HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-05, Page 91411$DAY1 •1061; AND ER NY CIIartered ,Accountants; West Street GODERJCHA; :ON,TARIO' Telephone J:A 4-7582 ROY 'W. BENTLEY PUBLIC,: ACCOUNTANT r ODERICH,_ • ON'ARIO Box 478 Phone JAck(son 4-9521 RDV'VAL D:C , .Sp:C. Chiropractor Physio and Electro• Therapist. LWingham • Phone 300: ,(Officelocated in former CKNK building on the ' Main. • Street), �I 1�15U . N RA C E FIRE WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILI AND.. LIFE• To Protect .Your .Jack,' Insure ,'With' Jack Today. 1. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Ontario :Phone• 306 R. S. HETHERINGTON .0.c... Barrister, Etc. • Wingham and . L, ucknow :•' LUCKNOW •! .Monday ; and : Wednesday Lgcated in Kilpatrick ,Block • 'Phone Wingham ' .Office 48Residence 97: STATE'... E .�ARM MUTUAL • THE LUCKNOW : SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE ?mar E'RAt* Nor CROOKS DOCTOR OE' CHIROPRACTIC Phone •;545 .. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Office hours: Daily Monday to Saturday "-Wednesday • Eventn�gs• • " Tuesday, Thursday! 'aturday. McLENN'AN' ,and •MacKE:NZIE FtT,NERAL -SERVICE Services:. conducted .accord- • Ong to•your wishes at you' • Hume, your Church, or. at • our Memorial. Chapel,. at nct additional ;charge. 'Phone 181, L•ucknow, Day or Night SHORT C IRC:„ U KILLS; HEIER (K.INLOSS NEWS) • Easter morning; dawned cold. and stormy in • this district. To .add to the gloom of the wea- th'er,. at• '' Lloyd MacDougall'S farm,, :a cattle 'beast died, On go- ing ' to the . batn to start . the morning 'chores they . found, one heifer dead 'and their ,dairy` herd in an uproar...A .motor had burn- ed, out in a' ventilating fan 'cauS- Mg a 'Short circuit' which. s,i se= quently put a. 70 volt: current through the stanchions. Mr: and Mrs:. Gordon Macln- nes and three sans of' Manitoba ,motored east for the Easter va- cation and ,have ,bee i visiting Mrs. Maclnnes' father,' Mr. Ang-, us' Graham in Wingham Hospital and.-, with other relatives in. this, community. ' .• Dr. John.• and Mrs. MacKenzie of Alliston were Easter ' guests at the hpme of Mr. ' and- Mrs. Tom MacKenzie' and ` Mr.. and. WI. N G H AM Mrs. Frank MacKenzie.: o MEMORIAL SHOP' Miss Betty 'Hamilton;',pf Niag- • . are Falls is spending ' Easter. :va We; :Have •'Been Memorial • Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, ;Always Using THE BEST GRANITES •: Along With. .• Expert Designing and, Woirkmanship.. Prices Most Reasonable .4.emetery Lettering •a' Specialty R. A.:.SPOTTO `Phone 2,5G,, Wingham, `Ontario G. ALAN WILLIAMS. ' Uptomei,fi'st Office •on Patrick • St,„.just off. -the. 1%lain St. in WINGH;AM Professional .Eye Examination • . • ' Optical :'Seri/ices • • • - For appointinent, ,• Please Phone 770,' Wingham ..'REW:. A N D I3arrititer. and Solicitor LISTON'F1: '.ON'1`A` io, IN ..i,UCKNOW E 'ery nand Saturda.t;, •1'Veri esday Y,, Afternoon t)ft.ice in„the Joynt Block Telephone:,,,. Office 135 Residence .31-J. .v..roraw► 4,40. rr +!r 0+oi +►Nv 1 N SURA.NC E:: Investigate •Before In.vestinr it1+.U:BI 4 WILSON R.R. 3, Godericti 'Phone 80 r 8:'IPungannon JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL. HOME • 'Phone` 76. • .: bay or Night USI+; OF FUNERAL -HOW 1t No Extra Cost moderate Prices .Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for 'prompt service, sand quality ptroducts,•: contact. RANT CHISHOLIVI.. Phone collect Dungannon, 10 -r -f or 10 LucknoW ''"Always- Look To Imperial Ver. The Best" • ' ro • 1 {UCKNOW 'DISTRICT • „('O:OPLRA'IJVE' .'hone lauckn'pw, 71R- TED CO"LLY•E'R Hel i'siet ed , Ma4tcr Mectrioiat, ct ycjiti,CiJ (:'()NTRAC'TOR. Specializit in F,lectricai ,'',Viring and ,.,Repairs • AGENT ” frOR.• SI'A'RTON ; TV and' All •i'•ieetrica' Appliances `Phone. 4b -r- :5. Uucknaw ROBERT E.' IRVIN GTNl+.1tAL ''GARAGE. >[)ealer. I.'I: In CVi tt rttRill' I rI1(MI It ; • VI • .•cl"1' i COMpletE VIRE STONE • I,INI, •:,' : /*nit I)'ungannop 53 1 cation at the' home qf' 'her,. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.:Gib ;Hamilton.. Miss• Helen •'Campbell :of Kit- chener spent Easter at 'the home qf• .her' ,parents, Mr;• and.. Mrs.. Harold Campbell.. Miss, Martha Martin of 'Toron- 'to 'was. a- week -end ,guest • with - Mr. :ari M d Mrs. Allan Graham. and family. . • Sandy MacKeniie: af`.'WeStern University, ' ,London was , horde for 'Easter.. • • • .:MacKENZIE ' O D' Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY • WED3ESDAY Office Hours 10:00 a:rn: to 8.00: p.m. ,, 'Phone : Roy. MacKenzie;; Ripley 96=r-24. for appointment: r.. R. W. ;BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICA F. T. Armstrong . Consulting Optometrist The' square (-P•hone JAckson :44661) HOLYROOD • Mrs, Belle Cathers,. 'Wingham and 'Mrs Ken Jackson, . Wroxeter, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William' Eadie. Mr. Donald Johnson, Simcoe spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff John son Mr,. 'and -Mrs, 'am, Farmer visited Sunday with his. mother and other relatives in Stratford, Mr.. John Switzer has, return- ed' to the home. :of Mr. and Mrs,. 'William ' Eadie, ,• after spen:ding. the winter ' in Florida; iVlr,. and :Mrs. Keith Johnson and family of Wingham visited Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. ;Cliff Johnson, also with. Mr. and Mrs. William Eadie. • Miss. Patricia Welsh, Ottawa, spent the holiday with her par, tints, . Mr. and ' Mrs:' William Welsh , and. 'Sandy. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Cook•of Ashfield spent Saturday evening. with : Mr. and' Mrs.' Lorne ' Eadie. Easter visitors at the, home of Mr •and Mrs. ' Jim Smith were Mr. . and Mrs. H.1. •' Ringel and Faye, Owen Sound, 'Mr. and ,Mrs.; Donald Smith and ,Brenda,.'Tor Onto,'. Mr. and . 'Mrs, Doug Smith and :Chris, Kitchener, Miss Betty' Dunlop, Kincardine, • • . Mr.. and Mrs. 'Rayvard Ackert, June and. Ernest spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs:. Wm. Graham and family,' Ripley. Pat 'Passmore, ,son .of Mr.. 'and Mrs;.; Mel. Passmore, fell while playing in„ the barn. He was tak- en' to• .Wingham Hospital where he spent a . few days' or dbser-, vation. " For.'tunately :.no , bones were :broken. Ronnie. Bushell, son of 'Mr & Max.: Bushe'11. had his sils ;removed in' Wingham' Hospi- l :I UItNACE •OIL, STOVE OIL KEROSENE, OAS.OLINE See or tall A '•" $UD". HA I1LTON. ttlt Phone 220-w Lucknow.• 'District Agent fo!' Cities Service tal last Thursday. 1$T :.KINL OSS BOY '• SCOIJ GROUP , Sixteen boys are thinking hard•. • these days:— they three, new pat •cols. in the: Scout Troop need a,. name .to .Call themselves A title is important.. -- it sets the• pace -; 'a .symbol ao li`ve, Up, to.: We shall keep you posted on tlheir efforts. " Allen Colwell,, who missed' In Nest . ture .ni • was, invested ti.night, : last Thursday. Later .in .the e ening,; the .three . •:neew. . Patrol. Leaders were installedd. Here is how the patrols.':are lined •up. P.L. Donnie . Wall, Bob: Wall, Philip Breckles,: Frank. Stark, Gordon Passmore. P.:L. Allen: Colwell; David Wall,. Bobby G"etddes, • Edward 'Burt, 'Herbie I eiswetter, .Donnie,"Mey- er. 'PL.', Allan Cornish, Donald Bannerman, ' Douglas Eadie, . Jim' Schneller, Billy :Moffat, The Cubs had: a ' :,disappoint nienit' Friday` night when ,;a Pro- vincial Police officer failed•. show .up to' help;, them pass' ATTENTION§ • . FARMERS i 1Gnlicensed by Department of • . Agriculture to 'remove. _ ..' Sia, Down. or • Disabled': •Farm Animals ,'Highest Cash Pres' Paid fox animals.. in, good Condition:,. ' • We are paying up to $10 •for ' fresh cattle over' 500 lbs: •depend- ing on size and condition. CALL • TOM FOX 'Ripley 15-r-20 Collect • Seven Day, '24 -Hour Service. • Licence 1N'o• 81061 • SERVICE Highest Cash :.'rices DEAD' Paid for Sick, ' 'Down, or " • Disabled Cows & Horses alsoSTOCK " Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses • 4c, per pound GORDON'TAYLOR Ph' Collect 44-r-24,, Lucknow R.R.' 2 . Luckiaow- 24-hour service "Licence No. • 68C61 • FRITZ DEAD : STOC'. REMOVAL. Licence No. 123C61' `.. For your best .prices on Dead Disabled; Cattle and Horses -- .$5,00 Each .3%c. lb for • Good .Live Mink Horses CALL 'COLLECT 7944-4, Walkerton, Ont. •• 24-hour service highway.' safety tests: ,So . it was. a night of games with new lead.'. erg, Barry Johnston, Duncan Capbell • and • Ernest .Ackert: getting right int6 the middle. of, things: The Sizers `announced their choice of .Seconders .• and they, ` • line up like this':' Sixer,. Jim Mc-..• Kinnon, of .'the White Si* 'chose ,Ken .of Sixer, :• David ' Eadie of c the Brown` Six : chose John: Ackert;., Sixer.. Gary; Car- ruthers` . of .the Red . Si, chose' Eric Of and 'Barry, Halden ,,by -'of the..Grey. Six chose .Bob Cornish' ' So congratulations toi our four new seconders. STATIONERY', ,NEEDS can be filled' at The' Sentinel, writing paper, envelopes,.. hasty notes, thank you , notes, , boxed greeting cards, . magic markers ;and refills, file' :folders; ' receipt books,' state- ment pads, scratch .pads, pens, refills, .and' many other , items; to The Lt cl now Sentinel,' phone their '35;:.Lticknow. • 1 PEDLAR.' BARN. and:• STABLE:;°' EQUIPMENT DAILY SEityiCE. McKEE WATER. BOW. CUTS COST AND 'LABOR The Ideal appetizer, from now• to grasstime, to help consume roughages. --- . NO FUSS, 'NO MUSS ,just throw a han dful 'over feed or mix with, Warm , or cold . water and sprinkle. ' KflecIlteI:and Luck k obw Br anch, Phone 78 "THERE'S A ,,NEW LIFE PEEDFOR'EVERY NEED" ' oLtm&000.4044#IWPW .044,#~4t ti r .s: is &+i 4 FI yr; it • ,,.7 I!