HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 7W'FPNESPAI► IMO', '2.2nda 1:961 TWENTY , PPL.I.ED, .. FO:R GRADER J,OB West 'Wawanosh T..awnship Council• held their regular Marsh meeting On March 14th, 1.961,• All memibers present. The minutes of the regular February , meeting and of the emeeting• of Marsh special _ 2nd , last, were adopted as read on a motion by Coun4. Jefferson and Smyth: At this special meeting, Council accepted the' application Of Norman MacDonald .as.. grader operator at 'the rater of $1.00 per' Lvc$ vow SENTINEL,. LucxNoW.. oN�, AR o supervision of the'. Warble • Fly inspector, There; were several tenders. Smyth, -,Jefferson,' . that Couneil aecept the applicatipn of Victor Errington as Warble Fly Inspec- tor. for 1961 ,at a salary of: $1.00, per hour; Three applications were received. • • McPhee -Jefferson, that Council. accept the tender, of Louis- Blake,; Brussels, for. the Warble . Fly. a sp ring' of cattle in 196.1 at" the Y rate of llc per head for the first -spray and at the rate of $4,00 per. hour for • the 'second spray;' • , McPhee-Durnin that. Council hour. There Were twenty.',applica- agreed to levy, a charge of .15c tions, per ''head per spray, for :the Smyth -'Durbin,, • that Council warble fly spraying of cattle & accept the tender: •of Anderson also a .charge of 10c per head for Flax Products Ltd.,Lucknow to each application. for those who supply. 500 ,lbs.of No. 5 warbi brush on the waiibicide,, ciao @ $5,50, per 15. lb. bag. War- McPhee -Smyth, that' .Council bicide to be, 'delivered' under: the agreed, to accept a petition for 0 e sure way —viayour local C RADIO NETWORK STATION x: 1 .ri .. IPFE S. pRESENT ,PR. INTAIL KOTTO ` The 7th meeting of the AT 'NURSING. tail Kotton 'clippers was field at: the Hemlock City "School With, (KINLO!7GH NEWS). 10 members: in attendance.,. After i MxM .and M .,. , • r. Cariasse11sV . a o.. the 'opening exercises, ,work was Godes ch visited Friday evening. ton . ,dresses, • { with Edna and Ma Started on the cot y' Boyle,. . -- I Mr.. and Mrs,William Lloyd of drainage work fromratepayers ° London, Mrs Ethel •Runchey of. .,' T of Concessions 2 and 3,'West Wa- t oronto visited, here With rola-• wanosh., 'Awes ttwes 'during the week. S m ath is, extended to. Mrs:, 'Sm th•MoPheei 'that, the ,Road., y.. p..,.y - _, y • , Jack Schumacher, Mr,„ and Mrs;. p s instructed to Don Rdbertson . and family -in . , in the u erintendent wva advertise for tenders: for �' the . y crushing ' and .'the hauling + sudden macpassiherng.an° od frief the ndlas.te,. Jack of approximately 7,000 cubic „ yards of gravel in 1961,, A 'marked !here attended he . funeral at chegfie •,fo r 'ten per .cent .00%). . i Tees -Water: on Thursday morning. of the ;gravel contract is to ac- Miss Eva Culbert and Mr.' company each .tender and the Lorne ,Culbert' visited Friday eV -- work is to ,be .completed .by Oc-ening with Mr. ,and Mrs., Gerald tober 15th, 1961• Tenders' to be i `Rhody and famliy, in • hands' of Road Superintendent 1,, . We are pleased to report 'that by April 8th, • 1961 IMr. 'Chris Stark who. has .been •a McPhee -Jefferson, that the 4 I patient in Wingham ,Hospital was insurance1expiring on' able to return home on Sunday.', March15th, polieth; weirs renewed renewed. with Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnis vis- the' Frank (Cowan' Co., Woodstock ited an, evening.,, with Mr: and through their, agent, Mr.. Durnin Mrs.. Gerald Rhody and. family. Phillips, Dungannon. These. poli The Anglican Young People cies are as follows: (1). Public paid a' visit to, the Carruthers liability and property d`amage.'on Nursihome on Sunday after roads, etc, (2) Spray 11`abi11= °T noon; The president, AIex Hewitt. ty policy, (3) Non -owned auto was in charge. Following'° the, op' mobile liability (4). Floater ening sentences all ;. joine,d • in policy .on road' maintainer (fire., Have:;in Jesus". Sheila 'Haldenby, Tornado, 'etc.), • fTave "in. eJsus." Sheila Haldenliy • Council was informed that "de_ Teed the 23rd Psalm . for the partmental , approval had . been scripture •`lesson and the Lord's received concerning, the by-law prayer was repeated in unison. which increases th a Road" Super- A , hy..mn,: time '. followed '"Take intendent's . salary.' • Up Thy ;Cross", • ."Come to . The, Durnin-Jefferson, that by-law': Saviour", "I. mustneeds go No 6, :,1961, was given first and I home''by the Way of the Cr'oss''. second readings ` and is to; ibe and "Breathe on Me . Breath of forwarded to" the . Minister of ',; God: Rae •Haldenby led in Lands. and 'Forests for approval..,' prayer and . Alex.Hewitt gave This by -dew deals . with a refor-' : the • closing prayer • and the estation' project in the township benediction.. The president, on (Concession 1) behalf of the A Y.P. A. express Jefferson -Smyth,' that the: fol- ,,ed kindest ,wishes ,to all in the lowing accounts were. passed for home. Myavor payment: ed .with 'a, soloaril`HowThaGreat '.Thaw Art Other nnumberscker werfe a Mt. Brydges Rest .Home, Fndi= e reading ' b'y Evelyn ,;Nicholson; gent,. patient's account for F'ebru' 'Nobody, Wa Alone:" ry, 1961, : $79.25; :Pinecrest ' Ntan- Y Walks , solo by Diane Hevtritt, •" Galway Bey, . or, , Lucknow, Indigent: patient's ;reading" ' by Donald Wall, AA accounts for. February., "1961, ,Salute to Ireland;ud, reading by 158.50; The Municipal World, Ltd., • F' k Stark, 'What 'NEWSCASTS .. clear::-c.m le e—a cura -'Pre- pared r GBC'•'N EWSC o t • P • cc te. re .aced: by ''CBC editors from'recognized` world.news. B. , taff:correspondents services. � In addition C C s own staff and reporters provide exclusive on the spotcoverage and theworld. from news centers throughoutCanada:t e o CBC FARM NEWS... Mondayto Friday (12:30 .m,. YP ) on the QBC'Farm :.Broadcast—now 'starting its. 23rd r:. year... Saturday (12:30 p.m.) on CBC's Junior Farm Program Thursday' 9:4.5 a.m.) . on Food Facts and og..m. Y ( ) , , Sundy`(10:20. a.m.) on .the Ontario and Quebec' ran ar Kind, are Revised `statutes '•of Ontario, 1960; You?"; ; piano' solo 'by Alex Hew 46.35; purnin Phillips, Premium, l 'itt,. "Country ,Gardens; ' reading Municipal. liability on, Township''( by Barbara IJaldenby, "One day loads,: .Spraying, etc., 290.38;1 at a. Time,;" me,, comic. song by "Rae Lorne' Durnin, Road convention . Haldenb ' 'Paddle.Your • Dwn expenses, 35.00; ..Signal -Star /Ltd:, I Canoe" 'reading. by • Norma. Hal, i advertising`account, 15:30; Village•Ideploy,' �itsF Gardener. PAGE, SEVEN .R Corrin Mon.:A • April 3—Summer Fallow, back for another g P ,• �` and their problems. season with stores of rural.people p Stay wit Station .Network '.Stat ou•r.CBC Radio : . MONUMENT. o.r. sound counsel and :a' fair price on a Monument correctly designed- from' :quality' material,. /` • rely on ■ ■ LION MEMORIALS ■ SKE ■ Pat O'Hagan, crop. i ' Estahl'ished Over Sixty. Yea•rQ Phone :E3i38=Nr ,.: ".•.c.".".".,.. .,,,,. ,"r, ,0 ▪ , O O a ,0. 0 ■ , a. 0 ,a :;r. r: ■ ■ i0' Walkerton • ..0...9004.*1,.m ROY HAVENS Plumbing and Heating. Esso Oil Burner Sales and Service Phone 73, I:ucknow. • " FOR:SAFE, • DEPENDABLE Convenient budget.terms- up to 5 years.to pay ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOt 11111 ZEST AUTHORITY . TO IMPROVE SA•i7GEEN VALLEY PARKS , The;,Saugeen Valley Conserva tion Authority's' parks board. met in a Walkerton and. approved pro- posed improvements..'to facilities in five, park •and, .conservation. areas' under the . auth.ority's:<wing. Improvements .for parks ' at Brucedale,� Mount Forest, Mild may.; and Varney°park near Dur- ham-, and the conservation area.' at `Southampton, lenge ,from Creased '' picnic areas to expanded • '' swimming facilities:: At' Brucedale,, Mount. Forest,.. Mildmay and ,Durham, present :picnic facilities. will. be expand- ed. At'.Southampton a picnic'. area is' to 'be contructed..alon:g� with a• . parking Tot. A : stairway. to: the Sat geen. River at Sou.thampton, .' partially constructed. in the•past, is ,scheduled for completion this Y surzimer. of ' Teeswater,.. welfare'account, grin ever duet b Mrs. Charlie, Hodgins . and '.May . fo December, 196.0 and. January. Boyle "God Will take .Care of 1.961., ` 52.59; 'K K. Dawson, you"; reading by Brenda Hal - fete account of 1960, 1452, 'Mid- denby,. "The: Easter Lily." All of 1'er and Company, •.St. Helens, the 'young people sang as •a, .t•ior-''�' welfare account. (February); us "When the Saints come. •Mar $50.00; Wm: A. Humphrey, wood chin. in Mr. Elliott • Carruth- for , welfare, i�/,7,50, Postmaster, iii ers favored with, violin numbers Lucknow, .sta . ; ps; 5.00. • ;by $tpecial request.The • accom-,. Road Accounts` Lorne' Ivers, panists, fpr the . program were salary, ' $232..50; Leslie. Schultz, Edna Boyle and Alex Hewitt: spreading' salt, '15 00 Norman 'Refreshments were served and a McDonald,• :sprea'ding' salt, 6.00.; '.social : chat brought 'a pleasant Imperial Oil Limited, "fuel and i afternoon to a close. Mary :•: Jane .tax, 76.05;. Russel.Phillips,'spread-':Star; gave the couitesy remarks' ing salt; with truck, 115.00; Nor -.l which 'were" replied to by Mr. man. McDonald, -plowing snow I Carruthers With truck, 495..60; Sift° Salt 1 Mrs. Charlie Hodgins of Wing- (Goderich g g (:Goderich mine); salt, .59.50; Ro- ham:; :, visited on . Sunday ' with bei t' Stothers,, repairs to grader, lEdna and ' 1VIay, Boyle: 19.15; Robert mole, hauling • and spreading salt, 28 0'0 Diirnin ' Miss Marilyn Thacker ,visited Phillips, grader and Liability In 1 SunNoho oth . Tier cousin; surance, 254`:05'. Cox. were' Mr. ° and: '.Mrs. Jack • J. -F' FORAN,.'' Scott'and Bill and Mr.• and ,Mrs, g Township' Clerk:: Dow las . Graham Mrs: Rev. :Bennett •of . Bervie spent' an afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Colwell: ••Re'v. ' D.':. J. •Lane of Clinton visited with ,relatives here.' Mr: and Mrs. Herman. 'Fisher and family: of ` Benrniller visited, ora. Sunday . • with. • her,mother,. Nits. John Bushell: • The Presbyterian Young Peo- ple met. ,on Sunday 'evening at the : home of Katherine, and Geo: Btishell: Mr.. and Mrs; Morley Bushell, 'Mrs. John, Barr and. ' Jack visited ori Saturday with Mr., and Mrs, Ross, McTavish 'at Shakespeare: 1VIi.sses - Sharon Hodgins' , of 'Kinl'oss 'arid 1VMarie'• Schnel`1er' of Wingham spent the''week-end at • their . respective , hc�nies here, Mr,.. and. Mrs ;Ohris� •Sheltoh Of . 1=Tanover called on f inds here on :Sun . da . . t ve yn i s n isitors with Rev.• • Council adjourned to'meet on (• 'Benson Cox anti Mrs.,, William. Aprilil 1'lth 1961. Freel Marie l raser's new butter recipes- "Tea party Treats". Available In quantity • for' women's groups..• A QIVISION'OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA' 409„HURON STREET, TORONTO 6 The swi:rrarnirig area -at Varney,. an :artificial 'pond,; will be ex- tended another. . 60 `.by 80 feet: A' 'storage ' shed will also .be built in. the park.. . "The hake Huron shore area at Brucedale park will be' bulldozed this. summer ' to create .better swimming' facilities It is•. planned to have soiree .,of, the' work done 'under the winter, works program. Sunday `v TORONTO'S MOST CONVENIENT 900, rooms . and suites with'•' tub; shower., radio and TV. (dome of the Canadian Pump Itooni—Dancing . no cover; nb :minimum, Ai ple free overnight parking. Fine Convention , Facilities. Family Plan •r, Cj si rr 'I 1 ;n a rrif'�i Vs ;1. its r. tti ,UNIVERSITY AVENUE AT KING STREET Telephone EMpire 2.1848 --..Telex 022458 In MONTREAL telephoneUNiversity 4-68s1 in OTTAWA telephone ,CEntrol 5-3333• TORONTO