HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 5•
WEDIN SDAYI atta Un.41 .I98I1• .:
• .1
If':there':s water in y0ur
well, the Deepriie ,Jet.
Will get it –,-
Overcomes ptobiems of
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Multi stage:pump •
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pressures forhome
"'garden:spr.inklers, etc..'
Self-priming on wells to 400 feet,
. Won't lose prime if well gets pumped
.down, power fails, or gas enters
No moving parts, motor or valves• of any
kind, below ground to`cause trouble:.
?' No lubrication, or frost-
•proofing required.•.
'kr, Completely automatic!
Nothing else like • it!
E :1•t ;NOV/•
originators, of jet pumps
Phone'' 190,
,ctr c
Ripley, Ontario
i Our deepest sympathy is -ex-
tended to:Mrs.. John Schumacher
• and, Helen .and.' other. Members of
,the family in the sudden passing
of Mr„ Schumacher ; at -his hirrie
here. Friends ;and neighbours 'at-.
tendedthe. funeral in Teeswater
on Thursday morning,' Those
from a distance were Mr. and.
• Mrs', Raymond. Schumacher; and`
. Jim, Windsor; .'Mrs, Ethel Runc'hy;.
"Toronto; Mr,. and Mrs. William
Lloyd, : London, Mr. and Mrs.
..John Moser ••and Mr. John Mc-
Carthy, Parkihill, : `.Messrs Don
and George Vanhie, Mrs. Jules •
Vanhie ...and. Mr Jas . -Millen,. of.
Mr: 'and. Mrs 'FrankThompson:Y
attended a convention in ..To n-
to'on Wednesday,, but were, called
home • due to•,, their , son, Ronnie,
being .involved 'in .a'car ;accident
and as a result 'Was a patient an:
Win'gham . Hospital,
Mr, and.EzraStanley,ndr
Sharon, .Kinlough,: spent Friday.
evening with Mr' an:d .'Mrs :,Jas.
Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest Hanna:` &
:Jackie Motored ' to . Malton on ,•
Thursday. Mrs. Hanna ,vent bY HO3118 ECONOMIST 'SPEAKS:
plane from there to Florida `T.O LEAIZNING 4• • •
Iuilliii►_Iii►ii lli line By
:Do' you know what we're get`
ting. to be a nation' :of?. We're.
getting to be• a nation:... of child-
worshippers., 'And personally,
I'm becoming' a bit nauseated by
the wholepierverted business.
When the ancient 'Hebrews be-
gan feeling ,their oats, they built.
themselves ..:a golden calf, and
you know•' what happen ed then,
We're in the process of building
ourselves a golden kid, and we'll..
deserve everything that's coming
to us, when the Lord grows tired
of our silliness.
I keep reading things that
make my hair stand on end.with
sheer horror at' the idolatry we're
committing. Just the • other day,
I'•read in the paper some` remarks•
be a professor of psychology at
the University of 'Montreal, :; He
claimed that a disturbed child
becomes delinquent because he
is • convinced. ,he is .meant to .:be.
The professor said::: "For . ' i 1-
,stance,: a child is ' sent onan
errand with the ; admonition to
bring back the .change. There's
The newly Organized, Kinloss
Scout Group collected papers,' etc.
.on Saturday. It .proved very suc.
Mrs. Frank Brown'.sand Reg
Spent Sunday evening, Mr:'
and : Mrs.. Harvey Ncholson and
Hughe Bervie:.: . •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith : were
Sunday : evening visitors ' With
Mrs. John Schumacher:..
where; she will holiday.: Mr.. Han-
na and.' Jackie were.acco;npanied
home. 'byMrs... M Bell, • who will
spend .the week at the Hanna,
Wa d
.�Intos .&
.:'� vrll �Mc .
a �r . .
NT :
Bell Telephone Building
E KENNEDY, B..Ed, B.A., C.A.—Resident• Manager
c 0
Telephones: Business 633; Residence .
, The seventh meeting ';of the
Colwanash .Learning Lassies was
held' in ;Hackett's•: United ..Church
with all meniibers 'present
The 'meeting opened with the`
4-H pledge, followed :by thee roll'.
call. The. Club had.the honor of
having Mrs; Miller, ' the Home
Economist present, at 'this meet-,,
Mg. Mrs, Jack lUtchie lead .a dis
cussion on "Good• Posture:" Fol:
lowing the discussion;,.aVirs.. :Alex
Hackett,,. demonstrated '' how : -to
''cover a,belt• after which the' girls.:
continued on their. dresses.' : Mrs:
B.I. I I. S i ley 91 HUIllllllllllllililil .�
-an insinuation there that the
worst is expected .of • him.. S1owIY`i
he builds un: •this image of lam'
self, :and accepts himself as the
black sheep' of the family." Frohn,
there,, apparently, it is only a.
hop, .step ` ' and, a` Switch
knife to a criminal . gang,, •
'Now, isn't that the :damnedest,
poppycock you've'.ever heard?
Of' course a child is warned. to
,bring; back the change! It's: the
first thing, you do when you give
him a dollar, and •.you' .tell him
at least three times more, before
you . let him out. the door. I'd,
• rather have a . kid come 'hoine
.wgith'the 'Change, and feel like' a
iblack sheep, than come ; home
with six 'cowrie books and new-
proof that the old man is an
:easy. mark.'
It used. 'to' be that•..:When a
child was a mean little. beast `that;.'
nobody, , , including his parents,
had 'any, use for,everybody
steered clear of . him, and"hegrew
'up to be .a business tycoon, or
-a great' artist, or a brilliant poli-
tician, or just a plain, ordinary 1,
miserable!.adult.',that nobody, had
any use for.
• Nowadays, when : you encoun:- ,
ter some vicious little brute, you
can scarcely keep your 'hands if
'you are quickly. told that -there's '
really nothing wrong with him
except; that. Hes emotionally:
'curbed. He's never forgiven Mom I
for slapping him ',on' the .bottom
• to make `him go in' .the potty.
or he hates his, Dad.• because
,latter has rejected him,—wouldn':t'
him of kick -the
With the aid .of:Read r' �Diest
.,. ... e. S g
and Liberty, we; -now have more i
amateur psychologists in 'Canada'
than we' have .unproductive gold•
`mines. And. they're all ''agreed
That . it ; is%n't. the fault . of T1e-
•Children-Poor-Things, it's the
parents who 'are to blame- It him an open.'Sesame to any kind
never seems . to occur • to . these sof. conduct :hefeels like :pursuinig.
modern swamis that .:there.`might.
•, . . , ., , .No tenger is he. lazy; 'bad -man,:= '•�
,be anything wrong with the: kids. tiered, 'surly, greedy or- ill- emp
a chance.. Children rraw oc- ' eyed. He' Disturbed.
cupy the ` position ' of Mingled
respect , and , awe:.once reserved : c'
for such dignitaries as the..Royal
All. I can' say is; look: around.
you . •chaps. There are.certainly
Family and, the Devil. some `children' who have a rough. •
And,kids revel . in it, of : i'
deal. and are things:'
in a
THE KANGAROO, the largest of the
. Australian marsupials rosins the
countryside in large, bands. Although;
full-grown kangaroo is 'nine feet high
and weighs 200 pounds, the ;baby is
Only. an inch long when it i3•.born.'It ,
stays inside its mother's pouch ',until
it is five or six months old, ,at which.
time it .weighs several . pounds .and is
able to shift for. itself.
When the young kangaroo leaves its
• "home," it is ready to take, its rightful ,
place in the world: Td. help your children
take their 'rs htful lace` in the world.'
g p •
there is nothing.better• than life insur-:
motel! u a ou Life
'ante. Leto bot Sun s
Educational Policy which can so: easily ;'
providefundsfortheir college educatioit
BR. • 2, Lneknow' •
Phone .. Wingham. 717-w-4
Miller gave us :a few: pointers course. There's nothing a 'rnodern
concern. ing the . 'dresses,; record:;:kid enjoys more than having, an:
But -t, has: a1ways •been •my con-
.'enjoys - tentrq°n;that kids .are 'touglier than .
,books .'and achievement... day:. ° old man who .drinks or 'an. old a sixty=cent steak, And ;if they're
To; close.. the'.meeting','�God Save lady Who ' runs: around' a : bit. • It i mo -
not, `look� fat all the rich. emo-
the 'Queen'..was' sung and lunch npalifies, him ' at once for ` the ,tiorial experience tY ey're piling
served:. - Broken -Homes' Club, and ;gives:. up.,..
Now is : th,e ,Tirme' to Plan Your,
Quality. and service are the most important..
cornmodities of .your Local Co-op. 'That is why
it pays to see your :Co-op first. Your local
CP -op has, a complete . inv'entory, of s
• All recommended analyses
• Semi—granular textus e
• Backed by Guarantee of Quality Certificate
,•' grasses: Clovers, Pasture Mixtures
• Sow with Confidence, Harvest with Pride.
• Seed treatments, `Tnseeticides, :l'urigicides,
Weed and Grass Ifhllers
• Co-op Seed T,reating'and Cleaning Service..
y Quality
I No, it's the, want .you
i to look at. They are the r.•ea11y•
emotionally' • disturbed ' people of
our time. 'The.women who should..
be enjoying -,the' marital deligh.t's.
i of young middle' -age,' gaunt and
' l:haggard • as they .scramble for .`'.
new ` sacrifices to heap around
the feet of the golden kid. The
torn -down, woi n -out fathers; des
peratdy ,trying to be a chum to
their children It. is to therm that -
rny :hear.t :goes out
• . •,
I. 1 ,don't. know, maybe I'm lust.
jealous because .I was born thirty
• . years: too ,soon: J vas never able -
to hate my mother for 'more. than.
twenty, minutes;' even when she
walloped me With the' yardstick.;
No 'did ,. I: ever feel rejected by
thy. 'Dad, because he 'never paid.
any ' attention to ' us, • except to
give• us a'- dime once ,lin 'a while.
And I thought he , was a dandy
• •Perhaps if I'dbeen product
of a Broken -Horne, 1 night. have
amounted to • something, .I never
got`• a chance • to be emotionally
disturbed Until it was. •too late:'
to cut any . capers. But` just be-
cause 'I didn' have the opportu-
nity doesn't mean that I`m go-
ing to deny my children the
chance of being • a delinquent.
You'll • hive to -excuse. me now,
While I go dosvnstait and start
a `fight with tha old lady'