HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 12' GWI! E THE: LUCKNQR( Eli'TZNEi , :LUCKNOW, fJI "PlhRIO 1ST. KINLOSS BOY SCOUT ' . ' GROUP, , Our • paper and ' salvage drive Ys"`oyer --it was.,a success<;although just how much money.earned will. not ••be known till ' we sell the lot., We thank you everyone who helped ; us. •_the.generous dona= tions and the hardworking can,. , vassers, ;� • Cast iron , was . a bit;scarce ' due to the recent snow but • perhaps it can be 'gathered sometime af- ter ' seeding 'is ' over.. ' Kinloss people must get around by the source ' of some of the salvage. You can : see ginger ale from Tunagami ' and Niagara rally, coke bottles from Michigan, clothes hangers = from :'Toronto',' stoves' from Quebec, sundry bev er-ages from Scotland and • Ja• - raaica;. fruit baskets from ' Learn • ington. magazines' , froin England and apple hampers from Luck- now. , Scouts ' ` 'Last weeks meeting; was- a, pot-pourri ' of tests •and ` elections: Ahriost• every scout .-is ready.' for investment' and the :few, :left- over tests are being conducted during this week 'at' the ,Scout- ers homes. This -Thursday is' in- vestment night- for our, 16 char- ter members. ;of the Scut Troop.., All parents • are invited to. ,tome along and'a rumour. is flying that there will ' be :eats. '• Election . for : patrol leaders , ran 'the •meeting. considerably , over. time, due to a` continuing • tie vote., The final outcome .elected ..Allen Colwe ll, Allan Cornish and Don- nie Wall boys, boys you, have received both an ,hon, Our and a challenge ,rnay your honour never bechallenged and - may you always Honour your INTERMEDIATES SCRAPE challenge, UP YEAH' • FOR MAI, GAME If. 'St, Patrick: could: only have seenour Cubs green neck erchiefs, smiling •eyes; , and' all; Using Irish song titles for 'char- ades, guess what the White Six: did to act out, "When Irish. Eyes Are Smiling" that's -right r' 'they 'just stood, there ,and looked natural.. 'Twas a nightof tests, .as . well -flag composition, national' an.. thems and the . finals of . the. cleanliness tests. May we pre dict that April will •see sortie 1st Star Cubs; Work ahead ,fellows for it's Good Cubbing.• • SYNODICAL'. MEETING TO BE HELD IN SARIA The. Annual. Hamilton: and London. Synodical meeting of the W y :Society, •of the .Presbyterian Church will be held in St;. Andrew's Church; 'Sarnia on, ;Tuesday, ` Wednesday 'and Thursday, April' llth, 12th land 13th, 1961. _ , Miss Irene Stringer, , mission_• :ary On furlough from India,' will be the afternoon speaker:.: Miss Stringer went to the Jhana't, field in 1926' but since 'April. 1949 has worked 'enough among., the , Bhils and is nbw principal' and man- ager 'of the Amkut .School. Speaker' for the ' evening..: ses- .sign is: Rey; .R. Malcolm •Ransom,. public relations' convener -for the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and •Mrs.:Ransom. served as rriission aries in Kienshui,, South Yunnan,. 1946-50, when: he • was forced to leave due ` to ' war condition's.., ' T ucknow • Intermediates• can hang up. 'their gear for the 'sea $on,. The Sepoys took it ,on the chin in Mildmay on 1Vlonday night by .13 to 1, to bow. out to • a superior team: infour straight, They deserve credit for -play- ing out the series, . and on, Mon day, night had 'to `:`borrow" Geo Skinri from. Wingham to give , them two .lines :He got Luck= now's lone goal.;, •Edged 3-1, ' ,Lucknow's best effort came in the third game in Wingham last Wednesday when they held Mild: may to a 3-1 count, in what_ was the key game. It was ' a clean, closelyfought game with . but 4 penalties, evenlyst divided. . l 1V ild.=Frank, 9,1p 2nd Luck,—Gardner (Kelterborn)- • • 9:37 Mild, Litt (Wendt) 15:20 Mild.-�Schill (Wendt)' ... 16:32 .3rd R" :No; uscore. 'Lucknow' goal, McMillan; McQuillan, . ' Baker; centre, Smart; '. wings, Gardner, Kelter.--". born; alt.,' Emberlin Hunter; .`Wilson, Collyer, Ashton, Graham.. Mildmay goal,' Hutton; .def.; Frank, Cersan; Wings, • Wendt, 'Litt; centre, Harrison; alt.,, Dos - man; Morley,- Schill, • Forney, Helwig, Gutcher, .Lobsinger. ' Twenty Penalties In contrast to the '3rd ;game, 20 penalties were handed, out on. Monday night 10. apiece,. Mild may took a 4-0 .lead in . the first, an ran it: to '9 1 � in' the secondd added aour more in the ,.;final •en■■sin'nasitnnBaaoi■■■u■■siumnon■ si■■au■uu'e■■u•ui,. • frame' ■ „ ". ■ ■ IGenuine . j f r • ■,11 ■, • a WEDNESDAY," MAR, 22nd, �9g61. UNLIMITED COLOR • SELECTION.:, ATTot/CHIFA UTTON THE .0 E . LATEX, 8.4'5 gallon fox t ss.:95• •• :HOUSE PAINT, $8.70 'gal. fol This Introductory 'Offer Is Over .This Saturday, March 25th ` at 7:00 p.m.. GET YOUR NAME IN' FOR THE FOR $50.00 IN PAINT. PRIZES Draw: Saturday Night At 6;00 p.m. icKIIIJiOfl. Phone' '50 — Lucbaow Don't forget :,the 'Calico, Ball on Friday, Aril 7th.. P LUCKNOWITE WON SNUFFLE MEET IN SOUTH:, Mrs.., Elliott `. Sandy. of Ash- • field; • who with her : husband is • .a" winter visitor at . Indian 1 dente" in Goderich• in the near 1 future, •. `; •ISubscribers of bhe, 50year-old Colborne ' Municipal Telephone Systeme voted in favor of join- 'ling oin-.+ing the - Bell system which will 4 eliminate the present toll, charges' Goderich... The defeated alter - i native :was amalgamation with ■▪ ' With only '.three weeks left .to the Blyth system. ' .TIMBER. . TIPS ■'. go in the play offs; the' Cubs seem to be a sure bet •.'to take all the 'glory•..despite the ' great effort 'ptitup.. by he' Zebras. The standing, aggregate pintail. is as ■ `follows: Cubs 18,839; • Zebras ■ 18,043 Chipmunks' 17,901;• Beav ■ ' " ers'.:17,815Gophers ; Go hers • 17,730'; Tigers . ■ 17,599,; ,Polecats 17,385; Squirrels 17;039; Coons 16,916;.Lions': 16,858. " This week;'s top - teri'#.are Cubs Harold Errington 703 and'. Jack Caesar 645, Gopher Clarence:. Greer' 679', Lion Jim Errington 627; and Pole Cat Bob McIntosh 626 fee the men. Top ladies 'were. Tiger ,Olive Chisholm 629; Coon Mary Fisher '.60$; Chipmunk' Mae Hunter 596.; Gopher Ruth: Monti g-omery 584 and -Pole. Cat • Lois. ■ . McIntosh 579. Canada's ,'Finest, Longest -Lasting Surface Material For a ■ Kitchen and ' Bathroom >: Walls . . Table and Counter' 0 , Tops : '.S lashbacks. COME IN AND SEE THE. DOZENS OF ;BEAUTIFUL' n RBORITE COLOURS AND PATTERNS ■ u R.au0 • • mss, IP ■• ■: ■ • s,. ■ ■ ■ ■sr. TO. KEEP THAT "JUST PAINTED" LOOK Colours To Match Any Shade Yo Require. It Takes Whether Alkyds, WE Only Seconds On Our Colour Dispensing Machine. / You Want ' Flats/ Rubberized, Enamel; Gloss or . Semi -Gloss,. HAVE IT IN , STOCK You Are, Invited -To, Come ' In And See How It Is Done. NO OB1IGATION. • JOHN W. HENDEYtS • tit . •• LUMBER • •■ • ■ NEWS ■ v FROM. ■ BRIEFS. NEARBY.. Members of the. ' Tara ': Curling ■ ° Club,: plagued .by mild • weather: Walkerton merchants have been victimized by professional, shop- lifters two men and' two ladies who, slip. out with ..merchand, ase' on display, when sales clerks ire not available and then return it for ::a • refund. Rocks Beach, Florida, . won the final round of ,a six-week series tornaments held of shuffleboard u .., l at the city park. • • . This • final contest;' sponsored. by ' the Chamber: of' Commerce, was devoted entirely. to . the ladies. . Mr.. and Mrs. •Sandy plan • • to ;leave :for home late this month. The:weather has been lovely more ' like midsummer than March. • A.PPOI;NTED S.S OFFICERS AT ZION The 'Zion Sunday School' An- nual Meeting Was held' recently, with the following officers'and teachers elected for .1961'-62 'sea- son: Superintendent, Jim:Hunter; Assistant: Superintendent, Russell Swan; Secretary -Treasurer; *Her bie Hunter. The teachers. > are: 'Nursery ' :Gordon Davidson of Wingham ,c1assMrsPrank Ritchie: Kind has Purchased a new well drill- er = arten class, ' Mrs -Harvey 'Rat ing rig worth over $10,000. It g of 45 cine;: Prima/ry class, Mrs. Charles can, be raised, to a heightAnderson` Junior . 'class. Mrs.:r feet .and • wi]1 drill. t� :a* .dep.th of• • . Charles ...',Wilkins;., Junior•. High"': 1,200 feet class, Mrs. Jim : Hunter; .Inter=. .mediate class;;. Mrs. Win. Hunter; Chesley .Kinsmen made • close. to $500 on a two -night Presenta— tion of their,: Kinstrel .show and, plans are made, for a ~repeat per formance.. * t.. Difficulty in .obining suitable and.convenient parking lot facili- ties has caused Kincardine Cha1n.7 ber of Commerce, to discuss the matter pf meters with nothing decided upon. ' ■ since' mid-February, are : cansid i eriig installation of artificial:ice ■ in the curling rink before next: ■ a winter. They have obtained oti/ot-' ▪ ,tions from the /,Canadian '. Ice n • Makfrig Machine and 'othercom= i panics,. is Maurice "Rocket" Richard says it's .tot gher being a goodwill am= bassador for the Montreal Cana - diens than scoring goals for them. The "Roclret'y. retired from .i hockey .'last October, and now earns '825,000 • yearly', bbuncing •abou't , :the counitry, promoting hockey among minor league or ganitations. Richard feels, he's not ,equipped for jobs .outside hockey, because of a limited edul cation • He believes 'he'S too' old,, ■ alp. C .r ■. i l at' 39 'to, referee or coach. w J: Lush£ield, Q.C. of Wing Lueku Phone ' ISO .. , 6wo. Ont. ��� ham, has, beets- apponnt•e.d' per`rY��a , d not crown ..attorney of • l~i.uron ■tMi■nia■iieenrrr'riei�iireina■a'n" .,. rr■sii�°�t�si��h°e�i�■`fstieii. Cbunty: and will'take up resi'= - ,Adult class, Mrs:'Earl Swan. Assistant teachers. ''are: Mrs. Russell' Swan,. Mrs. • Eldon Rit- chie; Mrs; Wm;: . Hunter, ' :Mrs. Jin -i Hunter, Mrs.. Dave Ander-'. son, Mrs. Allan 'Ritchie.. Zion Sunday School with corn - en e am_ence . on Sunday, April - 9th at, 1.0.30' am: Is. ' ur S-bcription Paid? FINANC E 'YOUR; CAR the easy wa `• CAN GET YOU THE BENEFITS OF, A CASH DEAL., Rofettenber—bt;fore Fotobud:FouGat, considerthe benefits. . One -Stop Se vice through. The. Agtilt :Automohile Finance Plan. • Get'4tl1e ",Minds yoti want, plus tl: a insurance• yo'u .nee(? vw ith alt benefits of a cash deal: It'"s' ecorioi ieai,. confidential and convenient For further •particulars, telephone bef�� :re you buy, IcDr agh Insurance Phone r 306, Lucknow