HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-29, Page 14, 3.00 Year In;.Advance. --.$1':00 Extra To U.S.A.. LUCKNOW,, O] ARIO WEDNESDAY, MAR, 29th, 1961 • • • a. There was a. small: attendance and little discussion at' the an-. nual meeting of the ,subscribers' of, the' Huron 'and Kinloss, Mun- icipa' Telephone •System;• held in the. Township ,Hall, Ripley on• Monday afternoon. Stewart Needham,. .chairman of the Board, presided and Clayton Nicholson, manager of the Sy stern,` gave a report of.. the year and plans for the future,., .It was announced that plans and: work .'are • ,now underway in • . order to meet : the Dungannon system dial outover in ''December of. / This project requires a cable to be constructed between Dun- gannon and Lucknow which will serve local" customers plus all long distance service Stew rt Needham; and :Murray •Campl6ell "' were reappointed. commissioners and D A:' Mac- Donald is 'the newly.:,elected commissioner ,succeeding . Oliver Smith ATTEND ' BACCALAUREATE. SERVICE AT . 'THE Mr. and Mrs., Orland Richards spent Sunday „in; Guelph ` with Professor and 'Mrs.. N. R. Rich-: ards, and family: They attended the Baccalaureate Service in War. Memorial :Hall at the O.A.C, for the graduating class, Of which their ` son George is a me fiber on the engineer option. •'George: has' joined the R.C.A.F. and. en •ters `' with a commission to . fur- ther . his studies: Guest, speaker, at the Sunday service was•Rev. C. H. Dickinson,. Book': Steward of. the United `Church 9f `.Canada. His son, Elroy Dickinson,; • is also < a graduate of this class' arid 'it, is -'understood be 'will enter ;the ministry as an agriculture engineer. He assisted. his father in the service by tak- :ing;'• the Scripture . lesson: DIED AT PINECREST MANOR 1VIrs. Wilson.. Muller., formerly of Al " A lenfor Pin e d, died at , ecr Manor, : Lucknow, on Thursday M LUCKNOW COUPLEFIFTY YEARS ' MARRIED Mr'. and. Mrs: Charles" Steward;. celebrated their golden wedding. anniversary on . Wednesday,; 'March 22nd They were' `married' in Wingham '`by' the Rev. • Croly. of the. Anglican' Church:.: • • Born: in •England,. Mr. Steward' is. thee' son. of • the `.late' Mr. and .Mrs.:. George `Steward of Ipswich, Suffolk, England . and came' to Canada .in. 1910 Mrs,. Steward,. the former Mabel 'Annie, Houghton, daughter of: the late .Mr.- and Mrs. Albert Hough- ton . of Wickford, Essex, 'England, came to Canada in 1911. They have . three. daughters and •two''sons; Stella, Mrs: H. S. Cum-. ing;': Verna, Mrs, "M.' C.:McDon- ald, ;both of London; • Zylda, Mrs, Charles 'Henderson.'.: of •' Toronto; Gordon and.Fred' Steward : of•; s ; ond.on. There are five .; grand- ildr n' : and~ 'one = greatgrand- Child. rand- , h e g. h Id. arch 23rd, at the '•age .of . 78. r She was born at Burgessville . and was the former Winnie Maude Thorne. The funeral service on Saturday at the.,Mackenzie. Memorial. Chapel;. was .'conducted bH ment was' `iri .Greenhill Cemetery. y Rev.Hoard Strapp. , Inter - OCTOGENARIAN MARKS BIRTHDAY Prince Arthur House, Toronto;.. Saturday, March 1 lth, ' was' the setting • of 'a reception honouring ,Mrs. William MacKenzie, former= ly of, Lucknow, on the , occasion of 'her 85th birthday. The tea taible, beautifully 'set with .fine Brussels lace, cloth centred with pastel' pink ;candles' and spring ''bouquet • of .snaps,. tulips, • carnations . and roses, was presided over by friends of Mrs,: MacKenzie. Toronto and former Lucknow folk were nd con- gratulations. to exte Receiving the guests. with Miss Katherine : MacKenzie were Mrs John MacKenzie` of • Allis.t on and , Mrs. Torn-MacKen-' • zie •.of' Lucknow On Sunday a 'birthday dinner was •held, with Mr. and, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie •and family of Lucknow being.present. ent.' . . Callers' included Rev. Laird of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mr.. Y'and Mr s. Wmti'.; F. • Thompsoh ."and. f atnrly Telegrams and flowers included these of Mr, and Mrs., Alex:` 1VIa , er` cKenzie of �i'aii'couv and Dr, •and Mrs. "WM,- IVlacKen- • • rip of St. Clair :Shores',• Mich: and •: everything'' )•. combined to make the birthday' a memorable one in- deed', .I • BOB MURDI E WON 'FELLOWSIIP ,Robert A. ' Murdie of Kitch- ener is one Of 84 Canadians Sel- ected; to receive a Woodrow Wil- son National ,Fellowship •Found-• ation award He was among ,10,- 453' students in the 'UnitedStates. •arid Canada competing for the fellowship; designed for, those ;.intending: to teach 'in university. 'Bob is the ;son of Mrs. `Apex Murdie and the late .,Mr. Murdie. His; mother is the former Mabel Woods .of St,, Helens. Babe is 'a senior student,, in the' geography department of. Waterloo ; Co liege. ' : ' • The :fellowship has the value - 'of a '$1,500 ?iwing grant•, plus full tuition payments. •,Mr.. Murdie in- tends. obtaining a' master'of arts 'degree. 'in ,''geography and hopes tinter ;the 'University' of Chi- eago this .fall. SKETCH:: PLANS RECEIVED FOR TWO NEW SCHOOLS: SketchF lans :for both the,.new :Central schools in Ashfield and; Kinlo.ss Townships have been re- ceived,ans have the': respective, Boards.: The ;pl ' ' e been submitted ftyo• . r,rl;l« Departmental .'approval; val; an d When this,is received, thBoards, , havethe ,gteenlight .to.,o }on. r rr .....urns. '� with corisi;rei`ct o p ahead � . • :::.. . The Kinloss Area' Board is this advertisingit Week for principal and . three teachers` to staff the school which .will new l-iblyrood s serve the six school :.sections known as the 10th,. Holyraod,. 6th, 4th, "2nd' and Larigs de: Mr. :Stewart operated'': •a mail .'z1ite and milk business in Luck- low...for a number, Of years. Then he was; employed by Silverwoods Dairies :for:.31; years and ..is :a Member '; of the .Quarter Century, lub.. Mr: Steward is retired i1/ 'years. On Wednesday, lylareharch 22nd a tea ',was held ' :at . the borne of their daughter.' 'arid son-in-law, VIr.'.and' Mrs.:H. S. Coining. Mrs. Harvey Treleaven ;'and.'. Mrs. Ro- pert Rae : poured tea and; Mrs.: Gordon Steward ' and'. Gloria' Cuming assisted in the tea room: On. , Sunday •' a family dinner was served'at the' Cuminghome to mark this 'happy event , The happy couple : • received 'many congratulations, which all helped to make the event' a very ' enjoyable and irriportant` occa- sion. • .' NOTICE. CORRESPONDENTS' • • There will be no rural mail delivery, service: on, Easter Monday which will; delay the usual delivery of rural. correspondence, If at ' all possible we would appre- ciate f` correspondents; could. arrange to have: ` their news budgets sent• inby other means -,to. reach .,us as• early as possible on Monday. JIM : REED SELLS FROSTY KIN& AT KINCARDINE • • ' Mr. ,arid Mrs. Jim. Reed (Freda. Rintoul) and young spn Donnie have returned from . Florida • where they, spent, the past few months They visited with rela- tives in thecommunity.before re- turning to Kincardine.' Their son. Ronald . went south from' Kin cardon about three weeks ago &; accompanied his parentsi on their return. Mr. and -Mrs: Reed: were form er residents ` of '.Lucknow. For the past two. years they 'have' been operating the Frosty -King Custard Stand at the south of. Kincardine. They have 'sold this enterprise and their house trailer to Doug McArthur, Owen Sound. PLANT, MAPAGER• - DIED SUDDENLY Death came with shocking. .suddenness ..on, Thursday, March 23r.d, , to' Wilmer R Howey, man ager ._ of the Lucknow and Car- gill branches.. of : Silverwood. Dairies. He started .with Silver woods in his home'branch here '38 years ago,' and after, serving; ' hero , in at other:•points,�rett#rned h e , 1952 as r'nanager succeeding the. late. J. C. 'McNab .. who ;.'met' an 'untimely .death • in a motor ac cid'ent': Wilmer had .a recurrent and rather :severe •..heart 'attack; •. on March .11th arid ' had since been confined to bed at home.''He, was . making a favorable rec.ov- ery with prospects of having to rest for - a couple ; of months, At the supper . hour on Th'urs day, . he Suffered '' . ano'ther. ,seizure and passed away within minute s, literally, in the arrns of his wife, the;'. former' Grace Guenther ;of Kitchener'; and ''Dashwood._ STAFF NUMBER TO; ,REMAIN SAME Lucknow Public -.School Board.' at' . a meeting last Wednesday evening, officially decided �to' maintain the • lteaching" .staff: at'� eight,, plus. the ' music teacher. Another room was '' Opened and an 8th teacher added at . t'he start of •the present `'term to ac- comodate a record attendance: The '1961-62 tenni ,.will. see 'a drop in enrolment because : of. the :withdrawal of students Who will attend Ashfield ' and Kinloss' Central :schools. Th:is. will . per- mit 'a "thinning out" of the pre- Sent- heavily taxed' rooms,, and. the anticipated enrollment next term will mean an average of about 32 pupils. per room. ' The Board has been" officially advised. that students • of the Zion section,' numbering about. 20, will, '' continue to attend Lucknow. , • LYLA . TAYLOR PASSES• 'The.' eath. of L la. B.'Taylor r occurred in Detroit on Sunday, March ,25th. She was a •daughter, of the late Mr.'.And -Mrs, 'William J. Taylor of Luckiow arid . was as here. 73 years agog...., The remains rested at • the MacKenzie Memorial.Chapel`' on Tuesday evening with 'the fun-. eral service In St. Peters Angli- can, Church' on Wednesday morn- ing',, with burial in 'Greenhill' Cemetery. 'WII�MER R,' HOWEY Mr. Howey' gave. untiring seri vice" • in, i}is managerial capacity, and ne'rer,• hesitated to ,'don the overalls" and work side byside with the employees, He also gave' .valued service to his 'community and' his' church, He was chairman of the Lucknow District High ,School. Board", a member , of the Official' Bbard of the United, Church* " and a . faithful Chtii,ch man, and • a Charter member.' of the Lions. was ;current=• Ty serving his second term .as ,,president of the• Ontario .Crean'r- erymen's Association He was an ardent fisherman and found intuch,'pleasure .and relaxation in this .sport.. -(Continued on page; 3) 1 FOURTEEN PAGES' LOCAL MAN GETS`... COU CITY HOME..J013. Jack Hussey • of 'Lucknow.' has. been appointed engineer-mtain- .tenance: man at the Bruce County ' Home for the Aged; where • work on a ,,new 3/4 million dollar Strut-, ture is approaching 'completion. Jack will assume his new 'du-' ties on May lst and will be. ,as- sociated with the final stages of the work being: done ' by the contractors. Completion of .the. work, 'i's. set for about, June 1st,; Chairman of the County. Horne; Cothmittee and 'who has devoted much' time .to' , the project. throughout the planning and con. struction •stages,, is 'Reeve -Harold' Percy 'of ' Kinloss Township. Mr. Hussey was selected for the .position frorn a list of '25 applicants. His 'appoi'ntment' was made on Friday,' Jack has been employed at:the• Beatty' Ladder Factory in. Luck- now since it was 4' established about three years ago. Mrs. Hus ,sey: is the. former Evelyn Nixori, 'daughter of 'Mr, and Mrs. Harry Nixon• •They have . a 9 -year-old son, John. The 'Hussey family moved here 'after•, .selling, their. farm near Goderich which Jack had operated' following his naval , service' discharge after, ,World War :II:' : Mrs: Hussey - and John : will re - Main here until the .close of the school :term; : when the' family 'will' take up residence .in Wal: kertbn.. J'ack's ' 'departure will leave ,a vacancy on :the. Public School Board. 'Staff „Supervisor Named, ,' The Home .Committee has also appointed Mrs. Oscar. Stockdale, R.N. :of Mildmay as supervisor' of staff. She .was:�the only one •of':. three ,'app'licahts with registered nurse qualifications.' Mrs. Stockdale is the former Patricia: Robertson of Ripley. s, FINAL SDR I E V FOR .,. EASTER Ea SEAL FUND The Easter Seal fund: for: Crippled children is entering ' its, final stages, and. residents of :this community, who :have ' not :yet made their donations 'to assist this .commendable work, are re- quested to do so 'at once. ,.,Between 1300 -and 1400' Easter seal letters were sent out by the Lucknow and: District Lions Club and the returns have ,not yet been what, can be anticipated. This' is the first 'year this pro- ject has been sponsored at the local .level. The, appeal has pre- viously ' been. made from .`adja- cent. centres At _ Monday night's Lions Meet- ing,. Lloyd 'Ashton, chairman of the Faster ,Seal ;committee'.•gave a progress report:; Returns at :the end of the wfek Were encourag ing,' he: said,. with • slightly over $550,00. This includes proceeds of a benefit hockey game. ' This amount ' is' ; still far ,short, of what can be• expected from;, this community, arid it is' expect-' ed there will be 'brisk returns for the remainder 'of this week. Won ::Suit Draw •Clifford Johnston bad ' 'the lucky ticket for the' $100.• ward- robe draw, made at Mondays '"'• meeting.' • Vice ,President, .Frank :Thompson reported the .draw as quite successful with a net pro- fit of : over $280.00. Like taking, coal to Newcastle; B 11' Schmid . •won a fancy. • dish. , Th a convention 'fund raffle. ` . ,The hockey, club draw was I made . • at this meeting, with Har- `• vey Mole ' winning the. portable .. I mixmaster and ,Cordon ,Montgo- eery the electricer.colator, A 'discussion l; 'of. ..... ,,,.. a big the summer was held';' and. ;left with ,the • Executive to name • corrirnitteesto dele v into it, Spoke on `CCAS • Rev, Ry ,I. MacMillan mini- ster of Knox' Presbyterian {'Continu:'rd do Fage 31` tt ttlz xr' r; i