HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-04-05, Page 1•
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$3.00. N'Year In Advance $1.00 Extra To 11.,$.4. •
• 0 •
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, • ,
Replace High School Appliances
In "Sell Hydro" Promotion PIan
•• Members of :the Village Cowl-
cil and mimic/Pal officials, met
withli.E:P.C. officials on Tues-
. day of laSt week to reviewlocal,
hydro affairS, and to discuss in
general 'Igen • •,hydro" • plans'.
These projects are promoted by,
the Hydro Electric Power Corn
' • mission of Ontario, in what is
Mr, G Dalton Kirk" Principal
of ' the, Lucknow Distriet High
School, has, tendered his resig
nation atter accepting the Prin-
cipals•hip of •the IVIilverton Dis
actual' a hydro versus gas. usage., trict .High Schobl. . • • •
Meeting with Council were Mr
Fred Silk, municipal engineer of IVIr. Kii.*'s new Pt)sitonwas
13arrie; A: Hoogoodyke of • announced iri the -Milverton Sun
waikerton, with the soles last wE.Tk arid The Sentinel. was
sion of HEPC and Harry Mc- aware • Of the. appointment, but
Arthur manager.of the Wing.:14is resignation wa no
ham area,.• . .irec;eivecl by the Lucknownow Board
-.Replace School Appliances by our puiblicatior. deadline 'last
week, so ••announ:cement of . the
To .Promote the use of 'hydro;
pending change. was deferebd and• familiarize high school •
til thisweek
un -
dents with moderw:elect'ricarapri:
,pliances, two new .stoves, • a re- i Mr.. Kirk assumed ..the°, prinei-
..frigeratorand a. washer will be Paiship • at Lucknow. last 'Sep -
installed. 'in the Lucknow Dis- ternber aS suceessoi to Mr. P. W
trict High School, replacing the: Hoag Mr. Kirk .came to Pickno*
I95 models of the -above named ' fr.= Markdale. •
app1ances; ;I Another staff resignation, ie -
The cost of these •apPliances,'Iceived..earlier IS that of Mrs.
bought at the manufacturerS' Elizabeth Suter..
• level will be assumed 72,11.2% .
by, Rural Hydro and 271/2?k) •bY •
• the LucknoW Systern. The cost'
is divided, in:relation to the num-
bei of ,.rural-Urban„pupils„ at-
' tending ...School. The, choice of
this •toP-of-the-,lirte., equipment'
for •th. Home • Economics room.
will be left - to the teacets.
Disposal of the present equip-
ment v:111 ,made' by the , Luck -
Harris of Luck -
now is a patielrit' in Victoria tios
pi.t1;•.Londiin, with. a 'fractured,
•hip She suffered the injury in a
fall. at her home recently and
after x-rays .were taken —at
Wingharn, she was remoVed.. to
London. Miss. Birdie ',Harris , of
• -town is. a Sister.
. ••
• • ” • • • •
:•*•014 of .renovating and re7
d g.t oom and
• . ,
the .basement area loeheath it, .at .
the Carnegie Hall; got underway
L. .'week. •
• Fir.it step is ''the lowering
Je ceillng in .the Council room, '
, will be • converted for.
Municipal office use. with: a fire
_ ,
:proof "vauTt to .beconstructed in
the jail area. The , two cells- have
been torn out.. • : • •••••
• The labdur costs; on the. iblo.
receive the ..d.Oinini.On.• and pro::
,Winter: .*orks
and' a • good deal • the,
ether....COSts will' receive the pro-
vincial grant "aPPlicajOle under
thec4mrtiunitY, halls. assistance
prOgrarrf.' . .
BEEN ,coMmiSSIONED, • INtla 11IJESPAt • fYgNING: .•
I 1 .
• •
,........ .
The, Huron County Agric41-,
tura]. Office has announced a
joint organizational meeting of
the Lucknow ;and Dungannon.,
4-H Calf Clubs, to be held at the
Agricultural Hall in Dungannon
next rlitesday evening at /3!30.:
Lucknow Club leaders- are
Torn 'Todd; George •Kennedy,
Andrew Gaunt and Fred McQUil-
DUncanno. leaders have. been
John L;lark and Chester Finni7
gan. , •
Any boy •or girl who was 12
years of age before. January 1St
, ,
• 1961 and Who will not have
reached his: or her 21st birthday
by December 31st, 1961 may
join a 4-H Club. New, members
are particularly welcome and
'Past 4H Members are asked to
bring along any neighbouring,
hbys Or girls Who 'May *be Lent t!er'geant E. C... Johnny . 'estecl. Parents,. • are c. Particularly, c.°ntr°1; , • • • •
Johnston, 38, son of Mr. and Mrs, welcome to'. attend -this. first The shed ,was gutted beyond.
Mark L. Johnston . of Holyrood, meeting of . the • 4;11.', Clubs. ,for reTiair and Manyvaluable fools.
has:.been•cornmissioned from the.
ranks, acCordingto a RCAF. an
nourKernerit. His new rank :is
Flyims, Officer; .• • •
• • A Monday Morning, tool shed
fire on the farm of Jack Ritchie,
Con. 12, Ashfield, practically ide-
Stroyed the shed' and .seriously
threatened the nearby,*•?. barn for
a •
Sack Was working, in .the, tool
shed. at the time sharpening an
axe, •when all of a sudden he
was startled to. see flames lick-
ing up the Wall. •
The family went to work with
bilekets• to fight' the fire while
the L,ucknow. Fire Department
was responding. Assisted by a
.few neighbours, they fought 'the
blaze with waterancl snow • until
the fire truck reached the scene.
Flames had •gotten into the tool
shed attic by this, time and Fire
Chief Geo.. Whitby stated it prov-
ed a bit stubborn to' bring under
riti-Johristsdn• foined .the. RCAF
in 104.2.in.the Supply Branch.He
is i)reentlY at Air Material Coin -
mend., Headquarters, Rockcliffe,
17O.JOh.nston:,is married to the
. • •
me Nominating Committee To
tain Fall Fair Board Officers
• " At a meeting of the L.lekriOvv.' •
• • • • •• „
••• • • •
r.M. Naorni Firth of, Shel-TlEASTrn•stAL: DONATIONS. •
' • • ' ' . • - • • , .
Ihey have three children. STILL BEING- RECEIVED
, •
STtIDYItqG 'ELECTRIC ' • The ."Lu -know and District
,114,CATING AT OWEN !SOUND ; Lions Club crippled, .Children's •
• "Fund, of hich the aster
M. :A: "Sandy" Haven's, town Seal •is the Symbb.1,::ii•itii.j. open
foreman is spending a day' a Those who have neglected or
Week, for four weeks in Owen forgotten to : make 'their . done-.
Sound, ree.eiving 'instruction' .tion may :still .•do so. • ',
electrical heating and heatiiig Another list of, Contributors
principals in general ,.
The weekly .instruction is
sponsored by the41-LE.p.C. and is,
desigped. Ito •faMiliatize the.
class"s vv.th the new trend in
electrical' heating of • homes, •
•Ey, taking thi§ course, Mr. Ha-
Wt;i1 be conversant With the
basic fundamentals of this.: meth-
od 01 he.ating.,
.-Turaned o Easter' Sunday for Pai•ish .Hall
.`*"° Easter Sunday .seemed.'a• most t „ •. •
• , :•:,,,..,...::::.: :;:. • ,., :....'
fitting and •MernOtable. time 'for i'',,....:
the "ttirningof the' sod" at St.
Peter's 'Anglican. Churchfor the
iI ,,.' •
. erection 'of a: Parish Hall to , f.
., serve . as 'a SundaY? SahoOl. hall
:and for other parochial: actiVities, 1 '`.. :. . ..::.•4
Following the Easter morning I
• service, , which. 'Concluded withH
. the sacrament of:Holy Connnun-
• •:Ion; thelarge congregation whielH
was in attendance asSenibled• out- ! • (,. .
of -doors, braving cold and snow.j
-.for the ceremonial ritual ; ''• • ,.. ..A.'
' ' Celebrant and preacher ..en
.. .Sitoilday Was Archdeacon Carman
• J. Queen, Huron Diocesan ' Corn-
• tnissioner, , who took 'Part in the • ' f..• ..,
sod turning,- assisting.:IVI is's Emma
McCluskey, • the oldest active- • ,4 '
member of . SC 'Peters, and • who
: ;had' a birthday that day, Others!-
inclitdecl•in tbe•ceremonial gi•out) • .
•• Were Rev. 'Wilfred Wright. th
. incumbent; ..who • came ,to St..
Peter's Parish in ' Mid-Septern- ,
'ber., Mrs. t.. J. Salkeld, long an .•
active. member of . St; ,PCtor's I'
(411d, „which organization has
.raised 'a substantial fund, for Ill.'• , •
parish hall; Russell (Buster)-
WhithS7the " People's ..Warcion; . .
trt1C5t. Gaunt, the Rector's NAtrar-';' 4
• , den and Stewart Lavis, cha'ir-"1,
,'Pan of the Building Corninittce.H.
, Russel' Whitb3i•. expressed ap-1 -'
1)f.".et.iation„ to those attending the 1, •
...service. "'The people are with tis
-eVen if the weather is not," 'h• e !
Cortiniented,.and added that .this
jnoMPrable oeca..sion. niarked_Jhe.
drkiai. conirnencemera of .8 leng. • i . • 0
• • 1,
•alapeais.." in An advertiiement. in
this issue with. thanks expressed
by the Committee In charge for
the 'Support the project is re-
ceiving • ' "
Contributions to the fund so
fax are approaching the ,$p00.00
mark: The. committee 'treasurer
is Lloyd Ashton and E. 14.
,chairman." • .
Agricultural Society on Thursday
evening, a 'Committee of the past
'presidents • ina tendance was .'
named as a nominating Calp,yxlit-
'4,:e' to' gbtain a :president arid.
•v•cepreSidents •for : the -current
y.0a‘il. , . • • • ; • •
Tili4..,094011141itieq• is , cOMprised.
of S. E. Robertson, Gordon Kirk-
land, Fred McQuill'in aricl. Evan
Keith.' Mr. Keith served ,aS.pre-
sident .last year and at the an-
Meeting. this Winter' .ex-
pressed his wish' to withdraw
from the office. 9,
•, The final,result of that Meet....
ing Was the appeintment of Al-
lan Miller,. Frank .1V1eQuillin and.
Dennie J,oe: Gaunt asA•president,
1st ivice-president and 2nd viee-
president 'reipeetlyely.: All are::
'active •',members . of the . Society,
1 bti none was present at that
•••- ' •
Ch meeting, and do' not wish to as-: .,,•
sume the responsibility of leader •
. . ship at the -present at least.
: • 1 Mr::Ieith presided ..at ThUrs-
daY night's meeting, attended b
18 directors and. associate ' • .
tars; • when .sPiendid reports of.
the delegates to, the Fairs- Asso-
ciation 'were, heard; and. geneFal.
business ..transicte'cl. 'Failure to
obtain a president within , the ,
group,. however, .resulted in the
• nominating committee proCedure.
• Oliver Mc(liarles & "Mrs. • '
Harry Lavis, delegates front the
local ,Society to th • Toronto
convention, • gtave'.
ports. Mrs:* McCharieS cleared uP*.
the q.ue,stion• as, to what "district'
. the 1...,uc'i-alow ;Society • belOngs.. It
is District 10. Stress, was lald-on
reiewing and revising the prize'
r..iistsand takitig aclVant,age of
(Continued, On. Page
cherished drean • low to be •
,00111 • a 'reality.'
'Th4 People'.S Warden :then
welcomed the Venerable Aroht
aq.accti ;on behalf of the parish
itr nd petitioned hitt. to:
',Continued ,Ots' Pati
tt1iNIN(*i S012 Sunday n-iony, witnessed y a arge
'morning was a ntemOvable: Ittaster morning congregation
ca -ion at St, .P.oter'$ Anglican ,Are; RUssell. Whitby, People's
th \vheri Ow sod Was turn: Wardeh; Stewart Lavis, ehair-
for 111*W: *pari§h hall., Pic— ,,rian of the Blinding COMmittee;
bt at Or -tete- Ernest GauntRector's Warden;
'S HERING • ,.
. ,
Mrs', Ilunter Of 7,16n,
underWent, :surgery on her ear "
last Thursday in • St. joseph's „:',. •
..!•Hospftal,. London. She. wa;. able
to, leave the hospital on Sunday
but visited at the home of. lien
Mrs,' Kenneth Laid-
liiw, : returning home .
I.Last' week's o:peration,. was-
SiMilar to that which .Mrs. Hut -t-
ter underwent a year. ago on the
other ear. The, results have been' '
t'f ' '
mos gia ymg.: ery ,„ as she
known to has tlo e to
hernial hearing restored ..the
Her hearing'becanie iMpaired
when she Was •a young lady and
became :progressively% worse un-
til hearing aids of increasing
uine were recurred for her to
hear, the surgerS, elirninated the,
rte.tlds, for aids andiqrs.. Bunter
,rioW hears .quite•
..1\ar. T. J. Salkela, rettesenting
St. Peter's Guild; Von, 'Archded-
t tOrt Carman J Queen; Miss Erri,
'ttia McCluskey, the Conaegation',s
oldest active member; and the.
Incumbent, ReV. Wilfred .Wright::
- • ,