HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 131- •
•WIPNE.0AY, 22,44? 1961'
S1,13,DrVISiPplq • BYLAW
IcOntinued irt..kn rage
• Russell C011ins• At the sugges•
tion Of the, •goVernMent body it
was suggeSttd to have represenV
atives PreSant from, Kincardine
• town,, ,Kincardine Township and
• Tiverton ti explore. the •Possibili-• ,
ties' of a joint Planning hoard for
' the fotir municipalities. Although
not officiallY- a public meeting;
• and not advertised as such, re-
presentatives were: present from
the whole township of Huron,
• but predominately from, the
•Lakeshore. ':Others were present
from Ripley. ", • .
Chester ,,Ernmerton introduced
• John Pierson of the Department
'of Municipal Affairs, whieh used
to be known as .the Department
• of Planning, and Development..
• • • • e.
His position is assisting munici-
palities at the locaflevel and Mr.
Pierson explained that the sub-
• division control was designed to',
help the land owner, the . man
selling land and above all to help
• council , control land • and build-
ing. "Any *municipalities that do
• •
1,3A04, TRIRTgEN
not haVe basic: bylaws are. Invit-
ing trgutole With the conytruction
c4 the aPOP Plant, ' Pc1?141n—
ed that'. unclPr .subdivision con-
trol a Persgn• 'MtiSt have a Te-
$isl,ered "sury,eyed plan tO sell
10t4; If he hasone .9r two lots"
t9 s11 approval must be Ob-
tained from the planning board.
"A registeied," Plan • Will give.
„good ' investment return,' Other-
wise improper •, buildings and
roads will decease the value of
.lots" was .the• comment •of the
speaker, Mr. • Pierson forsees
work force ;of upwards of 2000
peoPle:. including familtes; eotn.,
• Mg: into the: area and warns "to
be ready.,.? .
Under SubdiVision control, ,5%•
of the land . is' obtained •by .the
township from the man selling,
PropertY „ to'• provide for parks,
,schools, playgrounds, etc. This
is a sore spot with many rate-.
payers concerned.'
• Has bhanged Opinion
Ernie, Greer, Reeve of Kip-
• carcline.toWnship, told Mr. Pier-
son that: he had been very much
opposed •to subdivision control
two years ago at a siMilar Meet-
ing but that ,he has ,since "seen
the -light of day in ragard .to pleb
a. plan." He, lold the meeting
that Kincardine, Township has 12
miles of. 'shoreline without a
single Park for
Steve IrWin c114eried alkoPt the
5% of land receivcd •and wond-
ered if it couldbe taken if the
•lots, were on a PriVate road. The
speaker inforrried him that it
had been taken in all cases he
• knew of. "You are turning.raw
• agricultural land into urban lots
' and because 'the •return is...gireat
5% is .retained for Playgrounds;
Air. Pierson- forsees the ,day
•that cottages,'th'is area *ill'
be winterized and people *111
live in them year round. This
will' come,,Mth development as
it has in other. urban centres that
were once pl'eclominately rural.
Develop Gradually
Donald Bine asked the speaker
"What if we register these lots
and don't sell -them for 21 years?
We will be paying,.an unban tax
on each lot.' The speaker said
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that to 'eliminate ,paying*tak on
lots. that Might • not 'be' sold for
feW'Years:! have the 'Plan- ap-.
PrOVed but Only register a •few
lots. When you sell them, re,
Wister a few more. •
• • •Need In Tiverton
• A Tiverton,' representative said
that they arein need of some
oritrol in their village. Qld :plans
that they have are still legal, but
not satisfactory, he said., Pre-
sently kits can be sold any way
at all in Tiverton. • .
Bob Courtney suggested the
subdivision 'Control 'should be on
all the townsbip.Why should a
a1 ,1.POr,tioptnelh.a,ve tct, pay for
the •
Dan Kennedy, who feels
strongly opposed to the subdivi-
sion control, questioned Mr.
Pierson on 'the pros and ,cons of
the plan. He has. a plan of lois
• With a satisfactory water supPlY;
rciads,,whiCh are not the specified
width but • in. Mr. Kennedy's
word's, are "quite satisfactory."
By abiding by the new control
measure,, road allowanCei would
have to be 66 feet. This would
cause Mr. Kennedy to lose 13
lots from his present plan..
• Mr, Kennedy said. that there
are any number of roads in the
township at present that are not
66 feet and yet are maintained
by the township and receive a
grant: •Mr. Kennedy •. has an
agreement With his lot owners to.
maintain'the roads for them. Mr.
Pierson explained that in event;
these. cottagers lived year round
on these lots, it would ,be
ble for him to maintain the roads
:in 'winter asgovernment grants'
are only received on township
roads otpriver specifications Mr.
Kennedy Said that he'would have
an..agreement on the deed that
the :roads 'would be maintained
only in summer. This legal as-'
pect'was'doubted by Mr. Pierson.
• Present at • the meeting was El-
mer. :Ross of the Sruce 'County
Health Unit. .• • • •
•' Archie Courtney .qUestioned,
the plowing of the Shore road
recently. to Ithe'Reeve. '"It is not
half Of 66 feet" said Mr. Court-
ney. It was felt by one rnan' that
there should be a niore concrete
agreement With 'council that the
toads Wouldbe taken over. by
the . township after :survey: Mr.
Pierson's reply was "they always
• witliout the skibdiViSion eQn.t..r9.1•
Chester felt that the'..S•nrvey 9n
,SeCond-:.rOW' ,b4Sh land was too
expensive tor. the TOO= receiv-
ed., "9Q% of the •cottage iniYerS .
are not rich," he said. . ° •
Archie Courtney * said abont,
subdivision control in As, hfield
township, 'they didn.'t go through
with it and they/ don't Want it."
ReeVe.Emmerton, in cOmMent- *
• ing on the PrOViSion for 'parks,'
said that 'he felt, possibly there.
Were enough smaller parks in'
the township at present but that
there was a need for :'a couple
of, larger ones.. •
, . k Sitting Duck -
, - In his concluding remarks
about subdivision. control, Mr.
Pierson said "if: you don't ,haVe ,
subdivision. control, you're a sit-
ting duck ,..--- a registered plan is, , •
the . way People want to do busi-
nest today -- the future of' Hu-
ron Township has , more to • be .
gained. with su,bdiVision . cori-
• troA." He offered to try and work
out• ' Dan Kennedy's, problem with
him individually :and any other
person that needed advice.
ProPtose Joint Berard 0
• A joint planning board was
• Proposed • for, Tiverton, Kincar, .
dine town, Kincardine Township
and Huron Township 'by. Mr.
Pierson. Mr. Pierson hoped this
would be considered. 'Reeve Ern,
merton asked if ' each individual
municipality would ' still have
their own, plarin4,' g boards. It
was his feeling, a that of .oth-
ers, that a local boar could best
Serve the interests of their in-
• diVichial rtiuriicipality. ;
• $154006 Wasted •
• ..,It was brought to light towards '
the bend of the meeting. that a •
• . -
• survey passed by Huron Council •
in. . 1948' was still progress at. • •
the Lake and in those -twelve
years .had: cost the township
$15,000. "$I5,060.' for n9thing,"
Was the way one Mari described
and we're no .farther ahead
than we were 12 years ago." This . .;
money has been raised, 'on the: •
township tax rate thrOugh the ..,
The presence 'of Mr. Pi‘rion at
the meeting, . and his information
offered, had caused many of the
"shOre ratepayers" to .change
their opinicin about thebylaw..
• Eldon Lowry felt that the by-
law shopidbeextended to the
Whole township. Mr. Lowry said
that 'the township- wouldn't :be. •
-in • the mess it is today if a bylaw
.had been in operation previously. '.
Dan Kennedy was quick to re= •‘
ply that, it waS' the birlaw that '
CalnObell, lighthouse
keeper at Point: Clark; question-
ed high Water mark, and waters
.,.(•Ige. "A new survey has put a
road through the front door :: of
•nV cottage," he said.. • .• had caused the :mess. "What con-
cther8 commenting on persons-
ex:perienees were Shirl Bowers
and James ou'ittiey:. •
Cheste: Campbell • questioned
cern is at to the rest of the
township, what is going on in
regard' •to lake property?-" 'was'
the comment of Mr. Kennedy::
f a building
'.13.Y1...atv Would not has been Paying the $15,000
for' the .surVeY, for 12 year's?"
• : ,n : Huron -Township
.said Jack Dorie MacDonald..
Austin' Martin was .in fav�ur-
liaVing the subdivision con-
trol cin all the . toWnship. Austin
felt that with the • growth sof
the area through the Canduipro-
ject, there might be development
oh the highways. • •
• A incition was :made by ban "
Kennedy and Archie Courtney.
that the .preserit:, bylaw be res-
cinded as 'previously .decided. at:
the Lurgan Meeting. '. • .••
. An amendment to: the., m9tion
bT Eldon towrx'...and Shirl. Bow-,
ei's! WaS that the 'bylaw , remain
in 'effect and that it•:be extend-. •
ed to include all the, townShip.
• Reeve: Chester Eriirriertbn, was.
questioned by. Claiicle Dore if
vote could ;be taken view that
the meeting was not an :advertis-
ed putblic ,meeting. Claude was
supported in this •line of thin.k.
;ing by Jack Dorie 1VlacbOriald,
SOthe' felt the original. vote .at.
Lurgan'shOuld.'still '
The vote, when taken,, solved
little ,and it ended in a 19-19tie.' ,
Reeve Ernmerton's closing
marks were 'that • he could, see
no other way to 'SOlve the prcib-.
lein than 'to put it to a . Vote �f
the people. Ile ,:said ,that if' the
• bylaw •is takenoff, the' council
and department will; riot be' res. ".
ponsible for the future,
Donald S_Itie' moVed' a Vote' of
• thanks to, the 'speaker, John
Pier. '• •
, ' •
, 0.
• CiaNdor4 McNeil, 1.,11Cicnovv,..9;
PecOnd year student at the West -
04 OntatIO'Agriettlittral-School,,,
RidgetoWni was declared grand• '
champion; livestock ShOWintui 'iti,
:the, W40.A.S. :Review, Judge
• Prof. Se, e. o4oc,
Guelph, picked Jerry Wiimer of
Essex County with his. sheep
entry as reservechampion show -
Last Year. Crawford was re-
showman- and was
high .1Ilertll)er of the • winning
Serve beef
• •:::.>•‘0
jtidging, tearn in the Tri -College' Pictured left to right are: Prof.
coMpetitiOn at the Royal Winter J. C. Rennie,OA C; Jerry
Far this past fall, Crawford is mer, reserve champion; Crawford
'the son aMrs: Latira ceii of MeNeiI grand. champion
8t, iteleris, and he was • r•rniri., stock • .1.16IVinat4 and Mr. L.
ent in the Lt.104161." lub Woody, Director, '41krestern
befor r ttg to CO,P •• ,,ar, riculturai Schbot ,
•It's easy • to. meet expenses..
these claYs.; you Meet then every -
Where, .
' • A
; • •
• '
• •
. •