HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-15, Page 31. t • .r • WEDNESDAY, MAR, 151h, '1961 THE LucKNow sgionsma, LUCKNow. oNTARio PAGE „ I „ CLA4K'S' FANCY' TOMATO.' :JUICE,. . Save 4e, 48 oz. . 29c OLD 'TYME IVIAPLE FLAVOUR SYRUP Save 3c, ,1.6 oz. , 26c . • Aunt Jemima PANCAKE FLOUR • Regular, Buttermilk, Save 7c, 2 for 39c. MOTHER PARKER TEA BAGS Save 16c, 10c off pack 60's . 63c •LAYER CAKE MIXE.S Pillsbury,'Save 48c lg. p g., 4 for $1. WESTON CHERRY. GUEST CAKE . fiega!ar. 39e 35d Red 4 White JelIy Powders GRAPEFRUIT, 96's, Pink . .•10 for 39c BATHROOM. SCALES PREMIUM, Bonus Buy — "Trim" Brand ,Bathroorn. Scales„in attractive pastel colours, 300 Ib. , capacity.. Never ,befor.e offered at $3.59 with purchase, • • • .4-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-4-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-47•-•-44.-•-•-•,•-•-4-.-474-.47.- . . • . •tOr. ;GUELPH LAST WEEK • NAME, COMNIfTTEE. TO BRINGSLATE The ivlarch meeting "of the' Lucknow Women's Institute. was held' in. the -Council Charnber on Friday withA' large. attendance and with Phe, president, mrs. Phijlip Stewart, prsicling, Mrs. Russell ' •Robertson and. Omar• Brooks were appointed ..te bring in the',slate Of officers' for the 196:1702. term, Joe MacMillan was ap- Pointed• as, a delegate 'to attend. the ";. officerS' convention at 'Guelph hi May.. Mrs, George Broolts gave, a report on the card party: 'A collection, Was 'taken for pennies for friendship. .Ar- rangements were made for the 'ladies le servedinner for the. leaders of the classwho' are taking the 4-H 'course on Wed- nesday, and' Thtirsday, • The annual meetin is to be held in' April with ki. pot luck supper. All reports are,to be :1.0 for that meeting. Mrs. Jack'Emerson "presided for the program..,' .CornMunity •singing was: led by Mrs. J. W. Joynt. An ,Irish. reading, was given by Mrs. MacMillan and a solo . by Mrs. Philip Stewart,. "Danny Boy." ite oo / re paper 'on, public. relations. Mrs., I a s e an . . Mrs. John Emerson gave a , . Mary McLeod. gave a very in - °PHONE '26, -- 'FREE DELIVERY ,, , i teresting• talk On Ireland. A. i contest was conducted by Miss Local •St General: I . Mrs, Wellington Henderson re- turned recently from an extend- ed visit at Atlanta, Georgia and in • Fl.orida. Lloyd Bell returned to his s home in Lucknow last week, af- i ter five weeks in Victoria t • Hospi- •tal, London, where'he had. '.undergone major surgery • Allan 1VIcQUilliri, son of Mr. & Mrs. Dick McQuillin, returned last week after being hespitalized.' for a : time ,at VictOria Hospital, London.:' • 4 • e:5 Mrs. Ron Rothwell and Mrs.' Golloher of Norwood • 11' 1(j.. in e ht. ifl he' • ?r- 1 gh igd • ly. Oh' bf ' ip ith: • P ect ng. et her )at Ina au- • utli. and Mt, and atd vd 'spent .tht week' -end' with Mrs. Ed. Thorn. • Mr. • and , Mrs. George /NeWbold were recent. visitors in Windsor • and Detroit. •• • • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton & • Mr. and Mrs. Villiam• Schmid returned :on' Wednesday • of last • week from a holiday in' Florida. • • Mrs. J. E. Carniichaer whohad tbOep. visiting her • Sister; : Miss • Jean Lyons; returned • to Toronto •On Sunday to rejoin her husband •Dr.• Carmichael, •before. leaving for their. home in Edinontori. Visitorsover the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ben Steeves were Mr. and Mrs, AlYin' • Dauriheirper, 'and Linda, Marlin Koebel and John Rose, all Of • Kitchener.' and alsb' on Saturday eVening. were Karen •ArnOld 'of • London, Tom • .Collyer, Karen Streud and Jim Gardner:: • Lucknow Presbyterian Church. ' • -/ Rev. Roderick MacLeod 1 Minister • SUNDAY, MARCH 19th 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship Suriday• School followingS • Church service. • , ..410;:tdirii.i)4440.44•41/44111.41414046.14414.,0t41.4,0404414, LUCKNOW IUN'.,T. E• D CF, U•RCH arv,x(vgrtW.8trp , Minister ,I.. St.11400', MAItCII 1.9t11 1 10:90 ,aoin, Church' . School ..1, , I 1.1.:IS\k„a,:_nV, n Morning' Worship • .....4....-,........,.....i.iii.44.4,....041.,,,,....... 4. '/ W. R. I-lowey, manager of SilverWood Dairies; Lucknow;" is on, the sick list and isconfined to his.'home, for a rest. Mr, .and-IVIrs. Cecil Mullin of Hillsgreen visited'on Sunday.with ATTENDED COLLEGE ROYAL Mr. and Mrs. ;Gordon Finlay- son, Mr. an Mrs. Vernon Himter, Barbara Murray and • Marion' Mr. aridBuckton attended the 37th ann- Mrs. Walter Alton. , ual 011,6ge Royal. pt Guelph. last week. NATIVE 'CUSTOMS.13arbara Finlayson -and Joanne . , . Hunter, took part in the '.catt e MARKED NUPTIlittLS Showmanship events in the morn- ing. In the afternoon there was: 'AT 'DUNGANNON •..a .'fashion showing of . ,garnaents. made bythe class and •afternoon • • SIEVERT.-- PPLAIJM • • A Very pretty Marriage"Was selernriized at ,the'. Dungannon United. Chtirch,.. Saturday' even-, ing,, March '4th, at 8 p'.m. by the pastor, Rev. Trevor Richards. Standards. of tall, white tatiers entiwined with ivy lent effect for the candlelight cereinon.Y.. The bride: was '• Heidi; daughter Of. ;Mrs. Margarete Pflaurn of :Celle Germany. and the gro.om was Karl ,Heinz •Sievert,-, son of Mr: and Ars. Otto Sievert of • Wil- helinsh,aven, Germany: -Seven,. te:enth. Century music'was play- , . :ed -.at: the organ .by Mr: George EsPert of goderich. • • The :bridal procession to the altar was Jed: by Brenda, Brad- ley.and her Sister; ,Fay: Bradley,: little daughters.' bf,, Mr.. and Mrs.. •WIT1: Bradley 'of goderich. Bren- da. wore a' dress of 'pink Sheer. 'nylon with lace trimming, and. Fay wore 'light blue, nylon- with -matching •satin ' sash. Each wore a headband' of 'White nylon and 'stephanotis, They carried"pretty baskets of flower' petals,.- that they gracefull'scattered as they :came down the ushering, the bridal Couple: •The bridewas lovely'in an imj ported white gown of •her . Own I deogp, serni-formal ,length. The skirt of „perlontulle 'mater- ial hada 'shorter. overskirt-of erzgebirgische spitze ,(lovely hand 'embroidered lace),.fingetti sleeves and three-quarter length' veil which ..was fashioned •with .headpieee and,stephanotis .trim. She 'carried a lovely bouquet' of red and white :roses. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, were their attendants. After igning .the' register, they re- ' lUrned.. for photography and re- paired • •tO the Sunday School rooms, where they were greeted by neighbours and friends offer:- ihg best. wishes. A receptionwas held at Dunlop • Inn. • The -bride's going ',away cost- ume was a two piece. enseMble of bla'ck' ttevira and _Matching .accessories. ;After. a short honey - tea was served. • n • In ' the 'evening aexcellent play was enjoyed, • which was written, produced and stagedby • the student body of the O.A.C. George Richards .took part in a square dance which was One of the :novelty features 'of ' a scene in the play. . . • MRS, D. .J. .LANE PASSES :Mrs. D. J. f,,ane, wife of Rev. J: ::,Lanel of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Clinton, ded in Victoria Hospital,. Le don on 'Saturday: • Mrs. 'Lane had' been very active in the wor*' of the W:M.S. and served two terms on the Dominion' Council of the W.M.S., as, well as filling • many other important posts in Church and cominuriitY work. ;the funeral service was held in St: Andrew's .Church on Tues- day with burial in Walkerton cemetery. Mrs., Lane was the former Madeline *Huck 'of Wal- Firil y on on lrelancl 'The roll. call. was whatI. find most helpful 'from my W.S.:work. Ulrich, was served.. • , • NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY' • Wolves are '•On the increase, in 13ruce . and Grey it seems. :They are reported near CheSleY; in 'the Walkeitcin area and near Gorrie. One * m as Shot, at DUrha.! The increase. in rabbits. it 'believed to be •induding wolves to forage for them in„the open. • * * Paisley firemen asked': council kw a .50c an hour increase. While on, 'active duty. Coiincil met them half way. Members of the brigade have previously be,en receitritig $1.50 an hour 'and ,the fire chief $2.50. These rates ;will be . in- ereased 25c. - ' • McKee:Brothers Ltd., of Elmira established ten years ago, :are Continuing to expand and in- ctease 'the .proportion of bUsiness. being, done outside the proYinCe. A snow 'blower'was developed, . couple of years ago the latest iciaty7 is .• newly developed in- dustrial •loader narned "Irista, Ilitcher." ,• • The first month of the new. Year saw ' dairY.. production. Brube ,county continue to climb. There was 553,668 pounds ef ereamery butter. :produced; in cornearison with 515,205' pounds in the Same month of '1060. This increase also was reflected in cheddar .cheese 'manufacture, Which climbed from' to 81;700 pOuntis., • Besides her husband, she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Clayton Edvvard • of Goiderich and a son, Donald B. Lane of Montreal. CONFIRMATION SERVICE f. FOR SHELLY: PEARLMAN Many guests: • and ' *relatives •.. 3eined Dr, anMrs', Morris Pearl - ;than and Mr:and Mrs. Louis' Mal - for the combined Confirma- tion .celebrations of -their ychild•••• ren, Shelley', Pearlman and Ron- ald Maltin at AhaVas Isaac, Syno7. gOgue in Sarnia. The congregation was pleased •in .the Way'Shelley conducted the Bervicet especially since' this erviee has . never • before, 'been: led entirely by the Ba.t'Mitzyah girl at this synogogne. Follow-. ing Shelley's •Corifirrnation; , re- ceOtion Washeld in the auch7, toritnn cif . the•SynbgOgue,, •at •Which :Dr.. .and Mrs., Pearlrrian and Shelley and her, brother,.. Mark and grandmother, Mr. Steiman', received the. Congratti oon, theywill -returri to the 1 - • ations of their guests and wel-. °m, 'farm 'of Mr. • Thorns Webster, corned then) to aii attractive tea . where the. groom lige been ern., table ° father 1,,S_ the ,a.fOrrii_err,' s time, :arid ril'ogY.etiduafroteres,-,..0. hn•Ittes rranp,__ and MrSCh poaritna, oori LuekrieWite.,• Son of •th te M in their home. . , . . , . . DR! pi:1y less for your: auto • kniuran'tel. • Insure with ABSTAINERS'. INSURANCE cOMPA1',11f,, • the one insuranee company in Canada that is.sue.p..polis',. cies only to nn -drinker We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. ' ALEX B. MKAGUE Phone .39276332 Teeswater ' ALL LINES OF INSURANCE,. Representing the ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE , COMPANY 24 Peel Street Box 444 S.mcoe Onto, c. simmEiliTE;orviest et ostablIslitd.tolok poodoot odlostors satiable to polloptiohlsis Motodag aufwkoto lo Canada so tlie 113.A. . • MARKED 'THEIR 25TH 'WEDDING ANNIVERSARY •Mr. -and Mrs. • Archie Nichol- son •othe , Giamis' district ob-,. 'served their 25th 'wedding anni4; fversary on Thursday, March 2ncl.„ • ••At that time friends and neigh- ,, bours dropped in to wish them , well and shower them with gifts,,, flowers and cards. . On Saturday 'ev,ening;March4th, .a family •gathering was held. to. mark the event.. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson' 'were married by Rev: Mr. Patton, of . the Ashfield Circuit. They resid- • ed at Belfast until some six' years • ago when- they moved to a farm, in the Glarnis-Paisley district. • Mrs. Nicholson' it the former Edith Alberta (Birdie) •Reed. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Reed. • They. .have a, family at • two, Donald at home' and Mrs, Bob .McInnei, (Helen). of Clintom Lyceum Theatre/ WINGHAM • Two Shows Each Night • , • Commencing at 7:15 p.m. ' (MATINEE •• SatUrclaY Afternoon at 2 p.m Thurgday, , Friday, Saturdan , • *arch 16; 17,18. ,Kervviu Mathews, 'Jo Morrow.' • June Thorburn in• , • THE '3 'WORLDS OF GULLIVER • One of .the great stories of all, times from the novel by Jonathan Swift and taking place in' the land of mate believe. • ' PARK .. . . , . NoW Playing --.--• The Royal "W.edding In Springtime" to: .. • with Dick ..Shawn.,S "Wizard of Baghdad" .•A Ciyeat. Technkolor Double AttraCtitn. : t ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, • Mamh.20,. '21; 22. • Vincent Price ---,- Myrna' Fahey 4,,,,a Mark Damon .. ' .1 ' Froin Edgar. Allen Pee*.s 19th, Century Classic' 11THE. HOUSE OF ,USIIIERS": • In Horror -Score and 'Color .--7- -Adult: Entertainment. t• ., I. Alsor 4::iSTET4 ' OVER THE ATLANTIC" • •• Virginia Mayo and George Raft •.: • Gontitice Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 23, 240' 25, Walter Brennen Ph1 Harris .and Brandon tieVVilde In a fun show 'to- please the entire family. . THE ,BOY AND THE LAUGHING DOG • Cotriifibesire lij The D."6st."Adfilt' 5iitertaintrient', •i•.• 4+4-* 44.440 .46.#,*"10-4,4.."7•• +4-44**•4 44 44-4 4 4. • • • • tl` • I?" ..1 /45 11 .1 4