HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-12, Page 1$3,00 A Year' In Advance — $100: Extra;
Q1ITTARIOr WEIllI�iESP Y, ',.PRII. 13,th, 1961:
Largecrowd Greets : D D GM: n.
,Dr. James'. E. 'Little, District
• Deputy Grand Master of North
Huron District paid' his official
visit to , Old' Light • Lodge ' on •
Thursday evening and .was re:,
ceived by a large. attendance a.t
his mother ' lodge; on, this occa-
In the 94 years since Old Light,
Lodge was instituted, Dr. Little
is -the seventh member of the lo-
cal fraternity to receive the
honour of District' Deputy Grand
Master. The others have. been
W. R..Telford, 1890'; J S' Ten
r ajit; 1896; Dan • Paterson,, 1909.;
W. A. ' Wilson, 1920 George `•T.
Aitch.is'on, .' 1931; • T,. .J, Salkeld,
1949. . • • .
Thursday's meeting was pre-
sided over by the worshrpful
Master, Bert' Irwin,
There -are 12 lodges in -North.
Eaten.' District, and six visiting
masters were in attendance: They
Were introduced by the District
Secretary, Ted . Collyer arid in-
eluded;. D. Edmunson, Kincard•
Inca` Stewart McPherson,. Tiver.
tong Gerald Bone, Teeswater;
Alex Corrigan,. Wingham; Don-
ald •.Dunbar, Brussels, Weldon
Tyndall, Londsborough.
Other right worshipfulmeni-
bees 'in' .attehdance . who have
held,'. ,or hold; . district .offices
were `; 'ken, 5•axton•; ,,, Wingham;
(Contipuecl ':on Pate 13) :.
•'1;lie ;' death' . of Geoi,ge Beatty.
resent 'tives of the Depart. of : Fergus,'` president of Beatty
Rep a p•
merit.: of.:Transport are currently,
making a„survey of traffic.con
ditions on : Highway 86.‘ through
the Village .and • at other .points
within•`•the Corpojation .
• This survey :.pertains. to paral-'
lel and angle parking, stop and
yield ' 'signs,- .•arid ` parking dist-:
ante, from. intersections They .are
also examining the • "right -of--:
.way” at • tl.e rear o the usiness
1 . reef
• It has beep suggested .• that . an
army type/bridge; might be con-
sidered across':'the. river' .to pro.
vide a service road ; from Ross'
to' Inglis' Sts:'•
The • report of the surveywill
Abe submitted to ;.Council in ;due
time, and • ''if its recommendations
Of h b
places on the south '. side : of
Campbe 1 •St
are approved, a new by=law
would be adopted replacing .all
adopted,. ]? g
., existifig ,by-laws'', pertaining to
traffic ; and parking reguiation:s.
The survey' ' was announced at
the April' meeting of the Village
Council last • week.' ' ' •
Co n il' ,.•di sse a at.. some
u c
length the proposed: restaurant
:addition to the' Log Cabin-Rest-
abin•,Rest' aurant ., and what bearing
b g
would have on, roadways. and
sewage ,' dis 'p osal beds in ' that
.,area...It was 'felt that the Bruce,
County. Health Unit would have
to make a study of the area, and.
that a survey would be neces-
nary if` "right-of-ways" '.are to
be relocated.,
',Debentures . • have been sold.
financing the Town' Hall renova-
1• the Matter' is given some.
consideration,. Council deferred
making an• appointment ' to' the
High. School Board, ,.to fill' the
vacancy -caused by the death of
W, R. Howey.
•Name 'Board . Member
Since .last' ...week's meetilnt,
Charles Webster, former' Pub-
lie School trustee, has been'; -
appointed to the High School
Board. Reeve, Joynt made the
announcement on Tuesday •
• evening:
Permission•�b cin sought
s g •
from all :Departments regarding
the. disposal 'of certain munici-
pal records, previous to sic years
ago,' This applies only to fedoras
Of. no further value and: does not
apply to such basic records as
tiiinute books m
assessent and
Cash books,'etc., etc,.
lContinued on Page 13)
Brothers,::occur.red .o "Monda.::'
lie was only 44. years:,O age, but'
hada been in failing ::health' for •'a
few`✓': months. .
The funeral, 'Was .held.,in Fer-
gus ' on' Wednesday . aternoon,
!when the'. Lucknow plant was
M -i• Beatty ' is survived ,by his
wife, two daughters and a son..
,Denver. Dickie,
':"Grade • ;XII
'student at L D H..S.: entered 'an
exhibit at the Science Pair' ke]d.
in the Queen. Elizabeth Building:
at.Exhib.ition Park in;Toronto
last' week.' He attempted to• ,show
the possibilities of running 'an
a�tomobil:e.'on solar',ower. The
model car' was -carved from;
wood 'wit'h sun .batteiies
ed in the roof to. 'supply' electric.`
energy' to run a small •motor..••:
Denver and..Allan •'MacD ugall
went: down: to Toronto onPTues-
day to .set: up ..the exhibit . and
W.6170 guests with 'Mr. arid,
Carl Dickie .arid' family, of Scar-
bu'oufli. until Tliuisday.
':Mr. A.G. ..•MacLeod;''• science'
5. •,11. accom :anied
teache at L'.,17 S p
his. ;,cic'n;ce club by.'bus to, the
.Fair on Thursday. ,
(til Saturday '. e\''ening on the
tele y tsuir , programme "Accent on
Youth" Mi; 'MacLeod' was spec-,
ilii guesyPictures were .shown
and .- everal of the' splendid • ex.:1
hi'h'its described, inetuding Den:
was the . on:l'y entry]
vrr's which i
'from this immediate area, A Han,.
o .:4 stuclr n:t }incl an exhibit' a't
the Fair. .
Irttei i;iewed on Saturday's pro t,
gram;* * Mr, 'MacLeod expressed'
the opinion that the, Fair' stimu-
lates • a .-great, deal , of scientific
it .airong students' & gi!`es
to better tr &hinique and the
,et• .,elo`pin pure science.. c.n.t c9f, u
Ho' felt that. at • Thursday's; trip
to the Science Fair was a 'worth-.
while project locallyr and' had'
i , •. the.ereating, of,
broken the ice.:• in' ,
renter, int t'est.:
• With reference 5 W i 'e to• Denv`ei'' Dic-t
c,r c
kie's ..entry . of the "car of the
future,' he sal' that Denver had
Spent .two months 'of hard work
:,in effort., and thoughts, ir,, produc
ing the exhibit
1Vlernbers: of they. Lucknow
Br,,anch. of. ,the. Canadian Le-
gion will canvass the Village
of Lucknow on behalf of the
Red Cross,
This will take the form of.
a blitz campaign to be held•.
next Monday, April 17th.
It will speed the work. of
thesevolunteer canvassers if
you 'have . your donation fn
readiness when the door bell
Bert Irwin, Worshipful.. Master
of Old Light 'lodge,• had the pc-•
casionr•' recently to . conduct :the
initiation of his brother; Steve
Irwin, ,into lodge membership.
He was 'assisted by his. brother'
Ralph Irwin of ,London.'
Six brothers 'of 'this Huron
Township family are, all' Masons'
-Bert, Leonard, Loyd and Steve
are members of Old Light. Ralph
belongs, .to a London lodge and
ill, who is now in Ottawa,•.'took
out his membership in the West
Lloyd's-, son, Allan, is. also a
mem'ber,.'of .Old Light.
Brother combinations are not
uncommon. in Masonry,' At Thurs..:
day night's . ',meeting honouring
District :.Deputy Grand.' Master,.
J. E: Little, three '.brothers were
present,' Clarence': MacDonald of
PRICES. ON:: Goderich and Cameron and Leo
nard MacDonald of Lucknow; In"
NEW P.S. ' INI `N DOWS attendance also was their broth
• Ar'. regular , meeting '.: of•' the
Lucknow' Public Sch ool ;Board
was " held April, t 4th.
The matter ' of new: window-
panes ' was ;, ,again discussed, A.
representative of a ..Glass, Firm
•has ' inspected the' windows and
taken measurements ,' An estimate
.of cost and. suggestions of ' types
of new windowpanes which could.
be installed is to, be forwarded•
A letter was re eived from rr
specter. T. Keith Waldie approv-
ing: the' :Board's decision in keep=
ing seven grade cls° srooms . open
for the next school; term. •
notice • is "being; inserted, in,.
the local, paper, to the effect. that
the .Board.is ° not responsible for
any accidental:injuries resulting
.in youngsters' using' the Play-
ground Equipment after, school
Accounts amountingto
77 for the month of April were.
approved for -payrnent
mato_ NAME.
Lucknow and Districe Lions
Club, has Set its sights on a "big
day;'.' or' :night, or both, on Mon-
day,. July 3rd.
The. .. Executive' has named . a
plannin committee 'which w:as..
announced at Monday's.' meeting,.
and ,consists of Charles, Webster,
ebairm,an; Cameron MacDonald,
Morgan. Henderson; 'Raynard
Ackert,' Ross ,' Robinson,. and
Campbell Thompson. I
This committee . is charged with
g. ,
formulating sole. plan for such
a day andsubmitting it to' the
Cid...) for approval:
Russell Grainger ...of Zurich
Deputy District Governor, paid
his official visit to the Lucknow
Club' ori .Monday. •
Easter Seal Report
..Lloyd Ashton, treasurer of the
Easter Seal Committee reported
that this`fund for Crippled 'Child-
ren'., was approaching $90000.
Donations are still being re-
ceived and'• the list of donors will
be brought up to date in stxbse-
ouent' issues .of • The Sentinel,.
' ts' ,
Jim Wa on reported on Teen.
Town 'activities. The Club has
er-in-law, Ever'eft. 1iarris.: of.
Goderich. And ' we shouldn't
overlook Cameron's father-in-law
, W 'W., Hill, who is the holder : of.
a' 50 year jewel in Old Light:.
Mr. arid Mrs. Neil 1VIacLennan
of Ripley sai,1 from Montreal this
Thursday,. April 13th: en the .lin-
er, . Homeric •tor a. -tour of ' the...
British Isles and the Continent, "
They •• will be •gone close to 8
weeks . and plan , to return on
June 3rd; making the .return trip
by jet pane;
Mr. and :Mrs. MacLennan's
family are sending ' them. on the
trip. Reservations were made and.,
tickets purchased last fall, he -
fore Neil arid Norma wereaware
of what was being planned.
The trip is; sort of an anniver-
sary celebration,. as , it ,will be
50` years , on May lst., 'since Neil
left the farm in Huron Township
.;ass a teen age lad,• to start work -'.3
ing in• .Ripley: His; first job was
driving the bread wagon .for
W. N. 'Neil Bs a son of 'Mu
. rdoch•••1VIe•
Lerman and, Christena Matheson,'
and' was • born on .Con. 4 , Huron'
Township By the. time he 'reach-
ed ' teenh:ood ,he was. parentless.
His, mother 'died when. he, ' was
seven and his father when , he
was but. 12 years of age:.
Neil went . from . the bread cart
to' the barbering trade and'. at •
• the age .of17,; owned his :own
barber business which he bought
from Angus MoLean,
Neil spent 3/2•" years . in the
army in World. War .1 and after
his discharge : spent 'a couple of
years in ' Vancouver before. re- 4.
turning : pernanerntl to Ripley.:
He re-entered the'• 14tiber busi- •
ness Which' he` purchased. '•'frern `.
Fred • Davison,' ` a.brother of
' c
,W: J., Davison oaf Lu know. •
In..,1 927 Neil bongh
t the fun-
eral us ness of :theEstate.,' of •
J. B. art .n: Ten earslater he
(Continued. on Page 14)
SCI1<OOL.� PRINCIPAL � .' ' � , •
, Mr. Brian Howlett of `.Drayton:TEACHER .APPLICATIONS:
has been engaged as principal, ,
of ' the.. Lucknow D,istriet'.High
School, to comm' lice his duties
• 11./Ii. Howlett, who is' 39 'has.
• been principal: of . Drayton. High
the past two years.
He has, been ;recommended- by the
Department,. ' for the •summer'
course for principals to fully
qualify him for the Luckno
• post.
in September as successor to Mr:
G. D Kirk. •
School. for .
NS • N R.�lCE
Gordon Stockley; senior or-
ganizer of mass' tuber' cul.osis' sur;
veys, Department of Health; • To-
• ronto, • spoke to members of the,
Bruce County Tuberculosis. and,
Health Association at a . meeting
in. Paisley. on • Monday night. •
Committees` were formed to be
in chat ge.' of , the mass T'.13.. survey,
to be heldin,i,Bruce . County in:
Kinloss: Schocl Area .Board 'has'
received; twenty seven applica-
tiorts 'for the. ,teacher .positions': at
the • new Central School to be
built at' Holyrood'• this year. The
Board. requires a. staff of four—'
'a principal ,and. three teachers,:
` . There. were'' three • applications
for. the principalship and the re-
mainder for .the. teacher., appoint- .
merits.: The -Board met- on Mon-
day to: consider the applications,
which theynarrowed. down, but
.wish• ;to confer with, 'the inspec
for before' reaching a, 'final :de:-,'
cision. , • , • .
They. have .narrowed --•the: list'
to . the 'three.' principal applica
s ' and eight . applications for
the teacher positions.
Jim ' ;Powers , . of 'Chepstow is '
the • general • survey • chairman.
Secretary.,• of ..the Bruce ' AAssocia- •
tion is Mrs. Norma MacKay o
. M Y f.
Ripley. Plans for the survey are
to have &tuberculin test with an •
X-ray 3 to 5 days later whore
there is a positiv . reaction. The
ey in. Bruce . County was
in 1957; • • : ••
Area chairmen 'harried were;
Wiarton. Forest Craig, ;Irvin Sut-
ton; Port . ,Elgin-Southarriton
Cliff 1-Iuston, Sduthanri 'ton
, Allan;
McKenzie,. Port Elgin; Cheslev-
Tara-Paisley; Earl . Raebu:,n,
Chesley; Walkerton=Mi1dtn«y,
Ken Muir, Walkerton; Lucknow-
Kinloss-Culross-Tee'swater, Gor-
don Montgomery,' Lucknow; • Hu-
ron-Ripley-Kincardine Gene
Moll, Kincardine.
Train ing chairman•is Mrs. John
A, MacDonald Ripley; publicity
and public relations,. Don Thomp-
son, Lucknow; professional chair -
had a successful financial year; man, • Dr J. T. H. 'Robinson; Wa-
A. Parent. Night is planned for kerton; educational chairs an,
the near future. George Gear, Walkerton,
The;, Calico Ball, sponsored!
each.. byspring the Kairshea~
Women's Institute, as; held ori:
Friday evening and. again' .attrac-
ted •a large croWd,. W.ith'repairs •
: progress•at the Town Hall, the
dance was •held in .' the' Legion
Hall with music supplied by Cai -
ruthers orchestra: The • lunch,
counter, with:' its homemade : pie
reputation was also generously
patronized, •
Miss Anna MacDo aid WomL
en's director, CKNX and Ms. and
Mrs.' Doug McGowan'' of Wing
ham, were; 'judges of 'the..pret- •
tiest and • inost becoming 'cotton
dresses, with $3,00 and $2,00 cash'
awards as follows: Ready': made•--- .
25 years and under, Ast, Joan
(Crawford; 2nd, •,Diane' Rayner.
heady trade 26 years and over,
';st; 'Mrs. Harold .Taylor;, 2nd,
Mips. Orville Elliott; Home seWn-
,25'' .years arid ,.udder,+ lst, Helen• •
Campbell; 2nd, Dario; ra Murray.
Home sewn- - 26 years 'and' over: -
1st, Mrs, ''Orland Richards; 2nd,'„
Mrs: George l‘'Iontcrief.
'pecia home e
p 1 sewn for Lixck«
now District. ict High Achdol:. gir'lso.
prize donated • y 1011'8 Reel!. i
White Grocery, 1st,. Carolyn; Ma-
r lies s; ::ilea, Llaantor A'iton.