HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-01, Page 5• • cs• WEDNESDAY MACH 1st 1961. j. E LucK;low SENTINEL, micicanow,.0m4R49*- PAGE; OATS.e Garry, Rodney, Fundy, Simcoe and Clintland. PRICE PER BUSHEL: Canada- No: 1`,- $1.50, Canada Certified No. 1, i1.60 Canada Registered No. 1, $1.75. BARLEY., • York, Herta, Brant and Parkland - PRICE PER BUSHEL, Canada No 1, $1,90, Canada' Certified No: 1, CAST,A6A RECOTERin No. 1, $2.25 2.15 SELKIRK WHEAT PRICE PER BUSHEL . Canada No. 1, $2.60, Canada Certified No. 1, $2.60 Canada Registered No. .1,$2.'75. MIXED GRAIN Canada No. 1, Mixture, $4.75 per 100 ib. bag. 4 choices (1) Garry, Herta, Selkirk Mix (2) Garry, York, Selkirk Mix (3) Rodney, Herta, Selkirk Mix (4) Rodney; York, Selkirk Mix Mixed at ratio of 6 pks. oats, 2 p6. barley, 1 pk. wheat MIXED GRAIN . • , • Canada No. 1 Mixture, 44.25 per' 100 lb. bag 2 choices (1) Garry, Herta' Mix (2) . Rodney, Herta Mix Mixed at ratio of 6 pecks oats, 2/ pecics barley ALL, GRAIN IS, TREATED, DISCOUNT OF 5c PER BUSHEL ON ORDERS OF OVER 10 BAGS nderson Flax Products Limited Pfinne 21-W, Lucknow PHONE CALL FROM ELECT OFFICERS NEW ZEALAND (OLIVET NEWS) , Mr, and • Mrs. Jack McQuire were pleasantly surprised on Wednesday when Mrs. Me,Quire's mother telephoned from • New Zealand. Reception was perfect and they liad qUite a satisfying eonversatiOn. . •• Crows, StarlingS, ram il and ice storms, are with us again so Spring must' be 'just around the:eoroer.7 • Mr. Donald Colling accompani- ed by Mr. Bob Johnston of -Dun- gannon spent a few days. in' To: ronto •where they attended the Good Roads. Convention. They al- i•so' visited -with iMr, and Mr.s. Llo.yd Collins -formerly of Luck- .. 11ca 'w, . • , . Mr: and •Mrs.. Donald MacTaV: • ish .attended the ,Agricu4ural ConVention in the Queen %City recently. • - . :• ' - • Mr: and-,Mrs..,Harry Coiling &• Carol, Ann visited 'on • Sunday with Mr; ' and :Mrs. ,Bill •Kemp,: •ton and family. • -: • • • Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Black &, ..family visited .recently in ••Mit- chell With Mrs.' Dorothy casler •:and. farnily. , •• •• Mr, and iMrs. Svend Tweed. Of London • visited• . on . •Wednesday • With. Mr. and. Mrs. Oscar White and family and •Mrs. Roberts. •Mr. , and Mrs. •Gerald Coiling •entertained •a number Qf friends on „Saturday. evening. •: • • ..• Sympathy is extended ..to the farnily.,of the late Mrs. •William Robib in the. passing. of their:mo- ther.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ,Robb and Rose. Marie, formerly resid- ed ..on the •farrri new : owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bushell •and family: „ •• '' .' •' . • •:' . T. Roulsfon has been in hospital' for' the''past (Week. arid is •• rritich. improved: in 'health. Mrs. RoulSton. :isvisiting with, Mrs, ' Annie iMacIntyre •in •Kinloss: •' 'Mrs, 'Jack McGuire sang% "The • Beautiful. Gardenlf• Praker", dur-7, ing : the ,Servitein the United 'Church on Sunday 'acoompanied , • byw Mrs. Ross: Black. at .the or- g,iri ,'Reverend D. Dunlop told :the- Children the story l of King David . and Jonathan's •crippled ,_. ;OF BRUCE 'MUSEUM • . john .MOkenzie reeve' of `Kin- cardine Township is the 1961. , chairman of the Bruce' colintY Hi...torical •Migetim *committee„ Mrs: Otto Gateman .or Southamp-: ton is' Vice chairman, Mrs. T. J. OBITUARY. • of Riviere, Manitoba visited ALEXANHER-.NteDONALOT Gordon, Wall,: ' • " • 1 Mr: Wall' and family, . • ., A resident of Karrisack,„Sask,; Miss Margaret MacMillan.of for. 50 Years. andebne o • , e OW ' mitchener spent 'the week0end a.t- • .. 'oldest. citizens„ Alexander -Mc- ; passed Donaldaed,away 'recently • af- mthies.:h'Orne of' lid parents; ivIr...*. • Pat MaeMillati:••• •• , . •... ter a lengthy illness He was 39 • • Mr.. qr.14 :Mrs, • Sandy Murray. ,•. years and eight :months Of age ', Land family 'of Sharon (near 'To- The.funeral service s Were: held fromWestirfinster United. ChUrgn•l,mr°111•!Q:r•os,Pmeni.t;s....t:chehli'lleio°kieifn.fdinNi`'iiitild'i. with interment in Riverview: Ce- • • • • , Mis Tiff in metery. , , . ' • -. • ''' mr., McDonald ,.,v,4 horn on ;._._rs:....Moffat and Mrs. • • ' ' ' ,Tv Lloyd ' .: • •' Elmeis Scott spent ••an afternoon. Maack .2nd, 1871, at Tees•Water,.; last week at thehome' of .Mr',• ...where he received his edii.cation:.; ,and .Mrs. Eugene Conley ' • . In 1896 he was married to. Maig-. : • so • . . ,•• .i„rie. of the, parents attended :a19relotheyt,,MaLllwanetitof .tLoile, .cicii4o1.1W....ac,II;i : in Kininugn Anglican ch,rch on thef.:Boy. Scout arid cub, service . • where they since resided.. His wife ''' i•Sunday. 'afternoon'. The Scouts & predeceased him. .Mr: McDonald was employed with the. C.N.R. '! C• ubs.a.stltm.dnd in a. body.. '. • until his retirement 'in 1936. Sur:1 . • • • b Presyterian , Evening. Aux, .• viving onesson, Archie on- • • • aid. .Of Karnsacls, also a 818101'?:.''The •rebruar.Y.' meeting was i..'..totte..Mui•ray of SaSkatoon.. : , , held in the Church With. fifteen! • •• . • , • •,mrs,.. Jim Aitq'hi- LANGsIDE . sEws, . presided for "the' rrieeting • ' on opened with a 'hymn fot- • • . •• . • Next ..''Sunclasi at Larigside lot by the .s;criPtUre read' re - Church it js to, be observed as • sponsively:: The B11516•:Study on Student Sunday. 'Mr: Murray:the "Life of Miriam was taken -LatirenSbn •O'f Waterloo COlIege by Miss,,Maudie Fisher, .Mrs• Ross, .,is tp•be'in the pulpit Next $p‘r1 • Ganitnie re'ad. a Couple ofintei- day evening a- •special• Young -csting articles: from the "'Gladi peoples Service is to be r••held at , 'ridings," The topic was taken l 30 p.m. at Wingham Presby-•:•131VIr. Norman Taylbiwho tot:ian .Church. Rev: .0r; ,FinlaY gava very 'interesting and in ., -Stewart of ..Kitcheners Presby- forrnatiVe talk. 'on thesubject terian. Church is to be special 1"1-I•ow.We Ge Into All the World Speaker. It s to be hoped as-togothe- " Tho meting •closed • many • of our, youngpeqPio: as '•with a hymn arid the Benedic- • Vossil)le will attend,' tion, Lunch. •was SOI'vert by.. the Mr.° and Mrs. •WilliaM• Con in charge, • .1 , I • Gaviller, McIntosh & Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS • Bell, Telephone 'Building, WALKERTON KENNEDY, cl.; C.A.-4-Resident Manager TelephOtiest. Busiriess 633; getlid(!nee 1 4.n/6 • 444•444441:40,44,414#4,*.•444,444.:144•444:4`.0.00/4 4".".0.0.•••••• son.. •. • • • " "I., . . • .- -1 110, ......1,11......„ gi...,..,111.1.,.. 7...111-,111•.. C . . . ' Arl, • ROY...HAVENS' • • • • .Plunibing .41.n4 Esso Oil Burner !• • Sales,. And SerYke Cornish of Chesley"is secretary FO Elgin, treasurer. The executive is•S• A ' and Mr..AlFErner Bolander of Port ••• ton, Mrs. George Dow•- ; • LE. Mrs.. Victor •Dudgeon„ of Dobbin- ney of TivDEPENDAB erton„ Harold Percy •of IinlOss and Guy Semple of Port Elgin. and Dr. J. F. Mortonof South- ! ariwtori. Dr. Morton was, arppoint- ed life 'Member of the execu- tive, at the January, s'essi.OT1 of the •Bruce County Council, when a grant of. $5,000 was made for an' extension to,, the Museum, Which has become overcrowded. During .1,960 • the ' attendance Was 7743. with . man5;•. groups at- tending., •• .1, Members of the 'WoMen'S In- stitiiteibranches of 'the. County acted as hostesses at, the ,McKeii. Zie Log House and several bran- elle§ supplemented -.the, furnish- ings of the hOnSe,With additional furnitureand equipment: Dur- ing the season, oversix hundred iterns: Were added to the -display ' 'ConVerilent bUdgetleirns". ' • uP, to §:Years to pay, PAT",1911P,ALMI. material, 'including a bequest . Of furniture. from the •estate, of Mrs. James Dotiglas • of Hepworth. • Featuring this • year's , display will be .a model of the Nuclear Power plant being built at Doug- las ,Point..!'Bruce. Township:. This will, be on 'loan :,from the Ontario 'Hydro for 'most 'of. the 19,01, season. • • •Last june,,the- Museu.ni lost one; of ifs rpOst ardent *Workers, in the • ,. • death of HarrY.Kennedy- of Elsi- , nore,:a life mernber of tite,Muse:- urn board. Hafry was responsible- • :for transportation of; a large por- tion of the :larger and heaVier •• Material in the. muse'urn.. • • • • . •••• : • ' This year, th.e. last of ..the • ori - • have reached their 27th birthday. by CoMpletiOn time. ThrotighbUt the project, • the: girls' will be studying fruit and hoW it • may • be appliedto the day's meals Some fruit dishes they wili 'be Preparing are • — fruit, cup,: fruit' :short'calce;• fruit breads arid •fruit, pie. 'They••Will be. making use of. fresh; :frozen., • .preserved and dried, fruits in . . . their, recipes.. • • ,„ • , • • The; Department 'of Agriculture •office ,at;T-VValkertori- on' organizationof a 11..-H..Home- making C1U13.. • . • ■•■■■■••■••■■•■•••■•■■■ ST. HELENS 3, West Wawanosh, held a euchre. on'AVednesday• evT. 'ening With l2tables.. Winners for. the evening were • Ladies, Mrs William Hardy, tow lady, Nancy SM•yth; Men, Howard Thomson, low 'man, BillRobinson. obinson.A Shoot. p,arty, will be held on March '8th. Mr. WallaCe•Miller•is a patient itiWinghrnHpspitaL We •wish' his..irnproved health / M.j'.n rew Gaunt and 'Mr. Rae RusSeli. spent Saturday :London' visiting With:Mrs. Rus who is 'a patient in Victoria 'HoSPital. :, •• „ : , • . • Mr:. and Mis Fred Webster in Goderich.' • Mr.. and •Mrs : .11,685. Errington and daughters, :were Sunday vis ..itors•'With.• Mr. and Mrs. . Albert Strbealer at Walkerton.. Just rerninder, of the W.I. meeting '.on iMarch 2rid: at: .2 'o'elock in the hall. • '.The fourth Meeting, of 'the Si. Helens Happy Hanclicrafters was, held at the horne of, Nane.y Cur- • ran. 'The roll call was 'answered .by seven *Is. The diSscussie'n 09neetno.thc 0resses-and-bOOks, .Mrs:' McPherson showed how to stay -stitch on the machine. The nex •meeting will,e ring' e e horne .of ,Sheila .McQuillan, • •, • . • FEATURING FRUIT IS', • • 4.4 HOMEMAKING P/t0.1ECT* • .• This srs' arid Summerthe 4-11 Honieniaking. Club members • of 'Bruce County will be taking , a New 4-11 Homemaking Club Project "Featuring Fruit." A 2 - day, training school will 'be held in WaikertOn on March 15th -16th. A 4-11 Homemaking Club rnay be organized in any community' • provided a leader and an assistant, 'leader attend the 2 -day • Training School, and 4 girlis participate in the club. The girls must be 12 ,years of 'age,bY March ist, '1661, to. take this 'PrOject and must riot • • All in, top condition for winter driving Buy Now Before Spring Prices Advance, ■ • . • ginal appointment, to the Muse-' um board by:the County coUncil,. retired. Mrs. Archie Given • Mar who'. 'represented 'North 'Bruce Worrien's; Institute' district, andiliarVey Painiateer of Kincai- cline,•:both, of: whom have served. • on the committee .for the, past six years and are also past chair- . men of the cornmittee. • ,.. , . • , . • „ . , ' . ' . . .. . . , In .renewing her Sentinel sub- iscription,. Mrs.• Fraser Paterson. . of London says she certainly en-, ‘‘' joys the paper -and sends -it--on to her daughter, • Dorothy, .at Ed- , monton. • ' • •, - '.- . , • • ..• ▪ --- . • 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan . • • g 1959 :Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped • i-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic, fully 'equipped a 1959 Chev coach V-8. motor'automatic ▪ 1 111 as = .958 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan • • 1957 Chev. Belair, automatic, cAlliiPPed . • ' • 191 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, automatic . .• • .1957 Pontiac Sedan, 22,00fLzn,iies ; • 1956 Chev 4 -door Hardtop, autotnatic 1956 CheirDeluxe '•Sedan ' • .• 1956 Ford Sedan,'autontatie • 1956 'Ford Coach •• Ei 1955 Chevrolet Deluxe sedan. • •-.17-1-955-Ford Fa ir lan e ,Sedin 0 .1955 Buick 2 -door i4ardtop • : 1955 Cl•le• Sedan' ' • • • in • at , • 1954 Buick Sedan .' . • .. •, ' • • • a 1;1954 ClievSedan. ' ■•: • • ' . • de 1 ' . • MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ■ it • • . • • In ■• • ' KS' TRUCKS'! a 11,1958 Cliev. 11,2-toit pick-up with fleOtside body 1955MeteOr Sedan; automatic . .0 1954 Chev 1,<! -ton" Pick-up ' • • •■ 1953 Chev. V2 -ton pick-up ■ 1950 Dodge' 2 -ton stake Brtiss 1 U • , • • serViee: beatet Phone .1110ltrussels 11,16i111.11,11141,11.1,6111114. vsl • •P • • • „. • r„, • t • • v. • ..es! t•g•••, 4