HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-01, Page 6>:z is ra tr PAGE SIX: THF::.4.UCKNOW Si NT1NEL. 'LCI( KNQWW, ONTAR C'' THE ALASKA BROWN BEAR is the biggest meat eating animal in the world, often attaining a height of ten feet when he rears up on his hind legs. Like all .bears, the .'brownie' hibernates in winter. Soon after- the first • snow falls, he finds a cave or a deep shelter under an over= .hanging ledge of rock. There he curls up and sleeps until spring. The bear 'retires' for severalmonths every year,. sustained by the fat stored in his body. When human beings retire, however, they don't receive the same help from Nature. They turn instead to life insurance. Nothing can make, a man's retirement years morea. • financially secure than a portfolio of Sun Life policies' tailored`to his requirements. Let me tell you how. m.. RR, 2, ' LUCKNO VV Phone Wingbam 717--w-4 SUN °LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA J. Kinahan. Himigil HIltll111IIIIIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlippII111111111111IIlII11I111I111IIIIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIngipllhIIlllhIlllhIIIIt111IIIDIIIIII111puniii IIIIIIIIIIHtHillhIIlIIIlHIllI lHHII lllhIIlI IIIIIIIIIIIIII,uulu in Our. daughter, • Kim, was ten r ; years old today: Nobody •grows. • . as • quickly aschildren. � It: Seems ' such' a brief • time .since . site was', a fat, !dimpled infant., 'Next ;thing, •1 know; she'll be telling me she's. going to have• a' lbab , It's .goodto have.a.-daughter. When our second child as' on the way, .I'd have beenhappy With another son,, . but I've al ways• (been (glad it turned out to be a. girl, A irl-till d opens • a whole new chapter in 'life for . fathers.. And mothers' who don't have. a daughter ' are missing soniething im or- an t: So get cracking, Youpeople who .have only a backyard fu•1 of boys, • 1. •. and.'produce"� rn.a 1 Tema . a s 1 e• .Ours has cost usa lo� money, t ofy, given us, some bad scares, and • inspired manya': headache: And• there's promise of plenty • of the same in the future. ut she ,has'. also been a source, of . constant joy and pleasure • in the last de- cade.. ecade:• She's an odd mixture fiery, and romantic one • moment,. realistic and sensible the next. I guess that's the womanin her: The ,Soft, little dumpling who' P g. used to • toddle over ..to me and ,— put ' up, her. arms to be picked up hugged and kissed, has vanished,, alack:' Now, when she favors ine with an . embrance, . it's like be- ing attacked`. by, a young kanga rob. She' doesn't' toddle any • more: She leaps and--pouncesShe-seems- :: . ' to, have four • '• legs. and • several arms. Ili Smile riiuooenu will get a surise that I'd love to be there' to see. There's another • thing. She's, what her mother ' calls a "slop." Her brother is one of these cool kids who.,_ can_ wear_anr'outfit through a swamp and 'come out looking like . Little Lord ,Fauntle- roy.' Not so ' Kim.' • She cOuId be placed, all cleaned 'up, in a her- metically : sealed lehamber of highly polished' ` glass and -emerge rge in twenty, minutes looking as though 'she'd been ;working: the night , shift in a coal ,' mine. It's g fantastic, and it almost ';drives her mother .insane. *, . s „•. If she, Wears 'leotards, they, are wrinkled 'and Iliaggy: She loses approkimately. 'orie button a day. from.her' clothing. She scuffs her n, ew` sh•oes. She falls in..-the",mud in her new coat. She Spills gravy on her new skirt. She gets water ;EDNESfAY, MARCI°L 1st, ,1961 • FR,OUD :'KIDS -- Albove' are pic: •ture •.a foursome • of the Lucknow Pee-wees..with 'the. famous Mau- rice Richard, . the C.anadiens hoc- key ace and idol 'of -the .fans; He. made 'many more, obi' his tour of • Western Ontario. which 'included Lucknow Visit last':.Wednes day. Too bad .more- of• the kids couldn't. get in. the : picture, • but a close-up shot,. limits the num:- ber;•'A 'that Donnie MacKinnon scarcely • made it, Left' to right: .Roddy. MoDonagh, Donnie •'Mac-, Kinnon, Ricky 'Jardine, "The ,Rocket" . and Donald Saunders. •Sen.tinel ' Photo colors all •over. her ''fresh,,::blouse., And•:she does it"all with the most maddening. ease and • unconcern. Along •'with this. goes another feature -the keeps us. all on edge. Kim is constitutionally unable to, /neve . slotivly: She ;starts • down. m heading the stairs like .so ebody h ad ng. ir' rshelter; and d 'is". for an a raidr;;n as e , like as `not to .wind 'Up in 'a.• heap u ate; the `bottom.' She never saen ters Walks or' -strolls :'..She bobs. She ' dances: She'springs.g She, . bounds. Asa result, if she is'n't. falling 'down, she• knocking some- ,thing over. She has .always •been a horror to: eat.with..'For. years,' she'didn't` eat enc$ugh to keep, a ; butterfly stout. Just sat there mucking. things about . on her plate; .push- ing'.pickled'beets onto the table- clotl,, or` knocking;over. her milk. Now 'She' eats like a healthy child, but it's' Worse than ever. When she's cutting her meat, :we all duck our headsand' hunch :Our sh_ ulders Anything - '• o �*thxis liable to fly ... in- any direction,; from a dill pickle into the butter, to a baked potato into. 'the' ie. , And she still • scores with •liernil k, : 'whenever' tllere • is a fresh• .tablecloth Aside from :these, Slight 'defects; however, she's•,. a; delightful' crea-• ture . to have ,in ,the house.. She's wise as a witch.- She has :a sunny nature ' .She's'. stubborn:: but for giving...;She''s loving. She's 'corm cal. kin ;a'completely unconscious 'way. She's: whole -hearted in everything she does: She :•reads;,'likefu_r_y_;.and -right- she shows'•signs of• bec'om- ing:'a Writer, We're always find ing stories. that she's • Written,. about the' house... Here, for : exam ple, is .a • bit from .the' latest' one: ':I am` Rogoet ' Hartiel:.:I come from France and :'I nwsli; I was back • there , My:•father is an un; happy man who works in ,.a small •smoking. store, with -.billiards,.. My Mother is cruel to. everyone. She` is drunken and mean She whips us all: •and `fights with my. father. I'HATE HER. My.' brother* : and sisters are Ratak,`. my 'ibratty bro- ther : of 5, Fessmick,• ,my 'brother ' of 19, Parle'ntrorne;• ;another bro- ther;.', my` favorite , one. He loves me very ,dearly;. I •love:••hire dear - And last .is my sister.. na. I arm, not very, pretty, but 'I, can make myself lovely if I: feel. like it."'. And so on. A tough .,life, eh? Others fathers of daughters will 'excuse,me: for going on like this: We love our sons just • as Much, but it's a di ferent, rela- tionship, becausethey're males and not so goofy.:All 1 know is' .. ,that I . wouldn't trade , my ten` • year old 'female child fo_r_. anew Cadillac, : four billion dollars and n. e w 'a `one -•way ticket 'to . heaven. e KINTAIL KOTTON KL' IPPE,RS The fifth meeting of :.•t1& Kin tail Kotton KPP sli er was :head ;at the Hemlock City school. 1'1' menilyers attended along. with th ,Miller ourmeconomist. • Mrs,' iMill.er •:explained.. about achi•eve•'ment day and the ',mem . hers books. • Mrs., MacKenzie and Mrs: Mon-: Trief-helPed with...the- bound: but- ton hole and the collar while —Mts. Miller. commented on -the books. The meeting then came tda Close: with the Queen. On the credit side, our dau ter has beautiful', auburn air, 'huge brown eyes and a fa lous grin that lights up a whole room 'when she .turns it: on. She does well at school. She can . skate and swim. she plays the piano and the recorder., She has a joyous eager "nature, a great excitement about life, • • But we must be hone t, While good-natured on the whole,'she. .; has inherited' from • her 'tnloti er -roaring Irish temper, and . some day she's going to set fire to the house. or ;murder her 'brother with .an .aXe.• Actual flames have been Seen :to, shoot from her . eyes ''while in this Tnood: The., fellow who marries''her without' ever; having seen her sin a rage the Time to, :Pion Your ring Seeding grogram •re the Qu:arty. and• te�r.Viee a most :important• commodities of your local Co-o'p That is . why it pays to see your Co-op'' first: 'Your 'local Co-op has a complete invenkity of t CO OP PktIE7FhOW1NG, EERTII IZER • fi All recommended analyses • • Semi.granular texture • ..Backed• by Guarantee of Quality Certificate. COOP SEED • Grasses, Clovers, Pasture Mixtures • • Sow with Confidence, H'arvest with Pride:, • 1, .. COOP CHEMICALS • Seed treatments, Insecticides; Fungicides, Weed ;and Grass Killer's • Co-op Seed Treating and. Cleaning Service uy Quality f� *• BU' WiWierallarta 'aftritioliotrw