HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-29, Page 2PAGE.
EDNESDAY,, *AA. 29t11 :1941
I. KNO V,.. OhTTARto
o -ng.
'The: Septi Town" --, On. the Huron,=Bruce Boundary
Authorized as .second class maii,..Pos4'Office Departmerit, Ottawa.
Established - 1873 --Published.. Eaclt Wednesday Afternoon
-Member of the C W:N.A and the O.W N.A.
Subscription Rate,: $3,00 a ygar, :in advance to ;the; 'U.S.A.,. $4.00;
L. Campbell. Thompson "a'id Donald C. Thompson, Putllishers;
WEDNESDAY, MAR, 29th, 1961
Chesterfields, Occasional, Chairs, •
Antiques, etc,, . Redone..
Choice of Quality Coverings;
Pick Up and 'Delivery, Estimates: ' Given
35 years' Experience
Opposite Post Office 48 'Eat St., Goderich
Phone JAckson 4-8422 •
A. meeting ` of more than ordinary im-
'poitance , is being held:. lay the . Lucknow
Agricultural Society this Thursday evening..
Of primary importance is completion of a
slate of officers, -including' .a president,
This near -century -old organization has
faced crises before and:; 'has always sue -
mounted the - obstacles. and continued to.
function and play an important role in the
life of ,the " community.
Financial difficulties have . been faced in
the' past;' but a matter of personnel,: is, of
• more serious consideration; .` Without en-
thusiastic and sacrificial leadership,. the,
Lucknow Agricultural :'Society,, cannot` hope
to survive and ' flourish;
Those interested in : the future of:: the
Society, whether members . or not, would
serve a ' worthwhile purpose ;by sparing an
hour or two to attend Thursday :' night's'
meeting, and `:lend their moral . support to
those who may be to 'carry on."„
Many . in, this • community will be . pleas
ed to "know that the Lucknow and:: Dis
trict Branch of . the ' Canadian' 'Red Cross
" willcontinue to function... A".' number' of
public spirited citizens of . the community
(many of them women) have volunteered
to ' make the annual 'canvass to .keep. the
'Red ' Cross' strong. There, 'are numerous lo-
cal benefits to be 'derived, as well as the
broader humanitarian, aspects This corn -
triunity has had a . proud record ' of Red
'Cross support in ' the "past and, those who
arewilling. to' see . that this support isnot
allowed to 'fail, are to be commended.'
.L1L1FS •
ASSORTEDE.. • .. .
Flowers. telegraphed 'Anywhere:
olomon's Greenhouse
The Luckn�w District High School
Board was' recently publicizing 'the '.advant-
a es : of a teaching: career. • It is part of • a
provincial -wide program adopted' by the, STAB LES • AM° ZE'
recommendation of a •special
Committee . PRA -I R 1 E !PAIR
Luc snow,
;Phone. 88
Ontario School ' .Trustees' Councilon the
on. Secondary School, • salaries::
Witha growing population and an
increasing emphasis on the 'importance of
an advanced : education, the ' teaching 'pro-
fession ' is one ::that holds a promising 'fu-
ture ,for well, qualified.' personnel.
The profession has, no doubt`, its, ex-
asperations and frustrations as ,do. `` many
walks of, life, but theo ortunit for, dir-
.. Y
ecting and ;influencing; the lives of child-
ren and young : people must provide ' much
in personal 'satisfaction 'and ' bea reward-
ing experience'.,
e task.of .callin attention to matters
that might be rectified if given a bit of
publicity is not the sole responsibility of
the 'newspaper. in a community....
Improvements and changes for the good
of the: community as 'a •'whole should;pro-
, P
erl.be shared b' all citizens of 'the town
and the district. 'A newspaper's: first res-
esponsibility is : ` to inform. Any newspaper
worthy of thenameis always ready and
willing to serve .its community in anygood.
cause but it .,has the right to ,expect .''• that
readers who 'wish . to express their views
on controversial matters . avail themselves
of the press by taking the trouble to write
a letter.:
There are ` those who would like to: see,
expect and seemingly ."
p t a publisher to go to ..
bat forthem e a
m t �o air what may be nothing
more than a personal peeve or prejudice.
Newspapers ' are not policemen. Better-
ment ,of 'the community , is everybody's
business; not ; thenewspa P`er's .alone. It is
merely the medium:.' through ',which .con-
' criticismcan be expressed.
Have you made your donation to the -
Crippled ..,Children s� Easter. Seal Fund? If
not this is the.week. don't delay or •ne
• glect, it.
(Kincardine 'News)
' .The death "'of. Dr. John A. MacDonald'
removes from Ripley one of its leading
citizens and a than who contributed'much
to the ::life •. of the community.:,
While his profession . offered o portuni-
t. for service in "a wider ' sphere,:: he chose
y P.
to, remain on'his' native; heath and..provide
dental service for the village and.surround=
ing' district.
He was a leader in' : all that -: as . good
in the . confrnunity.. ' His influence • was'
great in the:'cause of religion, education
and fraternal 'organizations.
Not everyone. can 'be •,claimed as a
friend," but it is 'safe 'to 'say that "John''
A." could'" call' more 'people by this title
than most of his contemporaries:
TREAT the.. faauly to
West east in , Bruce "
t County
last ' week and 'both' agr.'ee they
,held erroneous:views :of the oth'=
Two Alberta. Junior, Farmers,
Alvin .,Goet :, of Bluffton. and Eu
e Elcn of Hardesty,. spent th'e
gen s, Y, . P ,
first. ,.week` of'. their 15 -day',' ex-.
change visit in Bruce and both
agree the 'trip has been "invalu-
able." - ,
" ` enefit' and it will
"It us .
benefit Junior Farmer .organiza-
tions- .back ` home:"
Tour County1
While here they. covered 'much
! of the county :as guests of. vari-
ous ' Bruce , .Juniors •
What. amazed • them'.: most was
that many, Ontario 'farmers ` still
handle stock as it was' handled:
60 , years . ago :in :the same. anti=
quated stables.
They enjoyed most a visit to",a.
sugar' bush :north ;of Walkerton
where ' 'zeronight temperatures
+'did ,not stop the traditional"taf-.
,.y pull."
They exploded :another popular...
.myth held ,by easterners that the
Alberta fanner .has. it "made" if
his land contains oil.. 'Oil•''on. a
prairie ''farmer's land ' may be.
More of .a curse than a blessing..
Farmers`'. in most cases haven't
Mineral rights to' their .land. 'Most
of.. these Were taken; over by the.
governirierit: in 1905 Farmers are
given' $1,20.0 when drilling 'starts
and' a further $400 a year but.
'this, they, say, is in'sufficient'.com='
pensation. '
Land .Cut Up
t `exce t .b recent arrrva'ls
from the. east who haven't caught
p. Y
Fatten F ster
Cattle are turned:loose and are
bedded and •fed every' day. The
boys, .believe they fatten .as, well
or perhaps faster than eastern
'Canadastable-fed' winter: cattle.'
Protection, either • natural. fror.i •
trees nor artificial" bya fence -like
Windbreak,, keeps then protected
;from . the • wind..
Stall feeding of beef: cattle also,
surprised . the ';two. Realizing
easterner's require stables in win•
ter they.. wonder ,why .`more use
is not :made. of -loose 'housing/
• (Marketing .is not .the problem
in Alberta : that it is here, they..
Said, Stronger co-operatives give
effective 'opposition; to packers•
While: an alternative method to •
the present open' market system
may some day •be required, it,
should not, be if co-operatives are •,
kept strong
Alvin Goetz said• Junior . Farm-. •
ers• in` Alberta: have organization.
al. , troubles. .
favOrr Exchanges
"Such . exchanges'' as', this one
will' help much: We Will take
much .back from Bruce. Juniors.:'
:'which will benefit' our home
Alvin has close ties' with Bruce.`
His • F`randfather left t a farm near..
Formosa to' go west nearly 50
•years 'hgo: Eugene's family` comes
from near .Toronto
Half of their 15 -day . visit . is •
over. They, wi.11'. also 'go to Peel, .
Highway' .2 1, 3 miles , Nor•th of Goderich
4 to 7 p.m.
Tomato Juice, -Soup, Fruit Cap:
relishes and. 'salads.
Mashed Potatoes,' Hot Vegetables.:
Hot rolls •
Cherry and Lemon Pie
Tiger ' Dunlop Delight
•Ice ,Cream ",,
Tea or Coffee
,Weddings, Banquets,uets Dinners, etc;"
Catering' zzg nq
Reservations` Given Special Attention.
Mrs. G Kaitting, Carlo* 2406
We Are Now Resuming Our Popular Sunday Dinner
�i+ +, Y �•y Jr ��*+-**4*�►.�iw*.* ••••vi••
Norfolk,' then' on to ':Russell and
Glengarry Counties. An air tour
of..the St, . Lawrence Seaway . will
conclude their Ontario' stay.
With oil on his land. a' (farmer
meeting of the 'new
as Small as 40, acres '. and'
The'' first
nig Fruit" at Holy -fields traversed with roads built.
course • Featurs .'
by the oil' rood ' was held at.,the of home . ' company
Also' heavy drilling eq,uiptnenty,„
Mrs • : Charlie Murray 'on. •Monday, ,, is• 'hard on counrty .roads, reflect
March 20th ' The election of of .
ficers hresulted las follows: Press . ing 'rate , f y o
sn adversel n' the farmer s.
dent, , Earbara Murray;. Vice- or rdad, maintenance ,
Then there is an odor, and the
, President, `dune Ackert, Secre,- natural gas leaks •ou't • and being'
tary, Diane :Hewitt, Press Re=' heavier • •than 'air'ut will•: flow,
, porter, Sandia ' Percy. It was
•` decided ` to collect'. l0c at each.
4. -meeting from . ,all the rembers.
,We •discussed the methods of
baking and measur•'ing liquid and:
, dry ingredients. The lesson was
• on, • Food ° Guide for Health, and
through 'a basement'.. :window. to.
"fill that room. .4 .
"Ifwe had the oilrights it'.•..
Would be well 'worth- while" Eu- Register. F`orhs
uy LccaIiy!
gcne,•.E1'm said,
The two were surprised a
eastern meth 'd
• __:. _.�__ • �:... _ .. •-:. lunch: o s• of raisrnV e r� ,etnrt
1,Cr; ' - Gas and . O`1' Truck
Carbon Sna' out Forms • •
-- they. had two previously pr'epar
� la s.,b leaders, Mrs. P ..
, ed �.a , C} y S, P. A iJ
• • Murray and Mrs. trharlse Mur demonstration Tlie' roll call waS
,Cont ytttou[s usrnes$
dray.. June ,. Ackert' thanked tthe ;answered ". by Trine, members,.
• .GlobieA,..t ' t, a,
t T��To reasons ,kVh I : eat ,,. ; : .
y ft urt, ,•
C ch It B
d meeting .,of .. the The next.' sneering 'is to , be held '
• The recon
course was held. at the home of ,at • June Aeket�t`s on NApril 3'rd,
Mrs, P. A., Murray on .:yionday, i ,The Croup, decided ' on the Res auran;t Pads
March" 2'ith. • Mrs, ,Murray de -',,,name "The Holyrood l±ruiton •
ated the. making of "shor;t- cess." lSzane Hewitt thanked the:
i UC NCi i
trionstt", a .ked the ,
cake. Sandra Percy repeated the hostess,