HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-01, Page 8;a. IP AWA LETTER Ottawa, • February 24th;. 100, ' Pear EditO and..Frlends: • It has been quite a. busy week. ▪ ;here, in Ottawa,,, especially for the Prime ,Minister. As you know,,. Prime Minister` Diei;enbalker , v.isited' President; Kennedy in "Washington 'and in 'return_ arrangements are .being • made. for President, Kennedy to visit Parliament: here inOttawa at the earliest opportunity, Atte!, 'sttending , his mother's ▪ funeral in the ''west,: the Prime 1Vlinister returned to:.Ottawa te:. attend the meeting of the Pro- vinci'a1. premiers. This meeting is being held at" the' present time;; to discuss' future financial ,• arrangeinents with the federal officialss. • • On,Monday, February 20th; the gover,nment, moved a motion .to, go into • supply, which at all times .gives the official ,opposition " an. opportunity' to novean amend rnent'Of want of. confidence. The Honourable: Mr. Pearson, leader easy=to-get-to Hotel..:: ,The ORD SIMVM•COE 900 rooms and suites with'.' tub, shower, radio• and' TV. Home. of the Canadian 'Pump . Room -Dancing . no cover, no . minimum. Annple. free overnight . parking. Fine • Convention Facilities.' �' Family Elan. CANADA: The Lord El i gm, Ottawa The'Lord Simcoe,'Toronto CHICAGO: The Sherman:; The Hotels.:Ambassador University Averment King Street"'• Teliphone EMpire'.2-1848—Telex 022458 .,r •JT"' to IBUko-C TRE LUCKNOWSEN'rIl`TEL,, LLJCKNOW, ONTAR;IQ: • of the ,opposition, took that o portunity to debate 'the financial situation as it has been handled here in c.aRadaOVer ,the past con-. ple of Years.Mr. Pearsonclaim- ed. that the Minister of Finance, Mr;:: Fleming,. had: jurisdiction over; the president, of the. Bank of Canada. Mr. •Fiernrng just :as emphatically elaimed that the government did not have juris- diction peer the President of the Sank of Canada. All in all• the two :days debate brought. out ,both. sides . of the financial_ story very well and I am sure that it Will be to -the benefit. of . our future economy, • AA Yesterday was.'a. very, inter- esting day in the .•House, aS,,. a group • of American, ,congressmen were ' here attending an• Inter- imeet- ing.. . parlamentary Association meet- ing.•,This, is an association which has beenformed within the last, two; years and brings together in- formally 'members 'of Parliament from. Canada and Con,kressinen of the. UAited States. At this infor- mal meeting ,a general discussion takes , iplace.in. which. each group. attempts. to explain the, different problems as they see them; which when solved wi.1' hold is happier relationship, than now exists . be tween 'US;A; and Canada.: S,AFET1t PROGRAM PI.ANNED IN BRUCI A complete and active program to reduce • m faraccidents; in Bruce County • was: adopted . in' Walkerton last week :at 'the an nual meeting of the Bruce County 'arrn Safety Council.. The ' .meting heard • reports. on 1960 activities from the Chair man . notably, the installation of reflective tape on all bicycles throughout the County by the Women's ' Institute, and work; on • the projeot' to have Yield Right 'of.• Way signs installed at Town ship intersections. Lindsay and, •Eastnor townships have . approved the' necessary:by-laws'., 2• $20000 grant has been • op- - pr'oved, to the Safety Council by the Bruce County Council, and any Provincial grants: will be abasedon:.the amount of projects carried on' within the county. The Council approved the fol-' lowing . main Projects for, 19.61, in addition, to continuing work on the 1960. projects:' A far_rn safety'•' poster contest open to all county residents with prizes; totalling $75:00. This Gori,, test has already :started and 'sibs- • April lst. , To sponsor farm. 'safety exhibits• by • junior' . Farmer. and Junior Institute clubs in • Bruce County, the exhibits, to be'. placed at 'their own fair and all exhibits ' to' be taken to Teeswater Fair' for coin petition : j udg'irng; To" have serviettes printed.1 with a suitable farm safety message and made available to all organi- zations catering to'farrn'banquets; To attempt to arrange driver training schools • for driver edu- • cation during thesun-Mier months. To send . Fart •Safety news let ters twice yearly to. farm .resi- dents.. Without making thisletter of any great length, L:have attempt- ed to cover the highlights . that have taken .place•'here in .Ottawa during' the ' past week. • • Yours •sincerely, Andy :.Robinson, Federal Member for Bruce.` SLEET DISRUPTS PHONE" SERVICE. (CULROSS' CORNERS).• Congratulations. to Miss Elaine Meyer. 'in passing: her Grade II theory in music -with first class honours. The appearance of old 'Blackie the Crow always givei a person a pleasant feeling. and .makes. us think of spring, though we can't say • the . same for '• the starling. • The sleet storm ;Saturday,,nig'ht disrupted telephone service so. there 'Was no way .. of contacting any, one. M,r.. and Mrs. Murray Hender- son and , Larry, . Lucknow, were Friday •.visitors. -with' '.Mr. and T1Vtrs. Jas. Wraith. • ' Ir. and ' Mrs.: Gerald Stewart and,Walterina :Wilk e, :.Kincardine spent Sunday .with Mr: and Mrs. Tom Stewart and 'bays:' ses iu■.■tuuu u.■A■■■7■T■t■:■■■■■■lout•■■■■*as.■a■t• • ..• FOR FAST, EFFICIENT ' OVERNIGHT • ■ ■ w •, ■ ■ .■ ■ .■ • ■ ■ • ■. ■ : ■ .■ ■ ■ ■ • ■• • ■• ■ N. ■ ■ ■ ■ Y ■ ervic TO or FROIVL LUCKNOVI/. - TORONTO: or. LUCKNOW LONDON• • Cal1 Wa'iden Bros. TRANSP�R.T *, All Loads Insured ' New Wingham Warehouse Serving Winghain and District Household Moving Service to any Ontario points.. Load Too Big ',No Load• Too Small' All Receive Care, When:Y.60:$*. 'Ship By. 'WALDEN. BROTHERS • WHI•TECHURCH WI DNSDAY, MAR'CF 1st, mt • TOCK CLEARING ; OF DUNLOP' TOP QuA.LI _ . • AT., • 5OFF. 2 'LI T PRICES Libi era1•A11owan,ce On Sound °Trade -Ins .,. Buy Now As Stock Is L.. ii�nited MacDonal Imperial ESSO Dealer 1VIrs. Jim Falconer has been un- der the doctor's• care for : some time. . • Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth' Dickson of Belt -note spent the week -enc} at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Art, Moore. " Mr. Gary: Morton, . a student minister; from Kincardine wasin charge 'of '.the _Chalmers Presby- terian service on ' Sunday., Mrs. .William Humphrey obser ved: her. 93rd. birthday .last Thurs .day; .. Mr. Herb • Laidlaw and Mrs. Donald Bennison spent Sunday everting at, the home of Mr: and Mrs jack Kerr. it ,;Bluevale, Mr. and I Mr's.. Frank . Stockh:ill, and family of"Blind, River spent .th.e week -end at the. home of Mr. and Mrs.: Torn Morrison , and,Mr. and' Mrs, Donald : Bennison and family of 'Powasson spent the week -end at the home of; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. ;Robert' Char hers Herb Laidlaw - V r.s.:.Stockhill..& of .Harrison visited'on: Sunday ` rat:the home ofMr. and Mrs.. Carl Weber. !Dove n Chambers ' a r ( s re turned • home'. with them " after spending the week -end with Ann Weber. ' Mr; and 'Mrs.: Russel Gaunt spent. • Friday in Hanover + and Janet Gaunt returned home for the 'week -end ..with- thein. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron ' Sim- mons of L.ondori spent the, week • end at the: 'home :of Mr. and .Vies. Charlie Martin. Mrs: James Laidlaw' and ''Mr. and . Mrs: Kenneth . Laidlaw `of London• spent the week end at the home .af Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. . Mr. and Mrs, Melvmrr,eClenag= han and Michael ,and • Paul Gei- ger .of Waterloo •visited at' the home of Mr. and:' Mrs. Ben Mc- ■ Clenaghan on Saturday and Mr: ■ - and Mrs. Harry Moss and family. 1' of 'Plattsville visited . on Sunday. ■ ■ Mrs..: Benn.ison will.: spend awhile here. Mrs. 'Brian Bothman 'of A1- berta isspending a - few weeks atthe,•home of Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Morrison. Mss Margaret Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milan Moore is a patient 'in 'Wingham •General Hospital with pneumonia KI. NLOUGI I • 'Mrs. Harvey Hodgi s •and. Ken neth of London were recent visit- ors ,with Mr. and .DArs. Hod gins and 'Mr. • and °Mrs. •zra Stan= .1'ey• Congratulations to Mr; and Mrs,. Robert Srnerl ; '(nee Gwen Colwell): who Were.'niarrie:d e eently', at Grande Prairie,', Alber- ta., • 4Vsrs. G'ettrude Walsh, Mr. and . Frank 'Currie, ',spent an ev- ening during the week with Mrs: William Coat' and. Rev. Benson Cox. Mr..' and. •Mrs. 'Harold- Halde7 by entertained at a, family' 'dinner' on Sunday:, before her • parents, I Mr: arid Mrs. Arthur.Breckles, of Lucknow' leave ,for a • •vaca.tion in Texas. A number from here attended the e fattier t her and son ' banquet at Hol.yrood '.whe.rr the ' Wornen.'s stitute provided a, delicious"rneal • to the members. of the Boy Scouts. and • TABLE .CLOTH Paper in rolls of 100 feet `•long . a yard .wide,: Suitable for :banquets; p'cnics & any catered meal, The Lucknow. Sentinel, phone. 35,. Lucknow.' ■ ■ a ■ 0.• • ■ ■ ■ • ■- • ■. ■ ■ ■ r ■ • ■ .PHONE COLLECT: ' SUPERTEST GARAGE -=-- PHONE' 248,. LUCKNOW ' i • I.;93. . ■ • Tell • Your` Travellers or When Ordering, To ■ SHIP BY •WALDEN BROS. •.•TRANSPORT'°` By Phoning 101'7.6541 Toronto or' GE • $3.67.5:1 London w, •wi/■.i■iiif iiiliii■iluluiiu81■.■;■■iiia■ii■i'jti■iw'1jiill Mrs. " Robert Ross.. .returned home from ' London, where, ,.she was visiting with•.relatives.. Mrs. Doris Willis ..spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S C. Willis:' at Gowanstown::: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher of Georgetown ;spent the . week -end at the home of -VI, and Mrs. 'George ' fisher., Others visiting there ,on. ',Sunday. were Mr. and: Mrs. Gordon' Fisher of Wingharn and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson of Zion. : Miss Beverley. Gaunt and Miss Norma :Forster- of London •spent the 'week -end at the home of their parents;' " • . Mr JaCk 'Inglis, . of 'Fordwich; and Mrs. Torn Inglis. • .visited On Thursday at, 'the .home. of Mr,,, &" Mrs. Rodney.:Inglis at Watford. Mr, Roy McGee of, Kitchener spent the week -end with relatives in Wingham• and district. Mrs. Harold ' Johnston of Park • Hill has been a patient in ,London Victoria Hospital • for two weeks. Mr„ and Mrs. 'Garnet Farrier and family and Mrs. Gibson Gil lespie spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jack , Gill'espie in ' Sarnia, Mrs ` ;Gillespie will stay a month in Sarnia'. There Were 1'8 ladies • attended the United Church' W.M:S.�meetY ing. last Wednesday at the home of Mrs., Garnet Farrier andthe ladies are invited on March 15th to 'Charmers Presbyterian ,Church. • • Reeve Harold • Percy' attended the Ontario: Good Roads Conven •tion held at the Royal York' Hotel,. i oronto. Mrs. Annetta: ,Bushell. of Luck= now, ,Mr:. and Mrs,. Currie . Col- well and. famiiy visited on Sup - day :with Mrs.. J. W. :Colwell... Mrs. Lyman Sutton, will be hostess for the Holyrood Women's Institute' on Thursday afternoon. WITH THESE FEATURES O OTHER MILKER CAN OFFER Deep, moisture well in the lid traps :bac ter.ia. laden moisture .Baffledeflects in -flowing milk from enter- ing vacuum line Phone 71