HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-08, Page 2PAGE TWO
VE�UTSOXa MAL' 8tiz, ..1•961.
Lucknow : and, District' Lions Club
have this year 'undertaken thea promotion
of the Easter Seal campaign; in this com-
munity., - By so doing they have become
one, of 2 26 service clubs in ' Ontario dedi-
cated to nothing short 'of the unconditional
surrender of disease and • deformities that
prevent *little :children from running and
playing with their brothers 'and sisters
a\ veritable army which rallies every ' pring
for their annual assault:
The weapon they unleash onthe
general public is the Easter.'Seal -- a sym
bal. • of, hope 'and opportunity provided by
the Ontario Society for Crippled Children:
Everyone will have now received their
Easter Seals, and this year a target .of
$875,000' in " voluntary contributionsmust
be realized or some ' of the more ' than
15,000 handicapped kiddies, across the
province of . Ontario will . be " neglected:.
More progress in the care and . 'treat-
nient' of the crippled .child has been inade
in the. past .twenty-five years than during
the ; whole previous.. •history . of man -kind.
Everyone is asked to help ..the members of
the service clubs to keep this vital . prog-
ranine 'in operation until: every crippled
child . in, Ontario.' has the opportunity of a
happier life and the chance to .achieve in
dependence,. That way they, will groW' to
assume their rightful '.place, in Society as a
self sustaining ;,and contributing citizen =- '.
not a liability.;
Port. Elgin 'raised '2,300' by a , bang
quet and old-timers' hockey game in Pais- ..
ley, for , their new arena fund.- This causes
us to contemplate 'the inertia in .Lucknow.
If it were not for municipal , accomplish
rents,;. what would' we be achieving civic-
ally? What has become of the energy, 'en-
thusiasm, and civic pride of: those who, were
always ready and; willing -toput their
shoulder to; .the: wheel? May they not.be
discouraged by opposition/ : and, pessimism
whenever a financial undertaking, is pro-
posed.. ,Everything -cannot be' measured by
'; the dollar yardstick:
A return to the •.enthusiam co-operation
- and -action which marked our , centennial
year, is needed to keep. Lucknow ' and
District on `the ' map.
The undersigned auctioneer, has .been instructed' by
the Public Trustee to sell by public auction,: the follow-
ing chattels of the
at: 1.;3,0,
Refrigerator Kitchen 'Table. 'and; Chairs,
Kitchen Range with Oil Burner attachment
Coleman Oil Stove (with fan) . . '200. Gallon. Oil'Tank
Piano and Bench : in good 'condition
3 Bedroom' Suites
Platform Rocker
Electric Rangette,
Chest of Drawers.
= Sewing Machine
2' Wicker Chairs.
Ei ht V cuum Cleaner:
g piece ' Dining Room � Suite
Miscellaneous Curtains Bedding,C naare etc.
w ,
Sale held inside if weatherunfavorable.
Allan Maelntyre, Auctioneer
Boss. Beggs, brother of Mrs.
Don ".Steeves; of Lucknow, is with
. the Canadian forces of the United'
Nations in the Congo,: and was
one ofa party"of nine Canadians,
• who were "roughed up" the end
of theweek.
They were .'first reported to
have been captured in.; fighting at,
the . port of Matadi.' Later all' of
• the :.men, with. the'` exception of:
•their" captain were reported by.
army headquarters to hay. e arriv-
:ed back in Leopoldville, "rela-
tively unharmed."
' Ross Murray Beggs is 22. He
is a 'native of Kitchener ..and prior.
to going to the : Congo ` last Aug-
ust was stationed at Kingston:
were, his wife ,. resides;' ;
Mrs. Steeves ;received a'letter`
from.herbrother just last week,
::. and: he expressed the hope : that
he would be home. soon.
The 'Canadians were ..reported\
"to be :overwhelmed in a two
storey' villa, ,.a headquarters - and,
signals. position in *Matadi. The
villa was directly beneath a: Con
• golese army camp in the town,
200 miles southwest of Leopold- I
vile down the Congo river.
Direct communications" with;!
the Cana ans ended at. 11:30 a m., t
Saturdayafter the senior officer i.
at Matadi reported. the' house was ,
receiving direct hits by 20- ` illi-
:. meter.. mortar' and small rms:
' fire
Mrs: Jean:: (Towle) •was
C Crump
one of nine new members re-
cently installed .. in the Windham
branchLegion Auxiliarythe.
Among those taking the 'St:
Ambulance Cors course at:
Jolin A . p. _. , .
'Windham are Alfred Ritchie of
., g
.the 'CNR section and a member
of. the Lucknow Fire Department,
'Pen Cameron teacher at Belfast
and .Harvey Miller of: Langside.
.* ;4 *
.Walkerton theatre which has'
been .spasmodical ll. y, 'operated in.
recent�thingears is a; of the
past. The building hasbeen sold
and is being converted to a'' store
arid apartment. A '
Donald Reeds, a member of
they - Kincardin_e., deta.ehment of
„the Ontario Provincial. Po1iee- for
the past seven years, has been
transferred to Lindsay..
id s 'urk, was shot re-
cently in Walkerton and a dog
with which it had been in 'con
tact is being kept in, quarantine:.
t of a vocational
Possibili y
school being, built in the area is
being ' :investigated byy•Kincardine,
These triplets born in Mount
Hamilton Hospital': a year ago- on
January 27th toithe Rev.' and Mrs,
Gordon' Geiger of Lucknow, who
noir% live' in the town of 'Essex,
Essex County, 'are . known by ' the
short title of • PAR--7-Paul, Alan
and Ross, shown' in that order.
They were the heaviest triplets.
ever born' in Canada:.
The ' 'Revand Mrs.: Gordon
Geiger . of Essex, made news a
year: ago on 'Friday, January 27,
when .they became . • the ; parents
of the heaviest triplets ever born
in Canada •-=- two pounds shy of
a ' world record. • •
At the .time Mr: Geiger, was
Minister ' of Lucknow United,
Church., The triplets were ;born
in Mount Hamilton Hoapital
For the young 'couple life has
:never been dull in the past year.
Each "of the three boyo ' Who'
started life at a normal . weight
for single ,births, • is ' healthy.
Their combined' weight when
born was . 21 pounds.
Individually: arid collectively
the almost ''identical • triplets de-•
:mand constant attention: But'
their slim .mother takes; the chalL
lenge in' her' stride:
The three, Paul, Atari and :Ross'
are nearly„ .•walking, but,, they.
hesitate. to, try ' the frirst two; . ad-'
.venturesome: step's:.. They still
District High School • Board,
which is contacting boards at
Lucknow; Ripley, Walkerton. &-
Port Elgin in this regard:
One of the most anccessfui ev-
ents ever staged, in port. Elgin,
and the largest-atterided banquet
,ever' held there, took place re-
cently when 4/3 persons Sat down
to dinner. with Maurice `Rocket'
Richard,' Frank,. Selke," Sr:, and
other . sports celebrities in the
auditorium of 'Saugeen District
High School, which was hand-
-somely decorated: for the occasion--
by the students,
Held to ' inaugurate the fund
raising ,carn.paign for the • new
Corhmunity' Arena, the function
was also a financial triumph, Net
proceeds, including those froth
the Old Timers' game "at. Paisley,
'exceeded •$2,300. Pt is estimated
the, new''arena, tobe built to "re-
place the one destroyed: by ' fire;
wilt cost' $140,000..•
4.0 r' cr s,:Cyuiri* rii¢r� '.�.4< 4.� . ilii=k-::
prefer to hold on to something,`
just. in case.
Mr. and Mrs. Geiger; both
graduates' of. McMaster. Univer-
sity went to Essex :during the,
Raft': summer. He is minister, of.
Essex United Church' - and its
large congregation keeps',him
as busy as does '.helping,, his; •wife;
with the triplets.
Rugged individuals '. for the
'past three months, the triplets
have .;many 'accomplishments.'.
They have a yen for the televi-
sion set, but it ' is still intact,
something which cannot be said
for the hi-fi. Its knobs come off.
"We used to. worry every ,time.
,one' of the "'children approached at
Miss Patricia Laidlaw, a Trade
-12 .student of ' Clark 'Road High.
School, London, had ,the privi-
{lege of touring ,Quebec provin'ce
recently, • ,
She was chosen to take the
trip ' with 25' other London stu-
dents. Patricia has ` had an ex
.ceptional .high scholastic stand. -
Mg.' The h ghlight of their tour.
I'was attendance at the Ice Carni -
piece of furniture," said ,the fa.-
ther. "We have passed that.phase
r •
' triplets, addition : to , the t plets
, 1•11e
Geigers' hiave a . son and two
daughters, Roy, •Anne and Jaan.
The triple %s, .who weigh about
23 pounds : each . now, are expert
at ' ,creeping:. andcrawling and'
each , ;has different ideas. Pu:t
diem down together and within
seconds they will • be in three;
differentparts of • the house on
exploration trips. ,
. • lems and
There have been prdb a
dec s ision as tar as thethree. ai•e
concerned and another one;
be faced shortly. Do. they get,
men's hair -cuts or should it wait
a little longerry'
val at Quebec.':
Patricia, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Laidlaw of London,
"is the—grand-daughter of iVlr-,- and_;..„.
Mrs. George Hunter,. Zion and
Mrs. James Laidlaw of White-
The hardest .fob.of all is thaat.
of finding a1 soft job;
Theres a lotJ,of difference, be-
tween carrying a mortgage and • ..
trying_ to lift one,