HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-29, Page 14f. POE FOUBTE`L I LU9NOW SENTINEL •: LUOKNOW. O, All10 WEDNFS04` , MAR. 2,0th,, 190 Men's .and .Younis' ' Reversible Showerproof' A The most practical :coat you;: can. buy • r at the lowest POs - Bible cosi! , These handsome garments come in brown, olive;' blue or navy reversing to; sand, Poplin! brown and ' charcoal.. Sizes 36 to. 44. $17:95 to$29,95'- ,S AC.K All wool flannels and Tory-* a. lene 'n' wool. The colours & patterns . will round . • out your casual wardrobe to perfection. Continental or . pleated models; All latest shades including, olive; , charcoal,' etc. $12.95 to $17.95 For Youths and Men A11 Wool ' . TWO -PANT SUITS All wool, 'trim checks,' patterns .., and favourite. solids. in olives, greys,: blues, charcoals, . etc. A handsome array' of 2- and 3 - button,, modified'' and ,Contin- ental models in• this exception- al grouping! Regulars &; Tails.. Sizes 36 to • 44. 6 $59.95 to $79.95, SENTINEL THAT members -of the Lucknow A•gricultura1 Society will meet in the. Town Hall, Lucknow on Thursday night,' March 30th at 8:30. At • the annual ' meeting earlier this year,,. an' executive could not be obtained and ' it . is hoped that a president . • and. other officers.- will 'stand; at Thursday's • meeting: so that the, • society may continue to fune- tion. A report will be given •by the lady ' delegates to the Fairs' Convection, THAT Reuben Wilson of Ashfield Township, was the recent win- ner of the Mount Forest Lions Club "suit of the month draw" giving ,him a, $75 ,credit at any men's wear in that town. Reu- ben bought his .ticket from the State Farm' . Insurance agent from Mount Forest , at their, convention: " at Niagara Falls: THAT winners • at the ,'Crest' Hardware prize draw . for Magi - 'Cote paint last week -end were William Blue,, • Detroit, three ORT JACKETS. arris tweeds, Wool 'ri Cash meres, ` Scotch ' tweeds,, ; navy blazers, and new •lightweight worsteds. Newest checks, pat- terns.' and solids to choose from. > $19.95 'to $34.95 • • • Little :boy is beaming in, his new sportsset smart coni- panions for Spring and ' Surn- mer dress -up, wear,expertly tailored and styled for the special' ,. occasion. SPORT . JACKET : single breasted, fully lined and ; in two -button style in various, Tweeds, . Checks, Blue, Brown, Loden .and Light shades. Sizes;. ,. 4 'to ' 6x $8.95 and $9.95 Hand -Washable SLACKS in half boxer style with self -belt: Carey, Blue,' Brown and. Loden.; Sizes 4' to 6x. . $2.98,. $3.95 and $4.95" Also 8: to 16` From $11.95 to $15.95 AGENT FOR KINCARDINE 'CLEANERS Free Pick=Up and 'Delivery Monday and Thursday Ladies' and Men's Wear. Lucknow 'THAT Mr. Charles •,Steward has returned' to ' his home•, 'having been a 'Patient in. Victpria Hos piitai London for 12', days, . re- ceiving, treatment. He' was very i11 when he left home'. and was an, emergency patient. Charlie is feeling much better and was able to. enjoy .a 'family dinner' at the 'home of his;', daughter, Mrs. Hugh 'Curring and • Mr. .Curring,. London on; their 50th wedding, anniversary last: week.:. THAT ,Susan �Iall7�year-aid; daughter of Mr., and Mrs, Lloyd Hall•, .had to have her arm re- set on 'Tliuraday. She suffered, a ' double fracture of the left forearm .a week previous and it was anticipated then that mwhen "x-rays' 'were taken :later' it'inight be Mound necessary t�, do, •the reseting.; Ashfield THAT •Herb Curran ofseld 'has been critically ' ill in Win g g ham hospital, since suffering a • severe'. heart "attack, ten days ago. He has ' been in an oxygen tent. and " fed intravenously since the ' attack, with members of ,his' family constantly, nearby:' THAT' the holdup of: the London delicatessen shop the first of the • week had local .interest.. here; Mr. and '• Mrs' Herbert Henning were visiting the proprietors, Mr.;and Mrs,: Wm;' Kleiber,. ' at the time of—the armed, holdup, and the four - 'some were threatened orith deathseveral. tim'es', .while the , the ars , searched the house to locate $4,0.00; • Mr.. Henning is . a +brbther of itudi Rennin+g,: who is married to' Susarf.Me- N°aughton of•. Lucknow,: : gallons house ' paint; Mrs.' Frank Currie, R.R., '3, Ripley,, two gal- lons house' .'paint; .Mrs. 'Lorne f`Keip, RR 3 Lucknow, one gal- lon house paint THAT ;,Allan: Mowbray, son of Mr: arid ,Mrs. Virden Mowbray of Lucknow, has started„ as 'an • apprentice :mechanic. at Jack MacDonald's: Esso Service ,Sta= tion. THAT the 'final card "party for the season`• was `,held. at Belfast School on March 22nd: There were 15 tables playing.. ,Ladies' winner was' Mrs. Wilbur` Brown and. runnerup ', was Mrs.. Men- ary.. High' man . was Cliff Men- ary • with Wm. • Buckingha'ni second: THAT Eleanor Reed, daughter:of Mr.' and . Mrs. Allan .eed, ap- pears ' p -pears' on .Focus 'On Talent . on 1 X -TV, Wednesday even-, ing, presenting. violin, selec- i tions.: THAT Jack aMacDonald ' of Lea- mingt'on,.passed- away, sudden- i ly on. Monday, March, 27thfor= lowing a heart attack'. He 'was the son . of:. the 'late 'Mr. and.; Mrs. Duncan MacDonald • of. St, Helens.. - ' 'THAT Joanne Thompson observ- ed her ,6th birthday on' March. 20th, -and held :a belated 'party for some little' friends on Wednesday. THAT . the return.. of the birds' has been very noticeable and audible of late; including .Of course the robirrr} the harbinger of spring. Uniisual, ;it Would• seern to ,us,, are the big' flocks of canaries . which 'have been( swarming in the' 'trees in the. vicinity of Greenhill 'Cemetery;' THAT the CKNX-TV :schedule` for "Think on These Thing's."` at' 10;55' a.m:,, lists two local ministers to participate . .on, consecutive' days Rev.. Wil-, f red` Wright on ' April 10th and Rev; : Howard Strapp on April Il the THAT Mrs. Ernrl'e MacLennan of Lochalsh ;was the recipient . of the ' Good Neighbour Award on ,CKNX on ; aturday morning, which includ'es •a cash prize 'of $25.00; Mrs.., MacLennan .ex- pressed' surprise in being nom- :. mated for the 'honour. "I just do what I -can ` for. everybody," she said. THATto 90 .Mr. aid -Mrs. Art Breck ' y- les are` enjoying irkY.g80`degree ...-. weather at Brownsville, 'Texas, • They have been to Mexico, just across : the Rio Grande ',Wirer from Br ,...ow v.ns vi i • lee. They are going to San. Antone . before' ret 'r 'ln u n g home' me about the .:8rd,. week in • A•pril, ` .YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND + TOILET 'TISSUE.• SALE. Save 10c. Vogue, . 4 roll Economy Pack MARGARINE SUPER SALE.' Delmar: For All Household Use., '. DOG' FOOD SALE. Supply Limited. Pard. Regularly •2 tins 27c. 'Feature:. A INSTANT : COFFEE SALE. 30i off Jar.; Qac Nescafe. Extra Large. 8' oz. Bargain , ASSORTED EASTER CHOCOLATES $1 1 C Boxed. Priced' From 49c, 98c To . Headquarters' For,, All Easter Foods. Fruits, Vegetables,Meats, Groceries,•Candy. Fancy Red MacIntosh.Apples Available. Values : Effective We ,Sell: For Less ?? ,March ,29,. 30, ,April 1 ...Phone' 119, Lucknow DURING .OUR ANNUAL SPRING:. Clearance Sale r . Values For ` The . ,Whole . Family at . GREATLY REDUCED .. PRICES SPECIAL: PRICES on MEN'S WORK SHOES A Large Range To Choose From LL'.Shoe .:tore THAT adult '.hair cuts. in Gode- '' rich. are going ' tip • to 90c and children up to .12, seventy-five cents. The ' 90c:.fee applies t°o ' everyone on • Saturday THAT Jack Henderson ` tells; ,its he' • has � refereed 97 ' hockey. games .(many of them :double- headers) this 'winter. He will/ wind up the season by officiat- ing fficiat-ing at the Young.'Canada :Week: tournament in Goderich. THAT , R. ' E; '(Ernie) 'Crawford of Godetich and formerly 'Of Lucknow; is again acting as campaign ;chairman for Gode-' rich and district of the Huron Unit. of ;the Canadian ,Cancer. Society. THAT while vacationirng,'. 'at Nassau in the Bahamas Islands, Mr. &• Mrs/W. B. Anderson "ran into” Mr., and Mrs. Dave' Sanderson of London who are, Amberley' Beachsummer. red sidents, and , Steele C.. ,Mac -1 Kenzie' of Waterloo, son' of Mrs. R V. MacKenzie, ari, across -the -road Lucknow neigh- bour of ,the Andersons. Steel holds an important . `exeoutiv'e position with the Dominion Life Assurance Company; THAT "Bud" Orr of .,Belgrave. and' a couple ,of other "Good Samaritans" came to the aid of ..the ' Publisher and Mrs. 'Thompson abbot, 1:00,day morning on Highway 86, west of Listowel. With a 'flat • tire at that hour,we found our jack worildrrt worlc properly' and were' in a bit of a "bad spot when our benefactors poi ' led . up, and with ' the use -of thea jack literally' took `over the changing of. the. tire: The threesome were• enute home ro' . .� 'front playing at. a`dance in ".Listowel. Thanks' again ,• bd;ysi • THAT Sam` -England of Palmer ston is presently working as baker. at Mullin's Bakery and Grocery. THAT ' Lucy Morrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mor-. rison, suffered a' cracked, bone, in . her foot' and has the limb in- a cast and is.hobbling' about with the aid of crutches. THAT effective March 1st,: ,:Cecil McAlpine e was transferred • ;: from Windsorto the manager- ship,; of the Main. ,Officebranch of the Bank: of Montreal at St. Thorn'as THAT statutory holiday • service,. 'at the Post. 'Office '. provides wicket service. ,from 12:30. to 2':30 ;p.m., only, both Good :Fri-, - • day.' and Easter ;Monday. The, •lobby • will be open both days frOrn`."8 a.m: to 9' .p.m; mails will be despatched. and,r'eceiv,. ed. as ' usual: There will • be', no rural Mail, service .either, days. • THAT Mrs.' Ruth Jardine . has • been' appointed local represent. ative 'for Avon' Products. ,• THAT Mrs `, Frank Hamilton was the winner of the 50.0p we 1y :jackpot 'at the Legion bingo . last Thursday.•' BORN, JAMTFSON` In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital on. 'Satu`rda3�, arch 2 ,tr,l .t .'. ia a h to • Mrs Mr. and famieson, a daughter. - • , . E LL%OTT At Wingham `Gen, erat .H'isp" ital 'on..Frxclay;march_. 1''lt,h, 196 t, tei Mr; and. ;Mrs. 'Old El%iott RYE.. 4 R ple .a. s0i ► P Y} D+REN.NAN'—At Win ham Gale' rat hospital on Monday, Mardi 20th, 198.1, to Mr. ,and Mrs, Hen- , ry 'Drennan, R.R. 7', LUckn:ow,• daughter.