HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 11vy NESDAY, 'NIAR. 22nd,, 1901 A. 1. HARPER. •. AND' •COMPANY Chartered Accountants' - • West Street' • GODERICII, ONTARIO Telephone , JA' 4.7562 • RO"Y ..BENTLEY PUBLIC'. ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO Box478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 THE LUCKNOW SENTXNELLUCKNQa . ONTARIO 'PAGE ELEVEN A. R. DUVAL D.C. SpC.. Chiropractor Physio and Electro, Therapist: Wingham' . — • Phone 300' (Office located in former CKNX building on the Main. Street) 'INSURANCE FIRE, : WIND, 'CASUAL* AUTOMOBILi✓• ; AND LIFE 'T6 Protect ` Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today: .1.. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Ontario :' Phone 306 R. S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister, Etc. W ngham; ,and Lucknow IN ,r LUCKNOW Monday'. and Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick .Block 'Phone' Wingham Office 48 : Residence 91 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE :Investigate ' Before. Investing • ItEUBEN WILSON R.R..3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8, :Pungannon JOHNSTONE',S FU NERAL .HOME 'Phone .76 Day or . Night JJSE ..OF' FUNERAL HOME It No Extra Cost • .Moderate Prices Established 1894 LMPER;IAL .OIL' PRODUCTS. .. fe.ir 'prompt. _service, . .and quality products,.. contact: • • e GRANT CHISHOLM' •I'hozie collect Dtingarinon :19-r-)1 or: 10 Lucknow' •"`Ajways. Look To Imperial For'The Best" ' • • CERA ,D N. CROOKS. QOC'rOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone .845 • KINCARDINE(: ()NTARIO Office lours:. Daily Monday_ to -Saturday -- Wednesday a.m,; Evenings. • • . Tuesday,: Thursday,, Saturday 1 McLENNAN and I,N-.MEMORI CAMP.E$LL In loving memory of Lyall Bradley Campbell,, who is gone nine years ago, March 26th,. 1952: ' • We. who Jove you, sadly miss.' You, _ . As it dawn another year In our lonely ours of thinking, Thoughts of you . are always near. Mother;, Dad, and Family.: HUNTER; -�-- In loving memory of ''a dear ' husband and father, John Hunter, who passed away'' March • 24th, 1959: MacKENZI. E Oft . I. think of 'you deer husband •And my heart aft fills with; pain Oh!' the earth would be a. heaven. Could we hear your voice again. Two years have swiftly: passed away But still' we don't forget For in the hearts that 'loved. you best Your memory lingers, yet Ever remembered by his wife,; Mary:. and Family. FUNERAL SERVICE ecvices' 'conducted, accord- ing .to your •wishes at your Rome, your C:hurch, or at aur Memorial Chapel at iso, additional charge:. Phone .181; Lucknow,. Day or. Night WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven. Years, Always Using THE BEST.;GRANITES: Along 'With Expert Designing and Workmanship. ' Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering 'a Specialty R A.''SPOTTONL. 'Phone 250, Wingham, ..Ontario G. ALAN :WILLIAMS Optometrist 'Office on Patrick. St.,. just., off the Main WINGIIAM Professional Eye •:Examination Optical' Services, For: 'appointment, . Please. Phone 770, Wingham. R. W. ANDREW:: Barrister and Solicitor LISTO WFL. ONTARIO IN I.UGKNO'IV Everyi/. .Wednesday and :,Saturday. Afternoon Oftice, in the Joynt Block`' Telephone:•' Office 135 Residence. 31-J IUCK'NOW DISTRICT (;O -OPERATIVE -INC. Phone Lucknow • '71 TED .COLLYER MRegistered • Master .Electrician ELECTR;ICAL'. CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electrical Wiring 'arid 'Repairs • AGENT FOR S1 ARTO'N •TV arid' \ MI ' EIcctrieal .Appliances' Phone 46-r-25,' Lucknow • ROBERT` E.. IRVI.N' GENERAL GARAGE Dealer In OLIVER' FARM' MACHINERY and complete. VIRE'STONE LINE Phone Dungannon .53 JUNIOR FARMERS WERE HOST TO ALBERTA VISITORS Ripley Junior Farmers have been host to Mr. Eugene Elm, Hardisty, and Mr. Allvin Goetz,. Bluffton, on an exchange visit' 'from 'the Alberta Junior . Farm- ers.. On Wednesday evening a get- acquainted' social and dance was held in the ' Holyrood hall•' for all Bruce 'County Junior , Farmers. The ' Alberta visitors • were en- 'tertained in the homes 'of Messrs: Jim Needham, Duncan Campbell, Hugh Lane, Ernest Ackert, Ken- neth Houston en-neth.Houston and Gerald Mur ray. K.'; J. MacKENZIE,:'O.D.; Optometrist NOW. IN'RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY' • : Office Hours 10.00 a.m. : 'to 9.00, p. m.:. Phone Roy' : MacKenzie, Ripley ' 96-r-24 ' for appointment. • R. W BELL OPTOMETRIST IGODERICH' F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist: The Square (Phone : JAckson 4;.7661) FURNACE' 'OIL, STOVE OIL KEROSENE, GASOLINE.. See:,'.' or • call W1V1. A.. ''.BUD" HAMILTON; Phone, 220-w 'Lucknow. • District Agent : to' 'Cities: Servic. B. 'LEADERS TAKE:: COURSE; A ;two-day training course far, Club leaders was . held, in. I.uckriow last. . Wednesday and Thursday . ander Women'•s ' Insti- tute 4 nsti-tute.', sponsorship. The project is "Featuring Fruit,"'. ' A •minimum' of four • .4 -FI girls; is required to 'organize a Club,. the activities, of which will cli- max at an achievement • day on. July ‘11th.' Miss Mary Lou Black, home economist for ;Bruce had charge of this Home Making, Club Train- ign ''School: , Members of the Lucknow • Institute catered for the noonday dinners: • being the, hostess ' on Wednesday .with. Thursday's dinner courtesy of the Department of Agriculture, • Club leaders from . district branches were 'as follows:. Bervie -- • Mrs. Fred Hodgins,. Mrs. Bertin Hodgins; Armow '— Mrs. •Ralph ' Robertson,. Mrs. Ar- nold, Mrs. Mid Hunter.; Silver Lake Mrs: Albert Colwell,. Mrs. Harold Bannerman; ' White- church' . Mrs. Albert Coultes, Mr's. Garnet Farrier; Pine Riv- er — Mrs. Emmerton, 'Mrs. Clay- ton; Kairshea Mrs. Gib Ham- ilton, ,Mrs. Burt; Ripley — Mrs. Finlay' MacLeod,, .Mrs. , Ivan Pollock; Lisburn -= •Mrs: Ernest Walden, Mrs. 7 Gordon • Farrell; Holyrood , Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs. Charlie Murray, Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. Harold "Haidenby; Lucknow ';' Mrs. Clark Finlay- son Mrs. James Mothers.,. Mr. and Mrs...Peter Carter, Con. 6, Kinloss, West, R.E. 3, Holyrood, received a' package • of FIVE PACKAGES OF• EASTER 'SEALS TOO MANY. Easter Seals 'from the Lucknow and District Lions Club,', which' is this year conducting the . cam- paign in: this ' district. They made a donation to the Lucknow club. !Lo.. and behold, a'' few.'days later ' they received '. three' •en- velopes of • seals 'from. 'the Tees - Water . Lions, all addressed to their R. 3 Halyrood 'address, and the ,next day: gigot ., .another ° envel-, ope :addressed° to ' R..R. 1, Holy rood, The family hasn't lived on that route for 9. years. • • • AVON. CALLING, BE A::SUCCESS' Earn ; a good ineome close to horne representing • AVON COSMETICS Friendly, pleasant andprofitable work quickly puts. -$$$` in your pocket. Reliable, Neat' Appearing. Mothers of, School -Age Children can qualify,': Opening in' Lucknow, and Huron 'Counties.' Bruce • No Experience Necessary. For appointment write'' Miss Mosher, Manager, P.O. Box 86, Owen Sound,' Ont., stating: telephone number: • SEED: GOVT, " STANDARD NO. 1, .' Suggested. General HAY PASTURE MIXTURE; for average.,—,;cutting, date;; •8 lbs. Alfalfa 6 lbs. Timothy 2 lbs Red Clover 3 lbs. Brome Grass: 1 lb. Alsike Total 20 ,lbs. per acre .Cost 25c per lb.. or $4.95 per acre. ,Orders mixed free of charge. D. R. FINLAYSON Phone 91, Lucknow. ATTENTION FARMERS am licensed byrDepartment" of • Agriculture to .remove Sick,.Down • or Disabled Farm Animals Highest Cash Prices Paid for 'animals in good • Condition.. ' We ' are . paying , up to " $10 for fresh cattle over 500 lbs. depend- ing on size and condition. CALL ;TOM FOR' Ripley 15-r-20: Collect. Seven' Day, :• 24 -Hour Service Licence . No: 81061 DEAD STOCK `' SERVICE''. Highest : Cash . Prices Paid for: 'Sick,' Down or 'Disabled Cdws & Horses also Dead Cows and. Horses at Cash Value Old' horses 4c per pound GORDON. TAYLOR' Ph. Collec 44-r-24, Lucknow R.R 2 Lucknow 24-hour' service. Licence No. 68C61 FRITZ DEAD STOCK REMOVAL: • 'Licence : No. 123C61 For your : best prices on Dead;. Disabled, 'Cattle and Horses $5.00 Each. 31c lb. for Good Live Mink Horses CALL COLLECT 794-J-4, Walkerton, Ont. 24' -hour service FLOMASTER pens and ink, ma- gic Markers, mark -it • pens all available at The ,Lucknow Sen- ' tinel, phone 35, 'Lucknow. PEDLAR BARN ' AND STABLE EQUIPMENT DAILY SERVICE SOYBEAN MEAL CONCENTRATES BALANCED` FEEDS M(LL FEEDS CHOPPED FEEDS K. D.: CORN . . DRIED MOLASSES MINERALS • & WORMINd PELLETS • McKEE WATER BOWLS CUT COST AND. LABOR' Iuechtei an Lucknow Branch, Phone 7$ 'T -IERE'S A NEW LIFE•,FEED FOR EVERY NEED" SEED CORN JACQUES -PROVEN "HYBRIDS Order Early Son•Ltd.