HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-08, Page 3wEDIs'I?.'; MAR• .lath, 406I. THE .LUCK YqW SEI;\tTINEL, LUCKNQW, QATAR:, RED '& WHITE PEANUT BUTTER... , *. 3c •off ..pack, Homogenized, .Save 8c.. ` • 16 oz. mason jar ;, , , 29c .,HIRRIFF'S 'INSTANT ,POTATOES, ,6 oz., Save. 4c4 y * R ,. a , .: • t 2 HEINZ: TOMATO KETCHUP ' . Saye. 23c,' 1'1, oz. ; ; 4 . 'for 85c, Cypress, 'Gardens GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. Save 1lei 48.'oz, tins 3 for $1,:. JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH Save 2c; 3c off, 32.. oz. 'SUNSPUN ICE: 'CREAM,' pi c: . nt ... '25c • KRAFT 'DINNERS 'Save ,21c . ! NRSCAFC, 30c ' off Pack.' • Save 50c, 8' oz.' jar T SUNSPUN SALAD DRESSING 16 oz, jar BAKERY FEATURE WESTON • CHELSA BUNS:. 8. to. package A. 2 for 29c £9c 33c - 35c We Have On Hand . Turkeys at Special Prices for banquets, churchorgan}zations,' etc•:' 1 PAgg TUREAk Ladies' ,and Mems Wear • Fashion Millinery 'Phone 85, Lucknow Bruce Dry Cleaners The NF W' LOOK in FASHION Elegant Coats,,. Dramatic Dresses,; Gay,• • Colorful Sportswear: Sleek, • new Foundation Garments, Frothy, '.Crispy Lingerie, Scarves, Bags, Gloves, New Fluffy Millinery, Sheer, demure Nylons, New look' in Maternity : Wear, Bridal Dresses and Veils, Nurses' . 'uniforms. 'FREE.. One-half ' baby bonus cheque ,refunded on any purchase for • March; April 'and,. MaY: Draw, made once a 'month.'. 'PHONE '2 V- 6 � FREE DELIERY•.' AMONG. RECEPTIONISTS AT. UWO SOCIAL'. EVENT.: 41-44.4.4.-4-4-+-4-•••-•-•-404-44-110. 4-••••••-- . ..4-4-4-.-.. .. .. r Localea Misses •. Shirley and `Alice . Brooks . of . ; Toronto ' spent the week -end. at, their home here Miss. Mariily . Brooks spent the' • week =end with ' her' friend,/ Nan cy . Kirkland, • Mrs: • Carman .Hamilton..:• is a '.patient in Wingham. . Hospital Having been. .tak'en'...:there • last. week=end: • Mrs. J, :E:.CarMichael ' of, Ed'-.' rnonton' is :visiting this ,week 'With, her. sister, .Jean•. Lyons arid other• relatives: • .- • Mr'. and. Mrs, : Charles Sandi - Son •Mount' Pleasant •were : vis itor'.s• at • The Parsonage On 'Mon_: • day' with •'Rev. ,Howard and MrS; •Strapp: • :4444..,•,:.,:."4444,. .-4444._.:. Mrs. .Oliver" (Lenore), ..Glen who has /. been . receiving treat- ment in. victoria .'Hospital-: for. the' past. ;few :'weeks,: was, horne ,for: the week -end, :arid: is '.in jib - :proved health., ', ' 1Vliss 'Ru'by ,*ebb , moved' last' Week to the front apartment' over the • former '`Market ' Store" re-. ceri'tly purchased by.•..Cyril 'Brown.' Mrs John , Munro: of petroit. is visiting' :at.' the ' home .of Mr. 'and 'Mrs.' John Hall. Ernest Blake' who had* been•`a 'patient .in' Wingham Hospital for, the past few .weeks,• Was discharg- ed the .first of• the week and is pre' en:tly at the home of Mr..and Mrs Harold' .Webster at Auburn: •'Mr. and Mrs.. D C. Kingsbury, •have returned to their home here !after spending,' .the winter.; :in,.. Dundas•' :• !'4444 Lucknow r Church t esb terian •Chu Rev Roderick MacLeod Minister -.. SUNDAY : MARCH 12•th T1:00 a.m: • Morning, Worship I. Sunda Sch. ool following- • Y g j.. Church ' service. ;444i •414,444 44iiiii!starli4A444411044.1,43444.2.410 L Uc 'K pow , I UN :1 4444. .' ITED' CH RCH . Rev Howard W Strapp I Minister i SUNDAY MARCH 12th • Miss • Doris '.Miil+holl.and of Kia lai'ney, Man:,' . is' , Spending ' two weeks •with M'r. and'. Mrs. Ste wart, . Stanley. Among, Lucknowites in Wing- ham hospital whom,; we neglect ed. to, rMention: last -week is: An gus Graham, who. • has :been 'hos- pitalized . pitalized for Several months since undergoing amputation surgery. ,Jack.' Cook wasa. patient':.in Wingham . Hospital' during` .the' past• week: • ' : Joe McCoy was admitted. to' Wingham:',hospital last Week. • Wa1Tace•. Millet ..of St. Helens underwent surgery 'in Wingham 'Hospital on Monday. He .h•ad'.b'een hos italized . for a time but •e- . p turned !horde `Thursday.. On Mon.. day' .Ye: suffered a painful: seizure 'which , made Burger imperative. • /1 {'NOTICE. Ladies Auxiliaries Will enter=, ,10:00 : Church . School 'tain other Auxiliaries at a social I''' .evening, Tuesday, :March 14th. 11:00 a,m. , rninWorship"ii •All members. are' asked to. attend • 1 Nio g .! 1 : and. please bring' articles for pen= r:....,, .-.,_,•_ 41;4 ...,..0...,,.. +4444: ,. ny auction -0i. . •. T' L. OSBORN:S MIRACLE, - FILM' STIRRING..,.THRILLING, ..UNFORGETT,ABLEt' A VIVID PORTRAYAL OF .NATIVE LIFE 1N A NEW NATION' :KUNLOUGH • PENTECOSTAL CHURCH h :FRIDAY;' MARCH 10i11;8:00 pan • Mr.: Bud "• Griffin, and sons, Michaelnd PariDetroit were week -end . visitors at • the home of their; uncle arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 'MacMillan. "Say Mello to the. 'old gang,". writes Harvey Naylor of London in renewing • his., subscription. "Sure enjoy. `reading al •the news and 'I ,don't think.I'.miss "a 'single. line from, front to back," he, adds. BORN: • FOR 1V -- A t � Win h ..er �'1: ,A � .arrr' Gen a Hospital. on .Friday, February 24, 196'1, ',to • Mr.',and 'Mrs. Gordon Foran, PLR .. 2 Auburn, son, James .7:oseph. ARNOLD' .-, At Wingharn Geier- al Hospital :on 'Wednesday; :Feb- .ruary 22n, .,1961; to Mr; and Mrs. Walter' • Arnold,, R.R. a .daughter:'' NIXON'Wingham' General' Hospital:.,: •on • Monday, February 27th, 1961,•'to Mr.• and'Mrs.:Wayne. Nixon, .(Janet Thorburn) now a• : daughter CARTER ' in Wingham Hospit- al on Th'u`rsday; March. '2nd to Mr.' and f•••Mrs.: Gordon :carter,. (Daisie -Lambkin,), Lucknow.,''a' Son,. ' James Wa.lter,. ' DE `GR.00T -=- at;' Sudbury. Tuesday, February;28th, 1961, `to Mr., .and •jMrs:.• Roy De ; Groot,.:;'a. son,' .•a brother' for. Kevin.' :Mrs. be Groot is the former Yvonne Gardner and 4444 Was born at .Lucknow. MacDONALD in Wingham. General' Hospital :on, Thursday; March'2nd, to; Mr:. and +Mrs'.' 4ck McDonald, Lueknow, a `•'dau'g:h,= ter, Etta Belle..• . • ••4444• ROBEE:'SON'. Born 'in :Wing_ 4444 ham •Hospital on Monday, March 6th, to NIr. and 'Mrs. 'Donald'Ro- bertson' (nee Helen Schumacher) 'of Milto i, Ont., a •daughter; Linda Jean, a sister for,'Murray' and ..Dia-ne., 4444' • ENGAG•EMEN'I $ Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Huston', Iriin Street;'.Kitc'hener,' announce • the engagement of their ,daugh- ter„Grace to Mr. Frede-' rick Earl ' Prange, son.' of Mr:., Mrs. J. Harry, .Prange, Fountain.. St., ' "Preston, . the • marriage''. .to take place Friday, April 7th, at seven o'clock in .St, Andrew's Presbyterian' Church,. Kitchener, Mfrs Margarete Pflauht of Celle, Germany, wishess to an-- notin'ce the engagement of her daughter, Heidi., •to Mr. Karl, 'Heinz. Siegert, ' son 6f Mr... and Mrs, Otto Sievert of Wilhelms- .haven,. Germany, The wedding will take place ort 'Saturday, Marek 11th at the United Church, Dungannon, Ont, The.; Undergraduate Engineer- ing Societ of , the University of g, Y Y Western. :Ontario held its' annual` reception and :dance' last week at the Hotel London. APproximatel 150'patrons Y p . danced to the music 'of Lionel Thornton: and: the Casa Royal Orchestra..• ' ' Guests were' received by.. T. L 'Hoskin, ` Dean of ', Men, „and .' •Mrs Hoskin; Dr. G." •E.. Hall, pr,,esident of` UWO, and'Mrs: Hallk,.' R. M.. Dillon, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering ...Science, and Mrs, ;Dillon; . Prof.' .and Mrs. L. S. Launchiand,' William Fleming, Port Cre it,convener:•. Miss Linda. .Lee Ehis, Kingston Gar' Suter, � Kingston; y ; Lucknow:'and •Miss :Ruth. Trelea 'Ven, Lucknow :Gary is president of the LEn ,gineering Society. He is •the 'son of Mrs. Elizabeth.' Suter, of ''the. Junior section is to have ' add tions• made, onions •yellow. Sr white classes; cucumbers and corn added. and a'.deflection of ornamental gourds. A, class for: the .best: novelty from. ornamental. gourds • was also added. Miss ,Hazel Webster ' suggested. a- class for squash in •the 'senior vegetable section and this -was . added. • The ;tree plaanting committee.: is to••-look.•after.the ''property for.the J hio;r• • tree • planting • .A resolution was approved that .delegates to the convention, .con- vey . the Society's , opipion • than the thirty five cent 'price ..• for containers in excessive. • and Should be•• fifteen./cents or under. comparing 'to , •prices, of milk bot - •ties. II ' The secretary' 'is ' to siubmit a '. ' list of ,names of those. 'desiring • a..copy of House Plants 'and Gift Pl+ants. • , • • :Lucknow District :;High ' School ' teaching staff. ' . ' Sign on: the ,back of a milk` truck.: "Modern Milking ,Machine' Company. "All. that we are .we: : owe., to udders.''' PLAN FLOWER .SHOWS . some''Classes be add- ed 'tor gl+ads :and. an entire' class covering miniature ,glads: Aclass featuring named .varieties 'will/al- so be . added and a class for bloom of Peace...will' be. added to .the roses The decision was made to have ; descriptive names for ' the ,ar rai gement classes.. Other sections for the seniors areto remain : as' oh the '1960 :list. yceu...m Theatre WINGHAM Two. Shows Each right Commencing at .7:15 p.m., '. MATINEE Saturday Afternoon •,aft 2 .p.m:. ci'ded .that Thursday, Friday,. and Saturday .' March ' 9,' 10, 11. ". Robert '' Ryan, . :Teresa • Stratas, Jack Creley in "THE ' :CANADIANS" A story of , the Northwest Mounted Police filmed ,in''Cypres• Hills: Saskatchewan: w•s.•-• *444-44-44.4 ! w •e r. �+: � a� GODEIUCH )w Playing .— "The Canadians" t-ln . Scope & Color: i,;' W�jth nce• thStratus and Robett Ryan 1VIonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 13,. .:14,- - Adult:Entertainment "SERGEANT RUTLEDgE% In Technicolor . By 'John Ford an astonishing dramatic hit packed with, avalanch`n su:pense: • :44- •.. �• Thursda rid y, FSaturday March 16, 17, 18.• "WEDDING :IN SPRINGTIME '` > • g rned' byJ VVestmsnster Abbey b Arthur Ranh The Royal Wedding of` Princess I�Zar het, in ftl _ • and:: on :the same program '`'THE. 'W IZARD, OF • BAGHDAD". In Sc' r e Colot*' Shawn, Diane abater: -..anti Fairy Coe - Cowling__..:cr��.�oti.Se• O'.E USheiA", 'avid 4444 et Over the. ri1 rl. ;� ••.tYanrtc,- Adultnte-taxnrrient •--�- tf O.-444444 •• . w.'• 4:.-r 4-4'43+•••'yr.-viiiii•• •ii ',With ' Dick 4 4