HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-08, Page 5f' • WEPNBSDAY, 8th,,. ' 1961 THE, LUCKN6 W SENTINEJs , LUCKNOW, ONTAR O: s l I-Iavjng taken over the j:ob:4.. • shipper :for •,the. ; .. Lucknow Co-op Scales. Co,,3. we wish, to announce that, ; . Announce' shipping will' 'Commence March, •6th with, the •following'• 'schedule.. ' and MONDAY .CATTLE DAY TUESDAY -_-:. 'HOG DAY' P'lione Luc. know 56-r-3 I, . ; Collect will goanywhere. to inspect your cattle., JOE FORAIY.: .:•1�n�,!�t1�o�y�Ro�tiln�q �� �N=►o��+��u�+1 o,11..n411.1.olm..! 0. 1.0)1 7.•. LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macintosh. ' have arrived home from a` heli, day in .Texas. • Mr. and .Mrs.. Malcolm Finlay ;son of Toronto :spent the . week, -end withl Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Finlayson°'and family. • A' number from .this carrimun- ity ' atiended the funeral' of Dr. John A. MacDonald on Satur- day in •Ripley. Sympathy of the ' community' is .extended, to Mrs, -.MachDonaldand. •Donald J. Mr: and Mrs,' pert Alton .visit - ,'ed visit,'ed with Mr„and Mrs, David :Elp hick Thursday evening Visitors . with Mr.. ,:and.' Mrs. • •Oliver•McCharles and John were Mr.a. • Alan ' Whicher,. John and, Elizabeth Anne of Wiarton, Jean Janson -and Allan .McCharles of Toronto; ' The C,G.I:T: meeting was held on Monday evening at the home of. • Mrs. . Bill .Ross: MSS, ,Ewan MacLean and Mrs: Stewart Mac- Lennan were. in 'charge, • r arid. Mrs, Lorne . ,Luther. Wein 'Lucan' on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie visited in Londesboro and Clin-. ton • recently: Mr:: Jack. Bradley •is again a patient in Kincardine hospital: Mr. ' and Mrs,, Harvey • Robb Were . in,charge of the Teen Town dance at Pine River. on Friday evening. ■uIUUI•U■Io■■U�asa■UUrlIlIUI■Isi�S■.■U■a■.UUIN FOR FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT • ■ • ' .■ •■. ■•. • ■ .• ■, • • i.' .. a,. 0' i. . i . it: • ■ • ••. •••• i• • ■ ■ ervic TO or FROM TORONTO of. LUCKNOW -- LONDON KNOW All ° .Loads Insured * New Wingham Warehouse Serving Wingham and District * Household . Moving Service, to any Ontario points. No Load Too Big --- No Load Too Small -- Receive -are • When. .0 Ship By. • ■. ' LDEN :DROTH.ERS�' •• •. . 1 " % PHONE COLLECT: •i. ig. SIPERTEST ,GARAGE PHONE 248 • LUCKN.OW.. a,' I*Winghaiii 15 ■ Kincardine ..530' .. Ripley 193 Tell..Your :Traveller, or When :Ordering; To ■ 111SHIP; BY WALDEN BROS.. TRANSPORT : a ■ r. • .By GE8 �3London Phonin RU 7-6541 Toronto' or n rano■■■■■..■■.U■a.■■*■mmanimia■■■UP...■■timmume r BROWNIE NEWS Twenty girls. • attended the Brownies' regular meeting' on. Friday, March •3rd, including a, new Tweenie, Margaret. Chester. After the :opening ceremony, Brown Owl called on the wind to Magic the Brownies into the four seasons. When they returned to the!Fairy R'ing, .they had become Spring,birds, Summer butterflies, Autumn; • leaves ' and Winter. snowflakes.., The Queen ' of each season (Si:Xer). !brought the .col- lect'ion to the Toadstool and a game was played. Then the ma- gic wind turned ail ,back into Brownies; again : and they settled down to work. • The Golden Bar Brownies sew- •ed on buttons. for their test and Tawny , Owl taught the 'Golden Hand Brownies.- The rownies.-T•he meeting closed. with the Gnomes • leading to form an archway and singing "Where we've .been no. One can find.” • 1ST LUCKNOW GIRL G.TJIDES • On Friday, . March '3rd 'a Girl Guides meeting was held. .with, 20 : Guides' • attending. Guides. formed, a ., 'horeshoe and.' talked about 'cookie day: Horseshoe was dismissed and ,Guides tried a test, Games were then played and the meeting closed .with taps: OLIVE 17 The `sympathy of the. 'corn u- nity ; : is extended to NM'-rs: J. 'A, •MacDonald, ``and ' son, Donald J. and m.ariy 'relatives in• the. sudden passing of Dr. J A MacDonald' who has served this district .:.as. dentist' for. many.'•years and will be greatly missed. • _ • Mr. ,arid •?Mrs. Ernie Gaunt of St. -Helens visited on Sunday with Mr: and_tMrs. ' Sandy MacCharles and•'• farnily. They also called on Mr; Donald `MacCharles and Miss Jessie of Ripley. "Mrs.. •Bill Finlayson of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr.: and Mrs. Shirt Bowers.' . Mr George.:Brock has return- ed home .from. Kincardine • Hospi- tal: Mrs . Melvin Lolling visited with Mr. and:Mrs.:Douglas John •son .and` attended. the •W.I., !beet ing on , Wednesday. Miss Alice Harrington .of Rip- ley visited -recently .with. Mr.. '&. 1VIrs. Walter Black and' :family 8r attknded , the W M:S:' meeting 'at. the home of Mrs '. Walter Roul- ston ' ori Thursday.' '1Miss Donna' Osborne of Toron- to .spent the week -end .with. ,her mother; • Mrs: Elmer Osborne Miss. Marilyn Finlayson, .nurse in=training, spent, : the .week -end with her parents, Mr: and . Mrs. Orville . Finaayson. Mr ' and ' Mrs, Bill (Bushell of Teeswater visited, on Sunday with Mr= and Mrs.:. Melvin Col- ling and Sharon. L.A.C.. John.. Nelson, and ' Mrs.: Nelson; the former• Leda. White, of Winnipeg,. Manitoba, with their children,' Russell,. : Sherry and. Peter :are visiting . .with 'their parents, Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Russell Nelson: of Desboro and •Mr..'and Mrs ''Oscar White. John is taking special training in Camp'Bor,den. PAGE Fritil "Health" with MA. Bill Stanley as convener. The roll call' was. • answered by a "Safeguard For:: Good Health." The motto, ,,"Build' ' Bealtl3'; oby thought,; word:. or deed w as 'well given by Mrs. 'Bill. MAKES ' Stanley, Miss Ruth Thompson, : E.Q E T' S S .,... Public Health Nurse for this, .dis.T trict was guest speaker, her su'h.-- TO W.M.S. GROUPS ject being geriatrics. A tee ..of. Presbyterian; W.M.S.'$ On March 1st mein hers' of the afternoon auxiliary' of the W.M.S. met in. the church with ;an atter=. dance" of. 21, Mrs. C. Cook, se- cond' vice-president chaired the meeting, assisted by Miss: Nellie Macolrn recording secretary. Dur- ing business details' it was an-• nounced that+ the Easter Thank offering meeting would beheld on April 7th with 'Mrs. Cromey of Kincardine as:.gue1st speaker, also ,•that, a legacy ,of $200 had, :been left `to the Society by 'the will'r of the late • Miss • Hannah.' MacDonald. Roll call was; . an swered by naming .a, -:favorite hymn andits author..The Bible study taken by :Mrs. J, Little. from Luke 2 dealt •withthe life of 'Anna, the. prophetess Mrs. Howard . • Agnew gave a detailed report 'on the 3rd chapter. •of the study book "Intoe all the' world Together". The aim . is to . bind us all • more closely together in •a ' spiritual unity with ,Christ in working .together:: as . denomina tions to relieve the terrible needs'. existing :in our 'world today. At present there are . 45, million homeless' people, and during ; the past Refugee Year, $5. million, was, raised to..aid the work. How= ever much remains. to;be done'. for the poor . unfortunates living in squalorand• want: Canada; has adrnitted 326 T.B,. patientsand, their families:. The 'prayer circle was , taken , by. Miss ' Mary Mac: Leod•: and.. Mrs T. A. 'Cameron' while 'Miss • Elizabeth ' Henderson closed~ the meeting with' prayer. At. the regular meeting on; :April 5th the Mission/ Band and moth- ers will be entertained. Soutl% 'Kinloss W.M S..' The ,March meeting "of. -South Kinloss' '.W:M.S. was • ' held on Wednesday,; 1ylarch 1st at the horrie of Mrs. , Allister -,Hughes with Mrs.'.Ross ' MacMillan and Mrs. Harold ''Campbell; as direc- tors. Mrs, Herb •Buckton • presid- ed' and. during:th•e. 'bisipess ses-. •sion, it'`''was1 revealed that a:: leg-. acy" :of.: $200 had been :left to the society. by the late Miss Hannah MacDonald ' Mrs: • W.•' F. MacDon- Bald read the story' `of the, life . of Elizabeth, mother of John• the: Baptist: 'The Bible study. for.this. meeting ..was' Psalm:::46' 'and'' 'this. portion was ;read :-by ;,Miss Martha ,Sutherland: The probable, 'occa sign- for Fits writing 'being ;the Assyrian invasion of Judah . when 185;000 of the enemy perished overnight • at. the .''touch of the • death 'angel: Byron's poem': "Thee Destruction of.' Sennacherib" :was react .by Mrs. Buckton. The • roll call was a verse with the word "help','`.. and ,. follo+ving. this • Mr"s. Leonard: MacInnes read a 'poerri. YOUR LOCAL DEAFER' FSR MO.ORE BUSINESS FORMS LTD. ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT BUSINESS FORM RECORDS CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS CALL US TODAY . FOR. MPLETE INFORMATION SPEEOISETS SALESBOOKS REGISTERS AND FORMS GUEST CHECKS REDIFORM BOOKS g?l CKNO' by Annie .;Johnston Flint based '.on • Psalm 46. and entitled "This • 1Vlornent." The study "IMO the world •Togethei" 'was :further • e`de v- l 1Di : ,whe aped 'by .Mrs. Ira ickie w showed that the '-worlds many ' " ,'new and 'pressing problems re- otfire' a united effort on' the' part :of all • C'hrist:iais , the World over: The prayer circle' :was' conducted' by Miss' Sutherland, 1VIrs, 'Ted. Collyer, Mrs.. H. '.'Campbell and Mrs. Sandy MacLeod hers Doug-' l.as : Graharri . had- reports from ai°loos ' m ssi.cns at home .and 'abr oad., to which .she had sent supplies of 'litei'atuui'c and cards. Mrs. 'Ross 'MacMUlillan mead a let- ter , froni 'Dr. 'ITugh: MaeMillan •giving a glimpse Of the:busy and strenuous life 'in Formosa among the . churches . and schools aid hospitals. The hostess and direc- •forS served a tasty luncch cti '- SPOKE ON PIS)FASES SOF THE AGED AT .'W.I. METING The March meeting. oftthe Sil- ver • Lake' ' W,I.. •Was held at the., • 'home of Mrs: ,A.lbert Co'lwet1 last Wednesday • There was a good attendance of members and seV-• PHONE 9 eral guest,.': were' present, The: ' meeting opened by singing the ' Ede. The meeting was on 30c ,per member was collected to, help, send delegates to • Western. ' Canada; next summer. A special, meeting was plannedr. for March 14th at. the .Kinloss S'clool House to plan •next. year's pr...ogramzrie. Lunch was served +by Mrs,. AT- bert Colwe1l..and" Mrs, Stanley Cooper. The tumble that' hurts worst is 'the fall over your own bluff. • QUALITY - CONTROLLED HATCHING • DEPENDABLE SERVICE First step to more e . income 9.9 , The, right choiceof flock replace- ment stock is the first step toward higler:egg income: This year, start right with the Shaver Starcross 288 from your Swifts Hatchery. The Starcross 288 ranked first in hen -housed production and net incohie,in both the California and .- Canadian Central Random Sample Tests last year. It •placed;in the top 4uarter in the 'Missouri test•with' 261 eggs per hen housed and $2.79 net income.. • • . Many fanners in this area have• • flocks of Starcross 28$'s in 'pro - duction now. Find out firsthand how this white egg layer performs, or call us for More details before. youorder your flock replacements. r SWIFT'S HATCHERY ,..mac-.A.,r ••••••••*.ormmr. LUCKNOW • • • 1