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$3.00 A Year In Advance • 41.00 Ekt.ra TO U.S.A. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAR. Otir, 1961. . FOURTEEN PAGES
ub Hall
Holyrood School, where the
' Children of that, community haVe
Pl.on.CES 2nd, IN COUN'rft,
learned . their, R's" for. some SPEAKING CONTEST
75 years, is still going to- serve
the youth of Kinloss. township
Marianna ' MacDonald, 'a •Grade
" —at a Scout Hall.
8 Ashfield ' 'Township student,
••Site of the new Central •School
• . •
to be built this Year,will be on placed- second:, in the Huron
.the Wm. S. Eadie farm to 'the dolinty. : public" Speaking contest,
,west of the present.SehOol.' Mr. sponsOred, by the Ontario School
Eadie is :exchanging the 4 -acre Trustees': and Ratepayers' Asto-
site . of • the new school, for the, elation:
Old schoolhouse .and grounds. Mary ' Eileen Carey of Mount
.The .old sctiOcilwill be ttirned. Carmel, !near. Parkhill,. placed-,
over by Mr. Eadie to be used. as first. The two girls will now
a ,Scout and Cub hall, for the compete in the district contest;
• recently orglinized group. .The
Kinloss Scout group is Most for,
•-tunate in having thek• ' own.
quarters so readily available' &
so suitable.' to their needs, and
Mr. Eadie'.s. generosity is . indeed;
`appreciated. • ' • ' • , •
About 75 Years Old
•'Ernest Ackert, *lib has s06nt
ville district in Ashfield. Her sub -
• •.
bocAti YOUTH ON • .
'ICKNX:Television is again con,
ducting a "Search For Talent"
feature which Commeneed this
week with amateur performers
participating during the Focus
Program between .6:00 .arid 7:00,
o'clock. •
- The second contestant, who
appeared on Tuesday evening
was Allan Kirk of Lucknow, an
accomplished young pianist who
,played, classical selections;
Allan is 16, and the son. of
Mr. and Mrs,. G. D. Kirk of
Lucknow. His father is principal,
of Lucknow District High Schbei.
EL\S• .
Apart from .Christmas,' one of
the biggest.avalanches• of mail to
deluge . Ontario's post offices,
comes at this •time of year when
service clubs ,in Ontario mailed
their Easter Seals' to everyone in
this province asking thefor
help in their crippled children's
.work..This..year the Lucknow &
District Lions Club is promoting
the project in this district and
have out '1500 EasterSeals
letters. •' •
• Every: service and activity
such as: camping, nursing, treat-
ment 'clinics, transportation,Cor-
rective surge*. and 'research is
heavily 'dependant upon .the con-
tributions resulting from the
Easter Seal campaign, and this'.
year no less than $875,000 will do
the job efficiently for Ontario's
.more than- :15,000 ..handicapped
children. ,N • •
. Last year the Ontario Society,
for Crippled Children; on-
. annual appeal ' for funds. is'
made during the Easter Seal'cam-
paign by 226:service clubs, car-
ried" out its .biggest:programme
to be held in 'Kitchener. ,this in .all lits history.. This year the
month: The 'provincial finals will number of crippled children, have
be held in'TorontO.'pn April 3rd, „greatly increased because Oritar-
at whieli " district winners will ices Swiftly growing :population
compete. • ' ° means. hundreds of, new cases
Marianna is 13 years • old- and each year
the daughter .of Mr; and Mrs. • NQ one knocks ,at your door to
Peter MacDonald' Of. the Lanes- sell you Easter Seals: The entire
campaign --- the message of hope.
and opportunity for . crippled
children. is put squarely to you
-a 'letter. You are asked to read.
it and if you think the cause wor-
thy . enough, return your:: contri-:
, . (Continued on 'page 14) ,
his lifetime -.the 1-161yrOoci.
area, believes the present school
about 75 years old. It Was ori-
at.frarne building and la-
ter cement veneered. One now
,,, wonders:how, accomodation was
possible for • between 50„ and. 60
students in •earlier days. The original liolyrood school-
house was about 1% miles west
. of the :present school:. • ,
. • An old minute •IDOok in the,
possession of Donald -MacPherson
who had acted as' secretary of
Holyroocl school for a number of
years, is interesting: •
Over '55 years ago,. in June of
Continued on Page 14)
Miss Marian Reavie, a student'
at Stratford Teachers' College
has been •aWarded 'a $200 student
aid biirsary. 'Marian is •the daugh-
ter t)f Mr. and Mrs, Elytner,
Court Sepoy Lady Foresters
celebrated. their sixth birthday
on Monday; March 6th, when the
ladies entertained their husbands
arid friends at a pot luck Supper
Which was well attended.
• Brother Matzauke was present
arid dutch auctioned a Potted,
Plant/ won by Marie Button and
w•cigarette lighter won' by Eu-
, -nice .Cunningham.
COurt Whist followed. and.,
prizes' were Won a§-followst High,
lady, Lorraine Arnold; High,
man', Helei Jordan; '(played for
man); LoW lady, Diane Hackett;
Low man, Jim IVIathers. Ruth
,Mathers won 'the 'lucky chair
prize bringing an enjoyable eV7'
ening to close',
• r
jeCti was "a -1-liatorical. Sight.v.in
Canada'-- the St. Lawrence Sea-
way.'' The County Contest was
held in Victoria Public School in
Goderich on Tuesday of last
• • ; • ,
. . • ,
Initial Readings to Hall
'y -Law for Government
At a special Meeting on Friday Cpuncillor'Webster asked, "where '
. •
evening the Village Council gave do we go from here," in the
_ mat -
first and second reading approval ter of contracts for the various-
to the by-law, authorizing re -7 jobs. , • ,
riovatiens, at the Town Hall. The Reeve pointed out that the
At -a special meeting he pre- figures: on the cost of, the vault
Vous Monday night, Council had ,were tender prices, but that Oth-
eiTam'ned estimates of the :cost er figures were estimates (which '
Of the job and authorized Reeve were figured high, he rePeated)
George Joynt to submit these and which were essential in • or- •
est'nates •to the proper Govern- derto obtain Goverrrinent ap,
ment Boards" for approval and proval • of' the undertaking. ,
assurance of Government 'assist- Councillors Webster and Boyle
ance under the winter works pro-
gram arid the Mttnicipal, Halls
both pursued the question of
contracts for the Work, so as Mr.
Webster said, ' "we won't be
These ,estiinate§ were taken to throwing money away"
Toronto the following day, and Reeve Joynt stressed that the
-no titne lost .in obtaining aripro. figures were only estimates, and
val. On Thtirsday, a draft by- the overall 'cost would have to
law was received from the .De- be 'under or within these figures.
Partment of Municipal Affairs. to In such a renovation job de-
authorize the issuing of deberi- finite plans and ',specifications
tures in the amount of $5,500 for are not possible, but in regard to
the purpose of financing the re- the amount of Material required, '
novation l'firoject: The estimated pretty accurate figures can be.,
cost totals in the neighborhood arrived at, it was felt.", • ,
of $8.500 and the..Reeve has as-
Council that these figures 'LOCAL DOCTOR BROKE .
are high, .Subsidies on this. figure ANKLE ON FRIDAY
will amount to_somewhat Over:
$3,000. • .•
The, debenture' will
be a 10 -
year iSsue.
The by-law 'Wthicit.received its
initial readingsthen had to go
to the Department of MtiniciPal
. • •
.Dr.. D. R. Finlayson a: town
suffered a fractured' Ankle,, on,
Friday inorning. He 'slipped on,
some.. ice While, making a • call,
but contirme,c1 on duty . the. rest: •
of the day... ' • •' '
Affairs and ...to the ,Municipal Ile. is :presently at .his home
Board for final approval, before awaiting the swelling., to recede,. ,
it comes before Council again forso that a, walking cast may: be
thethird' and final • yeading. , applied.- ' • '
When the by-law was given • initial • .•
approval on -Friday 'night ASHFIELDGIRL WITH
WITH. ,GALE BLOWING Miss .ligarlene:4unter- ••ef the.
• • • , Is Teaching 'staff of. 'L'ondon City
About ,.7:30. on Monday night, sPent the week,end at. her-hotrie ,
a. half hour before the ;regnlar.
rnFiornethblyeprnartnitinegnto, f FthireemLueciiknrt TeMacallrelissenpc . etr.
Oeived a call to the farm of Don.: tertaini underthe' title of %.,on-. .
ald MacIntyre, second concession don's Choral : society' • •
of Kinloss west of. the lielYrood Recently they: produced 'a two, •
road. : hour program in Thorndale, Un -
The pipes at the .• Macintyre der the auspices of The Lions ..•.
house had caught fire and Were Wood of 'Ooderich,
redn ivi
ho for night 1,11aclr.theafirejghwf th
wind also mainoaol
Londonsotitseaeher;: one of
this type more of a threat; sinoko'They haVeentertained in
aridsoot damage to the „interior. .dOri at the Dearness Home for•
of the hat* was the ouly darii;. aged on different. OpOasiont. The
agegroup will 'provide. , the .chorat
• music for the Teachers' Aitiginae
banquet in London in March...
in Ashfield.'
••• •
. •
FIRST QUEEN -SCOtil's••• a
highlight of •Seouting in"Luck.;
now took place last week When.
Tom Rathwell and 4fri
ton were presented with Queen's
Split badges to become the first
LutitrioW-Scouts toreceive this:
in 4 ' !oie years
of Scouting in the villatfe,'
. -
Terry Rathwell has , also quali-
fied for the award along With
his big 113J -other) but Cannot re-
ceive it officially until , he 'reach-
es his 14th birthday next fall:
The :presentations were Made
at the, Lions Club meeting last
week. Principals in the, event
were, left to right: Tom' BatliWell,;
Stuart Col]ydr, • 'Scoutrn,aster;
Terry Bothwell, Archie GoWari-
lock, Saugeon District Cornniis-
§ioner Who made thaidJui
McNaughton, and H. D. ThoMp-
assistant Scoutmaster.
. . .
The president of the LticknOW-•
and ,District Horticultural
called a seeeial executiVe.
meting to order at eight-iten
Mofiday,,,'Marph.6th. He Said(' he
Akras -pleaSed that so many
ed Out:to help get the business,.
tended to
Correspondence was' ..read Int
*eluding a document from the..
Q.H.A. •opilinirig-. the Pre -Posed ,•
uniform , containers .fOr. • flower
shows; . , • • ,
A letter was read fi:orn the
Bell Telephone Co, stating that
they Would co -operate -,fully
the society in, the ' tree''planing
project,' but suggested the plant-
ing, on their property he delayed
until the conduit -and cables
Were:all laid and roadlivay ar.-'
ranged, ,
The OAC .• again a'rarii,rig
a eorresporidenee horticU/itural
cetirse„ Any One interesed may
obtain fuller" infertil,afion. Rate
lists for the f10 ei hows were
reviewed, It as 'decided to al:,
low 'prize money, up •to fifty dol -
Jars for a 'spring flower s4hoW
with cash awards, The 'committee ,
in charge has power te add. .to „
or, delete to the prize it f
1960: The secretary , is to contact
Bev. J W. 8iebett as, judge and
3p*eaker for the 'evening. • '
In the fall show list it ..\j,lag..de.'
(Continued on page 1)