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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-01, Page 11
'WED' T Sp AY,, MARCH l st, 19fi . . • t Hr. J 11..C.h'tic�v�° *; � •,' ' t.,, 1 UC:KN011W QN'gA•IQ of *tilt.. It • AN :EVENTFUL , MOMENT. in., Union Jack • froth the Legion and the .younglife.,of the Ist Kinloss ! Scout and Cub flags from the; .Boy Scout Group took place on‘; Lucknow and :District Lions. . '.Friday night when the `TropP was• l Shown . with:their colors ..are: , prlaented with their flags • ' a R left to right, David Wall Orville E:l`ott,; c-orirrn:ittee . chairman; Bob'bY Cornish . 'Worley Wall, , •My Cubmaster; Donnie Myers; Lloyd Ackert, Scoutmaster: • Sentinel Fh$b KYNtSSBR.IDGE •VVuri n' of 'f=iam'itton and -Ja'mes. 1•Mar•tin of London. • • Winners at the euchre' •party held... in the;schUci•lrecreation room' on'. • •Febr'uary 20th were •Mrs. ••Rpbert 'Howard Sr. and. John Van Osch 'Sr. Winner •of'.the lucky , chair Was ' Mrs. :Peter Van •C)sch.' Ttie. ladies served lunch at_ • the ct nclusion of the,/ evening; Congratulation's td' ' Mr. . and .Mrs: Joseph Courtney, • ori the •ar- rival of: "a: •baby. '..boy.` • • Visitors at ..the tiome"' of Mr:,&.. Blaise artin. were Mr. ". .'1Vhrs.' ClarenMce • Dougherty. . and. •'`• family 'of Toronto, Mr. Joseph' Mr, and 'Mrs. William . K xiahar and farnily of St. A?igustine visit;' cel friends here this . week -end.,` IVZa , and Mrs. . H. Van Dieperi and family of Whitechurch visit- oil '•with Mr; and. •Mrs. •Theo Van Diepen, Miss .'Delores'. Dalton of, ,Royal •. Oak,. Michigan,"' visited relatives' •here this week -end. • emember, it takes '• Rbut a inorent.. to place.'' •a Sentinel • Want Ad and be money in poc- 1\.artin and Miss Mary :Theresa.,ket: To . advertise, just 'Phone 35: . ■ ■mmtumunista■ s.■owAnno nbitsnis; t'a0.fits'dfimv01;00e■a ■ .. ■ ■: N , ter ' • w ,• ,si♦.1�wii�w:rie:�w w .� AttIA •. _ .. /© ■ .. •.. • r' �. U:a • y., sti ■ w .. "Where Better:: uls Are AQ. g.14 ! . sl AND • • • 4' u d'er the auspices of }: TFIE ONTARIO BEE? CATTLE,. •IM : ROVEIVIEN,T t ASSOCIATION* ' • HAYS SALES ARENA, TRAFALGAR '. 5 miles north of Oakville on I1Fgl way NO. '5 • t Aberdeen Angus. and Shoi<thot ns Tuesday; Mair: ' 14 + Herefords , • .-.' Thursday, Mar. 6" t . P S .. S�.o'.v��ing scheduled for 8:30- .a.m. each. day: Sales'will v, fco:rnmence; at 1 :1:.30 a err,'' each day.. Every .Ontario` T.: farmer buying a•, performance tested' •bull at t'tese sales will be eligible for a prenziuin ' of 20 per cent of the purchase .price, but not more than $•150:, in:.�.. accordance , with' the terms of the . Bull . Premium Policy. Catalogues mai be obtained from' the Secretary -Treasurer; A, A. McTavish, ' . Paisley, ' President W P., Watson, ••Sec.-•Treas.,. Parliament Bldgs„ .Toronto ;192:. ,192• 5 years.' They had registered '.Hol- stein cows and ,Hereford feeder He steers. ' e has srved .as a tech- nician in the .Formosa district for, the past., three .'years. • • Donald will be doing relief'.'in: serriiriat:ion word; , act as• editor of the. •'`B'etter Bovine. Bulletin," and , general member :and . em:- pl•oyee informat' oin.• 'He and 'his •family s, will. be . moyin•g, to, the Waterloo. area :• -later this year. • This' reorganization. of . respon-' sibilit:y' has 'been.:necessitated by the :resignation; of,•Assis'tant Man:- ager, :Joe G. ' Snyder, whose re;- signation We regretfully:, report.. .Joe ''has; accepted:. a ; position a's. fieldman, for- the Holstein Fi ie- si.an Association of Canada in :the:. West Centras' O.ntario.'District; as successor• • to George F. `brerir, an, • Who, has reached retirement age. .."The:. above announcement • ;i made by Roy' G: Snyder, Man- ager 'of the ('Waterloo• Cattle .Breeding :Association. • ' ;< QUEEN SCOUTS WILBUR SIIANTZ (Continued irony page 1) l u an z, popu a em: pic,ye,. •oi the; Wat'e 1od :Cattle, Breeding Association, has' ` been appointed to.'. the newly ' •-reated iositiri of ,"Supervisor ,..of Pro- due:ti .n • and Service" M,r, `=`haniz ••is thirty-three, • arried,• . ■ n' • arid a n'tive. of "f..,tlze, Of three',. a d ' :first . Dorriinicn A.!. invitational' Sale held m W'at .i loo Coni t He• ..began his . At-',the.fi .j ■.. Y. .»g}i : t r.I Career. in', April of 1952.':tak- • :■ recently, •3" daub;,. tors' of .'�`1a�erloo:,•Unit: bulls • b ought • •� : •; � p • • ' , i'n • a' po"s-ition as; technician at. '",■ •the '3 • 'hr�leat•' :rices. Two of ;. t`nese -were from ' d'ams .■ �, p a ■ 7 : P a ..Vat • rloo. Since that time • he has. ■ that were also sired. by �%a erloo 'Unit .bulls.• ■ Then. .o,. our• . sta,f :;as in;di re ;recenti' �organiza�io • well n. cated' in other •columns, • leal~es us ualified • with a• q ,, interests of :: the m.em ■ • group of •people.` looking after the in Pi '• bees in. su : 1 an theirs :w.th the •k .nd of service ".for .■■, w-hich we were' •organ'ized.. 11. :n, i • w. ■ T'iat more and . more cattleowners recognize the m1 ■ value of .'oil - 'services, is indicated`by.• the. demand which i . is "'increasingat a 'faster rate in early., 1.9 h 1: • than :was ■' the ,case in 19('0 over.19'59,' when the the 'increase was ` substantial; M • ■ join tie: s•wirip; to artificial breeding, hel'741m' 5•(nr ;''. '■ se. 1farmer owned and c-Snt oiled + ;, ■• -. . ►., . wt5: ; sizes - � ul's `and. •G rvice, . ■ � if as' well as th ■ Organization, w,nich is making h r ■, available• far, e,Cceedirng winat could b•e:`done.,individually: i ri.. If you lnav'e ' tioc rece ved,' our new hull "book and •, ■ { ▪ would •' like•' ' to have one, 'watt: tine head�-of. ice or as c o.. ■ one of the techirciatis for one:.. '. ■ wi ■ n a ■ iiiIA For service or more: infO rrnaq tl contact: 1,, •• 61 , TON ZENITH 9-5 50 • CLIN p , ■ �' or' 11 D fil . 11' ■ -' i DINE 40 ' COLLET KZ1NC�• o . ti ✓ set°weeti .�„1:40.:41 a'nJ.30 . ��m. ,weel; days ame .. r. .'-. _ . 'Saitdrda 4Yeniugs.• '1' :C)(I, and ,:8 :06. p rtxt. y ■ BETTERlIETTP,: CArrtt FO )ETT'EI' LIVING • •n i'iiii t iiiii" i i ii ti oiiiini i iii ri ii irimiii i M � r iris i i is■ ii: Wolk erfc iii hi 'duties in a man ner' which tL years' agoprompted' the. -management to ,Drona.tite l im•. to: t1 e:•position' of relief man and. hist •year.•to .that of ;Field Super v i5or_ Wilbur -is also interested in . community " affairs and is ac,. tive ii church ` work; and Horne. and School activities . 0 ' WON' PORI -614E PROMOTED. • - Doriaid' F`ortune,• 'an ennployee. of the ,Waterloo Cattle' FBreodirig. Association, has 'been promoted to the new office of "Supervisor of Lnformation" Deni is ;twenty- sib , years of age and a natie' of' Huion County. Ire farmed' in partnership .twith hi- father for, example. they •were setting, • In pinning , on the 'badge; 'the. highest award::.that can be ob..' r . _'. ,.t fined b 'a - troo Scout'•- 1VIr. a Y P , 'Gowanl'ock comrnended 'the boys to cherish it and .wear it with honour. , The.. two •,sleeves'.Of their tunics • w'ere covered with: badges. Among ;ti ern. was' •the :'•.Sa'ugeen Districtbadge • which was, design- ed a few.. years' ago bk.-George Webster 'of Lucknow.. • • The boys' parents,'Mr and Mrs. Jim,•McNaughton and. Lion Ger- ald -and-:M•rs. Rathwell • were pie,' sent .ap d •naturally quite proud to witness' the pre'sen-Cation. Ot.Yrer members of the Lu•cknow Troop. 'who .:were preserit were ntroduced . by -the S•c.outmaster: Teri:y Rathwell, 'Tom '•O'Donnell,. Sandy Welsh, Ian .McRae,, ..n .7' gree" Hodgins," Ross Forster, , EttiCe Henderson,: Bi11y Chester, Donald: Fisher, Chester ,Hodgins,': -Elliott. 'Whitby, . Wayne Jarri.ieson'Donald .Andrew,, R.arky Jardine, Douglas Allin,•'Douglas MacKinnon Thorrippon, r.. • . .Lion Wally Breckles;''a leader of the Kinloss' Troop, wat also. present • in uniform,., as were ••a;l !the Scouts and officials.. Richrd•, Night Retio rt '/`Donald ,' MacKinnon reported that net proceeds,,after expenses,. from the Maurice Richard night arnountecd to -$•288.; and was given (lie.•Lions• roar for -hi, efforts: In addition, • Dinar ' Brooks' :rep•orted a b otlr profit of $27,25, with )0' hot dogs having', been , given; to participating players, '; 'Lou Boyce Guest Speaker . Steve' Stoth:ers in introducing, tlae guest speaker, Lou Boyce, of this Kincardine detachment of the Dnntar:io'Pr•ovincial Police; recons - mended the . Scouts that they grow. up with • 'respect for tike. man m uniform. • •Mr. Boyce said. he shared the ride of the parents and the lea - dors on this occasion and in port- raying these 'boys 'as the men' of torriorraw, asked the adults what •IrnriiillEINSIEWit-1141.1'.-11mr-----:. He stressed the return• to par ental d scip'line ian • laying down the law andthe•hickory if neces- sary' so we will not .reapa heri tage• of disrespect and dilinquerr cy. In - the, latter respect, Mr., Boyce'felt that this area'was vir tua'lly free of .any• grave ,delin- quency. delin- c ency problems,•Condemns Drinking Driver' • fn. a' straight forward, address. he warned never to get behind• the, Wheel of•;:a car if youhave been 'drinking. He: stressed ttha" personally be carries out his 'd'ut iesain :this respect .without, fear or favor,' for ;the ••drinktikg driver 'is a 'Menace with 'no regard,for others. • He said prohilb'ition was not the. answer . but /moderation • and •edu= cation' in..the. use • and abuse of; alcohol was essential: You can't- fool the .teenager• ••he `said, and. ,..you can't ` tell • them,. "it's 'alright' ' for the :old "man to hoist . a couple?.. but' not for ;" Te cited a case.in which minors had liquor • made available,'• to them at. • a '`' Desai function,: and termed/such; instances as a .sin, and'a shame:. "Some adults Should- be hould-behorsewhipped,":.h'e .said: Mr Boyce considers this area.. one' of ''the best in the province'. front a:' policing standpoint,• .and earlier, in his- remarks. poirited out :'.policing, opens''the. door to •be..o'f• help to one's .fellowman' and .ba'si= cally:tl at is'.the ideabehi•rd: poi- icing:• .' :� Mr: Bov'ce • was' Cha nl,ed by Chatsbster and. 'wesei'•i'ted• with a 'gift on behalf of the Club: A prize' . donated . by `Gerald R'•athwell.was. wqn ;by. Bob .Mac In,tosh. Frank Th om pson reported .that about. 'half,. of'. the' Easter draw • Money' ',was . in and asked. the'' members to eo'mplete their sales and turn in the stubs at' the• :ne)d '. meeting; when •,the draw • will; be made., The evening • con 1 k• g c uded With a f.ilin on .the Indianapolis rac9s, c•.ourtesy of Bill : Hunter, :ITELD THIRYD IN VAR.), Ttf )tP.NA MENT SERIES: 4 • ''rh•e third . in a• sni les', of=.Car d Tutt •naiiients fol ''Zone. C -•i of Ladle}' Auxiliary of. Royal 'C<+i odian :Legion was held in c'4i't clit�o �� tth tine' conveiiei;.Ce= celik Pi, of iri charge. iiC'' •:were:: • 7+:uchre, high,: Regia Caswnto'e, Wing?darn' Joan. F • Wop.s.tei K.:rt_ ca-rdi:ne; Jean: La once, T<incar- ble (tied), Low, Sadie �fac'Mii- la'7, Lucknow,, ' Bridge, Annle• Mason. `Ripley Low, • Elie' ' .Sturdy. Witig'li am, Cribbage, High: Eileen, Wright' son, Kincardine; Low, 'Blanche Pfcot,, .'Kinc'ardine. After a' rneeti;ng, of the e cecu-. tive, officers of , the-nistriret Sports an annotmcement gill be .made of those in each auxiliary who have qualified' to attend. is �� ur; , ttisCY'lpt "oil aid? ,. • • 7. • ,0t 1• ' 11 ip