HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-05, Page 84
1VE TBSPAY APRIL 5 ,. 1961. .
THE; : KANGAROO' : the largest of the
. Australian: marsupials, roams the
countryside in Targe bands. Although.:a
full-grown kangaroo is ninefeet high
and weighs•200 pounds, the baby. is
only an inch 'long when, it born. It
stays inside its' mother's pouch .:until•
it is five or six months old, at which
time'it weighs several pounds and is
able to shift for itself:
When he e u kangaroo''Ieaves ite
the young
"'home. it ready -to take its rightful
place in the world. To help your children
take. their rightful place in the world; .:
there is nothing better than life • insur-
ance. Let me .tell you about Sun •Life'h
Educational' Policy which can so easily
providefunds'for their college'education..'
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Phone 'Wingham 711=w-4.
C0 .F ,
The death :,of: Lyla: B. Taylor
occurredin Detroit on Sunday,
March 26th? little more than two
years' after • the ,passing :of her
Only sister, Mrs. Wm. T. Holmes
(tEdria):, Mrs. `. Holmes dged in
early y Februar , of:.:1959; from
third degree burns which she
sufered when her' dressing gown
caught fire. ' ` . •
•Lyla Taylor .was the, daughter
of the late: Mr. and Mrs: Wm. J.
Taylor, former Lucknow resi-
dents . where'
esi-dents'.where' Lyla was. born on
February:' 11th,•.' 188(8. Her father
was: ,in the grocery business here
and 'was. Fire Chief ',at, the time
of his death 'in ` 1017.
Miss Taylor had long been a's-
s{,ociated with' the ..work of. the
• V.W.C.A. in Detroit. She' held ..a
high; position '• in the:: organization
and was well and ' • favorably,
known to many• in various ,walks,
of life iri .the Michigan metro-
' polis. In. the• fast -thinning ranks
of her : one-time Many' friends
here, she is .remembered as' a
';.kind, • friendly . and vivacious
young lady.
.Following a' church funeral.
service in Detroit . the remains
were brought to the Mac1enzie
.Memorial; Chapel Lucknow,• . on
Tuesday evening.' .
On Wednesday' • morning ser-
vice• was held in. St Peters,
Church, .Lucknow, : where '•' she
ly worshipped.. while. : a
resident of•'the Village and which
always held °a' spot dear to her
heart. The service ;was conducted
by Rev. 'Wilfred Wright,
Interment ' ftrllpwed in the
fa sly plot ill', Greenhill Ceme-
tery. The pailbearers were'Stuart
Robertson, Morgan • Henderson,.
X., C Murdie; 'Gordon Fisher,
J. W. Joynt, Alert MaNay.
' The sole' survivor is a nepl eW,
Taylor Holmes of l" ett cit.•
Death • carne with 'shocking sud-
deness as; the result of a heart
attack or} )llionday, March27th',`,
to •Jghn (Jack) , gamilton Mac -k
Donald of Leamington, formerly;
of Lucknow area..
•Jack..'was 'born on May ' 14thi
1911 in, the Township • of West
Wawanosh,_ "• on alio. • farm now,
owned. by MacQuillin. He
was 'the youngest son of the ,late
Duncan) ..MacDonald ' and Maryyi,
Gillies,; •
At the age, of 16, .Jack: entered
the bakery' 'business as an ap-
prentice in Reid's Bake . Shop at
About 30 • years ago' Jack went
to Leamington and took • a posi-
tion with. • the .Dandy; Bake Shop
there, where • he ' continued to.
work until • joining the RCAF _in.
1941. He remained in the air.
force for the duration of the war,
as a cook. Jack held the rank of
Corporal. .
Upon his discharge in. 1945; he
returned, to Leamington andtook
a 'position .in the office . of the
Brewers Retail Storein that town.
Later he left the office and • be-
came a truck driver ' with . the
some company.,
, Jack had a pleasing ; personality
which won ; him many .friends,,
this .was evident at, his funeral.
He is survived by his widow,
the "former Edith. • Bachtold' of
Leamington; a son' Duncan, '13, a
daughter: Jeanette, ,11, ; .a sister,
Donalda (Mrs. Andrew Ritchie),
of Ashfield . and three brothers,
Ewen ,of Alberni, 'B.C,, g • Geor e
of - Calgary, Alberta and Peter, of
Ashfield. • :.
•.:Jack was. iburied with full mili-
tary honours by the Canadian
Legion. Services were officiated
over by ('Legion.. Padre, • Canon
Cree, assisted by 'his own, pastor.
Rev. •'O'Neil of the: Baptist
Church. ' Pallbearers were mem-
bers of the Legin,i with burial
in Lakeview Cemetery, from :•'the
Smith Funeral Hanle in . Lea-
min gton.. .
Relatives attendnig the . funeral
from this%area were Mr. and. Mrs.
Andrew ' Ritchie, ,Mr. 'and ..Mrs.
Peter MacDonald' and John, .Mrs.
D C MacDonald, Mr,. and Mrs
H. D. MacDonald,, Mr.. and Mrs:,
Angus MacDonald,' Mrs.: Allan
MacCharles, (Arkon), Mrs.' John.
Nicholson, Mrs. .Ralph Cameron;
Mrs. Lorne Wall, Mrs,, Charles
Cook, Mr. Jack Gillies; Mr.FGor-
don Rintoul, and Mr. and Mrs,'
Aldin Purdon.
To 'The Lucknow and District, Lions Club.•
Mr. • " and Mrs. William ' Kidd,
Toronto are at' the' : home ' .of the..
Wilson Brothers and • are busy'
'gettinng. , their .';home: on the :;14th
con. of `. Culross • ready to move
Mrs. : John. Schumacher • and.
!James McNaug:hton,• .Archie,
' Bonnett, Douglas 'Graham, ' Cyril
Boyle; Clare Johnston,: Art
Moore, ' . Rena C; •MMNab, ':. Mel
"Greer,, Donald • MacKinnon, Geo.
M. Stuart, Stuart Robertson, Nor
:Man -Stuart, • Thomas•• Hackett,'
(Miss 'Eliza- G. MacMillan, Sam
Alton, Eldon Henderson, Mrs,.
Isaac Cranston,. Leonard , 'Mac-
Donald,:. "Bruce MacKenzie; -Ross
Cumming; Walter. Alton, • Wilfred
Hackett, :Currie ' Colwell; Dr
D. R. Finlayson, William•
For Crippled Children
On behalf of the Lucknow • and District Lions Club
and; the Crippled Children's • Fund, the local committee
wishes to thank all . th'os'e who have contributed.
Further contributions are acknowledged, and the -
f and remains open and donations will sti11 • be gratefully
James Arnold, Dan .Nicholson,;
Ralph Cameron, W. B. Anderson,
Mrs. .'Margaret MacLennan, Jack.
1VlacDonagh,. H; D. Thompson,
Mrs. Christena MacDonald, Miss
Janet MacDonald, Rev. • Howard
Strapp, John. Cameron,. Mrs, Al-
bert .'Alton, Mrs.• Bd. Thom, Sam
Farmer, • O!ttti •: ' %Pederson, . Allan
Cranston, Mrs. Mel Reid, . Lorne
Eadie, Gordon. Morrison,: A. E.
McKim, Kenneth Cameron, Ed.
McQuillan, Albert Brown, W.' F.
:Hawthorne,. F•lora Webster, ' Mac-
kett'.s W.A.,, Wm. - J. Reid, Jim ,
Nelson, . W. L Miller,' Ross Mac-.
Millan, Ernest Gaunt, Dynes;
"Cainpbell, Sam Chislett, ,George
•Phillips, Mrs. ,Widdell, Mr. Wid-
dell, • . Edward' :Robinson, Mrs.
Shackleton,Herb Finnigan, Mrs.
:Edgar. La*son Thomas McPhee,
Paul Caesar, J. L., MacMillan
Helen 'L: Thompson', Mrs.
Webster, IL Kilpatrick, Mrs. C.
Weatherhead, :Mrs., Geo,, Andrew.
Mr.: Frank • .Schumacher. were- to
London on Tuesday where Mrs,
.Schumacher had .a follow- checic-
up, after her recent. Operation . &
reports! are most satisfactory:
On Thursday,; .teachers and
pupils .left the school room for
the • Easter vacation.
• Miss Marie Becking, student
at ' 'Stratford Teachers' 'College.
is' ' spending the holidays with
her. parents, Mi. arid Mrs. Lorne.
Miss Shirley Parker, Toronto,
spent , the ,holiday. With ;her par-
ents, Mr. and. Mrs•. ,Everett Par-
rs. Frank Brown : and /Reg.
•visited' Friday evening with 'Mr.
and .'Mrs Harvey::: Nicholson and
Hug " ; Bervie & with Mrs :Hugh
Nicho o who was home from
The Westford ' 4-H.: girls held
their' first:: meeting at the home
of their; leader,. Mrs. Frank Maul -
den' con March •29th. Their were
nine girls.. The' election of . offii-
'cers took place. Leader, , Mrs.
Frank,'' Maulden, . 'Ass. Mrs. 'Har-
old •Haldenby, President, Barb
ara Haldenby, 'Secretary, ..Mrs.
Irene' Hal'denby,` Press 'Reporter,
Sharon Hodgins; .:Treasurer, Mrs.
Harold ' •Haldenby,4 The meetings
will' b'e' held' every' Tuesday ev-
,.ening at 8:30, but on. account ,of
theholidays the .next meeting
ill be on April'.;12th at the home
of the ' Wall girls, 10th .con. of,
Culross. r The leader dictated
notes and •gave the roll 'call and
Home Assignment. They. also
'showed us' • how.: to take • proper
measurements 'This was follow-
ed by group ' work. 'Mrs. Maulden
served lunch • and the 'girls help-
ed wash' :the dishes. Miss Elda
Wall • thanked' the hostess.'
Reports of gasoline. 'thefts are'
not uncommon /in this commu-
ommu ni.tY. One reason .'advanced' for
the .prevalence , of this ' 'thievery
is that there are too many
young fellows driving cars, "who
can't' :afford.. to: he.
'Here's; one Method' ,of catch-
ing ;such :culprits, Which was used :
effectively ' in. another' commu-
nity ' on. one occasion. • A farmer
who 'had been losing gas, filled ..
'his ` storage • tank ewith .!water.
A few -.night's later he,
had ' a,
visitor and 'after he had filled
'er up and departed;::the farmer
followed,` Sure enough he found.
'the 'motorist down the• road;
looking fora push =; a' push that,.
ended up ,in jail for a .two -Month
stay, •
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