HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-03-01, Page 11 13.00 A Year In Advance $1,00 Extra To 'U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH- l*t, 190 : • • th Kinloss. Construction •of , a mausoleum.^ -- •at' South Kinloss Cemetery •es: to be proceeded with this year,.The project has been under gensidera- tion for some time and at '. a, meeting at the Cemetery ',Board `. on Tuesday night4', of last "week `the decision .Was reached to pro Beed with the undertaking. The rnausoieurn will be .avail, - able .to' all.' faiths and 'regardless of where final interment is to, !be made, The site of the building will be to he east of the easterly gates of the cemetery. The -nucleus ,o1 the rnause:eum. fund. ,has been 'established. • for a time, and several generous (lona,- tions ona,-tions have been already Offered. The general .public :will have the opportunity to support this ; fund .,when details of ,the building pro- gram are finalized. ;Members' of. the ;board have made plans to visit various mau- soleums• in the., district; arid would welcome the suggestions of any who have something constructive. to offer in.this undertaking; Members of• the board are:. Al- lister Hughes, .chairman; Lloyd M'acDbugali, 'secretary J. 13. Lane, 'Ross: MacMillan, ' Frank MacKenzie,' Morgan , Henderson, Hugh Sutherland • Douglas' Gra . ham..i ,, the treasurer.: ausoleu PI;EMATURE TWINS • LIVED ONLY. FEW HOURS Twins ar.+boy and a .girl born prematurely on Sunday at Kingham • H•ospital to Mr: ancl Mrs. Harold Howald, . Second Concession Kinloss, • died si;Ic hours' after birth; The babies, christened John Mary, were interred in Greenhill Cemetery on Monday morning,. with the graveside service con- ducted key Rev.. Wilfred Wright of ' St. Peter's • Anglican.. Church. • PASS MUSIC' EXAMS The ; following `.are results of the recent Royal Conservatory of Music :examinations of pupils of- J.. Allan Kirk: Grade II Theory -4. First Class Honours, Alex Hewitt (96%); •Pass,' Dianne Hewitt: FLY TO •EUROPE WHERE NilY 1VIr eek ays 'lom , TBEY WILL SPEND '6 WEEKS and Mrs.' Tom ,Haller of Wate rloo left 'Thursday for . a -6- w trip to' Europe. They plan vi to: sit'eleven countries :'while. overse as. They plan lo..fly 'both Mr w • s: Haller is.the former Alxna So on, . daughter , oaf Mr; and Mrs, Austin Solomon' of Lucknow. • ►ercrowdin� ause:,��• f L.:ow .:Sta.fl Chairmen of the committees of the Board, of the Lucknow Dis-. trict.,High` School met :with three 'representatives of ; the Staff ` for •,the' purpose of being informed .of reasons which resulted in. th'e low ratingreceived bythe Board in the : Survey., Of,,, Employment Conditions conducted by `' the Ontario Secondary School Teach- ers' Federation Mr,: W. B. "Stoddart. a;Assista'nt FieldSecretarY of 'the;Federation' in Toronto was ,•also,Present at the meeting. The :complaints inal .' l ''areas'. a nts linked up with the 'main Pro blem • of . overcrowded classrooms, espe cially in • the lower' +grades:,::At present : 'classes are held in the' library and auditorium, which is also used as'`a cafeteria during lunch,hour P.T. classes are be- ing .held in the. hall. This shifting .aroundpresents sconsiderable confusion and • : quite a., :prob'letri. It is felt that with the overcrowd - in ` the classes are too• large 'for." g, c s the •, best results: ` '. Mr. D. Kirk, prirci,pal,, est'irnates: an enrollment of 227 to commence • the -1 'S e •tember: 661.-.1962'terxn�m S p The' average attendance ,:for :1960. Was 186.'A five-year fi e .ar survey com- pleted . , for the Department of Education . i;ndicates, a' steady in-, crease each; Apparently :'the teachers' have • been working •under, such Condi-., tions for • the past. year or two, . but were 'reluctant to advise the Bt'- Board, .While this was appalen ly the' reason also for the :low category in: the "Boards alttitud toward' Education" the niernbers were ignorant of such conditions,, M'r. Stoddart advised this was the' eomplaint in many cases,• • whieh`• has resulted in ' additional accommodation and etre tea- chess in several District,. Schools: Basic ate RECEIVES F.O. RANK" AND PILOT'S WINGS: IN,MANITOBA Wayne ,Brown, .`19, • son of ,'Mr.' and• Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Dun- gannon, graduated' recently from g ,,y the advanced flying school at Portage: La:' Prairie, Manitoba. Wayne' received. his Flying' Of- ficer .rank 'and - presentation of Pilots Wings. He hat been' in: the RCAF since: September; .19'59; corninencing. his r nin at Centralia and going; ta}?,g g g ,to, Penhol Alberta, before go - now ' �e:'He " P to e• La rainis. ..n to g.. now a.t• Winnipeg where ,he, com- pleted ,his Pilot training.: g • LOCM:, ;.RED CROs LIKELY•>TO FOL,D Word: is awaited from Toronto before a final decision: ; is reach - 'ed as to the future of the •Luck now and District 'Branch of the Red Cross, A second .meeting "called fore Tuesday • night was attended by one 'man, President, V. A. 1VIow bray, and 4 or 5 ladies. 'This was' but little better than the••at •tendance at thery 'previous' meet- ing and did not . 'warrant .organiz=' ing for'' the,. • annual. March •earn- paign:. • Without _ fund's the .Branch cannot carry ' on . its activities which ;provide, various benefits,, including the Water' Safety pro- gram which `includes 'swimming instruction for youngsters of.the district at the Teeswater pool -The . decision; of l'as't week's meeting' was to contact 'authori- ties in,. Toronto and advise that. not .sufficient• response. has • been received here 'this' year . to or-, ganize a campaign. ' • ; ` Word 'is awaited from' Toronto, 'and it ` could'' be that when ,a branch 'becomes ` inactive charter is :surrender'ed, 1' For. many• ; years, . the Lucknow: and District Branch has func- tioned: and a group of'ladies` has continued'. to meet the quota ,of supplies each' • year. As well, the. . financial response...has . always' been generous and this branch has stood well up . in :: the.' Do minion for'per Capita. giving$.,• TAKE HOCKEY.TO WINC•HAM NI 1>lR VAL CAN ELL � D '• C E •, :'A week•of mild weather• play-. ed havoc.: with :,the 'lee., at the arena': 'ands has brought • activities• to .a close The Intermediate hbekey, team now , in' a ':1 -game group, champ= '2onship' series, has had. `to . take i .their .games to ..Kingham, .. The Lions.'..Club masquerade. c rnival .scheduled a .for ri >Friday y. night ::was `washed out"; and,' 'Cancelled: Playoffs in the Industrial Lea_.. 3' ;ire. didn't ,even get started.. `.•: Lucknow's � First eceived Highest Tommy Rathwell, 16 and Jim- my' McNaughton, 14, becini:e the •first two Luckrow . Boy Scouts to obtain: the'Queen''s Scout badge;. in some forty., years ..of scouting in • Lricknoiv, • • • ,. •, hwell, Tum s brothel•,. Tei ry.• Rat. , , has. also qualified' as ' a . Queen's: Scout, having kept. pace with the •two `,.older b'oy's,• but is not eligible to i•eeeive the ;' award until he reaches his -;14th birthday in ,Oc- tober. bet. ll e•scn`aton of the Queen's ie Award Monday cou#s local Scoutmaster and ; assistant district commissioner: :Torn and• Jim were presented to Mr:',Gowanlock by Mr. • Collyer and. assistant Scoutmaster Ii; I7: Thompson.; (Continued on. Page 11). i YOUNG LAD ALW,t va DOFFS HIS TOQ{JE There are tim...es when one may 'question if the youth: of 'today are as . well mannered as those of other., generations. But here's one case which denies such assumption.; Every week Donald John'- ston, 11 -year -old -son o f 'Mr,, &" •Mrs..J'; C: Johnston, drops; in ,to. buy a copy of The Sent. tinel. The smiling red head, wears 'a toque,.. which comes off his . head before he' enters. • the door and is replaced, of, ter he goes out. With the paper and. his, school books in one hand, he. replaces the head gear with the `other -- and .if you've you've ,`ever .tried putting 'on a toque. with • one hand, you'll' 'know. it isn't the easiest thing to do. Good manners ' are softie- ' • thing to. be admired and .we. "doff our hat" . to Donald. THAT `Alvin Mundell Qf Belmore suffered a fractured ankle; •on' Sunday morning; 'When he. • . slipped, on the ice on his way to the barn. ,He crawled to th e : ,house; and' was later taken, . to Wingliam °cHospital: Mrs. Mun- dell is the former Marion Mae- ., Donald of Lucknow. • TWELVE . PAGES' CRITICALLY HURT 1'N •FALL SATURDAY The condition. of Mrs. Garnet' Henderson of town, ' wh owas , critically injured' in., a fall • on Saturday • was much .improved on Tuesday and most" encourag- ing. 'Mrs_, Henderson fell in front Of 1 'her home in mid-afternoon . on 'Saturday, and+suffered fractured • ribs: which'•punctured a lung & her spleen. ,The collapse of the other, lung;• followed, but by Tues-• day it was restored. Mrs. Henderson ` was taken. ` to • Wingham Hospital ' and when x rays. on Sunday.revealed' the seriousness of her'• injuries she was rushed to Victoria Hospital,' London, where' an emergency Op- eration • .was • performed , in the early hours •of Monday morning. Evelyn's condition was 'cause Y. for grave concern for • a , time but on Tuesday was able to. speak: with: members of her family who . `. were• much cheered ::.by her :pro- gress, . and it is :hoped that she will be home again after'a couple of weeks in the: hospital. Mrs. Henderson . is the mother. ,. of 'an infant .daughter,...as well: as: four ,other „children. 'resent Flags> t The first ; father and ' Son' ban- quet of .,the lot Kinloss Scout Troop; :held in .the. Holyrood Hall on: ' Friday:' 'night was a' • decided :success, 'ax;d:. the; : Hall, was filled for • the event Orville Elliott, • ch irman of the • Boy'°°Scout .Com mi'ttee'and also Chairman for the'• evenan�g: referred: to . it as . "one of ..the most colourful'an�dunique, banquets ever , held in H+oly'rood` Hall:" Weiners, 'beans .and scat= loped potatoes•made up . the menu for the'first course:: with '.home made pie adding the,"'finishing g touches • Rev Lyle Bennett., lead:; in grace prior' to the' meal..: Orville •'welcomed those:' pre sent' and • spoke; .of the' progress that • hadbeen' made in• a fw• e short months, of organization. Presently: the, Cub .pack 'is made up of of 24 boys and 2`.'leader.,s, a'll. invested;. with . 4 ..to . 6''7more tq. •conte .in in -the future. 16 Scouts, make' 'u their ; p h group with ' 3 -leaders The • Scout Troop will soon be' invested and indications. o t-. n to10 to ' 12 More in pothe, near future, Plans are •to send the. Scouts ;to,'camp, ;in July. with the Cubs: to :go,on hikes:- A paper, :,drive is planned • in March and. •another in the Fall. A.- church .h. parade, was to be held at Kin- lough: Anglican Church on. Su'n day;' `• The chairman'• credited Scouter angwe Lloyd Ackert: for starting''the or ganization and' for '.'his : tireless. ,work in "keeping things: rolling.": • He,: paid tribute to all the other leaders: who';hact worked: enthus'i- astically : and , constructively for.: `• the success • of 'the. group, and to an' eager group' committee Thanks was `•extended to :Mit.. Morgan. Johnston,, president .''of the: Holy.- .rood: �W.1. , which,. was.the $pon-: Visoting ..organization, •and •.she was; asked to.''•convey this • 'thanks to:, the: members for their' -donation `ands ;fors:' making. :neckerchiefs: Thank you's were •' expressed. to 1inloss Council, Lucknow• Le- gion and: Lions ..Club;,, Kinloss Orange o g Lodge, 511rer Lake and;. :Kairshea W 1.. 'Each ' of the fathers introduc- ed his sort` or;'Sons in sona.e cases::: : Chairman Elliott introduced lead- ert, •committee • men.' : and .• guests that- included;. Harold Hald'enby, r'• training chairman: of the commit tee; Gordon Montgomery and Stuart Collyer:: of the Lucknow•' .,. Lions': ClubStuart'', L s nd' a as well, 5tuart� holds•, the position of assistant disc trict 'commissioner; Don Rennie of .Hanover; provincial field. come- missioner. • ` Earl ..Cranston. and', Ken : Cameron of the •Lticknow Legion;. Mrs:- Morgan Johnston . Holyrood; W.I:;.' Reeve Harold Percy' of Kinloss; Fraser Mac- (Contipued on page 9) . rc p1 At a special rneetirtg.• of the are subject to a, 25% grant,under �" ki•rd cti was Made.' by Ar- tit €, I cost of Town Act. matlt.5 Mr:; Go- g 1)lsttict, Ln Tis. re • given i , i .n* tr ' , ardin ` of .the, �tei� studi�cl ,ai d approval �1ra • extensive : ri�odernizatlon �a anlock d. thr aw ,. • g. ,."Council', * • .+ ' � badge, :'dated back �ti proceed with the undertaking: program � of the .Chani- ing Scouts brdg , :, Xing , d the. east side basement the of rn l,dward `V'II , t;ouncil auth..rized Peeve G. W. bet, •ori . the tulle ,K l 1 _ ,a «. l'to, • •, Jcryilt :to stibnrrt the figures to area, is p am ed. Th. Council, .. ,• ,. � f ', � . cut fUunder _ who htl.l,lxte„d the ye > Cover/In-lentofficialsfor p approval 'Chamber” will:.15e converted'' 'f •r ., app ova ,o and. to obtain ,permission to is- municipal .office' ,purposes with sire debentureupto 6,040 to roll.:away, coon ter an i ing ca r- coverIn this. regard it nets, so the'room will be avail - is cost,• is not expected the. Village's, cost able if required in the evening will greatly, exceed $5,0.00, but 'for public • usee same leeway will be provided, ' A fire -proof '.cement vault ',rill had not earned the award easily, for, be 'builtf' iii the foe`nae�r tail •cels .the work done J 1�ut also Stressed',:he project come s under he 'and lavator urea With room a1=. Y nd' csl'd'tlie, lso :•s�: ,�' t Y , bythe lead,ors, a t. y rr i_ .. i 'had � reached the point �''Ynter works rncefrtrve,pro�aramr lowed fof� building a riew 4=foot diel herd .now I ch pi t ,, approved labor `rear ' stairway to• replace .' the theycould be of wonderfulwllc.reby• 75 �o of , , ., wherecos,ts are, covered by government present narrow .and hazardous • assistance to their' leaders.' Now VillaCre Council on Monday •et'i n- the provincial; Municipal •t�hre • .•G'ti«�airlocl:�,`of . Wall:ertcn�i,, ,., .• •.. ., ,. -_ e CorYimos3ioner of auge r 1`)Istl I. t e, Ing estimates of the c i f s• e t STOLENCARRECOVERED' • CRECON FRIDAY IN GODERICH , t Jack .MacDonald.s 1056 Dodge, stolen, from beside his horns early last Tuesdaymorning was.: re- G0verecl ofl Friday. It Was parked an. The Square, Goderich. It was undo ,.a: q ' ma;ged, An older rnodel. ear, 'stolen in rncat'ditre was. 'abandoned here When 'thee 't/laeI'ornald, ear+ Was taken, .. , Ha;l rernodeilin and renovation';, 4 211 Be Municipal Office I' Otne�• work on the first floor in>a ,s .lowering c r ..ucic. , the. ce.ln - in the Council Chamber w tli 2' 'x 6" 'oits. •bridging and .ties to I. 'existing ceiling and strap 7:1111 in both directions . at 2.1 inch cent '• 'res for fi .e. roof ceiling' panels with; insulation for acoustic: .seer= poses. The floor will . he Cove.red 1 with 'underlay fir plywood arid linoleum ' tile. The ceiling 'and' • `walls ' Will,- be painted and new fluorescent lighting installed,' In 'the: lobby• two nett' doors will're- p'aoe the `pres.ent doors entering the .',.Library ..and Council 'Cham bet, Four. combination wrticlows . C'otmcx • Will. bp. iiistalled eri� t room. 'Work in the basement includes •�•thc same 'type of ceiliri. as cera the 1st. floor, st a ping 1, �val:ls and covering with ;3• " fir ply4 I • , (COHttilrt2Cd bl�: e` �1}' Sir Baden Powell, anti. at • that I tittit' glove itovai assent. to 'the . LScout award, now termed ..Queon during. the. reign of Queen Elizabbeth• lle rciurnielidcyd" the boys, .who t ut sorrte- grants •- born 50%: by the .Fede- ` flight of stairs;. is your � 1 • o ernirient ori '2 oppot•titnity o '' r a . G v d 5% b:�. the Some reloca"bort, ,•t f 'heating tete Sc'outirt, he said: , th.n„ 1)aclL 1 . •,,. g as, itrti odticcd 'expenditures ., . ,. attd refs eY's. +will also b'e ;M �, ClOwaiilock w pipes• : Mr, (;they' approved eitpendrtures necessary, h i y h t'