HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 5• WEDIN SDAYI atta Un.41 .I98I1• .: • • .1 If':there':s water in y0ur well, the Deepriie ,Jet. Will get it –,- Overcomes: Overcomes ptobiems of gaseous, low -capacity, •Sandyor crooked wells.. Multi stage:pump • provides higher water' pressures forhome laundries,'dishWashers,, "'garden:spr.inklers, etc..' ''DE.EPR111lIE JET. Self-priming on wells to 400 feet, . Won't lose prime if well gets pumped .down, power fails, or gas enters No moving parts, motor or valves• of any kind, below ground to`cause trouble:. ?' No lubrication, or frost- •proofing required.•. 'kr, Completely automatic! Nothing else like • it! Mede.by E :1•t ;NOV/• originators, of jet pumps 10C Phone'' 190, ,ctr c Ripley, Ontario CULROSS , CORNERS i Our deepest sympathy is -ex- tended to:Mrs.. John Schumacher • and, Helen .and.' other. Members of ,the family in the sudden passing of Mr„ Schumacher ; at -his hirrie here. Friends ;and neighbours 'at-. tendedthe. funeral in Teeswater on Thursday morning,' Those from a distance were Mr. and. • Mrs', Raymond. Schumacher; and` . Jim, Windsor; .'Mrs, Ethel Runc'hy;. "Toronto; Mr,. and Mrs. William Lloyd, : London, Mr. and Mrs. ..John Moser ••and Mr. John Mc- Carthy, Parkihill, : `.Messrs Don and George Vanhie, Mrs. Jules • Vanhie ...and. Mr Jas . -Millen,. of. London. Mr: 'and. Mrs 'FrankThompson:Y attended a convention in ..To n- to'on Wednesday,, but were, called home • due to•,, their , son, Ronnie, being .involved 'in .a'car ;accident and as a result 'Was a patient an: Win'gham . Hospital, „ Mr, and.EzraStanley,ndr Sharon, .Kinlough,: spent Friday. evening with Mr' an:d .'Mrs :,Jas. Wraith. Mr.. and Mrs. Ernest Hanna:` & :Jackie Motored ' to . Malton on ,• Thursday. Mrs. Hanna ,vent bY HO3118 ECONOMIST 'SPEAKS: plane from there to Florida `T.O LEAIZNING 4• • • 4illp►i►li Iuilliii►_Iii►ii lli line By :Do' you know what we're get` ting. to be a nation' :of?. We're. getting to be• a nation:... of child- worshippers., 'And personally, I'm becoming' a bit nauseated by the wholepierverted business. When the ancient 'Hebrews be- gan feeling ,their oats, they built. themselves ..:a golden calf, and you know•' what happen ed then, We're in the process of building ourselves a golden kid, and we'll.. deserve everything that's coming to us, when the Lord grows tired of our silliness. • I keep reading things that make my hair stand on end.with sheer horror at' the idolatry we're committing. Just the • other day, I'•read in the paper some` remarks• be a professor of psychology at the University of 'Montreal, :; He claimed that a disturbed child becomes delinquent because he is • convinced. ,he is .meant to .:be. The professor said::: "For . ' i 1- ,stance,: a child is ' sent onan errand with the ; admonition to bring back the .change. There's The newly Organized, Kinloss Scout Group collected papers,' etc. .on Saturday. It .proved very suc. cessful. Mrs. Frank Brown'.sand Reg Spent Sunday evening, Mr:' and : Mrs.. Harvey Ncholson and Hughe Bervie:.: . • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith : were Sunday : evening visitors ' With Mrs. John Schumacher:.. where; she will holiday.: Mr.. Han- na and.' Jackie were.acco;npanied home. 'byMrs... M Bell, • who will spend .the week at the Hanna, :home.: :. Wa d .�Intos .& .:'� vrll �Mc . a �r . . NT : CHARTERED ACC�tJ ,A ..NTS Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON E KENNEDY, B..Ed, B.A., C.A.—Resident• Manager c 0 Telephones: Business 633; Residence . • , The seventh meeting ';of the Colwanash .Learning Lassies was held' in ;Hackett's•: United ..Church with all meniibers 'present The 'meeting opened with the` 4-H pledge, followed :by thee roll'. call. The. Club had.the honor of having Mrs; Miller, ' the Home Economist present, at 'this meet-,, Mg. Mrs, Jack lUtchie lead .a dis cussion on "Good• Posture:" Fol: lowing the discussion;,.aVirs.. :Alex Hackett,,. demonstrated '' how : -to ''cover a,belt• after which the' girls.: continued on their. dresses.' : Mrs: B.I. I I. S i ley 91 HUIllllllllllllililil .� -an insinuation there that the worst is expected .of • him.. S1owIY`i he builds un: •this image of lam' self, :and accepts himself as the black sheep' of the family." Frohn, there,, apparently, it is only a. hop, .step ` ' and, a` Switch -blade knife to a criminal . gang,, • 'Now, isn't that the :damnedest, poppycock you've'.ever heard? Of' course a child is warned. to ,bring; back the change! It's: the first thing, you do when you give him a dollar, and •.you' .tell him at least three times more, before you . let him out. the door. I'd, • rather have a . kid come 'hoine .wgith'the 'Change, and feel like' a iblack sheep, than come ; home with six 'cowrie books and new- proof that the old man is an :easy. mark.' It used. 'to' be that•..:When a child was a mean little. beast `that;.' nobody, , , including his parents, had 'any, use for,everybody steered clear of . him, and"hegrew 'up to be .a business tycoon, or -a great' artist, or a brilliant poli- tician, or just a plain, ordinary 1, miserable!.adult.',that nobody, had any use for. • Nowadays, when : you encoun:- , ter some vicious little brute, you can scarcely keep your 'hands if 'you are quickly. told that -there's ' really nothing wrong with him •' except; that. Hes emotionally: 'curbed. He's never forgiven Mom I for slapping him ',on' the .bottom • to make `him go in' .the potty. or he hates his, Dad.• because ,latter has rejected him,—wouldn':t' joinian, him of kick -the cat: With the aid .of:Read r' �Diest .,. ... e. S g and Liberty, we; -now have more i amateur psychologists in 'Canada' than we' have .unproductive gold• `mines. And. they're all ''agreed That . it ; is%n't. the fault . of T1e- •Children-Poor-Things, it's the parents who 'are to blame- It him an open.'Sesame to any kind never seems . to occur • to . these sof. conduct :hefeels like :pursuinig. modern swamis that .:there.`might. •, . . , ., , .No tenger is he. lazy; 'bad -man,:= '•� ,be anything wrong with the: kids. tiered, 'surly, greedy or- ill- emp Ndt a chance.. Children rraw oc- ' eyed. He' Disturbed. cupy the ` position ' of Mingled respect , and , awe:.once reserved : c' for such dignitaries as the..Royal All. I can' say is; look: around. you . •chaps. There are.certainly Family and, the Devil. some `children' who have a rough. • And,kids revel . in it, of : i' deal. and are things:' AT HOME in a pouch THE KANGAROO, the largest of the . Australian marsupials rosins the countryside in large, bands. Although; full-grown kangaroo is 'nine feet high and weighs 200 pounds, the ;baby is Only. an inch long when it i3•.born.'It , stays inside its mother's pouch ',until it is five or six months old, ,at which. time it .weighs several . pounds .and is able to shift for. itself. When the young kangaroo leaves its • "home," it is ready to take, its rightful , place in the world: Td. help your children take their 'rs htful lace` in the world.' g p • there is nothing.better• than life insur-: motel! u a ou Life 'ante. Leto bot Sun s y. Educational Policy which can so: easily ;' providefundsfortheir college educatioit inaha. BR. • 2, Lneknow' • Phone .. Wingham. 717-w-4 NE SUN LIFE ,ASSURANCE A AN COMPANY ��0F CAD Miller gave us :a few: pointers course. There's nothing a 'rnodern concern. ing the . 'dresses,; record:;:kid enjoys more than having, an: But -t, has: a1ways •been •my con- .'enjoys - tentrq°n;that kids .are 'touglier than . ,books .'and achievement... day:. ° old man who .drinks or 'an. old a sixty=cent steak, And ;if they're To; close.. the'.meeting','�God Save lady Who ' runs: around' a : bit. • It i mo - not, `look� fat all the rich. emo- the 'Queen'..was' sung and lunch npalifies, him ' at once for ` the ,tiorial experience tY ey're piling served:. - Broken -Homes' Club, and ;gives:. up.,.. Now is : th,e ,Tirme' to Plan Your, grogram Quality. and service are the most important.. cornmodities of .your Local Co-op. 'That is why it pays to see your :Co-op first. Your local CP -op has, a complete . inv'entory, of s GO OPO'RBE,FLOWIN i J4 ERTILIZFR • All recommended analyses • Semi—granular textus e • Backed by Guarantee of Quality Certificate COOP SEED' ,•' grasses: Clovers, Pasture Mixtures • Sow with Confidence, Harvest with Pride. CO' =OP CHEMICALS • Seed treatments, `Tnseeticides, :l'urigicides, Weed and Grass Ifhllers • Co-op Seed T,reating'and Cleaning Service.. y Quality istrict BUY M • I No, it's the, want .you i to look at. They are the r.•ea11y• emotionally' • disturbed ' people of our time. 'The.women who should.. be enjoying -,the' marital deligh.t's. i of young middle' -age,' gaunt and ' l:haggard • as they .scramble for .`'. new ` sacrifices to heap around the feet of the golden kid. The torn -down, woi n -out fathers; des peratdy ,trying to be a chum to their children It. is to therm that - rny :hear.t :goes out • . •, I. 1 ,don't. know, maybe I'm lust. jealous because .I was born thirty • . years: too ,soon: J vas never able - to hate my mother for 'more. than. twenty, minutes;' even when she walloped me With the' yardstick.; No 'did ,. I: ever feel rejected by thy. 'Dad, because he 'never paid. any ' attention to ' us, • except to give• us a'- dime once ,lin 'a while. And I thought he , was a dandy father. • •Perhaps if I'dbeen product of a Broken -Horne, 1 night. have amounted to • something, .I never got`• a chance • to be emotionally disturbed Until it was. •too late:' to cut any . capers. But` just be- cause 'I didn' have the opportu- nity doesn't mean that I`m go- ing to deny my children the chance of being • a delinquent. You'll • hive to -excuse. me now, While I go dosvnstait and start a `fight with tha old lady'