HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-15, Page 104., an PAGE; TEN ' OTTAWA LETTER a ' ' March '18th,. 1961. Ottawa, Ont., Dear Editor and,. Firiends, Once more I have. occasion to drop .you a few tines, concerning. Some: of • the important aspects. of the work here in parliament during ;the, last w.eek.; Our ,Prime- Minister, Mr. Pie- fenbaker, has joined other Com- monwealbh prime ministers at a meeting; in, London, England, to discuss the differentproblems that affect riot only • the. Cornnion- wealth but also the' world at, large,, . . It appears . that disarmament • ,is taking a very important ''part in ' their discussions and I am sure' that we will all .agree, that disarmament among world pow, ,ers is of paramount • importance considering the 'powerful wea- pons.:that can be: used in ,a war if ever one starts. I .believe and, hope "that -such a war ::will . not take place due to the roundtable •'discussions that are carried on it 'the United ,Nations. meetings. We expect Mr Diefenbaker back from ` the Conference in time to address the Conservative Annual. Meeting which will take place •here in Ottawa starting on March' `1, 5th and, continuing for four ;days. The officials of that meeting' expect' • approximately 3000. to attend. This meeting will be quite similar',: to the annual meeting that the Liberal Associa- • : tion : 'held an January which; I 'understand Was very well attend- . ttend- 'We ,;had' a very ; lively •debate: in the' House .of Conmons yes_. terday' When ' 'the Minister of Labour's' estimates" were 'before. the House. As you' ;.;Probably know, there,' was a. CBC program put ons recently°'portraying • the plight of an unemployed' family. -I did not see the program hut I' have. been told that it appeared ,hto' '1 e a very , realistic case of : a faintly suffering from• unemploy-:: .'merit. y • The Minister of: 'Labour '*as •Asked„'.a, question; in the ,.House on Wednesday,. ' March•' 8th, with • regard to the .person' who was •portrayed as • .unemployed. The answer • that Mr, Stam gave' to the . question': was to the ,effect that the ,,,unemployed in question `•was: registered for employment ' at Hamilton. • He had quit'', his previous employment as a sales Man • at : $6,000• per year , and had given the' reason that there, . was. "no future:” On .November '29th .,he was, referred ,as. a salesman at $350. • per ` Month' to Service Steel and Engineering in ,Ransil- ton and worked there from. De- cernber 13 until January 30th when he was laid off. At ;about' this time he answer. ed an advertisement put out . out by the : CBC ,requesting a white poi - lar worker for. a television prog- ram. Apparently she was success-' ful in obtaining this. employment/ and ;I am informed that itwas remunerative .to the extent .of $25.• per day; during the shooting of the program which, including. rehearals, lasted for a number of weeks. On . February 24th the •unem ployment insurance commission. • • THE:' LUV.KNO' 5r office in Hamilton offered. Mr Exce1by a positionas a foreman at Frost Metal Products which he t irned! down. He :said at thattime• that . he was considering three. Other offers: & a1So,, indicated that• he was not anxious to accept a• position in. vreW.:of the, forthcoro- f ing appearance of the television. program. I expect that there will ,be many -mare heated debates be fore the Minister of Labour's, estimates are -passed' .through.' .' The reports that :the ' ;Ontario, Legislature .will .apply a 3% sales tax on certain' articles is. a crite- rion -#shat ..the :present high. cost of living affects ' governments asp' well as it affects we individuals. I understand that , evei with the 3% tax the provincial govern- anent expects to collect, it, will still experience, quite a deficit • on the •year's r expenditure. . With such rapid growth as. Ontario has been experiencing over the past number of years, it is only 'right and proper, that it budget for the future 'welfare. of ' its ' people., There was a' ` very important gathering :here in Ottawathis week of the Concentrated Milk Producers of Ontario. They make a practice of "• holding their an- nual meetings in Ottawa and present their. • views • to the. 'Mini-' ster of Agriculture., It is . quite apparent that the ' producers are triving to arrange regulations to govern themselves that will work towards, . more .• equitable prices for their :milk. As you know at, the "present time some producers' are receiving be- tween five and six : dolIars: per' cwt;: for. their milk, • while others are' receiving belowthree dollare,. per cwt. The:sooner that these producers can get some .market= ing arrangements that will .bring an equalized •price,, the better it. will.. be for all and when that is done there is a passibility that government ':directions 'Will not. •be needed buta:instead producers will snake regu:1ations, to run their own business. ' So much for : this week: , I am looking forward. to: the holiday at' Home ` during the Easter. re .cess, Yours sincerely, ` Andy Robinson, Federal ' Member for Bruce. TO BUILD .300 -BED. MENTAL HOSPITAL AT OWEN SOUND. Oritario Public Works Minister Ray Connell has announced cal= ling tenders ;for the: construction of a -new :mental 'hospital at Owen. Sound. This .new series of build in.gs will accommodate 300 pati- ents.. Services for future expan- sion will be included as part 'of •the first:stage of the project: Work will be :scheduled to Start •as soon as weather permits in the, spring. The . site is approximately ' 90, acres, situated ' about ' one . mile east ,of Owen..So:und., This •insti� tution will be similar to one now. under .construction at Goder ch,: I.t is., estimated the cost will • be about $3,500,000'. ' SENTINEL, L: UCKNOW,: ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, 194", • • If : success •turns ,your head, you're•facing the wrong direction. • 1ST L'UCKNQW BOY 'SCOUT ;TROOP On Wednesday, "March, 8th. the 1st 'Lucknow Boy Scout Troop.: held its' regular meeting, There i•were ' .16 .scouts• in attendance: Plans- are being• niadelor, a pa per, drive in the Easter holidays. Inspection ' was held- with the g first' .with 38 Points; atrol.. corrin Buffalo while the. Cougar, Stag and Blue Heron patrols: had 27' points each. The scouts then pas- sed some tests and played ' a game; The rneetinig (broke off with the• flag lowering' .and Scout . silence. 1st KINLOSS ,BOY SCOUT GROUP The big news' this :week hasn't happened yet' .-- but this . Satur- day, March 18th, marks our first paper drive, Fourteen trucks will blitz all Kinloss Township • in the one day. The Scouts and' Cubs are : eating oatmeal porridge . to swell their muscles for the : big ,lift. To our friends the public, we sincerely hopeyou will greet our; . cheerful young collectors with all :the clothes hangers, .bot- tles, baskets,• magazines,; etc that you nolonger need. ' The' leaders and others 'who. are giving • their time each week in ' Scout and Cub , work, are ''es 'pecialiy ;grateful when/some 'kind friend.donates something• to make ur work' 'a little .easier. This week; Mr. Wm. Schmid gave, us a 'large basket of cocoa mugs. - We appreciate and thank- .Mr. Schmid' for his thoughtfulness. 'Anything, can happenon a Scout Troop's, first : hike and it did. Saturday :the Scouts met at 1; o'clock 'aiid after a map :study. of our proposed journey., they hoofed ,it to ' the bush. `Cutting, staves was ' ' the first objective. These are supposed to be .5'Ii feet long of sturdy Calibre. But I on sliding. down' a particular. icy slope Scouter Lloyd: found either his staff's calibre. too small or i his .own , calibre '.too :large;— .any- way weN.found.. him,. a new. staff. The second .objective.,was, ex-• plorin�g the bush lot that. will ,be our • happy Bunting., ground for fun in 'the : Years ahead. ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES.. DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stick) AT REASONABL ' PRICES! Repairs to • All, Makes of Cars,' and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics Wheel AIigflmeflt and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER The final and .-most "full -•fil- led". objective .was 'a .campfire and hot.soup. Amid heavy falling snow, each pair of scouts lit' their own cooking fire,• ("Look F. Scouter, :— one match apps,. er, can I please : have another match?"). Ota. Friday :night, the. ;•Cu'bs: missed Akela Morley Wall who was 'attending a, conference Ottawa. , We hope he. *as able to visit.. ,the new national head- quarters for •Canadian Scouts.. Two or three Cubs . are Corn-' ing' :with wet feet. It's still bad weather : and :we. 'would ask the parents to see that the -boys' wear galoshes and also long trousers MO -•ORE. BUSINESS :FORMS' L • TD. CALL ' 145 'TODAY FORS COMPLETE INFORMA.IYON ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT BUSINESS FORM RECORDS CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS SPEEDISETS, SALESROOKS' 'REGISTERS AND FORMS GUTS GHECK'S' REDiFORM BOOKS • ly over their uniforms. Oh and by gorrah would the Cub Pack remember the wearin} o' the green' neckerchiefs next. Friday night._ WEDDING 'BELLS = • DILLON HARRIS The •United Church . parsonage. in Teeswater' was . the scene of a, quiet wedding when • the ;Rev. Peter. Renner united in 'Marri- age, Susanna ?Agnes Lucinda. Harris and Joseph. Francis .Dil- lon. The bride is a daughter of Mr.. and' .Mrs. Albert ':Harris of Holyrood. The groom is the" son, Mrs. Dorothy. Dillon, Teeswater, and 'the late Mr. Dillon:. ' The bride wore. a party" dress of pink.' nylonchiffon: with fi't ted bodice 'and small 'collar. Tvhe: full skirt wascircled with 'old rose • insertions and was belted. with ;a blue. sash and trimmed with ornaments: She wore . '• a white flowered":hair,. band . and blue earrings. Mrs.. Farris.; was her attendant wearing a blue dress with pink trim and 'a blue , hat. ' Mr. ' J. D. Dillon was groomsman. ' The wedding supper, *as held at the home. of the .groom's; mo- •ther, 'Mrs. Dillon; Teeswater:.," They ;will reside in Teeswater. LOCHALSH •We ' are thappy to report that Jack Eiphick hasreturned home from the, hospital. ' .' Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacD.on- ald entertained` a nuinber of their.' friends on Satruday even Mrs. Howard Robinson and • Bill of Lucknow spent. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter • Dexter. Mr,Tom Kennedy spent Sun • - day with Mr. Herb Ensign: Callers ' on. relatives ..in this. community recently , were Mr. and Mrs: Frank Barkwell,,of' To- ronto: Mr. and Mrs. D; R. MacKenzie, visited in Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs.' George McGillivray. 'Billy • Finlayson had. the mss- fortune to have two' teeth broken 'off,' in , the . last hockey • game, between Ripley :and, Mildmay in the Kincardine .arena. Bill • and. Duncan' Farrish and Jack MacKenzie were ink/Clinton, on Mond a •'~ Mr.: and Mrs. Dan Wylds, spent ' Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd..' Wylds of Ripley... One . wayto get.: along with Some people is to get' along 'with - Out ':t� ern.......: ' on your spring requirements of inEffecttothe istofApril is