HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-22, Page 1X3:00 A, Year' Jn Advance, . —
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. , NTAB,IO WEPND.SDA,Y:. MAK '22ndt 1961
An ' alternate salary 'schedule
submitted by the Lueknow D..i-
trict High School Board to • the
' ' teaching, staff, hasbeen accept
,ed •by..the teachers, The accept-
ed minimurn and ' maximum sal-
aries' in. all ;four categories . are.
somewhat lower than• the teach-
ers' Subinission
each-ers'.subrnission with, one excep-
tion. .•
At. the March 'meeting the tea-
chers! schedule was submitted .by.
their ,representative, Mr° A. G.
On 'Wednesday of last week
the 'Beard held a; special meet-
irg to present their offer,. which
has, since,. been accepted by the
'teaching 'staff, and will be in of
feet for the 1961-62. school term..
The following minimum and
maximum 'sal'ary schedule has.
been accepted as listed • under
.196.1.. ;The 1960 figures in' brac='
-kets are`. the minimum ;and maxi-,
mum salaryschedule- currently,.,
(1960) 1961
Category 1 — ($4,600.) : $4,600,
Category 2' ($'4,800°) $4,800..
Category ' .3 ($5,100.) $5;300.
Category 4; ($5,300.) .$5;500.
;(1960) 1961.
Category '1 ($7,600°) $7,800.
' Category 2' = ($1,800.) $8,;100
Category 3. - .(.$8;30b:) $9,000.
Category 4 ($8,500°): ` $9,300.
In line: wiht::fnost Secondary
Schools, a Cumulative Sick Leave.
• Plan is to be set up, . which was,
requested by :the staff.
A Retirement `Gratuity based
on, the accumulation in ::the Sick`
Leave Plan,: and salary at time
of retirement, ,was also suggest-
The proposed Salary Schedule
Presented ' to •the Board. "by the
Teachers was: •
Minh/nun Maximum,
'Category 1 y $4,800;. •;, • $8,200,',
Category. 2 $5,100. $8,500;
Category •3: =.- $5,,400. ' $9,000..
Category 4 —.• $5,700; , $9,40.•0;
The,•55th annual convention of'
the Ontario Horticultu• ral = Asso-
ciation was held., in !Hamilton
last. Thursday and 'Friday.'
At that time'. Charles Bristow
of Lueknow , took, over• the: off•;
cial' duties of Director of District
No. 8, an appointment . he' receiv-
ed .'some ' time ago;
Mr. Bristow succeeds. Clifford
,;H. Epps . of Clinton, who, has
served in . this : capacity for eight
District No. 8 is •comprised of
the counties of Bruce, Grey and.
Huron and includes 17 societies
withthree more groups'. which
have been dormant being in the
process Of revival.
The:. newly .. elected Ontario
president is Rev° J W. ' Siebert
of Elmira who succeeds James
Eurston :of' London.'
Mr..: arid .Mrs. Jim Snelgrove
have' received,. a move from Van-
couver to : Calgary effective .the
end of March. -Jim has received`a.
promotion. withthe insurance.
company by which he is employ-.
Mrs. Snelgrove is the. former
Ruth Jdhnston daughter of Mr:.
and Mrs.. P. M. Johnston of Luck-
low:`; Jim :and Ruth have resided
in V•ancouver, since their marri-
age. '•
Dorothy Alton, .daughter' of'Mr. .
and Mrs. Bert Alton -of Ashfield
Township,. has .received the posi
tion' as Food Supervisor •at. Strat
ford ,General Hospital: •
After ,•at"tending Lueknow pis-
trict' High School, Dorothy went I'
to 'MacDonald College, Guelph,,
for a year.;'S•he took a six month
• Food Supervisor course at Tor �
onto GeneralHospital . before
coniencing work at Stratford on.
March, 13th.. •
ran ,ham ion bull . in !grand , d c, p
the, Hereford divisior. of ..the On=
tario bull show and sale held at`
Oakville on Thursday,' was :own-
ed by: Heber. Eed. y and Sons''of
-' Dungannon. • •
The ' charri:pion,• ,Cransford 'Bat-
tle 'Intense' was sold for 11;100' to
• .,J. R:.Nokes . of Manilla 'in' East-
ast-ern• Ontario:
;The., grand . 'champion. ;would
have; been offered for sale:' last.
fall at.,,,the Huron' Breeders
septi -annual ' sale, • but iriacula
tions; wliih the animal had re-
ceived prevented him in,from • be- cconsi . •
consigned. It proved °.oui.te
... g ,
profitable for, the owners to •have
' 'hirti !for condig riment .in :last
week's sale. .• , ;
Two otherbulls from.the hedy'
herd soldon; Thur day for$500
. and $600.
Reserve ;champion was Jarvis
''"Battle Mischief, ° consigned by.
Jarvis Hereford Farms and which„
sold .for $1,025: •
Local• Purchasers
Georg'e' KennedY of ,Lueknow
. bou h:t a bullhe gale for '550:.
.g •.... att � _. .
• He ' was O'Neilland `Si1ver Zato,•
const ned . b • J:. P: O•Neill of'
g y
Chatham;. 'and showed an aver-
e daily rate of gain.of 3J2 lbs.,
the third
gest. in the sale.
Hugh' :Vason 'of Rip1ey paid
$510• fbr Battle intense) consign
;d by `James „' A. Tirtiey; of
A spark from the chimney
which ignited the roof, ,ser;iously.
threatened the home' of . Mr. and
Mrs Ira' Dickie, ,' Concession ;4,
Kinloss,, about 6:30 Monday' ev-
ening. •
The fire burned over an,: area
about '8 by 4 feet , aridthrough'
the sheathing into the• attic: The
outbreak was! ' •:discovered .by
Douglas. Dickie who was piling
wood onside' and; smelled smoke.
Ira was not at 'home but 'their
four sons A'"nd Ira's:'father•' who
was ' .visiting with' them, ."took
charge: of fire fighting operations:
The boys, Denver, Douglas,'Wal-
tci and
W lisp) are,'good climb -
1 are,g
ers ' and. attacked the : fire on the
roof, and ' got' into ,the attic to
prevent `any ; , outbreak . there
Neighbours were quick to re'
spond . and the threat was .con-•
trolled• upon.. t'he� arrival of ,the
Lueknow'. Fii•e Department, who.
used the fire truck hose to com-
plete the job'•and ,eliminate ,any
danger : of a further outbreak.
It was the third fire call in
little more than three days, to
'substantiate the superstition that
they "come in threes.
,Two, .minor fires ' last Friday,
b " .
ire "nt •Lueknow .:Fire Department
on their• toes, In they morning, a
Call, Was received to the home of
Raymond Leddy on Havelock.
St across from • the Lucknow
Public Sebbol. 'The 'pipes were
:on fire but had burned',tteniself
the 'time 'firemen arrived:
rr� t by
About 730 Friday • .
' • evening °a
:second call ' w'as received to the
residence of lack. Farrish .on
, hb` ° Street east° An- 'old
W�lloug� y
' ..e car,sitting in 'the .yard on
modes i ..
had caught fire
the river• bank, b 1,�, g ..,
-d.interior was burned out
and the int
e • i arrived: Mr,
bythe time
fir emen a a
and Mrs, Parrish were away . at
time and ;the
e cau5
e is• not de-
finitely known. jack hadtaken
the fenders of the, .car' with a
torch earliier° in ..the. day,
HAD• VALUE OF' $150,000,, •
Last week The Sentinel
,Completed the printing' of, a
job . you could tuck
under your arra to carry, yet
had a face value of $150,000.
The , job was a debenture
issued on 'behalf of the Blyth
Municipal' Telephone System •
by the Village of Myth.. The ,
debentures 'were issued: in
denominations of $1,000 with
coupons attached` ; up; to 20
years, • 'bearing 6% interest:
There ' were 150 • debentures
•in the .!'bundle," and' about.
a dozen with a •$500. value,
Women's Institute . branches' in
the community have shown
finite,. interest in ',backing- the
Lucknow and •District Red Cross,
and some have given hearty as-
surance that they will • conduct
a .,canvass in their own areas:
Mr. John Anderson' of 'London:
director of Red Cross Work , in:
the' •Huron -Middlesex area, and
Virden Mowbray "key 'man" of
the local branch met with re-
presentatives of several _Institutes
on, Tuesday;:
• At the meeting were ` .. ladies'
:from' Dungannon, Holyrood; Para-.
Mount,' Kairshea .and, Lucknow
Institutes:'' Whitechurch, Kintail
an°d. St:: Helens brancheswere not
represented buthave expressed)
their interest.
Mr Anderson.° stressed that
the conducting of 'a campaign
would assure : a continuance and
expansion . (if ..required) of, Red
.Susan' Hall, six-year-old daugh-
ter of Mr; and, Mrs, Lloyd Hath,
suffered a• double fracture of the:
left forearm at .recess, .,on Thurs-
day. morning, The fracture, was
caused by •a fall from the hori-
zontal bars. •
Susan was ; ' hospitalized on
Thursday and Friday, but, was
able to • return to school Tues-
day with. a cast 'on her arm 'to.
the shoulder;
She ,has to have: the ...injury
x-rayed • again on Thursday,
The'•'farms, changed hands' re-
cently when; Williarn.'Carter,, of
Holyrood, ` purchased frons John
Blackett of London, formerly of
:Ripley,, the farm known as ,the.
James Cooper :farm on 'the 6th •
Con.; of Huron Twp. William. `
sold his farm .on the '6th Con;: of
Kinloss •T,°Wp to his brother • Peter
and. sons.: . •
Bill •has, moved to his - new •
home this week. The - Peter Car
"ter family will continue. to re
•sde on their present farm which
is the .former' Pierce
Fluoride concentration Is Higher
In lucknow's �Vew Water Supply
With ;. government legislation
being enacted to permit munici-
•palities to fluoridate their 'water•
supply,: it is' interesting to note
'that Lucknow's No. 4 well. has
a considerably: higher fluoride
concentration than,the No. 3 well..
Fluoride concentrations in . the
range from ` 10 to 1:5. ppm are
helpfulin, the ;control of . dental'
decay. The • No. - 4 well has a
fluoride content. of 1.4, as- Com-
pared with 0.5 in the "No: 3 well:
This was among the informa-
tion revealed ,, in .an official test
of the two' wells made, in late
January by .A;, B. Redekopp of
the Ontario Water', Resources
The No , 3 .well is located south
of the Anderson' Flax Products
milll and: was the :chief, source of
domesticwater,. prior , to . the
sinking and. developing : of the
No° 4 • well last year at 'Victoria
Park on Havelock Street. '
been abandoned. The orginal well
• is located. ,just south of the Are
na and the No. '2' w ell, drblled by
the Surety Company, to make
good a volume deficiency in the
No. 1 well. .is. to the south-east
of the arena. It, was • never' a
Very. satisfactory ource of water
and was used chiefly. in emer-
gencies and to relieve the load
on; the No. 1 well • until the ' No:
came into operation: ' '
The. No. 3: well is 43' feet deep
with. an 8 -inch casing. The dis
charge isvalved down to deliver'
only approximately ' 90 '• G.P:M: at
present and the vertical turbine
deep well pump is automatically'
Controlled ' by an electrode . unit:
in the standpipe '
(Continued : on, page 14 )
HAD L�...
The =Municipality ;has , four
•, �: ammyr,' BaTiersi'tine, r5 -year-old
wells, two of which, are of . such
meager capacity that they have
-Cross ` services .'locally.. These in- NONAGENARIAN,, PASSES
elude: loan cupboard, water safe
ety program, blood donor ser-
vice, '`etc:
Mr. Anderson emphasized that
blood •:transfusions are absolute
ly free to everyone, and that the
Red Cross is supplying some 700
bottles a week, to hospitals in
the Huron -Middlesex area. . This
blood is • costing the Red Cross
X5:00 a bottle. •
He` also pointed out that• 97%
of the work of the Red Cross
done ley volunteers:
Lucknow District High School
'Board has officiallyreceived' the
resignation of 'Mrs. Elizabeth
Suter, who has, accepted •a posi-
tion on the Win ham High Schob,l
The death of William . John
Humphrey, a lifelong: resident of.
St. Helens,, occurred in Wingham
hospital on Saturday, March 18th..
Hewas in his, 92nd year. 'The:
funeral' service was on Tuesday:.
son ' of Mr.. and Mrs.* Les. `Ballen- .
tine; of • Lucknow; had °a narrow
escape from drowning . on Sun-
Mr. .and'.:Mrs: -Ballentine and..
family were visiting ,friends..in..
Tara. Tommy' wars playing out-
of -doors and ''ha.d • been warned
not •to ;leave the premises...
The nearby;; river proved to be
.too much. of a' lure for thelad,'
and 'as be 'ventured • onto the ice
he "went., through into: the'water:
Tommy managed, to :cling . to ,,
he ice, and bis cries .were .:.heard
by . R assell. B.yei s;;•.who. lives .near-.
by aid by chance'haa: come•.out.
of lar,' lone.. He rescued the lad,."
and took him dripping wet. ;,and'
chilled, to the.• home. where ' B•al
lentine's were visiting,, and which
was the first inkling they had, of
the . near 'tragedy..
Mr., Ballentine; is .accountant at
Lucknow .'Braiich of the Bank"
of Montreal.
Tommy,: isnone the' worse,'of
experience,,p' .
but, down t want'
to : talk. .about
Huron Township is still talk-
ing subdivision control,and of
ter a four hour session on' Mon.-.
day night at ' the Huron'--Town-
shi�"Hall i • Ripley, Council and.
p Y,,
ratepayers' affected' are still no
farther ahead. A//, vote .of the,.
people was suggested as /,a� pos.,
Bible solution by 'Reeve ,Chester
Frnmerton. ;.
Briefly,' what has led ` up ' to
,Monday's :meeting: Huron•.Town-
ship Council, long troubled with
the helter-skelter lot . plans o:n
..the lake, shore, passed a subdivi
Bion control bylaw to try to
make" order out of chaos. at the
:lake. • The e l
j he by aw includes all
property . west of the Base Line
arid from the Kincardine —town
line to the Ashfield • Boundary:'
The bylaw is primarily designed
to" eontrolthe system of lot sel-
ling and cottage building • in , that
area.'•. t:; r rhGr the ,.subdivision con -
1 -61,. no ' lots could be sold, except
under . a registered plan, but a
sale could; be' made if ,approved
by the .la.rning board• and still
not be under a registered plan.
Property owners along the
shore rose iii against the bylaw
feeling that it was''not suitable
'for them arid. they presented,
petitibn to council to have. it
rescinded.. Council went to, •To-
ronto' over the 'natter but due to
a wrong apaointnieiit made that
was "no one's fault" the trip did
not have the, desired effect: When
the .•bylaws were printed and
mailed to those connected,. the
'ratepayers . culled a' .. meeting , at
•the Lurgan School : with council
and which the Sentinel reported
in, the February 15th paper,
'Atthis • nieetinti: .it was the
unanimous. vote that the bylaw..
be rescinded. • .
Reeve • Chester Erninerton Of.:
• Huron. . Tot••rishio chaired. Mon-
day's meeting, Chester' told the
group that fel 'the' "Lur- •
,, gran" • meeting; coupe'.) had ro-
seeded to rescind the bylaw,
in the 'presence of John VW. Han=
nag the .Reeve had been hifor tried!
by .the ;rrrinister, of development..
I that" the bylaw ''Was,. `"off .�
Monday's meeting as not ar
rar5ged' by oouiicit, The cemiiiuy,
pity , plar7ning. ' .and•developmrr t
board ih'fornie:d Ahern that they,'
would ;meet with council, and the
.att on "Trywns:hip plat'iriitig, board
comprised of Peeve .Lnimer.won,.
Councillor -Austin t. Martin : 'kres-•
ter . Cavi•.. I�o��'r•,v. bell l . 4 ,v.
R cion arid.
(Co ttmued th ' ,:page •13