HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-05, Page 12MIA • 9 "ASE 7,W [+VE Mk T :1 LUPM. OW' : Ste' NEL, L r. Did You Remember the CALI.CO BALL THIS: FRIDAY: NIGHT April 7th.' A,. WIDE. SELECTION OF al cCotton ' Dresses q•O an, stock. now for your selection Sizes rangefrom 9 19, 10 - 20, 38 - .44, 14%2-24%•• A great variety of patterns and 'shaded, PRICED FROM 8 to $19.95 YOU • ARE INVITED' TO DROP , IN We Must. Hurry TO ASHTON'S to .look over their CALICO DRESSES AGENT: FOR .KINCARDINE CLEANERS 'ree • Pick -Up; and Delivery: Monday -and . Th►ursday. • ped,; Men's., ear. Luc Ow. TURN:: "PARISH */ SOD �, ��C'a ontinue . ',from Pagec • ge 1) e building of the . new sh %iall by'.'turr. ng. the first .Archdeacon Queen responded °Brethr..en if: this' be your desire, and ,the desire okthe parisluon- willroc edact, to:' that �rs,'wep�. :but,' "first, let prayer' be offered to the Most : High . God." After ..:the saying ' .P,'of . ers' ,ra Y and the' spading o1 the> :ground,'. the Archdeacon said,. "With :.the turning of this sod, the build- ing',•operation is begun for the erection : of a Parish Hall on this ground." .The ceremony con- cluded with a' prayer' of blessing on the congregation: and dedica- tion .of the undertaking. Work •Allready Begun Already the foundation trench- es have : been,_ dugfor the :hall':, which -will adjoin the church to`� the west and be connected:"by a. passageway. ,The '. building ,will be 24x48 feet of far .' construction me. . 'and insul .brick siding. It will be used for Sunday School clas- ses .andarochial activities..,Ev- P . entuallY ' it is expected :that kit- chen facilities may be installed. Much of' the work will be<'done. . by volunteer labour, and it is lu a expected that , in this ,way the cost .of the building can be kept Ad about $3',00Q. St. Peter's, ' congregation, a small but active ' group, have-. '1" • long considered a, parish hall. •The .original . hought was to ex-'• cavate :the basement, ' but ' this did not. prove practical.' In 1950, during the incumbency, • of ,Rev: A • S. 'Mitchell, the first T CKNOW, ONTR.IO 1 5EE BY E. SENTINEL THAT Jack. Bradley •of Ashfield' ur}derwent major 'surgery. in. Victoria . Hospital, ' London, on ,Wednesday of 'last. week and is .convalescing ',quite''; favor ..ably, • THAT Mr. and, Mrs. 'Bob Mac- Kenzie and daughters, Wendy and 'Joan , spent . Easter week- end in New York City,. leaving. .Toronto by train for the Am erican' metropolis• on Thursday • evening; definite steps`. were taken by. founding of a "Parish Hall •Build- ing ` •Fund, the first, generous donation . from Mr. James Mit- chell,: now . of London, Ont:, 'in memory'of;, his father, Mr. .Moor- house. Mitchell. wl6 for over 25 years was Sunday School Super- intendent .and a ' loyal church worker. Over, the :last decade the. fund' has' . grown by donations :from .members some of *horn now reside. , elsewhere, friends ' of the . Church as;: well as local,;merchants. All these; gifts; were placed in, theY Snod',of . the. Diocese trust' fund; and; with the interest has. ,now- reached the sum of nearly.' $1,200,06. • . In late November' of last year a special Vestry Meeting was ;cal- led, ' and the , members of St. Peter's. Congregation, by a un- animous vote,.. decided to 'tom mence the.. work' of• erecting a Parish 'Hall,` and fulfil the obli- gation to those ;who •' served the church so well;' in' the past, as. well .asto meet the present need. of ,the children and •people in this •,corrimunity. Theynod of the 'Diocese gave this: plan their blessing,. and fur- ther contributed a free grant . of, $5.00.00 .to' help' to further the pr.o ect u'ldin committee J A b i g was elected with Mr. Stuart, Lavis as ' chairman... Fred Mc Quill'in is treasurer of the build ing fund. The task tl at. lies ,ahead will: not be easy for. some $1.,500 still remains to be raised to 'com- plete the • project.' Footings ' will be poured . as' soon: as : weather • perfnits,• and. the work.' of construction• 'of :the 'building , will proceed without• THAT the omission of the South Kinloss W.M.S. report in last week's issue was The iSenti- .. nel's oversight. This report re ceived ' immediately' following the meeting, was "sidetracked" on a galley of thine copy, type and overlooked in "making up" the . paper.' THAT .Janet Cook, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Jack Cook ob- served' her 6th . birthday last, Thursday when she entertain- , ed. ntertain-,'ed, a number. - of little friends: THAT Lucknow Boy Scouts will hold a' 'coll¢ction of waste. pa' ,per and magazines this Thurs •day _ afternoon. The . collection.; willbe made. in the' Village. and at Dungannon. For speedy collection • paper • should be plated at the curb, or , if unable\ to do so, .contact .any Scout and they will call at your: door. .Proceeds of : the sale of this paper' is for the promotion of ;Scouting 'activities.;' THAT Bill Graham: of. Ripley Y and Stewart MacLennan have taken over the farmdraina e g, (business ,formerly .oPerated' by Harvey Hagedorn. THAT Gordon Barris of Kin .sardine has taken over the Lee studio ' in the; Lakeside town. Mrs. Harris is the :former Bev- erly .'MacKenzie,: daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dave MacKen zie .of Kincardine and former- ly of .Kintail THAT Rev. Wilfred, Wright 'was guest speaker 'at the Easter assembly ,at Lucknow District High School :on Thursday, prior. to the 'close `of school. for the Easter vacation us aISO mini Nal ce■ Iasi ■iiisiue■aaa■■Nal Eli ■■e■a` ■ ■'• ,■ •••• •■ • • ,•••• .fibetitures.. .•••• •.•■ .•••, � ■ • • lit 7 • r ■, r • E.. H Agnew . Treasurer. a, >re▪ rel■ n >r a■■■derfie■ ■re■■ea■■isii*uii■■■■■ iirel. VILLAGE OF : LUCKNOW ... F r • • • ■ ■ ■ e. ,■ ■ • • If$4060n • Unita o 5,"$500� �$ 0, ?00. ,• , Apply At i PP '•■ ■ /,M ■ %INICtPAL FFICE UCI� O� O L N W ;. ■ THAT .last week we . reported ,large flocks of "danaries" at Greenhill cemetery, which Alex McNay 'lad sighted., Seems neither Alex or 1•are too o0 _well' Versed on, ` "the' : birds." N r - orrmn ', T a Taylor. believes that these ,are buntings, which for several winters , . have fed ori . seed: cleanings at the Flax.1V1ill. They '.resemble ,'the. ' female canary. delay, so that it .may be avail- able 'for' use at the 'earliest pos4 sible date. TO Be Honored Archdeacon Queen• who: off' dated' at 'Sunday's service'. at- .St. Peter's; 'is one: of four Anglican clergymen who sill • receive, an: 'honorary degree ;of Doctor of , Divinity at the Huron College convocation, on May 6th., ' ArchdeaconQueen: was born in Egremont Township, in Grey County, He graduated' from the University of. Western . Ontario and Huron College and was ord- ered . deacon in 1936 by the late Archbishop, C. A, Seager, :then Archbishop of Huron. He served as assistant curate • at All Saints Church, London; i'ncumbent of Priceton, Dri rnbo and "Ayr; ,and: rector of 'R'idgetown, and 'High- gate, , High-gate,,He later served: as rector 'of Tillsonburg andjCulloden, In 1946, he .,became rector of St: Jarhes' Church, Ingersoll,.and re- ,maimed' there until he became Diocesan Commissioner in 1946; Appointed a canon. at St. Paul's: Ca'thedral, London, in ..1956, he was 'named Archdeacon :of the Diocese in, 1958, WE ITEM: AY, A° 1961 YOUR BARGAIN FOODL►,ND ' CORN SYRUP•• SALE. Beebive or• Crown Brand. Feature;. TOMATO JUICE SALE.; 'Clarks: Fancy. Tall 48 ;oz. Bargain., • INSTANT : OAT 'SALE , ". Robin Hood. Large 72 oz. Special. Bag- IC: CIGARETTE SALE. Carton of 200; Save 30c and More. Your •Favorite .Brand,' • SODA CRACKER SALE. Save 19c.lbs. 59c Your Favorite Brand. : Special. WATCH THIS 'AD' FOR VERY IMPORTANT 'ANNOUNCEMENT.. PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK. Your: Friends•, Will ' Meet You Here. Values Effective .We Sell For Less April 6, 7, . 8.• Phone 11.9, Lucknow „ THAT a week from Friday, April 14th, the Junior members of the Lucknow and District Hor- ticultural 'Society, 'will hold, a. meeting/ in the Town ' Hall, ,when they will receive valu • able package's of seeds and bulbs as a° membership;pre- unium.• THAT members of the Lucknow; Legion will conduct the Red' Cross canvass, in the village.' ,.This will be a blitz effort, but the' date is not yet set. '. THAT Roderick J,'. MacKenzie observed his 89Th ..birthday on Saturday, April l st.Mr. Mac- • Kenzie still enjoys a fair .mea- .sure ea.sure . of health and: is able - to•, . regularly. •. walk down` � street. He has'•'made his home for soin'e time at Pinecrest Manor.`. THAT Mrs. Charles : Lorenz ; will observe her 86th birthday on Sunday; April 9th, and will have Mr. - and, Mrs. Clarence Bell of Cleveland visit her. for the ' occasion., : • Mrs. Lorenz is still. 'keeping. , house in the apartment` above F inlay's store. She' ' continues to enjoy a fair measure of. health` but has ' no recipe for longevity, . other. khan live right, ' work ' hard . & trust in God.: . THAT' Donald Murray of West. Wawanosh`is on' crutches:. again. He ,; suffered a .fractured limb in a . wood -hauling accident. a few ,months ago and',, was ,on crutches ,fore a 'time.: Although he has been on the : foot again with no distress .or inconveni- • ;ence,. x=rays continued to 'show a crack in the , ankle bone that was as 'lot •knitting: A couple :of. weeks ago lie entered Victoria Hospital', London, for 'bofie grafting, ' and. while 'he's home again, is o.n crutches,,and will be handicapped in doing farm 'Work* . for• about • three more months, with 'a real busy , sea- sori just around the corner, THAT Friday night's .entertain- ment feature will be the • popu •'r lar.' calico ball, staged annual ly by, the• • Kairshea' 'Women's Institute: THAT Mrs.. Fred Oh-rn . of ` Wing - m hawon the - •'weekly $50,00 jackpot. prize at. the Legion bingo : last Thiirsday.7. THAT Mrs. Mae Irwin', who has:.' been; 'a patient itv Wingham : Hospitalfor more: than a year and a half, was brought to her :' homehere for r . the • Easter week -end,' when she had as ;her . visitors, Mrs. Jim Hamilton fa miyof`Ll ondon and :Mr. and Mrs. Art Yahbee and family of Teeswater: Mrs:, • Irwin :.has.:. been ;invalided'. and: deprived of her.power."of Speech , for these. many' months,,as the 'result'' of a paralytic seizure' �,• ' THAT it's . not unusual for resi- dents along main street AO have their sleep disturbed by •'noc,/. turnal;motor car performances. They were.. at it; early.:lash . Wednesday:, morning when Campbell _Street again became' a drag strip, 'arid . not con'tent with sticking to the: road', they• • . took to . the sidewalk, leaving evidence ,Of "'burnt rubber", in at least ' one spat.. on .: the "broadloom" walks. • THAT ; a' new` book about. the , .'battle of Hong' Kong. in 1941, claims' that two • :untrained Canadian battalions were sent to their, death. in defence of the 'colony. ,The 227 -page book by a 38 -year-old•• British author , contains 'several references to • the :Canadian regiments tile. ,Winnipeg, Grenadiers and Quo- ... bee -lhoy,al` Rifles. While• largely, untrained :in. "anything but the. , roost, perfunctory internal sec i : rity ' duties", their iindividual. acts ,;of extraordinary, gallantry were many. and '•freyuont; A , Lucknow-born youth, Charles . Tewitt, was airiong those who died in this futile engagehlerrtt.` { a N-�i-�-i *-1*+• N -1f v' ••-•-•,-* .6 .'.►'•.-r.- '. i / P r te'. 'LUCKNOW BOY • SCOOTS. , • t. 4 4 ollection WillBe Held'Lucknow and Dungannon • , . . �n This: :Thursday Afternoon APRIL 6th : Please bundle or box your Paper` and itagazrnes, and , ' • , :notify'any 'scout 'to •, call at setyour doorthe, curb or note � ' .Anyone so. wishing may leave their paper at. the barn at. Donald Mackinnon's residence. en "i'Quality I1)l1i, i 4 • I