HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-15, Page 13r.
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• .
Mar ,. rPo, as.. e National • om-
.livestock •and implements mittee has recently announced
of Wesley Tiffin of Langside, the final total of the
CPA, 3,..Kinloss, and Thlirsday of collection held last all under
next 'week,' March 23rd, Omar the auspices. of the. -United Na-(
will bold a "lock, stock and bar- tions: ..Children's Fund. Oyer A
rel" auction sale of the entire of a million 'children throti,ghout
sprPad!. with, Allan, MaCIntyre as 'Oanada, supported the Program
a.qq,tioneer,. 1. by cPlleCting - nickels, PennieS
dirries. to assist the less-forturi-
, ate youngsters of other lands.
GRAVEL ''CONTRACT. The result is a gift .of $260,000
;.Which •• will- be delivered to.
LET I N ASHFIELD ,UNICtP. headquarters in New
,York by .one Of Canada's
canvassers, and from there will
Ashfield Council •met On Mar-
. eh. ah, 19.61. Councillor ...Bradley
medicine: for thousands. of he used used to „provide! food and
Locally. 13: •11 bought theh. U14 CEF. C
• Register' Forms, •
• Carbon Snapont:Forn‘i
Gas and Oil Truck
' 'Forms, .-
•' Continuous' Business
Forms . Meeting Were read, and 1,Pproved 'len a iga •
,* Counter heek. Books .. 3he t
par, vvas read on' the clut't6C1 .11)Y nlenIbersof the'
• was absent, Minutes of the last
theoca canvass was ow!-
. lou InOtion of Howard and pibson,
Restaurant Pads Wi ler Robb. Municipal Dram . • •T• group •of the
A/loved by YlaoKenzie-Gibson;eiari'Church'
Ithat, ‘nd
LUCKNOW SENT/NEI: Drain before adopting the report. ri4ASE T:114E .
The report on ,the •McNain •There i$ a little matter that
.,IN/funicipal Drain was read . and .$ome. of OUr.. $ub$criber$ have
adopted on motion of HoWarci .$eeMingiy overlooked: A$ we.
and MacKenzie. •. •” • • :have, $tated before, regUlation$
Highway ExPendture .BY -Law, require. that all $uhScriptien$
No , 3 was given three readings mu$t be paid in advance 10 LI
and•passed on motion -Of Howard it*i$' a. very inipOrtant matter
and Gibson. . • • it i$ nece$$ary in our buSine$$:
,MacKenzie and. Gibson,, to ac- We don't like to continually'
Cept the •gravel ;tender of Sau- $pealc about $u'el-i 'remittance$.
•geen Spraying „co. at .72cper :However, 'we rriu$t from •time/to
yard. ..,•? time remind tho$e who are, de -
Howard -MacKenzie, that clerk Unguent in payrnent$.
a4vertiSe ,for tenders for 'bridges, Check the date on. the 'labelof.
warble fly spraying, .Warblefly, your 'it!pqr'., to ee how YOU
Mspector and warbickle powder.. $tand on thi$,..matter. All '$ub-
HOward-MacK.enzie;' Passing, a: •$criptiiop$ dated prior, to March,
resolution :granting ,1Ohn Brad; 19611 .are ..now due. and 'payable.
ley leave of absence. :
MacKenzie -'Howard, 'to .accept "Dear 'Mom and the',
application for. loan under the 'young. college „student .';'‘wrote -
home. liaven't-heard..from .you:
i,n • nearly a, month: WOrried.
'Please send a chetlue so I'll•know
Last week the government
, .
, conducted vote or ocommit ee-
. Men for the Hog• Producers, Mar-
.'keting BOar.d. was. greeted •With
various degrees of enthusiasth,
• and evidence of • a centiniting
'difference of opinion in the Mat -
•ter of kieg marketing: •
• In Huron. County, 1,184 ProdU;
• cets ' Cast ballots, and literally
swamped the facilities for tak-
• ing .the,VOte,,Hundreds of :farm -,1
ers, queued up to await their,1
turnto vete at the Legion 'Hall
in Clinton, the 'only point in. the
'count* the yote was taken.
••,The!Clinton ,News -Record• car-
ried the following -story 'Of the
iTile Drainage Act. •
1 The.followMg bills•were order-
ed paid on. motion of ,MacKen-
zie and Gibson.. ' • .
Road Accounts Jack Farrish
-Yote in 'Part: • • • • . ' , 1.143.0,8; Chester Nicholson, 104.00;'
MurrayJohnston,' 199.50; W. R.
Oeared'.,for a • rnuCh..„srriallerI,
...r turn -out, With four polling , Mole, ' 8.00;' Herrrian..
NichOlion,,94.18;. Reg.
booths set up"at first, Return-' 18.Q0.:, John
Broome, 59.40; John H •Curran,.
ing : Officer, DOuglas H. 'Miles,
'2:00; Herbert b. - Curran,154.00.
• ; agricultural -repreSeritative , 9.-f.
Chester Nicholson, welding, snow
Huron;- County -swiftly .: trans-.plOW, 12:00; Harvey. Miller, re
fornied :the into a busy
pairs to grader, • 1.50; imperial
arena where eight deputy re- Oil, fuel oil and • tax, 142,82;• DQ,
turning oficers accepted signed .
minion Road, grader replacement,.
registration cards from the -pro:
254.62;;;..Herbert 'C. . Curran,: eX-
clucers„and handed out ballots:
penses • to " convention, 35.00;
• At 1:20' in th?..,,afternoon, there.. •
Daily Commercial News, tenders',
were' about '125, producers pre-. for 2 :2
. ... gravel, 0; Andrew Ritchie,
sent. . , a an our a el ,
Part salary, and eXPenSe to' Con had risen':to' 185 .
vention, HoWard;
with' the ientrance ; jarnrned, and
rt 'splarY..--and..exiaerthe to-COn•-
ro.ducerS lined six'deep down
vention,, 110.09; Donald MacKen-
•: the .:steps, the,.sicieWalk •
zie, pa 'salary. an .expense o
the street and half-Way:ur the
Convention, 110.0k ' Marshall
Sidewalk to theI, Winter. 4)44-pa,salary, 75.00; John
Ment building iliadjey, part salary, 37,".50; Don-
Otherfarriers 'sat in cars'-
ald Simpson., 1,4 salary and ex -
waiting till. the situation better-1:penSe .-CoriVention, 385.00;
ed By this Aline about 18 Town of .GoClerich; relief. and
Polling booths . had., been. imPr% Bailiffs . fees, 31.50; Provincial
vised inside the .hail and Treasurer,, insulin; 2:24:- Pane,rest
the 'crowd ,greW. .3:30, Mr., Manor Ltd., Hosp., 'MisS•
closed- the front ddorS
•o uu McDonald, 100-5c
temporarily so' that the Men 'in-; Stamps, 5.00 Clark Zinn, tile
Side he. cieared.. • drainage loan. 1,500.00 fleber,
The last Votes .were received' Eedy,. relief (J. :Anderson): 44,98;
byshortlyafter, six o'clock andiklerman Phillips, • relief officer,
-colinting of ballots began in, the 1435.;. Thames Ambulance,
agricultural:offiPe board roprii,hy Marie ,oupskey, , .80,00; MrS
about .7:30 p.m. A team of ten.: Broughton, 'relief, 25.61; Ontario
began the : 10:30 Mayor's and Reeve's' Association,.
were joined ," by two more, and fee 10.00the .. •'' '
totals Were, arrived at,•by.2 .6aur)cii adjourned on.ino•fion of,
* . Gibson arid. Howard to meet ori
Eleeted'' Were: ,Alex 'p, .mc- Monday, April 3rd, 1961 at 8:60
Gregor, KiPpen• (pticketsmith)•
619 votes; , Robert P. Allan, Br- DONALD SIMPSON
upefield :(Tuckersrnith) 598; Mar- .
• tin Baan, (Grey) 590; Albert G
- Bacon (Morris) .569; ;Carl ,Rem- cardlne; Wallace, nanagb, Toes.-
8russel (..°Fe3). 562; 'water; Ernie Biernes, Hepworth;
Elmer Ireland, 'Wirigham. •(East John , Olaek, Ckes,leY; James
Wawanosh)., 558; Charles R. 1) ChepstoW; James , jacklin,
CoulteS, "•BelgraVe.:(East Waw- ti9Inwood; P. A. Murray, of
nosh) 551. • • ,HolYrood; Orville Monk, Elin
ROSS Love, San (Hay)' 548; , wood; John Kieffer; Mildmay;
Qordon io ( 'PKillop) 542; Jack' McGillivray, 'Paisley;
William Coleman (Stanley) &38 ence Nixon; Lis Head; Gor-
Robert 1VICAllister (West -Wawa- 'den, Patterson, Ripley; Elmer
nosh, 536; Ross Fisher
borne) 535;., Harry Hern (US -
(PO' Persbacker, .Mildmay; '- William
borne) .53'3: Harold Moritgornoy Shekvfeit, Kincardine; .Ralph
(Ooderich Township) 533. Tthheodin%'s'oriP, Josephort Elgin; Mel -
Alfred H. WarlIer (G0derich burn' White l Debbinton.
Township) 532; Carl Govier
• (East Waw' anes-h) 53o,\ George •
CarnPbell " 529; coui\iriER CHECK tooke--w
1.39yd Stewart „. (Hullett) 528; •
• Graham Carripibell (Morris)*521: 8ingIY: or in qt1.6r*Ititlel
Elected In Bruce and take orders for books speci-
Elected to the flice cornmit-,• •
ally, printed to ,your require--
•.i0C were Eldred* Aiken, Allen,- Ments* For. prompt service.
ford;,pstqt Amoict /1 2 •it,,,h .86,,The Lucknow Sentinel
or *a limited time only our complete. stock of
will be offered at 2O% off
(writing papers only, this does riot include our,
• . line Of greeting cards). -
, .
Most are gift. boxed suitable . for • gift giving or
your own personal use. .
. ' . • , • •. ,
' • • . .
Stock. Up -On Your Writing Paper 'Needs Now.
Phone 35 • Lucknow
, .
(Goderica Signal -Star) •
• carrying oir the Collection- of
• jugs, started bher mother over
65 ' years • ago, Miss Josephine
McAllister, R.R. 2, AttbUrn, now
has gathered togethero•nore than
• 400 of them. Celebrating her '82nd:
birthday ori Tuesday, March
I, she looked back on more than 30.
.yearS olcoliecting, in •addition; to
the:many years spent in this ,faS,-.
cinating hobby *by her mother,
'Miss MeAllister resides :.with
her brother., bavid, on' the farm
where- they Were: born on the
7th concession .of :West •Wawa,
*noSh. She i very proud of 'her'
.collection of...jugs which', .Wqs,
started when her •mother niade.
trip back to Scotland in 1895.
She was • presented with a ,1UStre.'
ware ,)ug when she iR,isited Loch-.
maben, Dunfrieshire, and sinde.
• then. the collection •has kept. 'on
growing: •• •
1 Every year she•has many
ors from all parts of Canada and
the U S A and these are
corded in the•gtiest register book.
Many of these jugs' bear the
1 starnp of Coalport,. Royal Datil-
' ton AYnsleyy, Wedgwood, 'Royal
• Bavarian and Iayreuth and ate
all different ,in design. One small
. wooden jug Was :carved out of a
ipieee iof •wood taken from the.
Black Forest of Germany MTly,
interesting stories :are told' 'about
these jugs ancl.,;, Miss McAllister'
can recall where* each item of
her collection game frOin. and
I who gave it to' hen; The jugs are.
in the form of many aninials,
birds, 'and some bear pictiireg.;.Of
1 Kings, Queens, famous then and'
• :women, .and one has a .pretty
scene of the sunset on. Lake
• Originally' the collection/hung
froth, hooks along the jug -rail
in a fashion familiar to any
Canadian who had'sPent time in
an English pub: As the number.
of jugs inereasedlargely by way
of gifts •from friends and visitors;
it filled the shelves of the china
caOinet, spread along the top Of
the antique organ and is nOW on
all available space on little tables
in the ,front room of theticAlli-.
ster home.
Miss .McAllister is well 'Ichoi
in the Auburn district' where as
a ,nurse she 'worked With Dr,
C, Weir otp.many eases More
Miss Josephine McAllistery'R.RdhOlding the largest and the sniall-•
2, Auburn,. •who hobby is the est jugs in her COrtettion,
'collection of Jugs, She is seen Cut' .0601,ttsy signaf.Staty:.
than 45 y;eitrs •ago. She is- arhem-
ber of the Erskine Presbyterian
Church •at Dungannon ard is 'a
member of ',the Auburn Women's
Ins titu te
still very ,interested
die life of .the, cortnnutlity and
is \Stery?pleas.ed when neighbours
and friends clroip in for a friend-
ly chat and a cup' of tea..
• 44