $78:60;'H. McMil his services r • Moved,�by Maclntyre and 'Evans •Ian, operator,: 144•0J; •R..'Conley, that . the following General and 'wingrnan, 80,40; T. J ' Mansfield; Highway accounts Le paid...repairs, , §1'01' Bruce ' MacMillan, .Cheques . Issued - Pinecrest ,snow plowing;. 21.00;,, H H Ban . nerman, snow plowing . ,287,00; • c,.raiWei'Hau..lage GRAVEL FOR. LANES and CEMENT WORK. also FILL and TOP SOIL TRUCKS •sand••. LOADER FCR HIRE CEMENT and ,...CARPENTRY: ..*ORK Phone • 2'86 L , ucknow, or Contact ri.15" fee, ' 375.00 Highway cheques -- ..• tilers;. iRoad Superintendent 46;20, •i• Manor Ltd nursing care March D: Gillespie; snow plowing, 189• • $400 Home; ntirsmg care, •March; :16'8.00; & K Telephone,,' 'Members- 'of Knox 'Country Circle served-, at the reception, ..for 100. guests held : 'iri the, Church hall',. which "was decorat- ed with'; pink snapdragons, ,white r s anthenium ink.: carna- rh ys� s, .. p 'stocks, offset Eby, tall candles':in tions. and baskets `of 'whi.te flow- cathedral. candelabra, Jeanette ers: :The ' bride's mother received Louise 'Campbell, Ibecame the :the-'- nests,gowned in a• dee � sea - :bride'. gu • , P bride;` of James Jackson Tyson, blue embroidered. pure silk over in 'Knox., Presb'� terian Church, taffeta sheath dress,'the' bodice Y, St. Thomas,' :at four' ,o'c.l,ock :in featurin a: scoop 'neckline and the' afternoon:, on :Easter Saturday, bracelet••lengtl ,sleeves She wore April R•odne : a c c -ssories and.a, .cot- prrl lst•.:• Rev;: ' H. S.. . , Y in:atcling r e performed . the : ' ceremony' and :sage of pink' and white' sweet- Edward traditional roses: The room's mohter • wad Heal played • heart , groom's . :. "wedding, music and .accompani:ed assisted wearing : a' grey arid the so ois•t` Harley Ko 1..' `-A i�.een brocade `sheath . dress. with 1 Y Y. g - rounded neckline ',and; short slee- :The bride • pis the daughter � of Ves. A .whi:te,,p,etal hat ,and .cor- Mr 'and .Mrs: Curtis Campbell„ R R ' 5 ..St.' Thomas -and. . the sage o:f• pink and .:white sweet heart rose's compleite, d her, ' •pen- Mrs: . • agents "..ate Mr: aii�d. r Mr..s A. E,'•'`TYson, Richmond cable, ,; Hillgrandson ;~!or:.traelling to the •.United ..The groom is the;.gra ds of "the l R;, J. I�State', ,,the bride chose' a teal ate Mr:' And.:,Mrs:, Mrs, Woods of.'St: ;Helens:.:'' blue sheath•' dress with multi - e Giv� n ' `er..'fa- dalored ,top and rmatchin.g: teal rn • marriage by h ; 'thea the 'bride looked" charming blue iacl�et'. I'ler accessories 'were .00, Carruthers Nursing. 00; Ray Stanley, .'snow ;plowing, 255.00i'•Fairhaven .Nursing Horne; Dominion Road Mach.' .Co. re - nursing :care, March,' 100,00. An- ' I pairs, .266.22; . Luoknow Sentinel; derson F1ax :Products;• W.F.. Pow- r 4,40• E:. Carruthers'; pottage, 5.00; der, 220:00; . Luckiow Sentinel, ! '. Lane ,une loy meiit'starn s J. R gip.. Y. p .supplies,. 10,30; West Wawanosh: Insurance CO.; . insurance on hall., 16.25; Mrs:,. Mansfield, caretaking; etc., 52,90;'Dr: , E ; F:: Sl aunessy,' dental' 'care; 22.00;' Dr. J A. Mac- Donald • Est., dental pare, 37.00'; Bruce Co. .Soil. and Crop ' Imp: Assoc:, • grant, 15.00:; Frank Thornpsori, 'Postage, 5.00;' Village pf. Lucknow, 'Maclntyre and •Dic- kie' fire calls, 100.00; Ontario. 1. Hydro; `.. I Y Whitechurch- . St: Lights,� 28.13; 'Amos .9. Martini, tile: John- • ston;' .drain, 1714,21; James ' A. Howes, engineer ,Johnston 'drain, 800.00; Cliff Johnston, assistance ,black : and her .corsage - Pink and.r in ; a white rylon� chiffon over ,. . 'taffetagown the 'bodice featur• .was of pink ,sweetheart roses :On in a } f tiny ,their return from their wedding g portrait 'neckline o• pleats •a . sleeve A 'trip; the couple will reside at. .and lilypoant sl • chapel . train fell - racefully fro • 72, ..Pacific Avenue, Toronto.. g The. bride and groom are. honor the waistline'. White roses and.'i f st h t'° f d li d Uiaduate5 of •the • Univers ty o survey • Johnston drain,' 24.00; • •B'arry Johnston. assistance survey ' Johnston drain,..12,00 Ernest Kempel, assistance ' survey',John- st:on . drain, • 4:00;' Ed.; Thompson: assistance survey Johnston 'drain, 8;00;, Frank . Johnston, assistance survey. Johnston' drain, ` 4.00; Mark. ' Johnstori, •assistance stir.-. vey 'Johnston drain, 2.00; R. El - Hot,' assistance survey Johnston . drain, 3.00; Registrar of Deeds, Walkerton 2:33 J. R. Lane,'pos- tape,: 5.00';A. M..Harpe:r; auditors' ep ano rs oxine: ei•::casca e bouquet. " • • , WNeste r n ..On tar ro. • Copen. ,blue silk organza•overI;i�T,lAlit. °d{OT�'Qll, KI.IPPERS'' .taffeta street length frocks were ,. worn by the 'bridal;attendants. The eighth ineetin•g. of .the' Kin - ''Miss Mar. Deiini's Brownsville; tail Kcxtto:il� Klippers was held at •maid of, honor, Miss -Carol Toa'- the ;i-ienilocl City' school at 1:30 rens, London and , Miss . Isabel: p, r7., :. tivith .11 ;members in`'atten- •1 • r Brown of Toronto,"br ;desinaid.s. dance The meeting opened with Theycarried' cascade. bouquets (J 'Canada, • rail. kali,' '•minutes of • .,,of pink and white carnations , the tato,. meeting and the business. • Douglas Leiper of Ega'nvi'lle•' Woi•i was then >tai Lcd .on our. attended the ' groom and 'the,, cot ton dresses" and samples of guests were 'ushered by the bro- ; the belt •with, ',keeper, corded' therof .fide •:bride, ; 'Colin' Carilp=:',Waistline and •';slip stitching on bell ' brother;;"hem. helm. The • meeting ;'then closed ,r and' :the grooms bi ofher, • Uavid TySon. .1; w'i th They t tieen.. 8.32.. •• ' •Moved by Ackert and Bushell that we do . now ad' ourn. tomeet again on.Monday, J May lst;. 196:1;•'' or at ;•'the call ,of the Reeve. J. R, LANE, ' Clerk. ST. HELENS ' Miss Jess.ie'`McCharlesr, of tip, ley spent 'a few days .:with her sister, Mrs. Ernest 'Gaunt • and. Mr: Gaunt: Little Billy. Thompson`, of Exe- ter, is a visitor.with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and; Mrs: ' Gordon •`Me-, Pherson:: • ::Mrs..Lorne ':Woods visited in. Toronto and Kitchener during thispast week. Mrs.. •Woods was accompanied h.orne by Miss Don. Archie. Aitchison ' arid. Mrs .Wm. j: Robb. Mr,. Charles McQuillan, Exeter:. spent., Easter'. week :at his home here ,,, Mr and: M. . Gordon Miller• 'Of London spent Sunday .with their parents, Mr arid'. •Ohetter Taylor ,and' Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller.....Larry, returned' to.. the ' ..cii'ty after ;spending . Easter week . with 'relatives. ` Mr. Terry Wilson and Mr. John na Woods and.. Mr Roy Hawley. of Oshawa. • M! • and :Mrs, fl. J. Moore ,,of Mr. Streetsville •spent the week -end Y . Patients from this community in Win .ham ' Hospital are' Mr.' .Is Your • Subscription Paid? g Pp with' Mr. and'Mrs. Harve ' Webb. Andrew of 'Ashfield spenta few' Y 'da'.:s in Toronto with Mr.: and Mrs. ;Al' Fairbrother : and 'family.'.. • Mr. and Mrs. Irvin . McC•abe.' arid Brian of Windsor spent Wed- nesday with :'Mr •'and Mrs., Frank: McQuillin and Mr. •and ;Mrs. Fred Mc.Quillin Also :._visiting, :.there were Mr. Barry McQuillan, and Miss Sue Scott of' Waterloo.' Little 'Lori Jean Miller. spent the past `week at the home :.r of Mr., Richard Elliott of Holyrood. Mrs. 'Allan ''Miller spent the past week in London. with Mr: Wal- lace Miller .' ;who is ;a, patient at Victoria ' Hospital. Sympathy of the 'community goes. to Mr. arid Mrs: Jim Curran and family in the 'loss of his fa Ther, 'Mi: Herb. Curran; • Mrs. A. .• .Humphrey re 'turned :from Wingham '.Hospital:' on •'the. week=end. • Mr. an • Mrs. Eldon Miller, and'• Lois .spent Thursday iii London. Mrs ';Margaret Miller' returned home • after spending the winter; •9•• mbnths in the city. I •, MONUMENTS 3: For sound counsel and a .fair l rice'on•a rnonun et t correctly' designed `from' gtralitiy Material', rely on . , SICELTON� •MEMOR;L�►LS1 • Pat 4'.NagaProp, p. .• Established Over z?rt+y Y'esirp ' • Phone 6$.W' • ontakio Walkerton 3 1 • _ • ` • . Duron citizens: have been, fighting cancer 2 'effective ways . :1. ' Having an annual medical•.'' checkup to catch early symptoms. 72. Giving a 'generous donation to the April. campaign to raise` funds for research, serviceand education work. Prepared When .The Canvassers 'CaII FIGHTING CANCER. 0i EiC?Ro)I` COUNTY : a • •