HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 10r• •'‘•;p p};^.k Oraa PAGE . THE LUCKrI9WUNTINE4 LUCKNOW 9.0,TAM, =i? ■ • lsq Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan ■ 2--191 Pontiac. Stratochiet Sedans, V-8, ' automatic, Pi al 3-1959 Chev ' BelatrS, ' automatist , ully . equipped ga 1959 Chev coach, V-8 motor, automatic • J.SSI Bulk. Sedan. automatic • 2 1157 Ford 2 --door. Hardtop, .automnatie in :1958 Chev, 'Station Wagon:'.. ■ 1351, Meteor -Sedan, ,.' automatic. • :195 : Creq.,:Beluxe Sedan' ,g asr4 T Soda, autoanatic 1956 Favi Coach H- 1355 Ford Fairlane Sedan. g OOr Hardto g 3055 r Sedan, automatic Pedal a1954 Pontiac Sedan 1954 B■iek „. Sedan 11954 Chev, Sedan, ' automatic ■, 1953 C1iev Co' vertlblc I . MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCKS! TRUCHS!!' .,A KA110EA. MOYES TO BACK RED CROSS • • Mra:,.• D. J. MacKinnon was' hos- tess for Kairshea ,Woncen''s Insti- ';tute .on Thursday, 'March 16th, with:Mrs. Cliff Roulston and Mrs. Ira Dickie in charge. • Mrs; Alex MacLeod read the scripture; The Toll call was "A place be- ginning with 'the first letter of your surname." During the busi- ness period the.. 'Members . •were. reminded to have their pie ready for the Calico Ball. Mrs: Elliott Caruthers and Mrs, Harvey Houston are conveners of the dance, and,.a committee meeting wad held at the close of the meeting: The Calico Ball Will be, in the town hall, Lucknow„ day, ..April 7th of Easter week.' .The usual .list of : classes will again.: be run, with judging promptly at 11 p:m. , A� committee of president, Sec. - 1958 Chev.: 4 -ton pick -tip. withfleetside body 1 1955 Chevy Dump Track .195 :Dodge, . 2 -ton stake ■ ■ 5rus s - . • 11 o or ■ler • — Phone 173, , Brassels ■ i.Treasurer, 'and. Public Relations 0■ Officer presented the budget for consideration, final decision to be made atnext. meeting. It' was a unanimous decision to stand behind. •the . activities of the. Red Cross„':• and the wish that our. president : would attend any meeting called in' 'the near fu - • tore.. 'It was • decided to quilt 3;; ▪ ' L Red Crost quilts,. and set them ■ up' in Kairshea Half, Mrs. Hugh- , '. • es .to secure` the material: A ra-• ■ dio and TV survey; was conduct- ed by the , P.R.O. and generally ■ programs are accepted and en - ■ Citim ■ ■ *oiced her objection and disgust, I. at the flarnbouyant advertising of :beer,. companies' on TV;. I 1 ,.•Mrs: Wm.' Scott, a: music :sup-. ervisor in public'schools,: addres- sed the meeting. Music 'should be` • started in. youth, Is ` medicine of mind andaouL Rythmic songs are much easier 'for very young. , to Pick up',: cguicl}ly: She was thank= 'ed.: by the , president,:Mrs. ,Rout stop, and presented' with.. a gift by Mrs,.• Alex' MacLeod: Stories' of'. the Trish were: told •by Mrs.. Allister' Ilughes' and other Irish readings' by Mrs. .W. '.F Mac=. Donald, Miss. Dean . ,MacLeod, & Mrs Alex MacI:eod The ;Pennies !.for/ Fraendah�b .i�Tere. again. con- 1ected. There :was a display .of DAY, MAR- 22nd, 1961 LOCAL, AUX.ILIAR' IS PARTY.. HOST . On Tuesday.. evenl,ng, March 14th, the Lucknow Branch of the Ladies' . Auxiliary held a social evening, in thepr hall .dor '•50 la-: diesfrom other Auxiliaries,' The Lucknow Auxiliary 'held draws On a pair of pillow cases which, were, won- by Jean 'Drennan of the Kincardine. Auxiliary; a. lunch cloth which was won by Kay •Forster• of Lucknow`. and 'a,..1 poodle dog, which ••was' Won by.. Irene. Lawton, Kincardine., The lst and 2nd •prizes Were donat_ ed by two . Lucknow members. A door prize was donated to the ladies by William Schmid which Was, won ' by Margaret MacLen 'nan; Lucknow Auxiliary, The high lady for euchre was Jacqueline Each; Seaforth. The low lady for •euchre was Dorothy Webster, Kincardine. 'Wedding Anniversary, •Dorothy Webster,, Kincardine; Closest Birthday.,' Lo- la :Sanderson, Wingham; Oldest Lady, Margaret Solomon, Luck now.; Lucky Chair,. Anna ,John- stone, Lucknow,. Lady . , 'With youngest baby, Lillian Kregar, Wingham;' The ladies alto enjoyed . a lunch ..and program • to ;,end a lovely evening. There was , 'a Penny auction.tabic run by'. •Shir.leti . •Cooke, , Jean Phillips & . • Lottie •Cooke.. p :. joyed, Every, member present The • horieyinobn is Over when ■■nate tatai■■eampa ssopuea alnnnan■ninn■■IIn■s■nn 8aci�et#s ,baited ,Church " • tow, The need is l grea t in ` the eastern countries . and Africa. They have., progressed .rapidly these, last few. years but' we still must give more ,to them if they are to become Ch istiars : Rev. Kaiser. ,thanked Mr.:::Bristow and Closed!. the' '. meeting: •° arith , the benediction, Lunch was served. On Wednesday e�:eniag,' March 15th, the three congregations of Ashfield circuit . , .gathered at 8ac4etts church to see., .the film 'Household • of Fait/3,1; produced, by the World.Council • of Church= es . and. showing the wonderful that �,s being done in India,. Africa Wand Easters Islands with. Missionary gw gs both in. W.I ..S. and in "church. Mrs. JIM Nelson A fashion show ',Port F,Igin lead the' Worship', service and''raised .$125:00 for, the : new arena alts. Bert. • Alton,.lead. in prayer. fund • 1.006' tickets have.been:. sold Mrs. Warren :.fin .gave,':a 'read. �. on 'a ,,trip4or-two. :to an '1414-1..t. ing ' and Linda Cameroon played semi -f mai game, and two selections:,' on the accord'ian Farmers are promoting, a draw II `` tion' was' taken :bv Mrs. for . a ''calf • donated bar a' district The co ec .. , . , ... . , _Cameron and:ars • Alex ,farmer: 'These are . but .a' few of ply - u� - e•. u current, money raising g ' events sinawn.byHacked. Its. �n.�r introduced ih cu.rTe� , C. Bis l to •'su ple +ent:••a-'general .cans•"a..= 1 the 'dog brings your slippers and:'' your wife barks at. you.. I which had been made ,at the'':' course during the 1.vinter Months Their' "Cottons May Be Smart" leaders `were 'Mrs. Williamn Col- tins and Mrs,' Chester •Enimertou.'. Steven: Foster .songs. were ,sung by za : number of `Reid Corners. 'W.I. members, The. closing num- bers by`• Miss : Shirley . Courtney's group of girls ;were • well rece'iv- ed After courtesy'' remarks by • the : president, : God'. Save The 1 Queen. Was sung. Mrs •:,`Arthur . Courtneyy who has been a patient, in St. Joseph Hospital, London for the `past few weeks; 'returned ' home , on Sunday: A:: 'euchre' «as . held 'in the Orange Hall ' at AMberley ` on Tt .esdat•y evening i �� When : ' eleven. � b. tab les'.:m�*ere olati•ed wiTh hi'h e-o•®� �s � ds dresses' -that sante obi the' neem- hers' had ; made. . during , the ' F'0- cus on_ Finn `" course. A:. mee.t.. ling will. be held Nassir '28th az :8:10 .m to male. ti,nal arrange • M. AKES noon°� tsar. Suanniat'y, " Da„ April a '3 • P • . i3tn in the. LeHa'l. Walker-. prizes o'n by _Miss' Sadie John. "•• ton. An one. v. elcorhe, to at- tend. • a Mrs. lifacL eod _aave' the court- • esy remarks -o i hien our .ho toss. replied, the co: tm.t'ee' in charge.. ;° •ser ed ii e1::Mr= Hughes is hostess :Soy" the April Meeting •2 a-4 ho'd it ho'iSs.Ke_rshea Halt • or a :limited time. only ' our complete • st BERLEY ir• be'offereJ at 20%'.o papers only, this does not include, our Line of greeting cards) oat are . gift suitable for gift giving or your own personal use. • • our Weltmg PaPer Needs Plow. Mr., and Mrs. Irving g Ben: on of Livoat.a Michigan. Who . are. sunt ner .residents' of•berley Beach • e.1 ct, ;tri. move into their new `borne ^iageh is rear•coin;-. le icn m SouthfieldMichigan: • Mr: ,and 3L =: ",laves �-a:n:n and 's c Helen • ?�cFain Were :,geek -end visitors.: in Toronto witiu�3 r •ar dt•'s.i$ s. Sttewart Siinc and. ` attended hap.:.'smal services for tnne::r :grandson , and 'nephe^ ,. CarsIlobe*t • Siam Tie •Peas Corners Wo teen's.: Institute c'& ncert Was ie,d,t 6: the' co nitinit recen`'y. • with a Norge Crowd in attendance. Mrs. „•Don ltd Courtney •pre .deet' O�Ier the prograni.. -hich Opened With catf EthIltri yrtrf�:�".s orchestra ch was . hea`d u:Lx' yw rXdOr • p'lea,s4.n'g nuhn-' berg:' .. rimy dian' and piano Sele4 kis,. W ere, given by Mr's. T. Blair and Mri - .., Guest, of, l .yca.rdL*ie which Worts • toil&Wid 'S1 th a trio ,nom Mr.S Perrin LOw Y'. Mrs. v lane Gibsonand Mrs • Robert Co hey accompss.n ed by , ill :jt'�'• ' Mrs 'k t .z c ar1i .jr. mss Sharon de:i YNeVthe CRnJvnt ;; Witha data eft ' . nttrnher •yy acCOM-; pr.' k;+�yt7KiM;j!r 'r,L Ld/J1: Y'� KY,i Y.e • Bey B!."atea'",udit,t.9 r.,..�1+"N.a Char- "e I.44,nes el leas- ing set . a / •:i•l3+"3� '' d: `vieke Ittle, Warneiay Nes xt`i to 51>•r:L C ev: i u LLWA:Yu{� 7Y /a'il, '4t L*i b „rte stun, and .Mr..' Arthur '•S:meltje4.' w' . eie •kicky prize. 1,goir:g • Mrs.,Satn Geddes vF'as hostess to 94e M S. of: Pie' R+1-er' i ns:eci Church .on Tuesday. Thg, .r ee ng ,.opened• With prayer by "the .. oreSiden:. firs. JO:xi B ue �«_ nick �irras folloWed by a hy^trn.'.• Nfry MurraY Walden read the_minutes and the .roiY Call. was . a swered . +.•ith a con'- mandrenMrs. T B:eli.•a>nd Mrs: john 'MSacDot a'd were. appoint- led: delegates tO the .pre:sbyterial :�h ch t�-.+to a e, held n u:,h- a' iption• . on ..Ma. ch 23rd: Mrs Duncan Thorbtirn 'program coni .Vetter. ,gave . the call- to • L4•orsh't 1 followed with ',prayer er by Mrs. Cour.rteX ;The •sir".price read-• int• • was given by Mrs: -.John a.1 aeDonaid .after '.which the ,t:o pis. "Finding, God•ia. Redernptitie fello:�shsp" was Well given �lrs, Wnlliaati ,Ferguson. Miss SadLe johns on' then led.. in prayer which was followed 'With' a • reading by Mrs, Sam 'Gibson. -.God • Let me be A'r; are..' . After cousins b - firs: J Nesbitt.. Hutton Led in prayer. Inter- ' •es `ng Chapter's, from the ,study bock .were given by Mrs. Leo- ta.rd Co: ti'rtney f te•r " courtesy. remarks by Mrs:. William' Fer- •gsoi1 a hymn w as'csung and :the met tirig was , ciiosed ix.'1 e.6! prayer. :The, Lies Guild o, • the• Ang- • lican Church at • Lurgan held their a: `eh ni eting onyiday. `a.'/'.. 40 1 �ptd1s�}i. L ,SC:y' With Mrs. G+ rrd iia' thintertdt.t. and Mrs. John: t=esidhrag: ':lkollow rig a u",•'" -''"v' {, aY iayet... vas. gin; by the pt`e.s dett with all ltritti,ng L't the L +rd's . Peyer ("'*ie et ipture �•a'mrrg ono e.•omrnetxts ma yy,, ` �r�. »t T." '844, t....cry •• *l�u+ tt WA+ a yy,j(�t ttg. d.i. tr,a7 � ' fit . done :. e *triter niottlig. w SAVE NOW N . MPER1'A1_'S SPECIAL OFFER btiy l case • (60 cartridges) Esso MP Grease "H"` --- get H"= --get' S4.95. value Esso cartridge gun. FREE bury; 30 cartridges— get Esso cartridge gun for $1.00 buy less than ,30, cartridges -get Esso cartridgegun. for $3.10 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED SEE US NOW! ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THt BEST FssO Sirs. troth 'prayer. by. tht. pre Atiellt. 42.4.4