HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-29, Page 7WEDNESDAY,. • MAR, 29th,, Nothing Q1 our house this at about ring TILE .LUCKNOW LU $:Now, ONTARIO . NEW HOG SELLING START ' The. '"teiety,pmachine will re- place• the telephone as . the meth - '001 for selling hogs in Ontario, effective April Ist. ' The announcement was 'made jointly• by• the Ontario.Hog. Pro- ducers' Co-operative and; the Farm' Marketing Board and . re- conciled months of argument on the best 'and'Qfairest way to sell hogs.• Under the old system the On- tario Hog Producers' .Association, Ontario Hog :Producers' Market- ing Board and the co-operative sold Southern '.Ontario hogs on .a telephone, , bid -and -ask• . system.: The. co=operative ',acted as, the sales agency, set 'an. asking price daily then :called, for bids from packers. There. were never any outright- charges that• hogs were being sold on a preference basis, but • the method .was considered unfair. Under the' now 'teletype rineth= pd a master control unit will be sex • up in the office of• the hog producers' and lin1ed 'with tele- type machine's, in processors' offs ces.. • Offerings Will be seen instant- ly in each • buyer's. office, with' bids . indicated s'a.nd sales con-. firmed Hogs will. be :offered in lots : determ'ined' by the hog.prod. •ducers and.: they may'refuse :.un!. acceptable .`bids.'• •' In the past,• the three producer. groups.' have . opposed the tele- type system • , because • theY felt sma.11e ' 'packers might be crowd ed. out of. the market:: Under the new :method no' pro- cessor. whose. hog slaughterings in 1960 was one per cent or, more of all hogs slaughtered by •. all processors .may buy without- stalling a teletype , Pf ocessors• Who purchased less 'than one . per ,cent in 1960; :and buyers outside Ontario, make their purchases through a; .teletype unit in the Toronto of flee of the Hog Producers' Co!!: operative.,. 'The processor's will. also pay 1'i c •a hog t�. cover .his 'share' .of: rental on . the entire teletype Sys- tem All 'hogs . will'' be • offered ' for —Bright :arid shiny,; 'like a new, Spring bonnet, that"kt hove our house looks, these days, We've„ had it "done" all over and now the` Joneses; 'are keeping up with us.. The 'cost? Well -- much less than, you'd think. We financed. the "works" with a B of M Home.Improvement Loan. That's how i'01/ 'can; get Your home improvements. ; -- - " done at lower cost.. Talk to•.the people at' your.. neighbourhood B.'of M oL NiM [MOWS branch soon -- they'll be glad to tell you all about it.• BANK OF M.ONTREAL/'. is eauhkecti % ecue .LOCHALSH,,,' We are sorry -to report that Jack Bfadley is again a ,Patient in S;t Josephs. Hospital in Lon: don. Mr. and Mtg. D:. R'' MacKenzie spent arday.- in Kincardine calling on :seve'tal/ from. this community who are patients •: in Kincardine Hospital. ' • Allan` McCharles :of Toronto is spending a few :days .with . his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver M Charles,• prior ,to.' a trip'.to .Eu - tope in April. •' Congratulations to Mrs. Emile `MacLennan, :' who liras ' chosen Monarch , Good Neighbour from ' ""CKNX on Saturday ' Audrey Ross, RN , of London Spent a few, days;With-• her 'par., eats, Mt. and Mrs. Bill Ross. Mrs.: Daisy .MeCharles,' is. visit- ---ing in. •;Brantford ; with . Mr. and 1'~ Mrs. onald McCharles:, ' Mr, and Mrs. Warren *yids' spent" 'the week -end • in Toronto • with .Miss Donis 'V yids. '• Mr: '.Bill • Ross • was. chairman for -the= initiation program .for the Explorer group at . Ashfield. P_resbyteriar- 'Church. on Friday evening. y Congratulations ' to . Mr. -and' . Mrs. Ken Elphick on the arrival: of a baby' girl on .Wednesday in Winghaxn Hospital. ` Mrs. William Ross' was hostess to the ' executive ..of the •W.M.S. • to- snake, plans for • the ' Easter Thankoffering meeting 'to be held' in the Church in April; • • We 'are happy' to see Mr. 'and 1Vlrs D',:. B. MacKenzie back home 'after spending the.'winter in Wirigham: D344SS R onald' also:;participates in school hockey and softball as well' as g beina- mern.ber .of Ripley Junior Farmers He is the son. Of. Mr. and, Mrs.'. 'J'ohn MacCharles of R;:R '1, .Rip- ley. ''RIPLEY LEADER ' NAMED .Ronald , •MacCharles, an 18 - year -Old the . Grade 13 student, r Choke 'of students of Ripley. Dig- trcit High School .as' their' rep resentative• .to 'The Free. Press Student' Leaders'"Ciulbr . , Always in the upper part of his class it 'schol'astie .standing, You .are ".what you °think, you, ST HELENS ': Recent visitors :with Mr. and. R. RIPL Can. 11, ' , uron; Tv p*, 1 Block 4 a w.illes South of iKincar st of :1=f ighway mei r Announces the Opening of a Licensed, WELDING AND REP • Experienced operator for eleetrio and aeetelyne welders, the, drillin and' grinding equipment, 'etc. Dave in. stock, 'hydraulic hose and hose fittings, universal joint repair kits. • Equipped' and. °Stocked to Meet Your Repair Needs, YOUR PATRONAGE' WILL :DE APPRECIATED Saleand ducers' where. sale. sold 'f,o.b. at the pro assembly yard or, yards the hogs are at time of Presbyterian Evening, Auxiliary • The members of • the :United Church. Evening Auxiliary join-. ! ed with us for our • March meet=. :ring held inthe church as bement: i Musical selections by Wendy !MacKenzie at •the. piano ' and Barbara :Cameron' on the violin, were much :enjoyed previous to the . meeting. Mit, . Robert. Mac- Kenzie welcomed''the visitors & 'the meeting .was. opened with a hymn •.followed .with :,prayer by` Mrs.' Jack. Fisher. 'Mrs. Leonard Ritchie: of the TJnited - Church: •Auxiliary, 'thezi•.'took, the chair. to. •conduct the. meeting which opµ. ened 'With a hymn • The rneditfia- tion: •was •taken by Mrs. Camp- bell Thompson,; who emphasized the importance .of , _pr'ayer' .and reconsecration in our service'' to Christ. A hymn was, sung,• follow 'ped with prayer' by Mrs. 'Le'onard •Ritchie. Mrs. Gordon : Johnstone ';gave. • •a report on' missionary work:' in. Japan. An ,Easter solo. . by • Miss I•Iel'.en 'Thompson, ' accom'- panied by: Mrs. Ross- Cumming, was 'much enjoyed.. Kirk gaye a very interesting ad--. dress entitled'"An Ideal: Mother and ' Parent," . the "Life of Mary the' Mother of :Jesus:" An Easter reading was given by Mrs. Stuart Co11yer 'fol'lowed by a'.•very ern ioyable piano solo by Mrs. Har- vey Webster.. •Mrs, George.' Whit- by . thanked the. . Presbyterian. Auxiliary for their hospitality, aril .Mrs. Jim' Aitchison respond- ed. The meeting closed, With a' hymn . and prayer. Miss. Gladys:' MacDonald conducted a • couple of . 'contests. 'A social . half hour oliowed. • Hackett United .Chiurch The March meeting of .Hacketts W.M.S.was held at• the home 'of" Mrs. Gedrge Henry with 18`mem- bers , and 2 children 'present .' The: president;. • Mrs. Arnold ' Alton, opened the meeting with the Aim .and Object' of the. 'Women's N isstonary, Society The Worship. service;m' Voices ,froAbroad,, the Missionary . Monthly was : �fo'l ],owed. `Mrs, `Russell. Alton took the scripture. lesson. Study Book was :: given by Mrs. Blake; Alton., The. poll'.'call was answered by each inem'ber presenting''. a gift of clothing for the' bale, `arid one:: ' quilt was made during • the month. Mrs Blake ' : Alton read a letter'thanking our Society for. .' 1 the. two blankets sent'. to Overseas . relief. Delegates. were chosen. •to~ • go to the presbyterial' meeting :to be.. held :' in Wim gha. on • April 6th.: A; . motion • Was made'; to re member • Marie :Cupskey at Ea- ter •tim.time, with ? a :gift. The meet- ing closed with • prayer after which Mrs: , George • Henry and Mrs.. Russel 'Alton: served lunch.. fj Mrs: William ''Purdon .'and :other relatives • wer,e. Miss Ada Hines of 'Hamilton . and` Messrs. W.il'ly Haines •ofSaskatchewan. -,Mr..Donald. Murray underwent :surgery • in ; ' Victoria •. Hospital, London;".Dona]d:had the. inisfor-. 'tune of a leg' fractuie six months ,ago..and"required a bene graft I on, Saturday,. :and Mrs.' E. W,,, -Rice' -re- tiirned on '`Saturday from L'on-' t don' where "Ted'', has been a pa- tient 'fori the. past two ,weeks: We' wish; him improved health.. Mr. and. Mrs. Ken Grewar and Nancy of ,Brantford spent ,the • w'.eek-end 'at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Harvey Webb. .Nancy,,. re mained fol' the week •w,hile..her parents' are spending the week in Rochester, Wallace ,Miller is, hospital- ized in •Victoria Hospital,' Lbndon.,' •His, daughter,' Mrs. ,Frank Mcg. is"Spending a. fever'days in. the city. • ' The April meeting,. of'•.the W.I. .will be held in the hall On April 6th• at 2 o',tilock,'.The Annual re. ports and election of office's will be at this m'eeti'ng;. Program and ILinch committee, `will be. Mrs. E,• `V. Rice and .Mrs. William Pardon, • : • . ' The • eighth meeting of the' .St. Helens' llapl y Handier,afters was .h .�d . at the home of Nancy Cur- ran, ran. The meeting wasi opened ' with •'the .4-11 pledge The lead- ers demonstrated, how to make a .bound button hole.. The next teeting will bow held at the home of 13aiibara.; Piirdo ' IsI RANU'LATE D ..COMPLETELY- GRANULA :R ',D;UST-F. REE 4/ A,LWAY„:S F 4OWS _FREELY 'ONLY: SUPER :PEW FLOW LS •PREVISIO. ...GRANULATED' TO GIVE THESE !EN,EFITS ill FERTILIZER. No clogging or skipping -The controlled range of granule size gives a smooth; constant flow, acre after acre. Gives more even 'distribution of plant food .. more uniform crops Save bine and work -You waste no time clearing and resetting equipment: Yousave,time in the field. bust -Free -More pleasant, to handle and noloss on windy days. ,Equipment is easier to clean. Highly soluble More phosphorous made available, emember, only SUPER FLOW is 'precision.granu. lased”. It's the top-rated granular fertilizer on the i arket today: Ask your neighbour who 'uses it'1 Order from •yott PE F LOW fertilizer clefler' SUPER A product of Canadian Industries Limited • �rsr■�ar • °; 0, tkl 4!