HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-05, Page 11WDD SDA;Y, A± 151: 1961. NOMINATING .CQ MITTEE: Continued heM page' 1) features; Children's classese government grants for special' axe. recommended to •be. judged be- fore the fair with; prize winning exhibits: displayed• The e . Import- ance of qualified judgeswas also )W • sE,N'riNEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO PAt E. ELEVEN 'FREIGHT. SUBSIDY AIDS. INTEGRATOR* .03Y' J; Carl , Hem ngway), :The Zone meeting ,of Huron- Perth -Middlesex Beef Producers was held in Exeter, March 27th. Some $3. interested Beef Arodu stressed . . u cers heard, Kr. George :Geer,, Agr. Mrs. Lavis stated ,there were Re, pBruce County of BruCt 243. fairs in' the province last y give the ar, ,royidnng the,show window productions costs from the farm ye 1 P,. man . • delegates agerr)ent reports;; . of $ruce of agriculture. The County, Mr; ,C,eer stated that. the were . told .of the importance of. purchase of feeder calves at about 'good displays, large signs,, and.; 400 lbs.. and finishing in about the naming of various breeds on a year' at about 900 •11s, had:_:pro- the grounds, for • all visitors to ; ved most profitable. Feeders of the fair aren't, familiar with all about, 700 -lbs and .finishing' at• phases. of • the exhibition,: , • about 1200 lbs..were 'nextith .< Essay Contest the Cow -calf 'program g Bott. speakers referred'to very, income • .,foe Martin all' of Ham. ver 1 .year's 300 -•word essay• contest, y •• °�'!' labourrincome todthe ltonaand Jim Martin of London. Y fanner. Needless to say. • he ran • Mr, and; Mrs: Bill Lalonde and - open to .pupils u.p to •and includ into considerable argument ing GradVIII:. The s bject this - . in family of Sarnia visited Mr; and the discussion period. Mrs.: Mark Dalton over the week - year is, "The Place of Indians Ther.oblenis .of. 'in Canadian History." At the lo- P procuring • end. �,• , s feeders is increasing, with the de-. Mr- and; Mrs. Raymond: Austin cal fair last Yearthe essay prize ; velo. pment' of an attractive mar- and children' •visitedthe former's'„ ,'Honey was donated by, the A'sh ket for finished. , cattle in the parents, Mr.. and Mrs, Clifton. •field :Federation' of Agriculture.. west' coast 'cif . both British 'Col -'::Austin, • The local prize winning :`essay : u.m.bia and -United tates.' : This. .. Mrs. Ignatius � is .entered in the district .compe- ' 'States.' ' Martin of 'Red, market in encouraging more :dit Northern .Ontario spent a' titian' •and, top essays there go feed -lots' iii •A1' erta` and As 'cut- few • days visiting Mr. Andrew into the provincial • contest; In ting, � into'. the. supply • of. feeder' Martin, and, • other, relatives .. here. addition • to provincial • awards cattle available • for ' 'Ontario. Mrs,. J. D, Brown and daughter there is a $;15.00 prize don aced by• These, is, ,a: decided ,'increase ' of .Shonnette'of Toronto Visitedxted with M. Ethel Brant Monture, 1st cow calf herds' •in the Mari itnes.•'.her• sister;, Mrs: Reta. Brown for: KINGSBRIDGE' The conlmuni *offers deepest le,, sympathy to the family of the late Herb Curran, who passed: away in Winghan Hospital., Mr.. Curran had been a faithful road' superintendent for years.. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Austin'and boys spent Easter week end. with relatives in Toronto. . Mr. and'Mrs. Peter Murray and son, Donald of Detroit spent the Easter week: end. at their home here, Visitors at the home of`' J. B. Martin:' 'for the' • Easter lioliday Were Mr. and, 'Mrs, Emil. Pauhl and daughter, : 'Mr. and Mrs. `Clarence Dougherty and child 7. president' of the women's sec- which will: help relieve the sit- ' tion of the O,A.A.S, A', promin= uation in 'Ontario 'bltt as rent Canadian, ; she is a • great,.;.yet the at randdau hter of Jose h' quality 'is Jaeki .g. • gre • granddaughter - p In older ,that' the organization Brant; one of the great cheftans could 'obtain adequate finances. of: the Six Nations 'Indians a few days last:. week. Mr... and ' Mrs. W;ilmur. :Moran 'and;, family of .'London spent. the week -end with Mr. and Mrs` Frank Moran. ()thee Planning ,: 1 •far the promotion of the: indus- • Visitors with .Mrs..: Ed Gilmore t the't d M At •Thq�rsday's ' riieeting em- iry meeting approved a nno an sons were Mrs, Delia Kretz ,..,. tion' that a deduction of 5c per and., family of Kitchener, Mr. forsis was placed on the need a'he'ad be :taken `for '.'the .. organiza -.and: 'Mrs, Geor;:ge Halloran.. and for sheep and .hog pe'at the ..,. •1 tion at all .recognized' places of:.family of Buffalo and; MFr iss an Farr grounds. ns Allan. Miller •and Donnie Jae sale. This would mean that it ces Gilmore of London - � • i would in Many, cases apply to Other week -end visitors Were Gaunt are the 1951 collectors. Al fee • der catle as well d3 Slaughter Miss'' Frances. :Dalton,; Miss •Flor=• Ian re lace•:s Frank McQuill.in Fair dates are; the. last Wed cattle.. To compensate , .for ,,this .ence .•Lamttu bers, Mr. Frank 1.10- the charge was;; reduced from the'gan' of Hamilton Arnold Mars_. nesday and .Thursday;•i;n Septern- + formei]y` proposed' •1.0c; to''5c: man and 'Walter Kelly of`1Lon.- ber and while the :' executive • The Ontario :Wheat Producers' don Slate is not filled, the feeling iety held' `. their annual, meeting on Mr, Marinas Mil:ten:berg re- the fair must go on 'Tale• tenary�;Maich 28th Ulr. John And.erson .turned Home last week after, a. is' approaching its centenary,. two; week visit` 'in aeiland: , • when it Will ` be: eligible - for . a president, : stated that negotia- �tions:'to :obtain' use of the. Port: Mrs : :Geneviene :, Kinahan of..' ,special $1,000 • provincial grant.' •�: London. spent 'Honda In the : dis.'cussion ` evolvin Colborne ' elevator were proceed- p y with thee. f g ing quite . favorably: and it is Leo ,Courtney family,; : around the appontrrient of offi--1, . 1 . ' . ', • cers; : the', questions were raised exi ected that will' ,be avail as, to whether rural folk are suf- able 'for this. y:ear's 'crop. Also ficiently • interested to • actively` the. Board expect to bee able to support the ,fair, and to' what purchase =wheat above 'the ne gotiatecl price if' the market war- . degree da Lucknow, business men Lr; , value it. ants' it, •This; w111 enable the :Board • to have a greater' stabili- // . i zing. affect on- the price and with:. REPLACE: APPLIANCES d -storage. at their disposal, they' • iwwi11 •.,:have . full ' control over ' the • (Continued ' from :page ;1) • i quality of.°•the 'exports. now' 'and • Rural systems,•each The question Of feed • freight benefitting,...in .:the:, same •propos- ,assistance on western, grain .came; up` for a.. good deal:of'discussion: ' tion as they . Share the cost of� 'the new equipment It • was pointed out that the, more The Tillage Council and. Mr:.' grain a feeder '.purchases ;• the McArthur have •. endorsed the greater the. benefit, therefore •this project/ •i subsidy .p).ays into :the hand of • Check Water 'treaters . i the vertical integrator to 'the de :The local';Hydro System is also triment•• of the':.•family farmer to encourage • a local •..program 'of We were told of a feed mill with, instal�latiir 3,000. sows • and a laya�ng: flock. n . of flat 'rate -water . .`.heaters.. of 1.30,000. *In these Operations i.' on the' five dollar :s A check- .of • the. system :will be ;the i ' eubs ad handsome,. made ' to ,'learn• the' . number• ' of gi din fed would: giv iof :t, .When it .•was put to,'. a antiquated 3000 K.W:• ' heaters: .p �" presently in use 'and to list those,. vote • the ,,Meeting approved a,.'re not u, •, solution. requesting ,the removal �. p to standard. The,rnstalla� i tion of of this. subsidy. in• On;tar o flat rate.•heaters will be ei coura ed n Th'e Ontario . Fat'm� fiadio ar`- g, . by the ,Luck ow ' ill be held inthe System, through local dealers on unr-.•a"Huai w . a cash, ' time or rental basis:'.11\,.ingd .edtirr°aistd ineet . Hot��n1t;,. `of April"1+'AM6th:S; Antiqu'at,ed :heaters it is stat -a' tire f ed,` are helping •to peak` tri load hal ehcildL1's will ,bci Heid at the locally, on Which 'the: ,cost of Seaway 1io•tel;" Apr' 7th, power is based., Relieving this • .Peak would effect . a saving to TO PICK CLUB' NAMEAT '• ' the System'. I NEXT MEETING 'suibsidy plan is ,being adopt I 0 ofed residential tencourage -the installation ., The first meeting of the' .new three -wire services course "Featuring ' ,Fi uit" for where :necessary: j1{airshea' girls `was • held in • the. -To Make, Lineurvey• school on April. 1st. The beWhen weather conditions, are electi.t)n ctf .officers was as fol- rn er,a surve • of, all. . hydro lines lows 1?resident,• Trudy Thom - in the. Village will bp Made; It. son; Vice -fres: Grace; McD'ottg felt that the' System is in good ; all, Secretary, Eileen Burt, 11i,ess. shape, but checking, lime .loads &. r'cpclt�ter, • .Judi Reid, tratastorrr er ,locations; mig1191.1.1d. t re� Tile gir°l;5 were shown how to veal 'scime i rncallur'c dv ingredients 'by their changes which could, or should be made • to. cut power leader,.Mrs ,l, Btrt t, who then o Make + IoAnotthcrthe idea bminimum; ririirn Ven' coil- ,shot tcalecv-tjai how, h'they had r Sideration is the :changg ing of the:•; grapefruit in lime jelly •previous- I- locat nn °f___ g g ] ie aicd by leader, Mrs, primary power line, • y .p.. p ' servicing releaven's mill This Cl Hamilton an -tile- sortcake with i Lb Id " . ' e the beverage, age; ,The I a be taken. across the pond" C al�plc'• jur��t,: as ,l.7cve r at the south. end, and eliminate! girls w"ct�c asked to bring a name i' y. tae; pole line ' or' Cala. bell;. St..; .for 1:116 ehi.b to thee• ircxt illeetin:g; r C :hast, .If � � ' this 'wer'e done steel .. .,:_...-,.._..........- • _ ..� r stan6erds could be erected srmi -� ilir 'to those in the business sec,,,.�`Cer`it•,lighting to' the eastet°rt• en' 0 "°11, which:would carry.:fluores I trance of the Village. • .. I. ZION Mr. and' Mrs: Frank Ritchie and Anne :and Mr: and Mrs.:, Will Ritchie , visited . last Thursday evening •'with. 'Mr. and .Mrs. Ross, Miss Anne Ritchie is spending a few days with Miss • Audrey; Ross : of London., Mrs Bill Hunter ,had ari op e ation oil' her ear last • Thurs- .day , •in • �St. Jose hys Ho" t London. , Mrs: Nelson Raynard and Mrs. Jean Papernick spent . last Mon -1 day. in Orillia with. Francis. Mr:. and Mrs. • Ken Laidlaw 8a: girls of London. spent the week- end with Mr.. and Mrs.George. Hunter. Mr.. 'and `:'Mrs., D. A. .Hackett and :.Joan visite. d Sunday. with Mr. arid Mrs. Howard Walker. Mr.' , and M'rs'. , Keith H`aekett and•.boys spent the. holiday with, Mr. :arid Mrs. 'Tom' Hackett: Church •Will 'be at. 1:45 for ,the month' of April:- . (New' and Used-)- at the MILDMAY, SHOWROOMS, • NEW includes- about 70 suites livingr.o om, bedroom, kitchen,, etc.: USED includes trade-ins • and some shopworn suites. GODF R Y SCHUETT � H�JETT . • FREE DELIVERY` MILDMAY Phone Endicott 7-2308 • ravel .Haulage GRAVEL FOR LANES and' CEMENT WORK also FILL •a'nrl TSP. • . SOIL TRUCK 'and' d • L0A1?ER. ; FOR HIRE • CEMENT and CARPENTRYT WORK ,_ Phone 286, .Lucknow, or Contact ELAINE • MATHE AND:,' •KAY: STOKES .are back. on. CBS •'radio with their own show. ' The popu- lar stars of the • Happy Gang can be heard on their. .new show, Kay'. and Blaine . Monday after- noon .,on ' the Trans-Cafi.ada,,'net- 'work. They'll be • playing 'the familiar songs and .tunes which` t • • won thein many friends across Canada in ;Happy ;Gang days: BO ,• ELPHICK--At Wingham Gener- al:'Hospital on Wednesday, March '22nd; 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth' •Elhick'R.R. `3 •>: ucknow a daughter. Huron citizens have ' been fighting cancer 2 effective ' ways ;Having an annual medical checkup to catch early symptoms. 2. Giving a generous donation to the April campaign to raise fur ds' for research, .,service and education work. Township Canvasses 'CONDUCTED BY .FEDERATION OF'.AGRICULTURE .,DIRECTORS LET'S KEEP ON , , Fi�kiTING CANCER.. IN UiJ:RO-rJ CQY3NTY :: '