HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-08, Page 1001, , AGE TEN THE, 'LUCKNQW SENTINEL, ;LUCKNQW ONTARICI. "WEDNESDAY,, MAR, ,oth, ] 961. JBL,ICITY FOR hol', he said, also quoting from the report; "Recognition of a OL POLICY' wrong within the church is, not • t'saidth1Vitr. Hohhey.hHeh p9 mnt1-. • d th ;Representatives from . United Church'..congregations in Huron Presbytery . met .this: week in +Clir>4ton to, discuss 'the report of'. the Commission' on, Temperance , 'oli y as it was presented to the. 1911 ;; General Council 'of the Church held. in Edmonton last Septernber.'A motion asking, that. 'eneral Council ' "make a release ,to' the press in regard to our•op- , position .to .• the liquor traffic was approved by the Presbytery. Bev. T.G. Husser . of Wingham. proposing' the motionstated that the general public: has been left with a • distorted view of'' the -church's policy.' "Our .church is m comitted 'to" a policy of `active resistance to ", the evils , of the liquor . traffic' : and `responsible concern for the widespread probr leets it creates'," said Mr, Hus-, ser, ,quoting from the : report which was.' adopte d by the Gen- eral Council. • '"We. have favour- ed the establishment of national advertising ` codes on condition that 'the objective would be in line. with the • Bracken Commis- sion, .namely, the, elimination of all liquor advertising and promo- tion'," said Mr.' Husser again quoting the report. Rev.. ' A. .''E.' Holley of Grand. Bend, who acted as moderator of. the discussion, outlined the con= ;tent of .the ' report and': drew . at- tention to • the • recommendations. "Voluntary total' . abstinence is recommended: :as `.the wisest;and; safest course to follow in rela- tion to the ,use of:beverage alco- MARK WEDDING . ANNIVERSARY e o u' a: e c u'rc as, a- ways recognized faults • in, its. membership; but, l e added, "there is a differencebetween recogni gtion of a wrong, practice and ap- proval of• that practice." 'It was pointed out: in the discussion, that. •the. United: Churchin its Councils has, not approved. •the use of Alco- cholic beverages asan ideal of .Christian conduct for its mem- bers and that the Church still ,holds to. the policy of voluntary; total abstinence. At the same time the recent Council did call upon, the •membership of the church. to `practice Christian love in their attitude to all -men' and 'to be ' informed .in their 'opinions Land tolerant toward•;their fellow• church. members who' hold 'dif- ferent views."Attention was drawn to the section, of the re - ;port which outlines guidesto responsible conduct' for (both. 'Moderate drinkers" and "total abstainers." Also considered, 'at this meet. ing held in Wesley -Willis United Church in ;Clinton was the: inter- im ..report on "TheDoctrine and Practice of Church Membership," MARKED GOLDEN'. WEDDING IN WEST • --rte., Mr, and .iMrs ' David'. R. Suther- land of ' Tuxford,, Sask., were honoured guests recently .when family and friends gathered in the Elks Social Hall,: Moose Jaw on the occasion of their' golden. wedding .:anniversary, . A. pro- gran'une was..enjoyed , followed'' by a buffet supper;, They were'. presented with two large easy, chairs • Mr. and 'Mrs. Sutherland, the• former Sadie Dewar of Nairn Ontario were 'married on Janu- ary 31st, 1911, ping to Moose - Jaw in 1913. 'They have lived :in Moose Jaw ' district_ ever since;; Mr. 'Sutherland 'is, a native .of Kinloss` Township, and . a brother of Hugh and Miss Martha Suther- land. of Lucknow: • Entire family of the couple were .present, who are: Mrs. E, Galvin '(Anna) of Calgary;. Mrs. G. W. Bruce (Irene) of Ottawa; Stewart • and Fraser • of • Moose Jaw.''_ Congratulatory messages were received' from, : Prime' ' Minister John . Diefenbaker, ..Lester • B. Pearson, 'Premier T. ,C. Douglas, Ernest` Pascoe, 'M.P., Hon. W. J. Davies, .Lt.` Col. G. W. Bruce of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs.. J., iV, • r, e ofC a. . ;a'. att r 1 . V a• ,: g • Y I w Out. of town guests present were, . Len Short of Vancouver, Mr. and; ;Mrs. A. H.. Stephenson of Edmonton„ Mrs, C. A, Step- enson of Calgary,:. Mrs., Cora Steward of Regina, :Mrs, E. Web; ater,; Mrs, Gordon, Dear, Ste- wart Dewar and Miss.. Helen Yurkowski of .Regina, , , ZION'• Miss Anne `Ritchie spent the week-eri:d ' ' in" Acton with ;her ;grandmother, 'Mrs: _ ,ary McAu- ley. Mr. and Mrs.' • Less Ritchie spent an evening last •week .with. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie.' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swan and. Mr.:' and Mrs.' Russel • Swan, ‘at- tended' the wedding of • Everett Swan and' 'Pat Zimmerman on 'Friday, ' March: '3rd. at the Thorne of the bride's: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zimmeriinan of Galt.` Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hackett visited Sunday "evening ,with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington of .St. Helens. Mr. and.. Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and family and Mr. and' Mrs. Will Ritchie •spent Sunday in Goderich with Mrs. Jean 'Papernick., . TO EQUIP CHA:PEL,; ,A►T COUNTY anadian Le ion, arid ,Auxil ar ? branches; in 'Bruce County, : nuzn kering about` 25, will .undertake to,equip .the new 'chapel in .'the: !County Home for the ,Aged, now. under construction at Walkerton,: . Representatives from the Lr uok no!w Legion and Auxiliary : at tended the meeting in Walkerton • when: the project' was discussed;, The .plans:' is to .supply pews, stained° glass windows, carpeting, fittings ' for two clergy rooms, • organ, drapes,' and' ar,emern brance book, The cost is ,expect- .ed, to be between _$4,000 . Ss $5,000.. , The 'building, to be "known as Br; uce Lea Haven, is to . be fin idled b.y ,the middle of : June' or the first of July, it was an.nounc ed recently. It will include a sec- tion for. chronically .ill inmates,, and • such extra. features as a small barber shop. • .About half "the cost of over $800,000; which does not include •bhe "extra's, will. be paid by gov- ernment subsidies..: Splinters on the ladder of suc- cess are .much sharper on the way . down. :t■■i■■N•■■■■■tit■■■i■■■mmeliminemme■Ui■ai.i■■UST■mmosmoI■■I■:■■t■■■i■■•Ui■• ■■•o•UImmemonU ••■■o ■ i • ■. (HOLYROOD NEWS) A 'family\gathering was :held ■ at the .home ' of Mr. and , Mrs. : 2 Mark •Johnson on Saturday ev- ' ■ ening, March 4th to;`. celebrate. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's :' forty- . '■ 'fifth .,Wedding anniversary: A so- •cial . evening , was , • spent after ■ vihich . lunch was served: Those :' resent ' for the'' ' occasion were : si • Ir, and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins, Jondon, ; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne, ,■ Johnson, . Mrs and Mrs. Elwood •Hodgins and son, Toronto, . Mr. ■ and Mrs. Percy Deyell and son, : ■ Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Donald ■ Martin and family,. 'East; Wawa- ■ nosh; Mr sand -•Mrs. Bert Moss ■ a and son,' Auburn; .'• Mr. Donald . ■ Johnson, Simcoe; Mr. and -Mrs'' Cliff .Johnson and Barry ` and ■'. Lloyd Johnson. We extend con- gratulations to Mr: and Mrs. ■ ■ V V1111J V11♦• • •,■ Mr. Earl Culbert, London, cal- a led on friends ' on the line on ■ Saturday. ■. Mr. •and Mrs. Currie Colwell is • and family' were Sunday visitors ■ with Mr. and Mrs. ' Wm, Eadie. . -Little Ann Ackert spent a few dayslast week with her : grand- ■ parents,'' Mr. .and' • Mrs. G. Mc,. Callurn, Listowel: ■ Mr. :and Mrs. Lorne'- Eadie spent Friday in London. • Mr: and Mrs.. Douglas Smith & Chris, Kitchener, were - recent' -visitors.. with Mr. arid Mrs. Jim • r. Smith. ■ Mrs. urice' Hodgins .is 'visit - Mg :this week' with her parents, la' Mr and. Mrs. Mark 'Johnson. ' • • ■. Mr: and Mrs. Corbett, Barrie;: are visiting at the `Richard Elliott home. Sister Inured In Fall • ■ Mr.' and Mr$•.; Sam Earmer visited on Sunday in London ■ With relatives. ' Mrs. Farmer's ■. sister, Mrs. Cooper, had the mis- , fortune . to fall and break her • i back. ■ Congratulations to Mrs • and • ; , Mrs, 'Brian Doelman on the birth ■ of a daughter in, Wingharm. Hos- . ■' pital• an March 2nd, i ■ ■. STATIONERY NEEDS ca be E filled at The Sentinel, writing ■ • Most municipal and rural wa- ter has, hardness 'rating in excess , of ' 10 grains, This is very hard water •• in which `.case the installa- tion of A .MIRACLE WATER CONDITIONER in .your home; is; 'the solution. ,• �. Actually, it • costs'' -you money to have that , dull hair, those gray sheets, '.that ring in the bathtub, . and ,the film •on \dishes. ; In water, such as Most of '.the. supply ' in the:. town . and rural area; ,as much as 80 per cent of the cleaner Is wasted this way. This deposit also causesclothes to 'wear : out ,9 more quickly. It can ','clog .:drains by uniting,. with grease in, an almost' solid mass. These minerals can ; raise. your hot water heating bill .by -form- sing a: scale on 'the inside of the boiler and : heating .elements. • IN INDUSTRY ,TOO Conditioned water. has , its uses in business and industry, too. Restaurants find it not. • only saves, you money' on soap, but also food products such as cof-. fee and : tea,' 'Smaller amounts are needed and the product` tastes •better: made ' with condi- tioned 'water. ondi=tioned'water. • Laundries . and Iaundroniats, use, conditioners and apartment • building owners have started .to advertise the presence• of condi- tioned, water as an added at- traction 'for prospective tenants: The answer is conditioned wa- ter from which hardening chem- . • cals such as lime: magnesium ,arid iron; are:removed by A• MIRA- CLE WATER CONDITIONER: paper., envelopes', hasty notes, ■ /hank .yo`4 ;dotes,,,bcxed greeting i' . cards,, Tragic, markers and refills, r', file ,folders, 'receipt books, "state= 'al.' ment ;pads,. ' scratch pads, Pens,■ r efil.ls, and many other items. . PHONE 687 'The, Luckriow Sentinel; 35,, Y.,uck low, You can rut the shine back in your hair and take the tattle -tale • gray out of your washing, and save money doing• its All in all A .MIRACLE TER CONDITIONER can save: the average family hundreds of. dollars . annually'. maim' ■ , •- ■ ,.. ■•: ■ • ■ • ■ ■ ▪ • ■ ■ i ▪ ••' ■ ■ ■ ▪ • . ■ ,111 MI ■ ■ .■• ■•. ■ ■• • ■. ▪ • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • •■ ■ ▪ .. ■ ■ ■ THE NEW 'DELUXE FULLY AUTOMATIC SOVEREIGN UNIT• FULLY• ELEC=TRI:-MATic ONCE.YOU INSTALL'IT ' YOU NEVER NEED TO TOUCH IT INTRODUCTORY CALL FOR HOME emonstration AND ;RECEIVE WITHOUT A?] i'/» •..T YYI►i. 1 T r' A 1't'rTr 1 ii cam. ■ 20 -:PIECE SET OF MELMAC • •MI Made • In Canada -.'A. QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE • . WILL ' CALL -AT YOUR 'CONVENIENCE Walkerton Collect° ater iticthers • 32a DJRHAM STREET • ■�■■�■r■■■■ri■iia■■a:taaarii�%■uia�■��� . i�rNf��aa■'r'■■�iai■sihtit" omit ■■arirai■r'ra+�sir■iaralla■'■iso, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■▪ •: ■ i ■ u i a ■ ■ a.• WALKERTON x; i goir 'mom